blob: fea2751d287f974314afcc20b68a07aa337cd613 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The following names are allowed for user-defined operators:
* <, >, <=, >=, ==, -, +, /, ˜/, *, %, |, ˆ, &, <<, >>, >>>, []=, [], ˜.
* @description Checks that the listed operators may indeed be defined in a
* user class.
* @author vasya
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=triple-shift
import "../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
class C {
int value;
C(int i) {
value = i;
operator +(C other) {
return value + other.value;
operator -(C other) {
return value - other.value;
operator /(C other) {
return value / other.value;
operator *(C other) {
return value * other.value;
operator %(C other) {
return value % other.value;
operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is C) {
return value == other.value;
return false;
operator <(C other) {
return value < other.value;
operator >(C other) {
return value > other.value;
operator <=(C other) {
return value <= other.value;
operator >=(C other) {
return value >= other.value;
operator |(C other) {
return value | other.value;
operator ^(C other) {
return value ^ other.value;
operator &(C other) {
return value & other.value;
operator <<(C other) {
return value << other.value;
operator >>(C other) {
return value >> other.value;
operator >>>(C other) {
return value >>> other.value;
operator ~/(C other) {
return value ~/ other.value;
operator [](int index) {
return value + index;
operator []=(int index, int val) {
value = val;
operator ~() {
return ~value;
operator -() {
return -value;
main() {
C c1 = new C(7);
C c2 = new C(2);
Expect.equals(9, c1 + c2);
Expect.equals(5, c1 - c2);
Expect.equals(3.5, c1 / c2);
Expect.equals(3, c1 ~/ c2);
Expect.equals(14, c1 * c2);
Expect.equals(1, c1 % c2);
Expect.isFalse(c1 == c2);
Expect.isFalse(c1 < c2);
Expect.isTrue(c1 > c2);
Expect.isFalse(c1 <= c2);
Expect.isTrue(c1 >= c2);
Expect.equals(7, (c1 | c2));
Expect.equals(5, (c1 ^ c2));
Expect.equals(2, (c1 & c2));
Expect.equals(28, (c1 << c2));
Expect.equals(1, (c1 >> c2));
Expect.equals(1, (c1 >>> c2));
Expect.equals(~7, ~c1);
Expect.equals(-2, -c2);
Expect.equals(true, c1 == c1);
Expect.equals(false, c1 == c2);
c1[0] = 777;
Expect.equals(777, c1[0]);
c2[-100] = 99;
Expect.equals(-1, c2[-100]);