blob: a7fbaca170a977f65a61a25abc4eb45ab5b51845 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Assignable expressions are expressions that can appear on the
* left hand side of an assignment.
* assignableExpression:
* primary (arguments* assignableSelector)+ |
* super unconditionalAssignableSelector |
* identifier
* ;
* unconditionalAssignableSelector:
* '[' expression ']' |
* '.' identifier
* ;
* assignableSelector:
* unconditionalAssignableSelector |
* '?.' identifier
* ;
* An assignable expression is either:
* • An identifier.
* • An invocation (possibly conditional) of a getter or list access operator
* on an expression e.
* • An invocation of a getter or list access operator on super.
* @description Checks that expressions that fits into this grammar
* can be used in the left hand side of an assignment.
* @author msyabro
topLevelFunction() => ["x"];
class S {
const S();
class A {
method() => ["y"];
test() {
var ident = [""];
[0, 1, 2, 3][1] = null;
ident[0] = "Lily was here";
const c = 1;
(topLevelFunction())[0] = null;
(this.method())[0] = null;
(this.method()).length = 2;
main() {
A a = new A();