blob: b8fa6d554e2679585d3751fbf709bb7c24ec44d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The production QuantifierPrefix :: ? evaluates by
* returning the two results 0 and 1.
* @description Checks that this quantifier is applied correctly in various
* scenarios.
* @3rdparty sputnik-v1:S15.10.2.7_A5_T1.js-S15.10.2.7_A5_T12.js
* @author rodionov
import "../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
main() {
check("java(script)?", "state: javascript is an extension of ecma script", 7,
["javascript", "script"]);
check("java(script)?", "state: java and javascript are vastly different", 7,
["java", null]);
"state: both Java and JavaScript used in web development");
check("cd?e", "abcdef", 2, ["cde"]);
check("cdx?e", "abcdef", 2, ["cde"]);
check("o?pqrst", "pqrstuvw", 0, ["pqrst"]);
check("x?y?z?", "abcdef", 0, [""]);
check("x?ay?bz?c", "abcdef", 0, ["abc"]);
check("b?b?b?b", "abbbbc", 1, ["bbbb"]);
check("(b?)(b?)(b?)b", "abbc", 1, ["bb", "b", "", ""]);
check("ab?c?d?x?y?z", "123az789", 3, ["az"]);
check(r"\??\??\??\??\??", "?????", 0, ["?????"]);
check(".?.?.?.?.?.?.?", "test", 0, ["test"]);
void check(String pattern, String str, [int matchPos = -1,
List<String?>? expectedGroups = null]) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(pattern);
Match fm = re.firstMatch(str) as Match;
if(matchPos >= 0) {
Expect.equals(matchPos, fm.start);
if(null != expectedGroups) {
Expect.equals(expectedGroups.length, fm.groupCount + 1);
for(int i = 0; i <= fm.groupCount; i++) {
String? expGr = expectedGroups[i];
String? actGr =;
"Mismatch at group $i: \"$expGr\" expected instead of \"$actGr\"");
void checkNeg(String pattern, String str) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(pattern);
Expect.isNull(re.firstMatch(str), "\"$pattern\" ~ \"$str\"");