blob: acd5bf53aa2452adf5a06774a0c7be99c00f773c [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated by dart2js (NullSafetyMode.unsound, no-legacy-javascript, new-holders, csp), the Dart to JavaScript compiler version:
// The code supports the following hooks:
// dartPrint(message):
// if this function is defined it is called instead of the Dart [print]
// method.
// dartMainRunner(main, args):
// if this function is defined, the Dart [main] method will not be invoked
// directly. Instead, a closure that will invoke [main], and its arguments
// [args] is passed to [dartMainRunner].
// dartDeferredLibraryLoader(uri, successCallback, errorCallback, loadId):
// if this function is defined, it will be called when a deferred library
// is loaded. It should load and eval the javascript of `uri`, and call
// successCallback. If it fails to do so, it should call errorCallback with
// an error. The loadId argument is the deferred import that resulted in
// this uri being loaded.
// dartCallInstrumentation(id, qualifiedName):
// if this function is defined, it will be called at each entry of a
// method or constructor. Used only when compiling programs with
// --experiment-call-instrumentation.
(function dartProgram() {
function copyProperties(from, to) {
var keys = Object.keys(from);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
to[key] = from[key];
function mixinPropertiesHard(from, to) {
var keys = Object.keys(from);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!to.hasOwnProperty(key))
to[key] = from[key];
function mixinPropertiesEasy(from, to) {
Object.assign(to, from);
var supportsDirectProtoAccess = function() {
var cls = function() {
cls.prototype = {p: {}};
var object = new cls();
if (!(object.__proto__ && object.__proto__.p === cls.prototype.p))
return false;
try {
if (typeof navigator != "undefined" && typeof navigator.userAgent == "string" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") >= 0)
return true;
if (typeof version == "function" && version.length == 0) {
var v = version();
if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(v))
return true;
} catch (_) {
return false;
function setFunctionNamesIfNecessary(holders) {
function t() {
if (typeof == "string")
for (var i = 0; i < holders.length; i++) {
var holder = holders[i];
var keys = Object.keys(holder);
for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
var key = keys[j];
var f = holder[key];
if (typeof f == "function") = key;
function inherit(cls, sup) {
cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
cls.prototype["$is" +] = cls;
if (sup != null) {
if (supportsDirectProtoAccess) {
cls.prototype.__proto__ = sup.prototype;
var clsPrototype = Object.create(sup.prototype);
copyProperties(cls.prototype, clsPrototype);
cls.prototype = clsPrototype;
function inheritMany(sup, classes) {
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
inherit(classes[i], sup);
function mixinEasy(cls, mixin) {
mixinPropertiesEasy(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype);
cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
function mixinHard(cls, mixin) {
mixinPropertiesHard(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype);
cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
function lazyOld(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
holder[getterName] = function() {
holder[getterName] = function() {
var result;
var sentinelInProgress = initializer;
try {
if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) {
result = holder[name] = sentinelInProgress;
result = holder[name] = initializer();
} else
result = holder[name];
} finally {
if (result === sentinelInProgress)
holder[name] = null;
holder[getterName] = function() {
return this[name];
return result;
function lazy(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
holder[getterName] = function() {
if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel)
holder[name] = initializer();
holder[getterName] = function() {
return this[name];
return holder[name];
function lazyFinal(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
holder[getterName] = function() {
if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) {
var value = initializer();
if (holder[name] !== uninitializedSentinel)
holder[name] = value;
var finalValue = holder[name];
holder[getterName] = function() {
return finalValue;
return finalValue;
function makeConstList(list) {
list.immutable$list = Array;
list.fixed$length = Array;
return list;
function convertToFastObject(properties) {
function t() {
t.prototype = properties;
new t();
return properties;
function convertAllToFastObject(arrayOfObjects) {
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; ++i)
var functionCounter = 0;
function instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters) {
var cache = null;
return isIntercepted ? function(receiver) {
if (cache === null)
cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters);
return new cache(receiver, this);
} : function() {
if (cache === null)
cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters);
return new cache(this, null);
function staticTearOffGetter(parameters) {
