blob: 0af225ef9676dad763bc0aa66d2e74839b2f159e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// @assertion Future<S> fold<S>(S initialValue, S combine(S previous, T element))
/// Reduces a sequence of values by repeatedly applying combine.
/// @description Checks that if the stream contains no elements, the combine
/// method is not called and the future returns initialValue.
/// @note undocumented
/// @author kaigorodov
library fold_A01_t02;
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
void test(CreateStreamFunction create) {
Object? combine(Object? p, var c) {"should not be called");
return 0;
AsyncExpect.value(null, create([]).fold(null, combine));
AsyncExpect.value(777, create([]).fold(777, combine));
AsyncExpect.value("", create([]).fold("", combine));