blob: f914bc2117d2b603e8ec7aab5e622e3f90c554d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @assertion Example:
/// typedef MyList<T> = List<T>;
/// typedef MyList2<T extends num> = List<T>;
/// void main() {
/// // Instantiated type aliases use the aliased type.
/// print(identical(MyList<int>.filled, MyList2<int>.filled)); // true
/// print(identical(MyList<int>.filled, List<int>.filled)); // true
/// print(identical(MyList2<int>.filled, List<int>.filled)); // true
/// // Non-instantiated type aliases have their own generic function.
/// print(identical(MyList.filled, MyList.filled)); // true
/// print(identical(MyList2.filled, MyList2.filled)); // true
/// print(identical(MyList.filled, MyList2.filled)); // false
/// print(identical(MyList.filled, List.filled)); // false (!)
/// }
/// @description Checks example 2 from the Spec
/// @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=constructor-tearoffs
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
typedef MyList<T> = List<T>;
typedef MyList2<T extends num> = List<T>;
void main() {
// Instantiated type aliases use the aliased type.
Expect.identical(MyList<int>.filled, MyList2<int>.filled);
Expect.identical(MyList<int>.filled, List<int>.filled);
Expect.identical(MyList2<int>.filled, List<int>.filled);
// Non-instantiated type aliases have their own generic function.
Expect.identical(MyList.filled, MyList.filled);
Expect.identical(MyList2.filled, MyList2.filled);
Expect.notEquals(MyList.filled, MyList2.filled);
Expect.notEquals(MyList2.filled, List.filled);