blob: 78c653d1216173ebbbd0d3a8451be1dd8a4a096d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of Expect;
* Expect is used for tests that do not want to make use of the
* Dart unit test library - for example, the core language tests.
* Third parties are discouraged from using this, and should use
* the expect() function in the unit test library instead for
* test assertions.
* This part contains all except
* static void _fail(String message) {}
class Expect {
* Checks whether the expected and actual values are equal (using `==`).
static void equals(var expected, var actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (expected == actual) return;
if ((expected is double) &&
(actual is double) &&
(expected.isNaN) &&
(actual.isNaN)) {
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail("Expect.equals(expected: <$expected>, actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");
* Checks whether the actual value is a bool and its value is true.
static void isTrue(var actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (_identical(actual, true)) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail("Expect.isTrue($actual$msg) fails.");
* Checks whether the actual value is a bool and its value is false.
static void isFalse(var actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (_identical(actual, false)) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail("Expect.isFalse($actual$msg) fails.");
* Checks whether [actual] is null.
static void isNull(actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (null == actual) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail("Expect.isNull(actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");
* Checks whether [actual] is not null.
static void isNotNull(actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (null != actual) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail("Expect.isNotNull(actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");
* Checks whether the expected and actual values are identical
* (using `identical`).
static void identical(var expected, var actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (_identical(expected, actual)) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail("Expect.identical(expected: <$expected>, actual: <$actual>$msg) "
// Unconditional failure.
static void fail(String msg) {
* Failure if the difference between expected and actual is greater than the
* given tolerance. If no tolerance is given, tolerance is assumed to be the
* value 4 significant digits smaller than the value given for expected.
static void approxEquals(num expected, num actual,
[num? tolerance = null, String? reason = null]) {
if (tolerance == null) {
tolerance = (expected / 1e4).abs();
// Note: use !( <= ) rather than > so we fail on NaNs
if ((expected - actual).abs() <= tolerance) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail('Expect.approxEquals(expected:<$expected>, actual:<$actual>, '
'tolerance:<$tolerance>$msg) fails');
static void notEquals(unexpected, actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (unexpected != actual) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail("Expect.notEquals(unexpected: <$unexpected>, actual:<$actual>$msg) "
* Specialized equality test for strings. When the strings don't match,
* this method shows where the mismatch starts and ends.
static void stringEquals(String? expected, String? actual,
[String? reason = null]) {
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
String defaultMessage =
'Expect.stringEquals(expected: <$expected>", <$actual>$msg) fails';
if (expected == actual) return;
if ((expected == null) || (actual == null)) {
// scan from the left until we find a mismatch
int left = 0;
int eLen = expected.length;
int aLen = actual.length;
while (true) {
if (left == eLen) {
assert(left < aLen);
String snippet = actual.substring(left, aLen);
_fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n...[ ]\n...[ $snippet ]');
if (left == aLen) {
assert(left < eLen);
String snippet = expected.substring(left, eLen);
_fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n...[ ]\n...[ $snippet ]');
if (expected[left] != actual[left]) {
// scan from the right until we find a mismatch
int right = 0;
while (true) {
if (right == eLen) {
assert(right < aLen);
String snippet = actual.substring(0, aLen - right);
_fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n[ ]...\n[ $snippet ]...');
if (right == aLen) {
assert(right < eLen);
String snippet = expected.substring(0, eLen - right);
_fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n[ ]...\n[ $snippet ]...');
// stop scanning if we've reached the end of the left-to-right match
if (eLen - right <= left || aLen - right <= left) {
if (expected[eLen - right - 1] != actual[aLen - right - 1]) {
String eSnippet = expected.substring(left, eLen - right);
String aSnippet = actual.substring(left, aLen - right);
String diff = '\nDiff:\n...[ $eSnippet ]...\n...[ $aSnippet ]...';
* Checks that every element of [expected] is also in [actual], and that
* every element of [actual] is also in [expected].