var cache = null;
return function() {
if (cache === null)
cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters).prototype;
return cache;
var typesOffset = 0;
function tearOffParameters(container, isStatic, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) {
if (typeof funType == "number")
funType += typesOffset;
return {co: container, iS: isStatic, iI: isIntercepted, rC: requiredParameterCount, dV: optionalParameterDefaultValues, cs: callNames, fs: funsOrNames, fT: funType, aI: applyIndex || 0, nDA: needsDirectAccess};
function installStaticTearOff(holder, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex) {
var parameters = tearOffParameters(holder, true, false, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, false);
var getterFunction = staticTearOffGetter(parameters);
holder[getterName] = getterFunction;
function installInstanceTearOff(prototype, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) {
isIntercepted = !!isIntercepted;
var parameters = tearOffParameters(prototype, false, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, !!needsDirectAccess);
var getterFunction = instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters);
prototype[getterName] = getterFunction;
function setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag(newTags) {
var tags = init.interceptorsByTag;
if (!tags) {
init.interceptorsByTag = newTags;
copyProperties(newTags, tags);
function setOrUpdateLeafTags(newTags) {
var tags = init.leafTags;
if (!tags) {
init.leafTags = newTags;
copyProperties(newTags, tags);
function updateTypes(newTypes) {
var types = init.types;
var length = types.length;
types.push.apply(types, newTypes);
return length;
function updateHolder(holder, newHolder) {
copyProperties(newHolder, holder);
return holder;
var hunkHelpers = function() {
var mkInstance = function(isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) {
return function(container, getterName, name, funType) {
return installInstanceTearOff(container, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex, false);
mkStatic = function(requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) {
return function(container, getterName, name, funType) {
return installStaticTearOff(container, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex);
return {inherit: inherit, inheritMany: inheritMany, mixin: mixinEasy, mixinHard: mixinHard, installStaticTearOff: installStaticTearOff, installInstanceTearOff: installInstanceTearOff, _instance_0u: mkInstance(0, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1u: mkInstance(0, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2u: mkInstance(0, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _instance_0i: mkInstance(1, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1i: mkInstance(1, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2i: mkInstance(1, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _static_0: mkStatic(0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _static_1: mkStatic(1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _static_2: mkStatic(2, null, ["call$2"], 0), makeConstList: makeConstList, lazy: lazy, lazyFinal: lazyFinal, lazyOld: lazyOld, updateHolder: updateHolder, convertToFastObject: convertToFastObject, setFunctionNamesIfNecessary: setFunctionNamesIfNecessary, updateTypes: updateTypes, setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag: setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag, setOrUpdateLeafTags: setOrUpdateLeafTags};
function initializeDeferredHunk(hunk) {
typesOffset = init.types.length;
hunk(hunkHelpers, init, holders, $);
var A = {JS_CONST: function JS_CONST() {
CastIterable_CastIterable(source, $S, $T) {
if ($S._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable<0>")._is(source))
return new A._EfficientLengthCastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("_EfficientLengthCastIterable<1,2>"));
return new A.CastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("CastIterable<1,2>"));
LateError$fieldADI(fieldName) {
return new A.LateError("Field '" + A.S(fieldName) + "' has been assigned during initialization.");
LateError$fieldNI(fieldName) {
return new A.LateError("Field '" + fieldName + "' has not been initialized.");
ReachabilityError$(_message) {
return new A.ReachabilityError(_message);
hexDigitValue(char) {
var letter,
digit = char ^ 48;
if (digit <= 9)
return digit;
letter = char | 32;
if (97 <= letter && letter <= 102)
return letter - 87;
return -1;
SystemHash_combine(hash, value) {
if (typeof hash !== "number")
return hash.$add();
hash = hash + value & 536870911;
hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
return hash ^ hash >>> 6;
SystemHash_finish(hash) {
hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
checkNotNullable(value, $name, $T) {
if (value == null)
throw A.wrapException(new A.NotNullableError($name, $T._eval$1("NotNullableError<0>")));
return value;
SubListIterable$(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E) {
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_start, "start");
if (_endOrLength != null) {
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_endOrLength, "end");
