blob: 096d6bc92e88f31bb476c22052e9f84aa5ac3dc6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion UriData.fromString(
* String content, {
* String mimeType,
* Encoding encoding,
* Map<String, String> parameters,
* bool base64: false
* })
* Creates a data: URI containing the content string.
* Equivalent to new Uri.dataFromString(...).data, but may be more efficient if
* the uri itself isn't used.
* @description Checks that this constructor creates an expected UriData. Test
* encoding parameter specified
* @author
import "dart:convert";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../Uri/UriDataEncoder.lib.dart";
check(String content, String encodingName) {
Encoding encoding = Encoding.getByName(encodingName);
UriData uriData = new UriData.fromString(content, encoding: encoding);
Expect.equals(encodeString(content, encoding: encoding),
Expect.equals("text/plain", uriData.mimeType);
Expect.mapEquals({"charset": encodingName}, uriData.parameters);
Expect.equals("data:;charset=" + + "," + encodeString(content,
encoding: encoding), uriData.toString());
main() {
check("Some data", "utf-8");
check("", "utf-8");
check(reserved, "utf-8");
check(unreserved, "utf-8");
check("Non-ASCII: Кириллица прекрасна!", "utf-8");