blob: 6d60a89ab729f499f49198b9d7a4dae79648ed84 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The static type of e is determined as follows:
* - If d is a class, type alias or type parameter the static type of e is Type.
* - If d is a local variable or formal parameter the static type of e is the
* type of the variable id, unless id is known to have some type T, in which
* case the static type of e is T, provided that T is more specic than any
* other type S such that v is known to have type S.
* - If d is a static method, top-level function or local function the static
* type of e the function type defined by d.
* - If d is the declaration of a static variable or static getter declared in
* class C, the static type of e the static type of the getter invocation
* - If d is the declaration of a library variable or top-level getter, the
* static type of e is the static type of the getter invocation id.
* - Otherwise, if e occurs inside a top level or static function (be it
* function, method, getter, or setter) or variable initializer, the static
* type of e is dynamic.
* - Otherwise, the static type of e is the type of the property extraction
* @description Checks that if d is the declaration of a library variable or
* top-level getter, the static type of e is the static type of the getter
* invocation id.
* @static-clean
* @author ilya
int x = 0;
int get y => 1;
main () {
int i;
i = x;
i = y;