blob: e0a31d209fcb4ea8db2f9a44b8b5b9856324b058 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @description <select> selection test for scrolling.
import "dart:html";
import "../../testcommon.dart";
import "../../../Utils/async_utils.dart";
main() {
var parent = document.createElement('div');
parent.innerHtml = '<select id="sl1" multiple size=5>'
+ '<option>one</option>'
+ '<option>two</option>'
+ '<option>three</option>'
+ '<option>four</option>'
+ '<option>five</option>'
+ '<option>six</option>'
+ '<option>seven</option>'
+ '<option>eight</option>'
+ '<option>nine</option>'
+ '<option>ten</option>'
+ '<option>eleven</option>'
+ '<option>twelve</option>'
+ '<option>thirteen</option>'
+ '<option>fourteen</option>'
+ '<option>fifteen</option>'
+ '<option>sixteen</option>'
+ '<option>seventeen</option>'
+ '</select>'
+ '<select id="sl2" multiple style="height: 135px; border: 10px solid; padding: 5px;">'
+ '<option>one</option>'
+ '<option>two</option>'
+ '<option>three</option>'
+ '</select>';
// Determine the item height.
var sl1 = document.getElementById('sl1');
var sl2 = document.getElementById('sl2');
var itemHeight = floor(sl1.offsetHeight / sl1.size);
var height = itemHeight * 9 + 9;
sl1.setAttribute('style', 'height: ${height}px; border: 10px solid; padding: 5px;');
mouseDownOnSelect(selId, index) {
debug('Testing $selId $index');
var sl = document.getElementById(selId);
var borderPaddingTop = 15;
var borderPaddingLeft = 15;
var y = index * itemHeight + itemHeight ~/ 3 - window.pageYOffset + borderPaddingTop;
var event = new MouseEvent("mousedown", canBubble: true, cancelable: true,
view: window, detail: 1,
screenX: sl.offsetLeft + borderPaddingLeft, screenY: sl.offsetTop + y,
clientX: sl.offsetLeft + borderPaddingLeft, clientY: sl.offsetTop + y,
ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false,
button: 0, relatedTarget: document);
//event.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, document.defaultView, 1, sl.offsetLeft + borderPaddingLeft, sl.offsetTop + y, sl.offsetLeft + borderPaddingLeft, sl.offsetTop + y, false, false, false, false, 0, document);
selectionPattern(selectId) {
var select = document.getElementById(selectId);
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++)
result += select.options[i].selected ? '1' : '0';
return result;
mouseDownOnSelect("sl1", 0);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl1"), "10000000000000000");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl1", 1);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl1"), "01000000000000000");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl1", 6);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl1"), "00000010000000000");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl1", 7);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl1"), "00000001000000000");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl1", 8);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl1"), "00000001000000000");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl1", 0);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl1"), "01000000000000000");
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++)
mouseDownOnSelect("sl1", 7);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl1"), "00000000000000001");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl2", 1);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl2"), "010");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl2", 3);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl2"), "010");
mouseDownOnSelect("sl2", 2);
shouldBe(selectionPattern("sl2"), "001");