blob: 88094bd780b515b89a8a1135829eddecbdb6f668 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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* @assertion N/A
* @description Checks that triple right shift argument cannot be negative and
* cause compile time error if this is a constant expression (see co19 Issue
* #355 for more details)
* @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=triple-shift
main() {
const int i1 = 12345;
const int i2 = -11;
const int i3 = -12345;
const res1 = i1 >>> i2; //# 01: compile-time error
const res2 = i1 >>> i3; //# 02: compile-time error
const res3 = i2 >>> i3; //# 03: compile-time error
const res4 = i3 >>> i2; //# 04: compile-time error
const res5 = i1 >>> -2; //# 05: compile-time error
const res6 = 2000 >>> i3; //# 06: compile-time error
const res7 = 2000 >>> -14; //# 07: compile-time error