blob: 8b162b4b4afad1c628484a651622b68119be5f6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* Uint8ClampedList asUint8ClampedList([
* int offsetInBytes = 0,
* int length
* ])
* Creates a Uint8ClampedList view of a region of this byte buffer.
* The view is backed by the bytes of this byte buffer. Any changes made to the
* Uint8ClampedList will also change the buffer, and vice versa.
* @description Checks that the method asUint8ClampedList creates a
* Uint8ClampedList view of a region of this byte buffer, and any changes made
* to Uint8ClampedList will also change the buffer, and vice versa.
* @author
import "dart:typed_data";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
void check(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int bufSizeInBytes = buffer.lengthInBytes;
Uint8ClampedList res = buffer.asUint8ClampedList(0);
Uint8ClampedList res1 = buffer.asUint8ClampedList(0);
int viewSizeInBytes = res.lengthInBytes;
Expect.isTrue(res is Uint8ClampedList);
Expect.equals(bufSizeInBytes, viewSizeInBytes);
if (viewSizeInBytes != 0) {
// set value to the first byte of res1
res1[0] = 2;
// the first byte of res is equal to the set value
Expect.equals(2, res[0]);
// set value to the last byte of res
res[viewSizeInBytes - 1] = 4;
// the last byte of res1 is equal to the set value
Expect.equals(4, res1[viewSizeInBytes - 1]);
Expect.notEquals(res, res1);
Expect.equals(res.buffer, res1.buffer);
main() {
var list0 = new List<int>(0);
var list1 = new List.filled(1, 0);
var list2 = new List.filled(5, 0);
var list3 = new Int32x4List(1);
var list4 = new Int32x4List(5);
var list5 = new Int32x4List(0);
check((new Int8List.fromList(list0)).buffer);
check((new Int8List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int8List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int16List.fromList(list0)).buffer);
check((new Int16List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int16List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int32List.fromList(list0)).buffer);
check((new Int32List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int32List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int64List.fromList(list0)).buffer);
check((new Int64List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int64List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int32x4List.fromList(list5)).buffer);
check((new Int32x4List.fromList(list3)).buffer);
check((new Int32x4List.fromList(list4)).buffer);