blob: 4b6469b1527ca26eb705066dc424dd0f45e6c903 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Generator for subtyping tests. Usage:
* dart generator.dart
* This call regenerates ../dynamic/generated and ../static/generated tests
* Writing tests for the generator
* Generator takes test types defined in ../test_types and for each test type
* creates tests combining test cases defined in ../dynamic/test_cases and
* ../static/test_cases
* Each test case tests that type @T0 is subtype of type @T1. Each test type
* defines actual T0 and T1 and instances of these types with names t0Instance
* and t1Instance. In the end of the file specifies substitution, for example:
* class T0 {}
* T0 t0Instance = new T0();
* dynamic t1Instance = 3.14;
* //# @T0 = T0
* //# @T1 = dynamic
* - If test case or test type is negative, then its name must contain "_fail_"
* - If test type contains generic function types it must contain
* "//# @GenericFunctionType" string at the end. For example
* ...
* typedef T0 = U0<C, List<String>, int> Function<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
* V0<dynamic, void, Object> x0, V1<dynamic, void, Object> x1,
* {V2<dynamic, void, Object> x2, V3<dynamic, void, Object> x3, V4<dynamic, void, Object> x4});
* typedef T1 = U1<dynamic, void, Object> Function<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
* S0<C, List<String>, int> y0, S1<C, List<String>, int> y1,
* {S2<C, List<String>, int> x2, S3<C, List<String>, int> x3});
* U0<C, List<String>, int> t0Func<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
* V0<dynamic, void, Object> x0, V1<dynamic, void, Object> x1,
* {V2<dynamic, void, Object> x2, V3<dynamic, void, Object> x3,
* V4<dynamic, void, Object> x4}) => null;
* U1<dynamic, void, Object> t1Func<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
* S0<C, List<String>, int> y0, S1<C, List<String>, int> y1,
* {S2<C, List<String>, int> x2, S3<C, List<String>, int> x3}) => null;
* T0 t0Instance = t0Func;
* T1 t1Instance = t1Func;
* //# @T0 = T0
* //# @T1 = T1
* //# @GenericFunctionType
* - If test case has tests for the types wich are not generic function types,
* this block must be marked by
* //# <-- NotGenericFunctionType
* ...
* //# -->
* TODO complete the description
import "dart:io";
const GENERIC_FUNCTION_TYPE_FLAG = "@GenericFunctionType";
const DYNAMIC_TESTS_DIR = "dynamic";
const STATIC_TESTS_DIR = "static";
const TEST_CASES_DIR = "test_cases";
const TEST_TYPES_DIR = "test_types";
const OUTPUT_DIR = "generated";
const IMPORT_COMMON = "import '../../utils/common.dart';";
const IMPORT_EXPECT = "import '../../../../Utils/expect.dart';";
const String META_PREFIX = "//#";
main() {
// Generate dynamic tests
// First generate tests for common test types
Directory testCasesDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
DYNAMIC_TESTS_DIR + Platform.pathSeparator + TEST_CASES_DIR);
Directory testTypesDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
Directory outputDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
DYNAMIC_TESTS_DIR + Platform.pathSeparator + OUTPUT_DIR);
generateTests(testCasesDir, testTypesDir, outputDir, "dynamic");
// Now generate tests for dynamic only test types
testTypesDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
DYNAMIC_TESTS_DIR + Platform.pathSeparator + TEST_TYPES_DIR);
generateTests(testCasesDir, testTypesDir, outputDir, "dynamic", clear: false);
