blob: 1e62ee294ef3475530cf5a6d8b384b7a47a3ac11 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Stream<T> asBroadcastStream (
* {void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription),
* void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)})
* Returns a multi-subscription stream that produces the same events as this.
* If onCancel is provided, it is called in a similar way to onListen when
* the returned stream stops having listener. If it later gets a new listener,
* the onListen function is called again.
* @description Checks that subscription to underlying stream can be paused in
* onCancel callback when broadcast stream stops having listeners and resumed
* again in onListen callback when new listeners appear.
* @author ilya
library asBroadcastStream_A04_t03;
import "dart:async";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
void test(CreateStreamFunction create) {
Iterable<int> iterable = new Iterable<int>.generate(100, (int x) => x);
List<int> values = iterable.toList();
Stream<int> s = create(iterable);
bool anySubscribers = false;
bool firstListen = true;
bool streamOpen = true;
var timer;
Stream<int> b = s.asBroadcastStream(
onListen: (StreamSubscription<int> subs) {
if (firstListen)
firstListen = false;
else {
onCancel: (StreamSubscription<int> subs) {
if (streamOpen) {
anySubscribers = false;
} else {
Expect.listEquals([], values);
newSubscription(Stream<int> stream, int n) {
// get n elements and cancel
int count = 0;
StreamSubscription subs = stream.listen(null);
subs.onData((x) {
// remove seen value from list
if (++count == n)
subs.onDone(() {
streamOpen = false;
addSubscribersIfNeeded(_) {
if (streamOpen && !anySubscribers) {
newSubscription(b, 1);
newSubscription(b, 2);
newSubscription(b, 3);
anySubscribers = true;
timer = new Timer.periodic(durationMs(10), addSubscribersIfNeeded);