Issue #1092: Instantiate-to-bound/typedef/static/typedef_typedef_l1_t14.dart test updasted acording to the Spec.
diff --git a/LanguageFeatures/Instantiate-to-bound/typedef/static/typedef_typedef_l1_t14.dart b/LanguageFeatures/Instantiate-to-bound/typedef/static/typedef_typedef_l1_t14.dart
index e0e4a95..1acd368 100644
--- a/LanguageFeatures/Instantiate-to-bound/typedef/static/typedef_typedef_l1_t14.dart
+++ b/LanguageFeatures/Instantiate-to-bound/typedef/static/typedef_typedef_l1_t14.dart
@@ -42,6 +42,35 @@
 ///   [<U1,m ..., Uk,m>].
 /// @description Checks that instantiate-to-bounds works correctly for
 /// typedef A<X> = void Function(X); typedef G<X extends A<X>> = void Function()
+/// To compute i2b on `G`, we have
+//    X, no variance
+//    -----------------------
+//    A<X>                    Break cycle {X}
+//    A<dynamic>
+// The reason why we use [dynamic] rather than [Never] to break the cycle is
+// that it occurs in a position which isn't contravariant (in [G<A<X>>], [A<X>]
+// occurs in a position that has no variance, and hence [X] occurs in a position
+// that has no variance).
+// So [G] means [G<A<dynamic>>], which is a well-bounded type (`A<dynamic> ==
+//   void Function(dynamic) <: void Function(void Function(dynamic)) ==
+//   A<A<dynamic>>`).
+// However, [G<T>] is simply [void Function()] for all [T], so in the
+// initializations of [targetN], [N] in [1..8], the initializing expression has
+// the type [void Function()].
+// So we just need to consider whether the declared types are OK, because each
+// of them just means [void Function()], unless it's an error.
+// The tools are right: each of [G<A<A<dynamic>>>], [G<A<A<A<dynamic>>>],
+// [G<A<A<A<A<dynamic>>>>>] is either regular-bounded (with an odd number of
+// [A]s) or super-bounded (with an even number of [A]s), and the ones with
+// [Never] are regular-bounded for an even number of [A]s and an error for an
+// odd number of [A]s.
 /// @Issue 41963, 41964
 /// @author
@@ -66,20 +95,30 @@
   F<G<A<A<A<dynamic>>>>> target3 = fsource;
   F<G<A<A<A<A<dynamic>>>>>> target4 = fsource;
   F<G<A<A<Never>>>> target5 = fsource;
   F<G<A<A<A<Never>>>>> target6 = fsource;
+//                               ^^^^^^^
+// [analyzer] unspecified
+// [cfe] unspecified
   F<G<A<A<A<A<Never>>>>>> target7 = fsource;
-  F<G<A<A<Null>>>> target8 = fsource;
+  F<G<A<A<A<A<A<Never>>>>>>> target8 = fsource;
+//                                     ^^^^^^^
+// [analyzer] unspecified
+// [cfe] unspecified
+  F<G<A<A<Null>>>> target9 = fsource;
 //                           ^^^^^^^
 // [analyzer] unspecified
 // [cfe] unspecified
-  F<G<A<A<A<Null>>>>> target9 = fsource;
-//                              ^^^^^^^
+  F<G<A<A<A<Null>>>>> target10 = fsource;
+//                               ^^^^^^^
 // [analyzer] unspecified
 // [cfe] unspecified
-  F<G<A<A<A<A<Null>>>>>> target10 = fsource;
+  F<G<A<A<A<A<Null>>>>>> target11 = fsource;
 //                                  ^^^^^^^
 // [analyzer] unspecified
 // [cfe] unspecified