blob: 6365408f4cbbd95c971bec33924e831a7596d3fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// @assertion Switch statements and expressions with a sealed class as a
/// matched type are always exhaustive
/// @description Check that it is no compile-time error if the matched value
/// type of a switch expression is an extension type with a sealed class as a
/// representation type and the set of cases is an exhaustive set of object
/// patterns
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../Patterns/Exhaustiveness/exhaustiveness_lib.dart";
extension type FaceET1<T>(Face<T> _) {}
extension type FaceET2<T>(Face<T> _) implements Face<T> {}
String test1_1(FaceET1 face) => switch (face) {
Jack() => 'Jack',
Queen() => 'Queen',
King(suit: _) => 'King'
String test1_2(FaceET2 face) => switch (face) {
Jack() => 'Jack',
Queen() => 'Queen',
King(suit: _) => 'King'
String test2_1(FaceET1<int> face) => switch (face) {
Jack<num>() => 'Jack',
Queen<int>() => 'Queen',
King<int>(suit: || Suit.diamond || Suit.heart || Suit.spade) =>
String test2_2(FaceET2<int> face) => switch (face) {
Jack<num>() => 'Jack',
Queen<int>() => 'Queen',
King<int>(suit: || Suit.diamond || Suit.heart || Suit.spade) =>
String test3_1<T extends num>(FaceET1<T> face) => switch (face) {
Jack<num>() && Jack<T>(oneEyed: _) => 'Jack',
Queen<num>() => 'Queen',
King<T>() => 'King'
String test3_2<T extends num>(FaceET2<T> face) => switch (face) {
Jack<num>() && Jack<T>(oneEyed: _) => 'Jack',
Queen<num>() => 'Queen',
King<T>() => 'King'
main() {
Expect.equals("King", test1_1(FaceET1(King(;
Expect.equals("King", test1_2(FaceET2(King(;
Expect.equals("King", test2_1(FaceET1(King(;
Expect.equals("King", test2_2(FaceET2(King(;
Expect.equals("King", test3_1<int>(FaceET1(King(;
Expect.equals("King", test3_2<int>(FaceET2(King(;