blob: 8c839dd2ef8cda06fb7f85eb2c07709b7119ac2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion A symbol literal denotes the name of a declaration in a Dart
/// program.
/// symbolLiteral:
/// `#' (operator | (identifier (`.' identifier)*))
/// ;
/// A symbol literal #id where id does not begin with an underscore (_) is
/// equivalent to the expression const Symbol(id).
/// A symbol literal #_id evaluates to the object that would be returned by
/// the call mirror.getPrivateSymbol(id) where mirror is an instance of the
/// class LibraryMirror defined in the library dart:mirrors, reflecting the
/// current library.
/// @description Checks that symbol literal of the kind #operator can be used
/// and it is equivalent to corresponding const Symbol object.
/// @author ilya
import '../../../Utils/expect.dart';
main() {
Expect.identical(const Symbol('~'), #~);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('=='), #==);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('[]'), #[]);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('[]='), #[]=);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('*'), #*);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('/'), #/);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('%'), #%);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('~/'), #~/);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('+'), #+);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('-'), #-);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('<<'), #<<);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('>>'), #>>);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('<'), #<);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('<='), #<=);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('>'), #>);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('>='), #>=);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('&'), #&);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('^'), #^);
Expect.identical(const Symbol('|'), #|);