if (_start > _endOrLength)
A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$range(_start, 0, _endOrLength, "start", null));
return new A.SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E._eval$1("SubListIterable<0>"));
MappedIterable_MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S, $T) {
if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable))
return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"));
return new A.MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>"));
SkipIterable_SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E) {
if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable)) {
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthSkipIterable<0>"));
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
return new A.SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("SkipIterable<0>"));
IterableElementError_noElement() {
return new A.StateError("No element");
IterableElementError_tooMany() {
return new A.StateError("Too many elements");
IterableElementError_tooFew() {
return new A.StateError("Too few elements");
Sort_sort(a, compare, $E) {
A.Sort__doSort(a, 0, J.get$length$asx(a) - 1, compare, $E);
Sort__doSort(a, left, right, compare, $E) {
if (right - left <= 32)
A.Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare, $E);
A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare, $E);
Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare, $E) {
var i, t1, el, j, t2, j0;
for (i = left + 1, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a); i <= right; ++i) {
el = t1.$index(a, i);
j = i;
while (true) {
if (j > left) {
t2 =$2(t1.$index(a, j - 1), el);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
t2 = t2 > 0;
} else
t2 = false;
if (!t2)
j0 = j - 1;
t1.$indexSet(a, j, t1.$index(a, j0));
j = j0;
t1.$indexSet(a, j, el);
Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare, $E) {
var t0, less, great, k, ak, comp, great0, less0, pivots_are_equal, comp_pivot1, comp_pivot2,
sixth = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(right - left + 1, 6),
index1 = left + sixth,
index5 = right - sixth,
index3 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(left + right, 2),
index2 = index3 - sixth,
index4 = index3 + sixth,
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a),
el1 = t1.$index(a, index1),
el2 = t1.$index(a, index2),
el3 = t1.$index(a, index3),
el4 = t1.$index(a, index4),
el5 = t1.$index(a, index5),
t2 =$2(el1, el2);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el2;
el2 = el1;
el1 = t0;
t2 =$2(el4, el5);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el5;
el5 = el4;
el4 = t0;
t2 =$2(el1, el3);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el3;
el3 = el1;
el1 = t0;
t2 =$2(el2, el3);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el3;
el3 = el2;
el2 = t0;
t2 =$2(el1, el4);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el4;
el4 = el1;
el1 = t0;
t2 =$2(el3, el4);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el4;
el4 = el3;
el3 = t0;
t2 =$2(el2, el5);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el5;
el5 = el2;
el2 = t0;
t2 =$2(el2, el3);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el3;
el3 = el2;
el2 = t0;
t2 =$2(el4, el5);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$gt();
if (t2 > 0) {
t0 = el5;
el5 = el4;
el4 = t0;
t1.$indexSet(a, index1, el1);
t1.$indexSet(a, index3, el3);
t1.$indexSet(a, index5, el5);
t1.$indexSet(a, index2, t1.$index(a, left));
t1.$indexSet(a, index4, t1.$index(a, right));
less = left + 1;
great = right - 1;
if (J.$eq$($2(el2, el4), 0)) {
for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
ak = t1.$index(a, k);
comp =$2(ak, el2);
if (comp === 0)
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$lt();
if (comp < 0) {
if (k !== less) {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
} else
for (; true;) {
comp =$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2);
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$gt();
if (comp > 0) {
} else {
great0 = great - 1;
if (comp < 0) {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
less0 = less + 1;
t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
great = great0;
less = less0;
} else {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
great = great0;
pivots_are_equal = true;
} else {
for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
ak = t1.$index(a, k);
comp_pivot1 =$2(ak, el2);
if (typeof comp_pivot1 !== "number")
return comp_pivot1.$lt();
if (comp_pivot1 < 0) {
if (k !== less) {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
} else {
comp_pivot2 =$2(ak, el4);
if (typeof comp_pivot2 !== "number")
return comp_pivot2.$gt();
if (comp_pivot2 > 0)
for (; true;) {
comp =$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4);
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$gt();
if (comp > 0) {
if (great < k)
} else {
comp =$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2);
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$lt();
great0 = great - 1;
if (comp < 0) {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
less0 = less + 1;
