blob: 5e8ed643e3fc091740262f49144504eb91479711 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion If element is a forElement with element e1 then:
* Inference for the iterated expression and the controlling variable is done as
* for the corresponding for or await for statement.
* If the inferred set element type of e1 is S then the inferred set element
* type of element is S.
* @description Checks that if element is a forElement with element e1 then if
* the inferred set element type of e1 is S then the inferred set element type
* of element is S.
* @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=control-flow-collections,constant-update-2018,spread-collections
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
main() {
var collection = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var c1 = [1, 2, 3];
var c2 = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3];
var set1 = {
for (var i in collection)
if (i.isEven) ...c1 else ...c2
Expect.isTrue(set1 is Set<num>);
Expect.isFalse(set1 is Set<int>);
Expect.isFalse(set1 is Set<double>);
var set2 = {
for (var i in collection)
if (i.isEven) ...?c1 else ...?c2
Expect.isTrue(set2 is Set<Object>);
Expect.isFalse(set2 is Set<int>);
Expect.isFalse(set2 is Set<double>);
c1 = null;
c2 = null;
var set3 = {
for (var i in collection)
if (i.isEven) ...?c1 else ...?c2
Expect.isTrue(set1 is Set<num>);
Expect.isFalse(set1 is Set<int>);
Expect.isFalse(set1 is Set<double>);