blob: bcb0faac038bc70cbff6d5a4c32fb331638086f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' as pkg_collection;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'null_span.dart';
import 'style.dart';
import 'yaml_node.dart';
/// A wrapper that makes a normal Dart map behave like a [YamlMap].
class YamlMapWrapper extends MapBase
with pkg_collection.UnmodifiableMapMixin
implements YamlMap {
final CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.ANY;
final Map _dartMap;
final SourceSpan span;
final Map<dynamic, YamlNode> nodes;
Map get value => this;
Iterable get keys => _dartMap.keys;
YamlMapWrapper(Map dartMap, sourceUrl)
: this._(dartMap, new NullSpan(sourceUrl));
YamlMapWrapper._(Map dartMap, SourceSpan span)
: _dartMap = dartMap,
span = span,
nodes = new _YamlMapNodes(dartMap, span);
operator [](Object key) {
var value = _dartMap[key];
if (value is Map) return new YamlMapWrapper._(value, span);
if (value is List) return new YamlListWrapper._(value, span);
return value;
int get hashCode => _dartMap.hashCode;
operator ==(Object other) =>
other is YamlMapWrapper && other._dartMap == _dartMap;
/// The implementation of [YamlMapWrapper.nodes] as a wrapper around the Dart
/// map.
class _YamlMapNodes extends MapBase<dynamic, YamlNode>
with pkg_collection.UnmodifiableMapMixin<dynamic, YamlNode> {
final Map _dartMap;
final SourceSpan _span;
Iterable get keys => => new YamlScalar.internalWithSpan(key, _span));
_YamlMapNodes(this._dartMap, this._span);
YamlNode operator [](Object key) {
// Use "as" here because key being assigned to invalidates type propagation.
if (key is YamlScalar) key = (key as YamlScalar).value;
if (!_dartMap.containsKey(key)) return null;
return _nodeForValue(_dartMap[key], _span);
int get hashCode => _dartMap.hashCode;
operator ==(Object other) =>
other is _YamlMapNodes && other._dartMap == _dartMap;
// TODO(nweiz): Use UnmodifiableListMixin when issue 18970 is fixed.
/// A wrapper that makes a normal Dart list behave like a [YamlList].
class YamlListWrapper extends ListBase implements YamlList {
final CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.ANY;
final List _dartList;
final SourceSpan span;
final List<YamlNode> nodes;
List get value => this;
int get length => _dartList.length;
set length(int index) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable List.");
YamlListWrapper(List dartList, sourceUrl)
: this._(dartList, new NullSpan(sourceUrl));
YamlListWrapper._(List dartList, SourceSpan span)
: _dartList = dartList,
span = span,
nodes = new _YamlListNodes(dartList, span);
operator [](int index) {
var value = _dartList[index];
if (value is Map) return new YamlMapWrapper._(value, span);
if (value is List) return new YamlListWrapper._(value, span);
return value;
operator []=(int index, value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable List.");
int get hashCode => _dartList.hashCode;
operator ==(Object other) =>
other is YamlListWrapper && other._dartList == _dartList;
// TODO(nweiz): Use UnmodifiableListMixin when issue 18970 is fixed.
/// The implementation of [YamlListWrapper.nodes] as a wrapper around the Dart
/// list.
class _YamlListNodes extends ListBase<YamlNode> {
final List _dartList;
final SourceSpan _span;
int get length => _dartList.length;
set length(int index) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable List.");
_YamlListNodes(this._dartList, this._span);
YamlNode operator [](int index) => _nodeForValue(_dartList[index], _span);
operator []=(int index, value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable List.");
int get hashCode => _dartList.hashCode;
operator ==(Object other) =>
other is _YamlListNodes && other._dartList == _dartList;
YamlNode _nodeForValue(value, SourceSpan span) {
if (value is Map) return new YamlMapWrapper._(value, span);
if (value is List) return new YamlListWrapper._(value, span);
return new YamlScalar.internalWithSpan(value, span);