blob: 4bd0dab409a74b9558234bdfc10f66ce11705b94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS
* file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed
* by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion void addOnExitListener(
* SendPort responsePort, {
* Object response
* })
* ...
* Adding the same port more than once will only cause it to receive one
* message, using the last response value that was added.
* @description Check that isolate sends single event on responsePort,
* which is supplied several times to addOnExitListener() of the same isolate.
* Different values for parameter response are specified. Check that only last
* used value is used.
* @author
import "dart:isolate";
import "dart:async";
import "dart:math";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "IsolateUtil.dart";
Future test(List<Object> values) async {
ErrorServer server = await ErrorServer.spawn(errorsAreFatal:false);
ReceivePort onExit = new ReceivePort();
List events = [];
(data) {
for (Object value in values) {
server.isolate.addOnExitListener(onExit.sendPort, response:value);
await new Future.delayed(TWO_SECONDS); // wait for duplicate events
Expect.listEquals([values.last], events);
main() {
List<Object> values = [
null, true, false, "string", 10, 1.1, double.nan, double.infinity
Random random = new Random();
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random))),
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random))),
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random))),
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random))),
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random))),
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random))),
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random))),
test(new List.from(values..shuffle(random)))
]).then((_) => asyncEnd());