blob: 75f468b6db2013d688363a66afc2617e5452e625 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion A multi-line comment begins with the token '/*' and ends with the
* token '*/'. Everything between '/*' and '*/' must be ignored by the Dart
* compiler unless the comment is a documentation comment. Comments may nest.
* '/''*' (MULTI LINE COMMENT | ~ '*''/')* '*''/'
* ;
* @description Checks that everything between '/*' and '*/' is ignored by
* the Dart compiler.
* @author vasya
* @reviewer rodionov
import "../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
foo(/* param pababam */ param ) {
if ( param == null ) {
return/* param is null */ true;
return false;
class /* declare new class C */ C {
C(/* default constructor */) { }
main() {
var bar /* set value to -100*/=-100;
Expect.equals(-100, bar);
List l = new List(/* set length to 5*/5);
Expect.equals(5, l.length);
l[0/* init this value to 'String' */] = "String";
for (var i = 1; i < l.length; i++
/* set last elements to numbers from 1 to 4 */) {
l[i] = i;
Expect.listEquals(["String", 1, 2, 3, 4], l);
Expect.isTrue(foo(/* check 'null' */null));
Expect.isFalse(foo(false/* check 'false' */));
C c/*create instance of C*/ = new C();
Expect.isTrue(c is C );