blob: 4ec601733077e0162c47ebda985df3f99420bd60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Kirill Simonov.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:yaml/src/error_listener.dart';
import 'charcodes.dart';
import 'equality.dart';
import 'event.dart';
import 'parser.dart';
import 'yaml_document.dart';
import 'yaml_exception.dart';
import 'yaml_node.dart';
/// A loader that reads [Event]s emitted by a [Parser] and emits
/// [YamlDocument]s.
/// This is based on the libyaml loader, available at
/// The license for
/// that is available in ../../libyaml-license.txt.
class Loader {
/// The underlying [Parser] that generates [Event]s.
final Parser _parser;
/// Aliases by the alias name.
final _aliases = <String, YamlNode>{};
/// The span of the entire stream emitted so far.
FileSpan get span => _span;
FileSpan _span;
/// Creates a loader that loads [source].
factory Loader(String source,
{Uri? sourceUrl, bool recover = false, ErrorListener? errorListener}) {
var parser = Parser(source,
sourceUrl: sourceUrl, recover: recover, errorListener: errorListener);
var event = parser.parse();
assert(event.type == EventType.streamStart);
return Loader._(parser, event.span);
Loader._(this._parser, this._span);
/// Loads the next document from the stream.
/// If there are no more documents, returns `null`.
YamlDocument? load() {
if (_parser.isDone) return null;
var event = _parser.parse();
if (event.type == EventType.streamEnd) {
_span = _span.expand(event.span);
return null;
var document = _loadDocument(event as DocumentStartEvent);
_span = _span.expand(document.span as FileSpan);
return document;
/// Composes a document object.
YamlDocument _loadDocument(DocumentStartEvent firstEvent) {
var contents = _loadNode(_parser.parse());
var lastEvent = _parser.parse() as DocumentEndEvent;
assert(lastEvent.type == EventType.documentEnd);
return YamlDocument.internal(
startImplicit: firstEvent.isImplicit,
endImplicit: lastEvent.isImplicit);
/// Composes a node.
YamlNode _loadNode(Event firstEvent) {
switch (firstEvent.type) {
case EventType.alias:
return _loadAlias(firstEvent as AliasEvent);
case EventType.scalar:
return _loadScalar(firstEvent as ScalarEvent);
case EventType.sequenceStart:
return _loadSequence(firstEvent as SequenceStartEvent);
case EventType.mappingStart:
return _loadMapping(firstEvent as MappingStartEvent);
throw 'Unreachable';
/// Registers an anchor.
void _registerAnchor(String? anchor, YamlNode node) {
if (anchor == null) return;
// libyaml throws an error for duplicate anchors, but example 7.1 makes it
// clear that they should be overridden:
_aliases[anchor] = node;
/// Composes a node corresponding to an alias.
YamlNode _loadAlias(AliasEvent event) {
var alias = _aliases[];
if (alias != null) return alias;
throw YamlException('Undefined alias.', event.span);
/// Composes a scalar node.
YamlNode _loadScalar(ScalarEvent scalar) {
YamlNode node;
if (scalar.tag == '!') {
node = YamlScalar.internal(scalar.value, scalar);
} else if (scalar.tag != null) {
node = _parseByTag(scalar);
} else {
node = _parseScalar(scalar);
_registerAnchor(scalar.anchor, node);
return node;
/// Composes a sequence node.
YamlNode _loadSequence(SequenceStartEvent firstEvent) {
if (firstEvent.tag != '!' &&
firstEvent.tag != null &&
firstEvent.tag != ',2002:seq') {
throw YamlException('Invalid tag for sequence.', firstEvent.span);
var children = <YamlNode>[];
var node = YamlList.internal(children, firstEvent.span,;
_registerAnchor(firstEvent.anchor, node);
var event = _parser.parse();
while (event.type != EventType.sequenceEnd) {
event = _parser.parse();
setSpan(node, firstEvent.span.expand(event.span));
return node;
/// Composes a mapping node.
YamlNode _loadMapping(MappingStartEvent firstEvent) {
if (firstEvent.tag != '!' &&
firstEvent.tag != null &&
firstEvent.tag != ',2002:map') {
throw YamlException('Invalid tag for mapping.', firstEvent.span);
var children = deepEqualsMap<dynamic, YamlNode>();
var node = YamlMap.internal(children, firstEvent.span,;
_registerAnchor(firstEvent.anchor, node);
var event = _parser.parse();
while (event.type != EventType.mappingEnd) {
var key = _loadNode(event);
var value = _loadNode(_parser.parse());
if (children.containsKey(key)) {
throw YamlException('Duplicate mapping key.', key.span);
children[key] = value;
event = _parser.parse();
setSpan(node, firstEvent.span.expand(event.span));
return node;
/// Parses a scalar according to its tag name.
