blob: ae510e86feafb9fe5a0bc5995b50be3ac6baa534 [file] [log] [blame]
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/// @assertion castPattern ::= primaryPattern 'as' type
/// A cast pattern is similar to an extractor pattern in that it checks the
/// matched value against a given type. But where an extractor pattern is
/// refuted if the value doesn't have that type, a cast pattern throws. Like the
/// null-assert pattern, this lets you forcibly assert the expected type of some
/// destructured value.
/// @description Check that cast pattern throws if the value doesn't have an
/// expected type
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
main() {
(num, Object) r1 = (1, 2);
Expect.throws(() {
var (i as int, s as String) = r1;
(Record,) r2 = ((3.14, name: "pi"),);
Expect.throws(() {
var (rec1 as (),) = r2;
({num n, Object o}) r3 = (n: 1, o: 2);
Expect.throws(() {
var (n: n as int, o: o as String) = r3;
({Record r}) r4 = (r: (1, 2));
Expect.throws(() {
var (r: rec1 as ()) = r4;