blob: 0cf19cd0846c3b399cffb3baf8d394c24ca7b0cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Kirill Simonov.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'style.dart';
import 'yaml_document.dart';
/// An event emitted by a [Parser].
class Event {
final EventType type;
final FileSpan span;
Event(this.type, this.span);
String toString() => type.toString();
/// An event indicating the beginning of a YAML document.
class DocumentStartEvent implements Event {
EventType get type => EventType.documentStart;
final FileSpan span;
/// The document's `%YAML` directive, or `null` if there was none.
final VersionDirective? versionDirective;
/// The document's `%TAG` directives, if any.
final List<TagDirective> tagDirectives;
/// Whether the document started implicitly (that is, without an explicit
/// `===` sequence).
final bool isImplicit;
List<TagDirective>? tagDirectives,
this.isImplicit = true})
: tagDirectives = tagDirectives ?? [];
String toString() => 'DOCUMENT_START';
/// An event indicating the end of a YAML document.
class DocumentEndEvent implements Event {
EventType get type => EventType.documentEnd;
final FileSpan span;
/// Whether the document ended implicitly (that is, without an explicit
/// `...` sequence).
final bool isImplicit;
DocumentEndEvent(this.span, {this.isImplicit = true});
String toString() => 'DOCUMENT_END';
/// An event indicating that an alias was referenced.
class AliasEvent implements Event {
EventType get type => EventType.alias;
final FileSpan span;
/// The alias name.
final String name;
String toString() => 'ALIAS $name';
/// An event that can have associated anchor and tag properties.
abstract class _ValueEvent implements Event {
/// The name of the value's anchor, or `null` if it wasn't anchored.
String? get anchor;
/// The text of the value's tag, or `null` if it wasn't tagged.
String? get tag;
String toString() {
var buffer = StringBuffer('$type');
if (anchor != null) buffer.write(' &$anchor');
if (tag != null) buffer.write(' $tag');
return buffer.toString();
/// An event indicating a single scalar value.
class ScalarEvent extends _ValueEvent {
EventType get type => EventType.scalar;
final FileSpan span;
final String? anchor;
final String? tag;
/// The contents of the scalar.
final String value;
/// The style of the scalar in the original source.
final ScalarStyle style;
ScalarEvent(this.span, this.value,, {this.anchor, this.tag});
String toString() => '${super.toString()} "$value"';
/// An event indicating the beginning of a sequence.
class SequenceStartEvent extends _ValueEvent {
EventType get type => EventType.sequenceStart;
final FileSpan span;
final String? anchor;
final String? tag;
/// The style of the collection in the original source.
final CollectionStyle style;
SequenceStartEvent(this.span,, {this.anchor, this.tag});
/// An event indicating the beginning of a mapping.
class MappingStartEvent extends _ValueEvent {
EventType get type => EventType.mappingStart;
final FileSpan span;
final String? anchor;
final String? tag;
/// The style of the collection in the original source.
final CollectionStyle style;
MappingStartEvent(this.span,, {this.anchor, this.tag});
/// The types of [Event] objects.
enum EventType {