// Generate static tests
// First generate tests for common test types
testCasesDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
STATIC_TESTS_DIR + Platform.pathSeparator + TEST_CASES_DIR);
testTypesDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
outputDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
STATIC_TESTS_DIR + Platform.pathSeparator + OUTPUT_DIR);
generateTests(testCasesDir, testTypesDir, outputDir, "static");
// Now generate tests for static only test types
testTypesDir = new Directory(".." + Platform.pathSeparator +
STATIC_TESTS_DIR + Platform.pathSeparator + TEST_TYPES_DIR);
generateTests(testCasesDir, testTypesDir, outputDir, "static", clear: false);
void generateTests(Directory testCasesDir, Directory testTypesDir,
Directory outputDir, String testsType, {bool clear = true}) {
// First, clear output directory
if (clear) {
List<FileSystemEntity> existing = outputDir.listSync();
for (int i = 0; i < existing.length; i++) {
// Generate tests
List<FileSystemEntity> testCases = testCasesDir.listSync();
List<FileSystemEntity> testTypes = [];
if (testTypesDir.existsSync()) {
testTypes = testTypesDir.listSync();
int generatedCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < testTypes.length; i++) {
File testType = testTypes[i];
bool isFailTest = isFail(testType);
String testTypeText = testType.readAsStringSync();
List<String> testTypeTextStrings = testTypeText.split("\n");
Map<String, String> replacement = null;
bool hasMainFunc = hasMain(testTypeTextStrings);
bool isGenericFunctionType = findIsGenericFunctionType(testTypeTextStrings);
replacement = findReplacements(testTypeTextStrings);
if (replacement.length == 0) {
if (testsType != "static") {
testTypeTextStrings = addImport(testTypeTextStrings, isFailTest);
for (int j = 0; j < testCases.length; j++) {
File testCase = testCases[j];
if (isFailTest) {
if (!isFail(testCase)) {
} else {
if (isFail(testCase)) {
String testCaseText = testCase.readAsStringSync();
testCaseText = removeNotGenericFunctionTypePart(isGenericFunctionType,
testCaseText = replace(testCaseText, replacement);
String testTypeText = removeReplacements(testTypeTextStrings);
String header = getGeneratedTestHeader(testTypeText, testCaseText,
getGeneratedFileComment(testType, testCase));
testCaseText = removeHeader(testCaseText);
testTypeText = removeHeader(testTypeText);
String generatedTestText = null;
if (hasMainFunc) {
String beforeMain = getBeforeMain(testCaseText);
String mainContent = getMainContent(testCaseText);
generatedTestText = header + testTypeText.replaceFirst(
new RegExp(r"\/\/#\s*<!--\s*Global\s*variables\s*&\s*classes\s*definition\s*-->"),
beforeMain).replaceFirst(new RegExp(r"\/\/#\s*<!--\s*Test\s*body\s*-->"), mainContent);
} else {
generatedTestText = header + removeHeader(testTypeText) + testCaseText;
File generatedTest = getGeneratedTestFile(testType, testCase, outputDir);
print("$generatedCount $testsType tests generated successfully");
String getGeneratedFileComment(File testType, File testCase) {
String testTypeFileName = getFileName(testType);
String testCaseFileName = getFileName(testCase);
return '''/*
* This test is generated from $testTypeFileName and
* $testCaseFileName.
* Don't modify it. If you want to change this file, change one of the files
* above and then run generator.dart to regenerate the tests.
