blob: 12f65e2c36be5a0e46454193f83e8fbd1862652b [file] [log] [blame]
library check_layout;
import 'dart:html';
import '../../Utils/expect.dart';
class Flag {
int checked = 0;
getComputedStyle(node) => node.getComputedStyle();
insertAfter(nodeToAdd, referenceNode)
if (referenceNode == document.body) {
if (referenceNode.nextNode != null)
referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(nodeToAdd, referenceNode.nextNode);
int checkSubtreeExpectedValues(parent, failures) {
int checkedLayout = checkExpectedValues(parent, failures);
parent.childNodes.forEach((node) {
checkedLayout |= checkSubtreeExpectedValues(node, failures);
return checkedLayout;
int checkAttribute(output, node, attribute) {
if (node is Element) {
String res = node.getAttribute(attribute);
bool isNotEmpty= res != null && res != "";
output.checked |= isNotEmpty?1:0;
if (!isNotEmpty) {
return null;
if (res.endsWith("px")) {
res = res.substring(0, res.length - 2); // cut suffix "px"
return int.parse(res, onError:(String source){throw new FormatException("bad attr value:'$res'");});
} else {
return null;
int checkExpectedValues(node, failures) {
var output = new Flag();
var expectedWidth = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-width");
if (expectedWidth != null) {
if (node.offsetWidth != expectedWidth)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedWidth} for width, but got ${node.offsetWidth}. ");
var expectedHeight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-height");
if (expectedHeight != null) {
if (node.offsetHeight != expectedHeight)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedHeight} for height, but got '${node.offsetHeight}'. ");
var expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-offset-x");
if (expectedOffset != null) {
if (node.offsetLeft != expectedOffset)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedOffset} for offsetLeft, but got ${node.offsetLeft}. ");
expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-offset-y");
if (expectedOffset != null) {
if (node.offsetTop != expectedOffset)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedOffset} for offsetTop, but got ${node.offsetTop}. ");
expectedWidth = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-client-width");
if (expectedWidth != null) {
if (node.clientWidth != expectedWidth)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedWidth} for clientWidth, but got ${node.clientWidth}. ");
expectedHeight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-client-height");
if (expectedHeight != null) {
if (node.clientHeight != expectedHeight)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedHeight} for clientHeight, but got ${node.clientHeight}. ");
expectedWidth = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-scroll-width");
if (expectedWidth != null) {
if (node.scrollWidth != expectedWidth)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedWidth} for scrollWidth, but got ${node.scrollWidth}. ");
expectedHeight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-scroll-height");
if (expectedHeight != null) {
if (node.scrollHeight != expectedHeight)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedHeight} for scrollHeight, but got ${node.scrollHeight}. ");
expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-total-x");
if (expectedOffset != null) {
var totalLeft = node.clientLeft + node.offsetLeft;
if (totalLeft != expectedOffset)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedOffset} for clientLeft+offsetLeft, but got ${totalLeft}, clientLeft: ${node.clientLeft}, offsetLeft: ${node.offsetLeft}. ");
expectedOffset = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-total-y");
if (expectedOffset != null) {
var totalTop = node.clientTop + node.offsetTop;
if (totalTop != expectedOffset)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedOffset} for clientTop+offsetTop, but got ${totalTop}, clientTop: ${node.clientTop}, + offsetTop: ${node.offsetTop}. ");
var expectedDisplay = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-display");
if (expectedDisplay != null) {
var actualDisplay = getComputedStyle(node).display;
if (actualDisplay != expectedDisplay)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedDisplay} for display, but got ${actualDisplay}. ");
var expectedPaddingTop = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-top");
if (expectedPaddingTop != null) {
var actualPaddingTop = getComputedStyle(node).paddingTop;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingTop = actualPaddingTop.substring(0, actualPaddingTop.length - 2);
if (actualPaddingTop != expectedPaddingTop)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedPaddingTop} for padding-top, but got ${actualPaddingTop}. ");
