blob: c3fdbf8f88f2ca857f6018ba6f7b33c773a5fb29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion We say that a type T0 is a subtype of a type T1 (written T0 <: T1)
* when:
* Left Type Variable Bound: T0 is a type variable X0 with bound B0
* and B0 <: T1
* @description Check that if T0 is a type variable X0 with bound B0 and
* B0 <: T1 then T0 is a subtype of a type T1
* @author
* @description Check that if type T0 is a subtype of a type T1, then instance
* of T0 can be be assigned to the mixin member of type T1
* @author
* This test is generated from left_type_variable_bound_A01.dart and
* class_member_x03.dart.
* Don't modify it. If you want to change this file, change one of the files
* above and then run generator.dart to regenerate the tests.
class T1 {
const T1();
class B0 extends T1 {}
class X0 extends B0 {}
X0 t0Instance = new X0();
T1 t1Instance = new T1();
const t1Default = const T1();
class ClassMemberMixin1_t03 {
T1 m = t1Default;
void set superSetter(dynamic val) {}
class ClassMember1_t03 extends Object with ClassMemberMixin1_t03 {
test() {
m = t0Instance;
superSetter = t0Instance;
main() {
ClassMember1_t03 c1 = new ClassMember1_t03();
c1.m = t0Instance;
c1.superSetter = t0Instance;