blob: bdfaf2dd51bdd9d4e525046feb8c0b34334bd9c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion An if element:
* ...
* It is a compile-time error if the then and else branches are not potentially
* const expressions. The "potentially const" is to allow a the unchosen branch
* to throw an exception. In other words, if elements short-circuit.
* @description Checks that it is allowed the unchosen branch to throw an
* exception
* @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=control-flow-collections,constant-update-2018
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
main() {
const t = true;
List<int> list1 = const [if (t) 2 else (null as String).length ];
Expect.listEquals([2], list1);
const List<int> list2 = [if (!t) (null as String).length else 2 ];
Expect.listEquals([2], list2);
var list3 = const [if (!t) (null as String).length else 2, ];
Expect.listEquals([2], list3);
var list4 = const <int>[if (t) 2 else (null as String).length, ];
Expect.listEquals([2], list4);
const list5 = [if (t) 2 else (null as String).length ];
Expect.listEquals([2], list5);
Set<int> set1 = const {if (!t) (null as String).length else 2, -1 };
Expect.setEquals({2, -1}, set1);
const Set<int> set2 = {if (t) 2 else (null as String).length, -1 };
Expect.setEquals({2, -1}, set2);
var set3 = const {if (!t) (null as String).length else 2, -1, };
Expect.setEquals({2, -1}, set3);
var set4 = const <int>{if (t) 2 else (null as String).length, -1, };
Expect.setEquals({2, -1}, set4);
const set5 = {if (t) 2 else (null as String).length, -1 };
Expect.setEquals({2, -1}, set5);
Map<int, String> map1 = const {if (t) 2: "1" else (null as String).length: "x"};
Expect.mapEquals({2: "1"}, map1);
const Map<int, String> map2 = {if (!t) (null as String).length: "x" else 2: "1"};
Expect.mapEquals({2: "1"}, map2);
var map3 = const {if (t) 2: "x" else (null as String).length: "1"};
Expect.mapEquals({2: "x"}, map3);
var map4 = const <int, String>{if (t) 2: "x" else (null as String).length: "1"};
Expect.mapEquals({2: "x"}, map4);
const map5 = {if (t) 2: "x" else (null as String).length: "1"};
Expect.mapEquals({2: "x"}, map5);