var expectedPaddingBottom = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-bottom");
if (expectedPaddingBottom != null) {
var actualPaddingBottom = getComputedStyle(node).paddingBottom;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingBottom = actualPaddingBottom.substring(0, actualPaddingBottom.length - 2);
if (actualPaddingBottom != expectedPaddingBottom)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedPaddingBottom} for padding-bottom, but got ${actualPaddingBottom}. ");
var expectedPaddingLeft = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-left");
if (expectedPaddingLeft != null) {
var actualPaddingLeft = getComputedStyle(node).paddingLeft;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingLeft = actualPaddingLeft.substring(0, actualPaddingLeft.length - 2);
if (actualPaddingLeft != expectedPaddingLeft)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedPaddingLeft} for padding-left, but got ${actualPaddingLeft}. ");
var expectedPaddingRight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-padding-right");
if (expectedPaddingRight != null) {
var actualPaddingRight = getComputedStyle(node).paddingRight;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualPaddingRight = actualPaddingRight.substring(0, actualPaddingRight.length - 2);
if (actualPaddingRight != expectedPaddingRight)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedPaddingRight} for padding-right, but got ${actualPaddingRight}. ");
var expectedMarginTop = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-top");
if (expectedMarginTop != null) {
var actualMarginTop = getComputedStyle(node).marginTop;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginTop = actualMarginTop.substring(0, actualMarginTop.length - 2);
if (actualMarginTop != expectedMarginTop)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedMarginTop} for margin-top, but got ${actualMarginTop}. ");
var expectedMarginBottom = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-bottom");
if (expectedMarginBottom != null) {
var actualMarginBottom = getComputedStyle(node).marginBottom;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginBottom = actualMarginBottom.substring(0, actualMarginBottom.length - 2);
if (actualMarginBottom != expectedMarginBottom)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedMarginBottom} for margin-bottom, but got ${actualMarginBottom}. ");
var expectedMarginLeft = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-left");
if (expectedMarginLeft != null) {
var actualMarginLeft = getComputedStyle(node).marginLeft;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginLeft = actualMarginLeft.substring(0, actualMarginLeft.length - 2);
if (actualMarginLeft != expectedMarginLeft)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedMarginLeft} for margin-left, but got ${actualMarginLeft}. ");
var expectedMarginRight = checkAttribute(output, node, "data-expected-margin-right");
if (expectedMarginRight != null) {
var actualMarginRight = getComputedStyle(node).marginRight;
// Trim the unit "px" from the output.
actualMarginRight = actualMarginRight.substring(0, actualMarginRight.length - 2);
if (actualMarginRight != expectedMarginRight)
failures.add("Expected ${expectedMarginRight} for margin-right, but got ${actualMarginRight}. ");
return output.checked;
bool checkLayout(selectorList, [outputContainer]) {
var result = true;
if (selectorList == null) {
throw "You must provide a CSS selector of nodes to check.";
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selectorList);
//nodes =;
int checkedLayout = 0;
nodes.forEach((node) {
var failures = [];
checkedLayout |= checkExpectedValues(node.parentNode, failures);
checkedLayout |= checkSubtreeExpectedValues(node, failures);
Node container = (node.parentNode as Element).className == 'container' ? node.parentNode : node;
var pre = document.createElement('pre');
if (failures.length > 0) {
pre.className = 'FAIL';
result = false;
pre.append(new Text(failures.length > 0
? "FAIL:\n" + failures.join('\n') + '\n\n' + (container as Element).outerHtml
: "PASS"));
var referenceNode = container;
if (outputContainer != null) {
if (outputContainer.lastChild == null) {
// Inserting a text node so we have something to insertAfter.
outputContainer.text = " ";
referenceNode = outputContainer.lastChild;
insertAfter(pre, referenceNode);
if (failures.length > 0) {'\n'));
if (checkedLayout == 0) {
var message = "FAIL: No valid data-* attributes found in selector list : "
+ selectorList.toString();
document.body.append(new Text(message));;
return false;
//var pre = document.querySelector('.FAIL');
//if (pre)
// setTimeout(() { pre.previousSibling.scrollIntoView(); }, 0);
return result;