blob: 66e9d95d7f54cb003196a11df4de96a15099a4bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Uri.dataFromString(
* String content, {
* String mimeType,
* Encoding encoding,
* Map<String, String> parameters,
* bool base64: false
* })
* Creates a data: URI containing the content string.
* Converts the content to a bytes using encoding or the charset specified in
* parameters (defaulting to US-ASCII if not specified or unrecognized), then
* encodes the bytes into the resulting data URI.
* Defaults to encoding using percent-encoding (any non-ASCII or non-URI-valid
* bytes is replaced by a percent encoding). If base64 is true, the bytes are
* instead encoded using BASE64.
* If encoding is not provided and parameters has a charset entry, that name is
* looked up using Encoding.getByName, and if the lookup returns an encoding,
* that encoding is used to convert content to bytes. If providing both an
* encoding and a charset parameter, they should agree, otherwise decoding
* won't be able to use the charset parameter to determine the encoding.
* If mimeType and/or parameters are supplied, they are added to the created
* URI. If any of these contain characters that are not allowed in the data URI,
* the character is percent-escaped. If the character is non-ASCII, it is first
* UTF-8 encoded and then the bytes are percent encoded. An omitted mimeType in
* a data URI means text/plain, just as an omitted charset parameter defaults to
* meaning US-ASCII.
* @description Checks that this constructor creates an expected Uri. Test
* default parameters
* @author
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "UriDataEncoder.lib.dart";
check(String content) {
Uri uri = new Uri.dataFromString(content);
Expect.equals("data:," + encodeString(content),;
Expect.equals("data", uri.scheme);
Expect.equals("", uri.userInfo);
Expect.equals(0, uri.port);
Expect.equals("", uri.fragment);
main() {
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
s += new String.fromCharCode(i);