blob: 7190c818031e1e5c68c481b4dc3b7ed20fe289d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection' as collection;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'event.dart';
import 'null_span.dart';
import 'style.dart';
import 'yaml_node_wrapper.dart';
/// An interface for parsed nodes from a YAML source tree.
/// [YamlMap]s and [YamlList]s implement this interface in addition to the
/// normal [Map] and [List] interfaces, so any maps and lists will be
/// [YamlNode]s regardless of how they're accessed.
/// Scalars values like strings and numbers, on the other hand, don't have this
/// interface by default. Instead, they can be accessed as [YamlScalar]s via
/// [YamlMap.nodes] or [YamlList.nodes].
abstract class YamlNode {
/// The source span for this node.
/// [SourceSpan.message] can be used to produce a human-friendly message about
/// this node.
SourceSpan get span => _span;
SourceSpan _span;
/// The inner value of this node.
/// For [YamlScalar]s, this will return the wrapped value. For [YamlMap] and
/// [YamlList], it will return [this], since they already implement [Map] and
/// [List], respectively.
get value;
/// A read-only [Map] parsed from YAML.
class YamlMap extends YamlNode with collection.MapMixin, UnmodifiableMapMixin {
/// A view of [this] where the keys and values are guaranteed to be
/// [YamlNode]s.
/// The key type is `dynamic` to allow values to be accessed using
/// non-[YamlNode] keys, but [Map.keys] and [Map.forEach] will always expose
/// them as [YamlNode]s. For example, for `{"foo": [1, 2, 3]}` [nodes] will be
/// a map from a [YamlScalar] to a [YamlList], but since the key type is
/// `dynamic` `map.nodes["foo"]` will still work.
final Map<dynamic, YamlNode> nodes;
/// The style used for the map in the original document.
final CollectionStyle style;
Map get value => this;
Iterable get keys => => node.value);
/// Creates an empty YamlMap.
/// This map's [span] won't have useful location information. However, it will
/// have a reasonable implementation of [SourceSpan.message]. If [sourceUrl]
/// is passed, it's used as the [SourceSpan.sourceUrl].
/// [sourceUrl] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`.
factory YamlMap({sourceUrl}) => new YamlMapWrapper(const {}, sourceUrl);
/// Wraps a Dart map so that it can be accessed (recursively) like a
/// [YamlMap].
/// Any [SourceSpan]s returned by this map or its children will be dummies
/// without useful location information. However, they will have a reasonable
/// implementation of [SourceSpan.getLocationMessage]. If [sourceUrl] is
/// passed, it's used as the [SourceSpan.sourceUrl].
/// [sourceUrl] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`.
factory YamlMap.wrap(Map dartMap, {sourceUrl}) =>
new YamlMapWrapper(dartMap, sourceUrl);
/// Users of the library should not use this constructor.
YamlMap.internal(Map<dynamic, YamlNode> nodes, SourceSpan span,
: nodes = new UnmodifiableMapView<dynamic, YamlNode>(nodes) {
_span = span;
operator [](key) {
var node = nodes[key];
return node == null ? null : node.value;
// TODO(nweiz): Use UnmodifiableListMixin when issue 18970 is fixed.
/// A read-only [List] parsed from YAML.
class YamlList extends YamlNode with collection.ListMixin {
final List<YamlNode> nodes;
/// The style used for the list in the original document.
final CollectionStyle style;
List get value => this;
int get length => nodes.length;
set length(int index) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable List");
/// Creates an empty YamlList.
/// This list's [span] won't have useful location information. However, it
/// will have a reasonable implementation of [SourceSpan.message]. If
/// [sourceUrl] is passed, it's used as the [SourceSpan.sourceUrl].
/// [sourceUrl] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`.
factory YamlList({sourceUrl}) => new YamlListWrapper(const [], sourceUrl);
/// Wraps a Dart list so that it can be accessed (recursively) like a
/// [YamlList].
/// Any [SourceSpan]s returned by this list or its children will be dummies
/// without useful location information. However, they will have a reasonable
/// implementation of [SourceSpan.getLocationMessage]. If [sourceUrl] is
/// passed, it's used as the [SourceSpan.sourceUrl].
/// [sourceUrl] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`.
factory YamlList.wrap(List dartList, {sourceUrl}) =>
new YamlListWrapper(dartList, sourceUrl);
/// Users of the library should not use this constructor.
YamlList.internal(List<YamlNode> nodes, SourceSpan span,
: nodes = new UnmodifiableListView<YamlNode>(nodes) {
_span = span;
operator [](int index) => nodes[index].value;
operator []=(int index, value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable List");
/// A wrapped scalar value parsed from YAML.
class YamlScalar extends YamlNode {
final value;
/// The style used for the scalar in the original document.
final ScalarStyle style;
/// Wraps a Dart value in a [YamlScalar].
/// This scalar's [span] won't have useful location information. However, it
/// will have a reasonable implementation of [SourceSpan.message]. If
/// [sourceUrl] is passed, it's used as the [SourceSpan.sourceUrl].
/// [sourceUrl] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`.
YamlScalar.wrap(this.value, {sourceUrl}) : style = ScalarStyle.ANY {
_span = new NullSpan(sourceUrl);
/// Users of the library should not use this constructor.
YamlScalar.internal(this.value, ScalarEvent scalar) : style = {
_span = scalar.span;
/// Users of the library should not use this constructor.
YamlScalar.internalWithSpan(this.value, SourceSpan span)
: style = ScalarStyle.ANY {
_span = span;
String toString() => value.toString();
/// Sets the source span of a [YamlNode].
/// This method is not exposed publicly.
void setSpan(YamlNode node, SourceSpan span) {
node._span = span;