static void setEquals(Iterable<Object> expected, Iterable<Object> actual,
[String? reason = null]) {
final missingSet = new Set.from(expected);
final extraSet = new Set.from(actual);
if (extraSet.isEmpty && missingSet.isEmpty) return;
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Expect.setEquals($msg) fails");
// Report any missing items.
if (!missingSet.isEmpty) {
sb.write('\nExpected collection does not contain: ');
for (final val in missingSet) {
sb.write('$val ');
// Report any extra items.
if (!extraSet.isEmpty) {
sb.write('\nExpected collection should not contain: ');
for (final val in extraSet) {
sb.write('$val ');
* Calls the function [f] and verifies that it throws an exception.
* The optional [check] function can provide additional validation
* that the correct exception is being thrown. For example, to check
* the type of the exception you could write this:
* Expect.throws(myThrowingFunction, (e) => e is MyException);
static void throws(void f(),
[_CheckExceptionFn? check = null, String? reason = null]) {
if (!(f is Function)) {
String msg = reason == null ? "" : reason;
"Expect.throws($f, $msg): first argument is not a Function, but a ${f.runtimeType}");
try {
} catch (e, s) {
if (check != null) {
if (!check(e)) {
String msg = reason == null ? "" : reason;
_fail("Expect.throws($msg): Unexpected ${e.runtimeType}('$e')\n$s");
String msg = reason == null ? "" : reason;
_fail('Expect.throws($msg) fails');
static String _getMessage(String? reason) =>
(reason == null) ? "" : ", '$reason'";
static void listEquals(var expected, var actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if (expected is! List) {"expected is not a List:$expected");
if (actual is! List) {"actual is not a List:$expected");
deepEquals(expected, actual, reason);
static void mapEquals(var expected, var actual, [String? reason = null]) {
if ((expected is! Map) || (actual is! Map)) {"not a Map");
deepEquals(expected, actual, reason);
/** checks that both collections have identical topology and equal primitive elements.
* useful to check cyclic collections passed through ports and streams.
static void deepEquals(var expected, var actual, [String? reason = null]) {
Map planned = new Map();
Map processed = new Map();
void plan2check(var expected, var actual) {
if (expected == null) {
if ((expected is Map) || (expected is List)) {
var savedActual = planned[expected];
if (savedActual != null) {
// this pair is planned to investigate
Expect.equals(savedActual, actual);
} else if ((savedActual = processed[expected]) != null) {
// this pair is checked already
Expect.equals(savedActual, actual);
} else {
// this pair is not yet investigated
Expect.equals(expected.length, actual.length,
"Collections' lengths are not equal: expected length=${expected.length}, actual length=${actual.length}");
planned[expected] = actual;
} else {
Expect.equals(expected, actual);
void runPlanned(var expected, var actual) {
if (expected is Map) {
for (var key in expected.keys) {
// TODO check that key sets are equivalent. Following method does not work:
// Expect.isTrue(actual.keys.toSet().remove(key)");
plan2check(expected[key], actual[key]);
} else if (expected is List) {
for (int i = 0; i != expected.length; i++) {
plan2check(expected[i], actual[i]);
} else {"only Lists and Maps expected in the plan");
// move pair from planned to processed
processed[expected] = actual;
try {
plan2check(expected, actual);
for (;;) {
Iterable keys = planned.keys;
if (keys.isEmpty) {
var key = keys.first;
runPlanned(key, planned[key]);
} catch (error) {
String msg = _getMessage(reason);
_fail('deepEquals($expected, $actual, $msg) fails\n [cause: $error]');
static void iterableEquals(Iterable expected, Iterable actual) {
Iterator eit = expected.iterator;
Iterator ait = actual.iterator;
while (eit.moveNext()) {
Expect.equals(eit.current, ait.current);
bool _identical(a, b) => identical(a, b);
typedef bool _CheckExceptionFn(exception);
class ExpectException implements Exception {
String? message;
String toString() => message ?? "";