t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
less = less0;
} else {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
great = great0;
pivots_are_equal = false;
t2 = less - 1;
t1.$indexSet(a, left, t1.$index(a, t2));
t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el2);
t2 = great + 1;
t1.$indexSet(a, right, t1.$index(a, t2));
t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el4);
A.Sort__doSort(a, left, less - 2, compare, $E);
A.Sort__doSort(a, great + 2, right, compare, $E);
if (pivots_are_equal)
if (less < index1 && great > index5) {
for (; J.$eq$($2(t1.$index(a, less), el2), 0);)
for (; J.$eq$($2(t1.$index(a, great), el4), 0);)
for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
ak = t1.$index(a, k);
if ($2(ak, el2) === 0) {
if (k !== less) {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
} else if ($2(ak, el4) === 0)
for (; true;)
if ($2(t1.$index(a, great), el4) === 0) {
if (great < k)
} else {
comp =$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2);
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$lt();
great0 = great - 1;
if (comp < 0) {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
less0 = less + 1;
t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
less = less0;
} else {
t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
great = great0;
A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare, $E);
} else
A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare, $E);
_CastIterableBase: function _CastIterableBase() {
CastIterator: function CastIterator(t0, t1) {
this.__internal$_source = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
CastIterable: function CastIterable(t0, t1) {
this.__internal$_source = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_EfficientLengthCastIterable: function _EfficientLengthCastIterable(t0, t1) {
this.__internal$_source = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_CastListBase: function _CastListBase() {
_CastListBase_sort_closure: function _CastListBase_sort_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0; = t1;
CastList: function CastList(t0, t1) {
this.__internal$_source = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
CastMap: function CastMap(t0, t1) {
this.__internal$_source = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
CastMap_forEach_closure: function CastMap_forEach_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.f = t1;
LateError: function LateError(t0) {
this._message = t0;
ReachabilityError: function ReachabilityError(t0) {
this._message = t0;
nullFuture_closure: function nullFuture_closure() {
SentinelValue: function SentinelValue() {
NotNullableError: function NotNullableError(t0, t1) {
this._name = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
EfficientLengthIterable: function EfficientLengthIterable() {
ListIterable: function ListIterable() {
SubListIterable: function SubListIterable(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_.__internal$_iterable = t0;
_.__internal$_start = t1;
_._endOrLength = t2;
_.$ti = t3;
ListIterator: function ListIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_.__internal$_iterable = t0;
_.__internal$_length = t1;
_.__internal$_index = 0;
_.__internal$_current = null;
_.$ti = t2;
MappedIterable: function MappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
this._f = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
EfficientLengthMappedIterable: function EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
this._f = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
MappedIterator: function MappedIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_.__internal$_current = null;
_._iterator = t0;
_._f = t1;
_.$ti = t2;
MappedListIterable: function MappedListIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this.__internal$_source = t0;
this._f = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
WhereIterable: function WhereIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
this._f = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
WhereIterator: function WhereIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
this._iterator = t0;
this._f = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
SkipIterable: function SkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
this._skipCount = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
EfficientLengthSkipIterable: function EfficientLengthSkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
this._skipCount = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
SkipIterator: function SkipIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
this._iterator = t0;
this._skipCount = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
EmptyIterable: function EmptyIterable(t0) {
this.$ti = t0;
EmptyIterator: function EmptyIterator(t0) {
this.$ti = t0;
FixedLengthListMixin: function FixedLengthListMixin() {
UnmodifiableListMixin: function UnmodifiableListMixin() {
UnmodifiableListBase: function UnmodifiableListBase() {
ReversedListIterable: function ReversedListIterable(t0, t1) {
this.__internal$_source = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
