blob: c25b84c80e79189ad63225aa29a5571ef6993af8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=non-nullable
// Requirements=nnbd-strong
library override_opted_in_lib;
import "dart:async";
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
// Nullable variables:
int? nullable_i1;
Object? nullable_o1;
dynamic d1;
Function? f1;
Null n1;
FutureOr fo1;
FutureOr<FutureOr> fofo1;
int? nullable_i2 = null;
Object? nullable_o2 = null;
dynamic d2 = null;
Function? f2 = null;
Null n2 = null;
FutureOr fo2 = null;
FutureOr<FutureOr> fofo2 = null;
int? nullable_i3 = 1;
Object? nullable_o3 = 1;
dynamic d3 = 1;
Function? f3 = testme;
FutureOr fo3 = 1;
FutureOr<FutureOr> fofo3 = 1;
// Non-nullable variables:
int i = 0;
Object o = 0;
Function f = testme;
FutureOr<int> fi = 0;
Never aNever = throw "Should not reach here";
// Generic classes with nullable type parameter:
class GENERIC_NULLABLE<T> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_NULLABLE_INT<T extends int?> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_NULLABLE_OBJECT<T extends Object?> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_NULLABLE_FUNCTION<T extends Function?> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_NULL<T extends Null> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_FUTUREOR<T extends FutureOr> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
// Generic classes with non-nullable type parameter:
class GENERIC_NONNULLABLE_INT<T extends int> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_NONNULLABLE_OBJECT<T extends Object> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_NONNULLABLE_FUNCTION<T extends Function> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
class GENERIC_NEVER<T extends Never> { dynamic getParamType() => T; }
// Functions:
void testme() {}
void test_nullable_int_arg(int? i) { Expect.isNull(i); }
void test_nullable_object_arg(Object? i) { Expect.isNull(i); }
void test_dynamic_arg(dynamic i) { Expect.isNull(i); }
void test_nullable_function(Function? f) { Expect.isNull(f); }
void test_null_arg(Null n) { Expect.isNull(n); }
void test_futureOr_arg(FutureOr i) { Expect.isNull(i); }
void test_int_arg(int i) { Expect.equals(1, i); }
void test_object_arg(Object o) { Expect.equals(1, o); }
void test_function_arg(Function f) { Expect.equals(testme, f); }
void test_futureOrInt_arg(FutureOr<int> i) { Expect.equals(1, i); }
void test_never_arg(Never n) {}
void test_required_arg({required int i}) { Expect.equals(1, i); }
int? getNullableInt() => null;
Object? getNullableObject() => null;
dynamic getDynamic() => null;
Function? getNullableFunction() => null;
Null getNull() => null;
FutureOr getFutureOr() => null;
int getInt() => 1;
Object getObject() => 1;
Function getFunction() => testme;
FutureOr<int> getFutureOrInt() => 1;
Never getNever() => throw("Should not reach here");
// Generic functions:
void testGenericDynamic<T>() { Expect.equals(Null, T); }
void testGenericNullableInt<T extends int?>() { Expect.equals(Null, T); }
void testGenericNullableFunction<T extends Function?>() { Expect.equals(Null, T); }
void testGenericNullableObject<T extends Object?>() { Expect.equals(Null, T); }
void testGenericNull<T extends Null>() { Expect.equals(Null, T); }
void testGenericFutureOr<T extends FutureOr>() { Expect.equals(Null, T); }
void testGenericInt<T extends int>() {}
void testGenericFunction<T extends Function>() {}
void testGenericObject<T extends Object>() {}
void testGenericNever<T extends Never>() {}
// Function typedefs:
typedef def = void Function();
typedef def_nullable_int_arg = void Function(int? i);
typedef def_nullable_object_arg = void Function(int? i);
typedef def_dynamic_arg = void Function(dynamic i);
typedef def_nullable_function_arg = void Function(Function? f);
typedef def_null_arg = void Function(Null n);
typedef def_futureOr_arg = void Function(FutureOr i);
typedef def_int_arg = void Function(int i);
typedef def_object_arg = void Function(Object o);
typedef def_function_arg = void Function(Function f);
typedef def_futureOrInt_arg = void Function(FutureOr<int> i);
typedef def_never_arg = void Function(Never n);
typedef def_required_arg = void Function({required int i});
typedef def_getNullableInt = int? Function();
typedef def_getNullableObject = Object? Function();
typedef def_getDynamic = dynamic Function();
typedef def_getNullableFunction = Function? Function();
typedef def_getNull = Null Function();
typedef def_getFutureOr = FutureOr Function();
typedef def_getInt = int Function();
typedef def_getObject = Object Function();
typedef def_getFunction = Function Function();
typedef def_getFutureOrInt = FutureOr<int> Function();
typedef def_getNever = Never Function();
// Function typedefs 1:
typedef void def1();
typedef void def1_nullable_int_arg (int? i);
typedef void def1_nullable_object_arg (int? i);
typedef void def1_dynamic_arg (dynamic i);
typedef void def1_nullable_function_arg(Function? f);
typedef void def1_null_arg (Null n);
typedef void def1_futureOr_arg (FutureOr i);
typedef void def1_int_arg (int i);
typedef void def1_object_arg (Object o);
typedef void def1_function_arg (Function f);
typedef void def1_futureOrInt_arg(FutureOr<int> i);
typedef void def1_never_arg(Never n);
typedef void def1_required_arg({required int i});
typedef int? def1_getNullableInt();
typedef Object? def1_getNullableObject();
typedef dynamic def1_getDynamic();
typedef Function? def1_getNullableFunction();
typedef Null def1_getNull();
typedef FutureOr def1_getFutureOr();
typedef int def1_getInt();
typedef Object def1_getObject();
typedef Function def1_getFunction();
typedef FutureOr<int> def1_getFutureOrInt();
typedef Never def1_getNever();