blob: d5b81849d14735bbd0e377d24df81f6968eca7e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion It is possible to embed expressions within non-raw string
* literals, such that these expressions are evaluated, and the resulting
* values are converted into strings and concatenated with the enclosing
* string. This process is known as string interpolation.
* stringInterpolation:
* '$' '{' expression '}'
* ;
* @description Checks that interpolated strings that are valid according to
* the specification don't produce compile-time errors.
* @author msyabro
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=triple-shift
import 'String_Interpolation_lib.dart';
topFunc(p1, p2) {}
var topVar;
class S {
const S();
class Test {
method() {}
var id = null;
expressions() {
'''${[1, 2, 3]}''';
"${{"key1": 1, "key2": 2}}";
'${() => 1}';
"${(p1, [p2]) {return p1 + p2;}}";
"""${topFunc(1, 2)}""";
"${id = 1}";
'${id *= 2}';
"${id == 1}";
'${identical(1, 2)}';
"${true != false}";
"""${!identical([], [])}""";
//relational expressions
'${5 < 10}';
"${20 >= 0}";
'${0 <= -1}';
"${-9 > -0.0}";
//logical expressions
'${true || false}';
"${false && false}";
//bitwise expressions
'''${1 & 0}''';
'${2 | 20}';
"${10 ^ 10}";
//additional expressions
"${0.5 + 9}";
'${0 - 10}';
//multiplicative expressions
"${id * 100}";
'${2 / 3}';
'''${5 % 1}''';
"""${2 ~/ 2}""";
'${1 + 2 > 3 ? [] : 1 < 3 ? {} : () {}}';
//instance creation
"${new Test()}";
'${const S()}';
'${const {}}';
"${const [1, 2, 3]}";
//shift expressions
'${1 >> 2}';
"${7 << 3}";
//triple shift expressions
'${10 >>> 1}';
//unary expressions
//type test
'${1 is int}';
"${true is! int}";
identifiers() {
var x;
int? i64;
String? _x_;
// from a library imported with no prefix
main() {
var o = new Test();