Symbol: function Symbol(t0) {
this._name = t0;
__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin: function __CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin() {
ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable() {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable Map"));
unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) {
var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName];
if (preserved != null)
return preserved;
return rawClassName;
isJsIndexable(object, record) {
var result;
if (record != null) {
result = record.x;
if (result != null)
return result;
return type$.JavaScriptIndexingBehavior_dynamic._is(object);
S(value) {
var result;
if (typeof value == "string")
return value;
if (typeof value == "number") {
if (value !== 0)
return "" + value;
} else if (true === value)
return "true";
else if (false === value)
return "false";
else if (value == null)
return "null";
result = J.toString$0$(value);
if (typeof result != "string")
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(value, "object", "toString method returned 'null'"));
return result;
Primitives_objectHashCode(object) {
var hash,
property = $.Primitives__identityHashCodeProperty;
if (property == null) {
property = Symbol("identityHashCode");
$.Primitives__identityHashCodeProperty = property;
hash = object[property];
if (hash == null) {
hash = Math.random() * 0x3fffffff | 0;
object[property] = hash;
return hash;
Primitives_parseInt(source, radix) {
var match, decimalMatch, maxCharCode, digitsPart, t1, i, _null = null;
if (typeof source != "string")
match = /^\s*[+-]?((0x[a-f0-9]+)|(\d+)|([a-z0-9]+))\s*$/i.exec(source);
if (match == null)
return _null;
if (3 >= match.length)
return A.ioore(match, 3);
decimalMatch = match[3];
if (radix == null) {
if (decimalMatch != null)
return parseInt(source, 10);
if (match[2] != null)
return parseInt(source, 16);
return _null;
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", _null));
if (radix === 10 && decimalMatch != null)
return parseInt(source, 10);
if (radix < 10 || decimalMatch == null) {
maxCharCode = radix <= 10 ? 47 + radix : 86 + radix;
digitsPart = match[1];
for (t1 = digitsPart.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(digitsPart, i) | 32) > maxCharCode)
return _null;
return parseInt(source, radix);
Primitives_objectTypeName(object) {
return A.Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object);
Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object) {
var dispatchName, t1, $constructor, constructorName;
if (object instanceof A.Object)
return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null);
if (J.getInterceptor$(object) === B.Interceptor_methods || type$.UnknownJavaScriptObject._is(object)) {
dispatchName = B.C_JS_CONST(object);
t1 = dispatchName !== "Object" && dispatchName !== "";
if (t1)
return dispatchName;
$constructor = object.constructor;
if (typeof $constructor == "function") {
constructorName = $;
if (typeof constructorName == "string")
t1 = constructorName !== "Object" && constructorName !== "";
t1 = false;
if (t1)
return constructorName;
return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null);
Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(array) {
var result, i, i0, chunkEnd,
end = array.length;
if (end <= 500)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
for (result = "", i = 0; i < end; i = i0) {
i0 = i + 500;
chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end;
result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(i, chunkEnd));
return result;
Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(codePoints) {
var t1, _i, i,
a = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
for (t1 = codePoints.length, _i = 0; _i < codePoints.length; codePoints.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(codePoints), ++_i) {
i = codePoints[_i];
if (!A._isInt(i))
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
if (i <= 65535)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(a, i);
else if (i <= 1114111) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(a, 55296 + (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(i - 65536, 10) & 1023));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(a, 56320 + (i & 1023));
} else
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(a);
Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(charCodes) {
var t1, _i, i;
for (t1 = charCodes.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
i = charCodes[_i];
if (!A._isInt(i))
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
if (i < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
if (i > 65535)
return A.Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(charCodes);
return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(charCodes);
Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, end) {
var i, result, i0, chunkEnd;
if (end <= 500 && start === 0 && end === charCodes.length)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes);
for (i = start, result = ""; i < end; i = i0) {
i0 = i + 500;
chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end;
