blob: 979f95d606ca7ed282cc320ebd39f9e1adccf9cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Portions of this test are derived from code under the following license:
* Web-platform-tests are covered by the dual-licensing approach described in:
library Expect;
import "dart:async";
part "../../Utils/expect_common.dart";
part "../../Utils/async_utils.dart";
const String testSuiteRoot="/root_dart/tests/co19/src/WebPlatformTest";
* some functions from harness.js ported
void _fail(String message) {
throw new ExpectException(message);
void assert_equals(var actual, var expected, [String diag]) {
Expect.equals(expected, actual, diag);
void assert_not_equals(var actual, var expected, [String diag]) {
Expect.notEquals(expected, actual, diag);
void assert_true(var actual, [String diag]) {
Expect.isTrue(actual, diag);
void assert_false(var actual, [String diag]) {
Expect.isFalse(actual, diag);
void assert_throws(String expectedExceptionName, void f(), [String diag]) {
Expect.throws(f, (e) => e.toString().contains(expectedExceptionName), diag);
void assert_array_equals(var actual, var expected, [String diag]) {
Expect.listEquals(expected, actual, diag);
void assert_class_string(var object, String expected, [String diag]) {
String actual = object.runtimeType.toString();
if (expected == actual) return;
String msg = (diag == null) ? "" : ", '$diag'";
_fail("assert_class_string(expected: <$expected>, actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");
void assert_in_array(var actual, List expected, String description) {
Expect.isTrue(expected.indexOf(actual) != -1, description);
int passcnt = 0;
int failcnt = 0;
String failures = "";
void test(void func(), String name, [properties]) {
try {
} catch (exc) {
failures = "$failures\nTest failed: $name\n$exc\n";
void checkTestFailures() {
print("tests passed: $passcnt; failed: $failcnt");
if (failcnt == 0) return;
* Convert a value to a nice, human-readable string
String format_value(val) {
return val.toString(); // TODO
/** if async tests are present, use this function instead of checkTestFailures
void checkAsyncTestFailures() {
void generate_tests(Function func, List args) {
for (List x in args) {
var name = x[0];
test(() {
Function.apply(func, x.sublist(1));