blob: 07aa1729b819a094cdc818d2fd900de47016109e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Execution of a generative constructor k is always done with
* respect to a set of bindings for its formal parameters and with this bound
* to a fresh instance i and the type parameters of the immediately enclosing
* class bound to a set of actual type arguments V1, ... , Vm.
* If k is redirecting then its redirect clause has the form
* this.g(a1, ..., an, xn+1: an+1, ..., xn+k: an+k)
* where g identifies another generative constructor of the immediately
* surrounding class. Then execution of k proceeds by evaluating the argument
* list (a1, ..., an, xn+1: an+1, ..., xn+k: an+k) and then executing g with
* respect to the bindings resulting from the evaluation of (a1, ..., an, xn+1:
* an+1, ..., xn+k: an+k) and with this bound to i and the type parameters of
* the immediately enclosing class bound to V1, ... , Vm.
* Otherwise, execution proceeds as follows:
* Any initializing formals declared in k's parameter list are executed in the
* order they appear in the program text. Then, k's initializers are executed
* in the order they appear in the program.
* After all the initializers have completed, the body of k is executed in a
* scope where this is bound to i. Execution of the body begins with execution
* of the body of the superconstructor with this bound to i, the type
* parameters of the immediately enclosing class bound to a set of actual type
* arguments V1, ... , Vm and the formal parameter bindings determined by the
* argument list of the superinitializer of k.
* @description Checks that 'this' is not accessible in initializers and an
* unqualified invocation of an instance method in an initializer results in a
* compile-time error. According to (Expressions/Function Invocation/Unqualied
* Invocation), such unqualified invocation in the presence of an appropriately
* named instance method is interpreted as ordinary method invocation and
* attempts to access this.
* @compile-error
* @author iefremov
class C {
C() : v = f() {}
f() {
throw new C();
var v;
main() {
new C();