blob: b60eb4bf3b44e270b44d81d474f14c3e17bfb581 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion bool operator ==(Object other)
* Test whether another object is equal to this function.
* System-created function objects are only equal to other functions.
* Two function objects are known to represent the same function if
* - It is the same object. Static and top-level functions are compile time
* constants when used as values, so referring to the same function twice
* always give the same object,
* - or if they refer to the same member method extracted from the same object.
* Extracting a member method as a function value twice gives equal, but not
* necessarily identical, function values.
* Function expressions never give rise to equal function objects. Each time a
* function expression is evaluated, it creates a new closure value that is not
* known to be equal to other closures created by the same expression.
* Classes implementing Function by having a call method should have their own
* operator== and hashCode depending on the object.
* @description Checks that equality operator works as expected.
* @author
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
class C {
m() {
String foo(x1, y1, {x2 : "x2", y2}) {
return "$x1$y1$x2$y2";
String bar(x1, y1, {x2 : "x2", y2}) {
return "$x1$y1$x2$y2";
main() {
Function f1 = foo;
Function f2 = foo;
Function b1 = bar;
Function b2 = bar;
Expect.isTrue(f1 == f2);
Expect.isTrue(b1 == b2);
Expect.isFalse(f1 == b1);
Function m1 = new C().m;
Function m2 = new C().m;
Expect.isFalse(m1 == m2);