blob: 57d9faa10a1624d89fd24af239adc458fd0ca8f3 [file] [log] [blame]
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* @assertion Test for type aliases for built-in types
* @description Checks initialization via constructor
* @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=nonfunction-type-aliases
import '../../../Utils/expect.dart';
typedef IntAlias = int;
typedef NumAlias = num;
typedef DoubleAlias = double;
typedef BoolAlias = bool;
typedef StringAlias = String;
class A {
int i;
num n;
double d;
bool b;
String s;
A(this.i, this.n, this.d, this.b, this.s);
class C extends A {
C(IntAlias ia, NumAlias na, DoubleAlias da, BoolAlias ba, StringAlias sa) :
super(ia, na, da, ba, sa);
main() {
IntAlias i = 1;
NumAlias n = 3.14;
DoubleAlias d = 3.1415;
BoolAlias b = true;
StringAlias s = "Lily was here";
C c = new C(i, n, d, b, s);
Expect.equals(1, c.i);
Expect.equals(3.14, c.n);
Expect.equals(3.1415, c.d);
Expect.equals("Lily was here", c.s);