blob: 42ec425fd0f0e7302b8a68ba6aed12bf54c62084 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The cast expression ensures that an object is a member of a type.
* typeCast:
* asOperator type
* ;
* asOperator:
* as
* ;
* @description Checks that there're no errors or warnings when the type cast
* operator is used correctly (testing simple types as well as generics and
* function types).
* @static-clean
* @author rodionov
import '../../../Utils/expect.dart';
abstract class I {}
class C implements I {}
class G<Q, R> {}
class GG<S, T> extends G<S, T> {}
typedef String func(num n, String p);
num f(double d, Pattern p) { return double.nan; }
main() {
1 as int;
0 as num;
double.nan as num;
"foo" as String;
"bar" as Pattern;
new C() as I;
new GG<int, bool>() as G<int, bool>;
((num x, String y) => "$x$y") as func;
Expect.throws(() { f as func; });
f as Function;
f as Object;