result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes.subarray(i, chunkEnd));
return result;
Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode) {
var bits;
if (0 <= charCode) {
if (charCode <= 65535)
return String.fromCharCode(charCode);
if (charCode <= 1114111) {
bits = charCode - 65536;
return String.fromCharCode((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(bits, 10) | 55296) >>> 0, bits & 1023 | 56320);
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(charCode, 0, 1114111, null, null));
Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver) {
if ( === void 0) = new Date(receiver._value);
Primitives_getYear(receiver) {
return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCFullYear() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getFullYear() + 0;
Primitives_getMonth(receiver) {
return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMonth() + 1 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMonth() + 1;
Primitives_getDay(receiver) {
return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCDate() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getDate() + 0;
Primitives_getHours(receiver) {
return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCHours() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getHours() + 0;
Primitives_getMinutes(receiver) {
return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMinutes() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMinutes() + 0;
Primitives_getSeconds(receiver) {
return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCSeconds() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getSeconds() + 0;
Primitives_getMilliseconds(receiver) {
return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMilliseconds() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMilliseconds() + 0;
Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
var $arguments, namedArgumentList, t1 = {};
t1.argumentCount = 0;
$arguments = [];
namedArgumentList = [];
t1.argumentCount = positionalArguments.length;
B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, positionalArguments);
t1.names = "";
if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.get$isEmpty(namedArguments))
namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t1, namedArgumentList, $arguments));
"" + t1.argumentCount;
return J.noSuchMethod$1$($function, new A.JSInvocationMirror(B.Symbol_call, 0, $arguments, namedArgumentList, 0));
Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
var t1, argumentCount, jsStub;
if (Array.isArray(positionalArguments))
t1 = namedArguments == null || namedArguments.get$isEmpty(namedArguments);
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
argumentCount = positionalArguments.length;
if (argumentCount === 0) {
if (!!$$0)
return $$0();
} else if (argumentCount === 1) {
if (!!$$1)
return $$1(positionalArguments[0]);
} else if (argumentCount === 2) {
if (!!$$2)
return $$2(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1]);
} else if (argumentCount === 3) {
if (!!$$3)
return $$3(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2]);
} else if (argumentCount === 4) {
if (!!$$4)
return $$4(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3]);
} else if (argumentCount === 5)
if (!!$$5)
return $$5(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3], positionalArguments[4]);
jsStub = $function["call" + "$" + argumentCount];
if (jsStub != null)
return jsStub.apply($function, positionalArguments);
return A.Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
var $arguments, argumentCount, requiredParameterCount, defaultValuesClosure, t1, defaultValues, interceptor, jsFunction, maxArguments, missingDefaults, keys, _i, defaultValue, used, key;
if (positionalArguments != null)
$arguments = Array.isArray(positionalArguments) ? positionalArguments : A.List_List$of(positionalArguments, true, type$.dynamic);
$arguments = [];
argumentCount = $arguments.length;
requiredParameterCount = $function.$requiredArgCount;
if (argumentCount < requiredParameterCount)
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
defaultValuesClosure = $function.$defaultValues;
t1 = defaultValuesClosure == null;
defaultValues = !t1 ? defaultValuesClosure() : null;
interceptor = J.getInterceptor$($function);
jsFunction = interceptor["call*"];
if (typeof jsFunction == "string")
jsFunction = interceptor[jsFunction];
if (t1) {
if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.get$isNotEmpty(namedArguments))
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
if (argumentCount === requiredParameterCount)
return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
if (Array.isArray(defaultValues)) {
if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.get$isNotEmpty(namedArguments))
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
maxArguments = requiredParameterCount + defaultValues.length;
if (argumentCount > maxArguments)
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, null);
if (argumentCount < maxArguments) {
missingDefaults = defaultValues.slice(argumentCount - requiredParameterCount);
if ($arguments === positionalArguments)
$arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic);
