blob: 423297a00db2dc2da5bbc38f56665ee7822b971e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The production Assertion :: $ evaluates by returning an
* internal AssertionTester closure that takes a State argument x and performs
* the following:
* <ol>
* <li>Let e be x's endIndex. </li>
* <li>If e is equal to InputLength, return true.</li>
* <li>If multiline is false, return false. </li>
* <li>If the character Input[e] is one of LineTerminator, return true.</li>
* <li>Return false.</li>
* </ol>
* @description Checks that the $ assertion is interpreted correctly.
* @3rdparty sputnik-v1:S15.10.2.6_A1_T1.js-S15.10.2.6_A1_T5.js
* @author rodionov
import "../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
main() {
checkNeg(r"s$", "pairs\nmakes\tdouble");
check(r"e$", "pairs\nmakes\tdouble");
check(r"s$", "pairs\nmakes\tdouble", multiLine: true);
check(r"[^e]$", "pairs\nmakes\tdouble", multiLine: true);
check(r"es$", "pairs\nmakes\tdoubl\u0065s", multiLine: true);
check(r"\$+$", "\$\$\$\$\$\$");
void check(String pattern, String str, {bool multiLine: false,
bool ignoreCase: false}) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(pattern, multiLine: multiLine,
caseSensitive: !ignoreCase);
Expect.isNotNull(re.firstMatch(str), "\"$pattern\" !~ \"$str\"");
void checkNeg(String pattern, String str, {bool multiLine: false,
bool ignoreCase: false}) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(pattern, multiLine: multiLine,
caseSensitive: !ignoreCase);
Expect.isNull(re.firstMatch(str), "\"$pattern\" ~ \"$str\"");