blob: 29b9a791444680248013459e352b1b94425a05ba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Float64List asFloat64List([int offsetInBytes = 0, int length ])
* Creates a Float64List view of a region of this byte buffer.
* ...
* The viewed region start at offsetInBytes, which must be 64-bit aligned, and
* contains length 64-bit integers. If length is omitted, the range extends as
* far towards the end of the buffer as possible - if lengthInBytes is not
* divisible by eight, the last bytes can't be part of the view.
* @description Checks that the viewed region begins with offsetInBytes byte,
* which must be 64-bit aligned, and contains length 64-bit integers. If length
* is omitted, the range extends to the end of the buffer (if buffer length in
* bytes is divisible by eight), otherwise, the last bytes can't be part of the
* view.
* @author
import "dart:typed_data";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
void check(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int bufSizeInBytes = buffer.lengthInBytes;
// Float64List view of a byte buffer
Float64List res = buffer.asFloat64List(0);
int viewSizeInBytes = res.lengthInBytes;
int viewLength = res.length;
int shift = (Float64List.bytesPerElement == 8) ? 3 : 0;
int offset1 = 8;
int length1 = ((viewSizeInBytes - offset1) >> shift) - 1;
int offset2 = 16;
// Float64List view of a byte buffer with offset1 and length1
Float64List res1 = buffer.asFloat64List(offset1, length1);
int view1Length = res1.length;
// Float64List view of a byte buffer with offset2
Float64List res2 = buffer.asFloat64List(offset2);
int view2Length = res2.length;
Expect.isTrue(res1 is Float64List);
Expect.isTrue(res2 is Float64List);
Expect.equals(length1, view1Length);
Expect.equals((viewSizeInBytes - offset2) >> shift, view2Length);
if (viewSizeInBytes != 0) {
// set value to the first element of res1
res1[0] = 2.0;
Expect.equals(2.0, res[offset1 >> shift]);
//set value to the last element if res1
res1[view1Length - 1] = 4.0;
Expect.equals(4.0, res[(offset1 >> shift) + view1Length - 1]);
// set value to the first element of res2
res2[0] = 3.0;
Expect.equals(3.0, res[offset2 >> shift]);
// set value to the last element of res2
res2[view2Length - 1] = 5.0;
Expect.equals(5.0, res[viewLength - 1]);
if (bufSizeInBytes != viewSizeInBytes) {
ByteData resb = buffer.asByteData(0);
int cv = 0;
// checks that last 'bufSizeInBytes - viewSizeInBytes' bytes contain 0
for (int i = viewSizeInBytes; i < bufSizeInBytes; i++) {
int v = resb.getInt8(i);
cv |= v;
Expect.equals(0, cv);
main() {
var list1 = new List.filled(24, 0);
var list2 = new List.filled(27, 0);
var list4 = new Int32x4List(6);
check((new Int8List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int8List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int16List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int16List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int32List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int32List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int32List.fromList(list1)).buffer);
check((new Int64List.fromList(list2)).buffer);
check((new Int32x4List.fromList(list4)).buffer);