bool findIsGenericFunctionType(List<String> strings) {
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
if (strings[i].startsWith(META_PREFIX)) {
String s = strings[i].substring(META_PREFIX.length).trim();
return true;
return false;
bool hasMain(List<String> strings) {
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
if (strings[i].contains(new RegExp(r"[\s]*main[\s]*\("))) {
return true;
return false;
Map<String, String> findReplacements(List<String> strings) {
Map<String, String> found = new Map<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
if (strings[i].startsWith(META_PREFIX)) {
String s = strings[i].substring(META_PREFIX.length).trim();
List<String> l = s.split("=");
if (l.length != 2) {
String key = l[0].trim();
String value = l[1].trim();
found[key] = value;
return found;
String removeHeader(String text) {
// If file begins with /* - remove this comment
int start = text.indexOf("/*");
int end = text.indexOf("*/");
if (start > -1 && end > -1) {
text = text.replaceRange(start, end + 2, "");
// If there is one more comment - remove it as well
start = text.indexOf("/*");
end = text.indexOf("*/");
if (start > -1 && end > -1) {
text = text.replaceRange(start, end + 2, "");
return text;
String getComment(String text, int index) {
int start = text.indexOf("/*");
int end = text.indexOf("*/");
if (index > 0) {
start = text.indexOf("/*", start + 1);
end = text.indexOf("*/", end + 1);
if (start > -1 && end > -1) {
return text.substring(start, end + 2);
return null;
String getGeneratedTestHeader(String testTypeText, String testCaseText, String text) {
String copyright = getComment(testTypeText, 0);
String testTypeComment = getComment(testTypeText, 1);
String testCaseComment = getComment(testCaseText, 1);
return copyright + "\n"
+ testTypeComment + "\n"
+ testCaseComment + "\n"
+ text + "\n";
String removeReplacements(List<String> strings) {
List<String> found = [];
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
if (strings[i].startsWith(new RegExp("$META_PREFIX\\s+@"))) {
found.forEach((String el) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeAll(strings, "\n");
return sb.toString();
String removeNotGenericFunctionTypePart(bool isGenericFunctionType, String text) {
if (isGenericFunctionType) {
List<String> strings = text.split("\n");
bool skip = false;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
if (strings[i].trim().startsWith(META_PREFIX)) {
if (skip) {
if (strings[i].contains("-->")) {
skip = false;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unexpected '${strings[i]}'");
} else {
if (strings[i].contains("NotGenericFunctionType")) {
skip = true;
} else {
if (skip) {
} else {
sb.write(strings[i] + "\n");
return sb.toString();
} else {
// remove "//# <-- NotGenericFunctionType" and "//# -->"
return text.replaceFirst("$META_PREFIX <-- NotGenericFunctionType\n", "").replaceFirst("$META_PREFIX -->\n", "");
String replace(String text, Map<String, String> replacement) {
replacement.keys.toList().forEach((String Ti) {
text = text.replaceAll(Ti, replacement[Ti]);
return text;
File getGeneratedTestFile(File testType, File testCase, Directory outputDir) {
String testTypeName = getFileName(testType);
String testCaseName = getFileName(testCase);
// testTypeName file name looks like interface_compositionality_A01.dart
// prefix = interface_compositionality, suffix = _A01
int index = testTypeName.lastIndexOf("_");
String testNamePrefix = testTypeName.substring(0, index);
String testNameSuffix = testTypeName.substring(index, index + 4);
// testCaseName file name looks like arguments_binding_x01.dart
// prefix = arguments_binding, suffix = _x01.dart
index = testCaseName.lastIndexOf("_");
String testCasePrefix = testCaseName.substring(0, index);
String testCaseSuffix = testCaseName.substring(index).replaceFirst("x", "t");
String generatedTestName = null;
File generatedFile = null;
String testNameSuffix2 = "";
for (int i = 1;;i++) {
generatedTestName = testNamePrefix + "_" + testCasePrefix +
testNameSuffix + testNameSuffix2 + testCaseSuffix;
generatedFile = new File(outputDir.path + Platform.pathSeparator + generatedTestName);
if (generatedFile.existsSync()) {
testNameSuffix2 = "_$i";
} else {
return generatedFile;
String getFileName(File file) =>
file.path.substring(file.path.lastIndexOf(Platform.pathSeparator) + 1);
bool isFail(File file) => getFileName(file).contains("_fail_");
List<String> addImport(List<String> testTypeTextStrings, bool addExpect) {
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < testTypeTextStrings.length; i++) {
if (testTypeTextStrings[i].contains("*/")) {
if (counter == 2) {
if (addExpect) {
testTypeTextStrings.insert(i + 1, IMPORT_EXPECT);
testTypeTextStrings.insert(i + 1, IMPORT_COMMON);
return testTypeTextStrings;
String getBeforeMain(String text) {
return text.substring(0, text.indexOf(new RegExp(r"main[\s]*\(")));
String getMainContent(String text) {
int start = text.indexOf("{", text.indexOf(new RegExp(r"main\s*\(.*\)\s*\{")));
int end = text.lastIndexOf("}");
return text.substring(start + 1, end);