blob: bc05c15dc2e697abd26602e3e911ac84a1738678 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Dart supports two levels of privacy: public and private.
* A declaration is private iff its name begins with an underscore (the _ character)
* otherwise it is public.
* A declaration m is accessible to library L if m is declared in L or if m is public.
* @description Checks that various private class members are perfectly accessible to a subclass
* that is declared in the same script.
* @static-warning
* @author iefremov
* @reviewer kaigorodov
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
abstract class _A {
var _var = 54;
static var _staticvar = "abyrvalg";
final _finalvar = "final!";
_fun() {return 42;}
static _staticfun() {return 54;}
_A() {}
_A.named() {}
factory _A.fctry() {throw 2;}
get _getter {return 100500;}
void set _setter(x) {throw 1;}
class B extends _A { /// static type warning Concrete class has unimplemented member
test() {
Expect.equals(54, super._var);
Expect.equals(54, _var);
Expect.equals("abyrvalg", _A._staticvar);
Expect.equals("final!", super._finalvar);
Expect.equals("final!", _finalvar);
Expect.equals(42, super._fun());
Expect.equals(42, _fun());
Expect.equals(54, _A._staticfun());
try {
_abstractfun();"NoSuchMethodError expected.");
} on NoSuchMethodError catch(ok){}
try {
super._abstractfun();"NoSuchMethodError expected.");
} on NoSuchMethodError catch(ok){}
Expect.equals(100500, _getter);
Expect.equals(100500, super._getter);
try {
_setter = 1;
} on int catch(ok) {
Expect.equals(1, ok);
try {
super._setter = 1;
} on int catch(ok) {
Expect.equals(1, ok);
main() {
new B().test();