blob: 5c1e72908100649f90424e9f027f23967496d441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Kirill Simonov.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
import 'src/error_listener.dart';
import 'src/loader.dart';
import 'src/style.dart';
import 'src/yaml_document.dart';
import 'src/yaml_exception.dart';
import 'src/yaml_node.dart';
export 'src/style.dart';
export 'src/utils.dart' show YamlWarningCallback, yamlWarningCallback;
export 'src/yaml_document.dart';
export 'src/yaml_exception.dart';
export 'src/yaml_node.dart' hide setSpan;
/// Loads a single document from a YAML string.
/// If the string contains more than one document, this throws a
/// [YamlException]. In future releases, this will become an [ArgumentError].
/// The return value is mostly normal Dart objects. However, since YAML mappings
/// support some key types that the default Dart map implementation doesn't
/// (NaN, lists, and maps), all maps in the returned document are [YamlMap]s.
/// These have a few small behavioral differences from the default Map
/// implementation; for details, see the [YamlMap] class.
/// In future versions, maps will instead be [HashMap]s with a custom equality
/// operation.
/// If [sourceUrl] is passed, it's used as the URL from which the YAML
/// originated for error reporting.
/// If [recover] is true, will attempt to recover from parse errors and may return
/// invalid or synthetic nodes. If [errorListener] is also supplied, its onError
/// method will be called for each error recovered from. It is not valid to
/// provide [errorListener] if [recover] is false.
dynamic loadYaml(String yaml,
{Uri? sourceUrl, bool recover = false, ErrorListener? errorListener}) =>
sourceUrl: sourceUrl,
recover: recover,
errorListener: errorListener)
/// Loads a single document from a YAML string as a [YamlNode].
/// This is just like [loadYaml], except that where [loadYaml] would return a
/// normal Dart value this returns a [YamlNode] instead. This allows the caller
/// to be confident that the return value will always be a [YamlNode].
YamlNode loadYamlNode(String yaml,
{Uri? sourceUrl, bool recover = false, ErrorListener? errorListener}) =>
sourceUrl: sourceUrl,
recover: recover,
errorListener: errorListener)
/// Loads a single document from a YAML string as a [YamlDocument].
/// This is just like [loadYaml], except that where [loadYaml] would return a
/// normal Dart value this returns a [YamlDocument] instead. This allows the
/// caller to access document metadata.
YamlDocument loadYamlDocument(String yaml,
{Uri? sourceUrl, bool recover = false, ErrorListener? errorListener}) {
var loader = Loader(yaml,
sourceUrl: sourceUrl, recover: recover, errorListener: errorListener);
var document = loader.load();
if (document == null) {
return YamlDocument.internal(YamlScalar.internalWithSpan(null, loader.span),
loader.span, null, const []);
var nextDocument = loader.load();
if (nextDocument != null) {
throw YamlException('Only expected one document.', nextDocument.span);
return document;
/// Loads a stream of documents from a YAML string.
/// The return value is mostly normal Dart objects. However, since YAML mappings
/// support some key types that the default Dart map implementation doesn't
/// (NaN, lists, and maps), all maps in the returned document are [YamlMap]s.
/// These have a few small behavioral differences from the default Map
/// implementation; for details, see the [YamlMap] class.
/// In future versions, maps will instead be [HashMap]s with a custom equality
/// operation.
/// If [sourceUrl] is passed, it's used as the URL from which the YAML
/// originated for error reporting.
YamlList loadYamlStream(String yaml, {Uri? sourceUrl}) {
var loader = Loader(yaml, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
var documents = <YamlDocument>[];
var document = loader.load();
while (document != null) {
document = loader.load();
// TODO(jmesserly): the type on the `document` parameter is a workaround for:
return YamlList.internal( document) => document.contents).toList(),
/// Loads a stream of documents from a YAML string.
/// This is like [loadYamlStream], except that it returns [YamlDocument]s with
/// metadata wrapping the document contents.
List<YamlDocument> loadYamlDocuments(String yaml, {Uri? sourceUrl}) {
var loader = Loader(yaml, sourceUrl: sourceUrl);
var documents = <YamlDocument>[];
var document = loader.load();
while (document != null) {
document = loader.load();
return documents;