YamlScalar _parseByTag(ScalarEvent scalar) {
switch (scalar.tag) {
case ',2002:null':
var result = _parseNull(scalar);
if (result != null) return result;
throw YamlException('Invalid null scalar.', scalar.span);
case ',2002:bool':
var result = _parseBool(scalar);
if (result != null) return result;
throw YamlException('Invalid bool scalar.', scalar.span);
case ',2002:int':
var result = _parseNumber(scalar, allowFloat: false);
if (result != null) return result;
throw YamlException('Invalid int scalar.', scalar.span);
case ',2002:float':
var result = _parseNumber(scalar, allowInt: false);
if (result != null) return result;
throw YamlException('Invalid float scalar.', scalar.span);
case ',2002:str':
return YamlScalar.internal(scalar.value, scalar);
throw YamlException('Undefined tag: ${scalar.tag}.', scalar.span);
/// Parses [scalar], which may be one of several types.
YamlScalar _parseScalar(ScalarEvent scalar) =>
_tryParseScalar(scalar) ?? YamlScalar.internal(scalar.value, scalar);
/// Tries to parse [scalar].
/// If parsing fails, this returns `null`, indicating that the scalar should
/// be parsed as a string.
YamlScalar? _tryParseScalar(ScalarEvent scalar) {
// Quickly check for the empty string, which means null.
var length = scalar.value.length;
if (length == 0) return YamlScalar.internal(null, scalar);
// Dispatch on the first character.
var firstChar = scalar.value.codeUnitAt(0);
switch (firstChar) {
case $dot:
case $plus:
case $minus:
return _parseNumber(scalar);
case $n:
case $N:
return length == 4 ? _parseNull(scalar) : null;
case $t:
case $T:
return length == 4 ? _parseBool(scalar) : null;
case $f:
case $F:
return length == 5 ? _parseBool(scalar) : null;
case $tilde:
return length == 1 ? YamlScalar.internal(null, scalar) : null;
if (firstChar >= $0 && firstChar <= $9) return _parseNumber(scalar);
return null;
/// Parse a null scalar.
/// Returns a Dart `null` if parsing fails.
YamlScalar? _parseNull(ScalarEvent scalar) {
switch (scalar.value) {
case '':
case 'null':
case 'Null':
case 'NULL':
case '~':
return YamlScalar.internal(null, scalar);
return null;
/// Parse a boolean scalar.
/// Returns `null` if parsing fails.
YamlScalar? _parseBool(ScalarEvent scalar) {
switch (scalar.value) {
case 'true':
case 'True':
case 'TRUE':
return YamlScalar.internal(true, scalar);
case 'false':
case 'False':
case 'FALSE':
return YamlScalar.internal(false, scalar);
return null;
/// Parses a numeric scalar.
/// Returns `null` if parsing fails.
YamlScalar? _parseNumber(ScalarEvent scalar,
{bool allowInt = true, bool allowFloat = true}) {
var value = _parseNumberValue(scalar.value,
allowInt: allowInt, allowFloat: allowFloat);
return value == null ? null : YamlScalar.internal(value, scalar);
/// Parses the value of a number.
/// Returns the number if it's parsed successfully, or `null` if it's not.
num? _parseNumberValue(String contents,
{bool allowInt = true, bool allowFloat = true}) {
assert(allowInt || allowFloat);
var firstChar = contents.codeUnitAt(0);
var length = contents.length;
// Quick check for single digit integers.
if (allowInt && length == 1) {
var value = firstChar - $0;
return value >= 0 && value <= 9 ? value : null;
var secondChar = contents.codeUnitAt(1);
// Hexadecimal or octal integers.
if (allowInt && firstChar == $0) {
// int.tryParse supports 0x natively.
if (secondChar == $x) return int.tryParse(contents);
if (secondChar == $o) {
var afterRadix = contents.substring(2);
return int.tryParse(afterRadix, radix: 8);
// Int or float starting with a digit or a +/- sign.
if ((firstChar >= $0 && firstChar <= $9) ||
((firstChar == $plus || firstChar == $minus) &&
secondChar >= $0 &&
secondChar <= $9)) {
// Try to parse an int or, failing that, a double.
num? result;
if (allowInt) {
// Pass "radix: 10" explicitly to ensure that "-0x10", which is valid
// Dart but invalid YAML, doesn't get parsed.
result = int.tryParse(contents, radix: 10);
if (allowFloat) result ??= double.tryParse(contents);
return result;
if (!allowFloat) return null;
// Now the only possibility is to parse a float starting with a dot or a
// sign and a dot, or the signed/unsigned infinity values and not-a-numbers.
if ((firstChar == $dot && secondChar >= $0 && secondChar <= $9) ||
(firstChar == $minus || firstChar == $plus) && secondChar == $dot) {
// Starting with a . and a number or a sign followed by a dot.
if (length == 5) {
switch (contents) {
case '+.inf':
case '+.Inf':
case '+.INF':
return double.infinity;
case '-.inf':
case '-.Inf':
case '-.INF':
return -double.infinity;
return double.tryParse(contents);
if (length == 4 && firstChar == $dot) {
switch (contents) {
case '.inf':
case '.Inf':
case '.INF':
return double.infinity;
case '.nan':
case '.NaN':
case '.NAN':
return double.nan;
return null;