blob: 0906d8ffcd6537cc21256d10acc1d80675bbddbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion A type T0 is a subtype of a type T1 (written T0 <: T1) when:
* Named Function Types: T0 is U0 Function<X0 extends B00, ..., Xk extends B0k>
* (T0 x0, ..., Tn xn, {Tn+1 xn+1, ..., Tm xm})
* and T1 is U1 Function<Y0 extends B10, ..., Yk extends B1k>(S0 y0, ..., Sn yn,
* {Sn+1 yn+1, ..., Sq yq})
* and {yn+1, ... , yq} subset of {xn+1, ... , xm}
* and Si[Z0/Y0, ..., Zk/Yk] <: Vi[Z0/X0, ..., Zk/Xk] for i in 0...n
* and Si[Z0/Y0, ..., Zk/Yk] <: Tj[Z0/X0, ..., Zk/Xk] for i in n+1...q, yj = xi
* and U0[Z0/X0, ..., Zk/Xk] <: U1[Z0/Y0, ..., Zk/Yk]
* and B0i[Z0/X0, ..., Zk/Xk] === B1i[Z0/Y0, ..., Zk/Yk] for i in 0...k
* where the Zi are fresh type variables with bounds B0i[Z0/X0, ..., Zk/Xk]
* @description Check that if T0 and T1 satisfies the rules above, then T0 is
* subtype of T1. Test generic types
* @author
* @description Check that if type T0 is a subtype of a type T1, then instance
* of T0 can be be assigned to the superclass member of type T1
* @author
* This test is generated from named_function_types_A02.dart and
* class_member_x02.dart.
* Don't modify it. If you want to change this file, change one of the files
* above and then run generator.dart to regenerate the tests.
class A {}
class C extends A {}
class U0<X, Y, Z> extends U1<X, Y, Z> {}
class U1<X, Y, Z> {}
class B0<X, Y, Z> {}
class B1<X, Y, Z> {}
class V0<X, Y, Z> {}
class V1<X, Y, Z> {}
class V2<X, Y, Z> {}
class V3<X, Y, Z> {}
class V4<X, Y, Z> {}
class S0<X, Y, Z> extends V0<X, Y, Z> {}
class S1<X, Y, Z> extends V1<X, Y, Z> {}
class S2<X, Y, Z> extends V2<X, Y, Z> {}
class S3<X, Y, Z> extends V3<X, Y, Z> {}
class X0<X, Y, Z> extends B0<X, Y, Z> {}
class X1<X, Y, Z> extends B1<X, Y, Z> {}
class Y0<X, Y, Z> extends B0<X, Y, Z> {}
class Y1<X, Y, Z> extends B1<X, Y, Z> {}
typedef T0 = U0<C, List<String>, int> Function<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
V0<A, List, num> x0, V1<A, List, num> x1,
{V2<A, List, num>? x2, V3<A, List, num>? x3, V4<A, List, num>? x4});
typedef T1 = U1<A, List, num> Function<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
S0<C, List<String>, int> y0, S1<C, List<String>, int> y1,
{S2<C, List<String>, int>? x2, S3<C, List<String>, int>? x3});
U0<C, List<String>, int> t0Func<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
V0<A, List, num> x0, V1<A, List, num> x1,
{V2<A, List, num>? x2, V3<A, List, num>? x3, V4<A, List, num>? x4}) =>
new U0<C, List<String>, int>();
U1<A, List, num> t1Func<X extends B0, Y extends B1>(
S0<C, List<String>, int> y0, S1<C, List<String>, int> y1,
{S2<C, List<String>, int>? x2, S3<C, List<String>, int>? x3}) =>
new U1<A, List, num>();
T0 t0Instance = t0Func;
T1 t1Instance = t1Func;
const t1Default = t1Func;
class ClassMemberSuper1_t02 {
T1 m = t1Default;
ClassMemberSuper1_t02(dynamic value) {
m = value;
ClassMemberSuper1_t02.named(dynamic value) {
m = value;
void set superSetter(T1 val) {}
class ClassMember1_t02 extends ClassMemberSuper1_t02 {
ClassMember1_t02() : super(t0Instance) {}
ClassMember1_t02.named() : super.named(t0Instance) {}
ClassMember1_t02.short() : super.short(t0Instance);
test() {
m = t0Instance;
superSetter = t0Instance;
main() {
ClassMember1_t02 c1 = new ClassMember1_t02();
c1 = new ClassMember1_t02.short();
c1 = new ClassMember1_t02.named();
c1.m = t0Instance;
c1.superSetter = t0Instance;