B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, missingDefaults);
return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
} else {
if (argumentCount > requiredParameterCount)
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
if ($arguments === positionalArguments)
$arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic);
keys = Object.keys(defaultValues);
if (namedArguments == null)
for (t1 = keys.length, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
defaultValue = defaultValues[A._asStringS(keys[_i])];
if (B.C__Required === defaultValue)
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue);
else {
for (t1 = keys.length, used = 0, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
key = A._asStringS(keys[_i]);
if (namedArguments.containsKey$1(0, key)) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, namedArguments.$index(0, key));
} else {
defaultValue = defaultValues[key];
if (B.C__Required === defaultValue)
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue);
if (used !== namedArguments.get$length(namedArguments))
return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
iae(argument) {
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(argument));
ioore(receiver, index) {
if (receiver == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
diagnoseIndexError(indexable, index) {
var $length, t1, _s5_ = "index";
if (!A._isInt(index))
return new A.ArgumentError(true, index, _s5_, null);
$length = A._asIntS(J.get$length$asx(indexable));
if (!(index < 0)) {
if (typeof $length !== "number")
return A.iae($length);
t1 = index >= $length;
} else
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return A.IndexError$(index, indexable, _s5_, null, $length);
return A.RangeError$value(index, _s5_);
diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length) {
if (start > $length)
return A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, "start", null);
if (end != null)
if (end < start || end > $length)
return A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, "end", null);
return new A.ArgumentError(true, end, "end", null);
argumentErrorValue(object) {
return new A.ArgumentError(true, object, null, null);
checkNum(value) {
if (typeof value != "number")
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(value));
return value;
wrapException(ex) {
var wrapper, t1;
if (ex == null)
ex = new A.NullThrownError();
wrapper = new Error();
wrapper.dartException = ex;
t1 = A.toStringWrapper;
if ("defineProperty" in Object) {
Object.defineProperty(wrapper, "message", {get: t1}); = "";
} else
wrapper.toString = t1;
return wrapper;
toStringWrapper() {
return J.toString$0$(this.dartException);
throwExpression(ex) {
throw A.wrapException(ex);
throwConcurrentModificationError(collection) {
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(collection));
TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(message) {
var match, $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver;
message = A.quoteStringForRegExp(message.replace(String({}), "$receiver$"));
match = message.match(/\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\$/g);
if (match == null)
match = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
$arguments = match.indexOf("\\$arguments\\$");
argumentsExpr = match.indexOf("\\$argumentsExpr\\$");
expr = match.indexOf("\\$expr\\$");
method = match.indexOf("\\$method\\$");
receiver = match.indexOf("\\$receiver\\$");
return new A.TypeErrorDecoder(message.replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$arguments\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$expr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$method\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$receiver\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)"), $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver);
TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(expression) {
return function($expr$) {
var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$";
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(expression) {
return function($expr$) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
JsNoSuchMethodError$(_message, match) {
var t1 = match == null,
t2 = t1 ? null : match.method;
return new A.JsNoSuchMethodError(_message, t2, t1 ? null : match.receiver);
unwrapException(ex) {
if (ex == null)
return new A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(ex);
if (ex instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace)
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException);
if (typeof ex !== "object")
return ex;
if ("dartException" in ex)
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException);
return A._unwrapNonDartException(ex);
saveStackTrace(ex, error) {
if (type$.Error._is(error))
if (error.$thrownJsError == null)
error.$thrownJsError = ex;
return error;
_unwrapNonDartException(ex) {
var message, number, ieErrorCode, t1, nsme, notClosure, nullCall, nullLiteralCall, undefCall, undefLiteralCall, nullProperty, undefProperty, undefLiteralProperty, match, _null = null;
if (!("message" in ex))
return ex;
message = ex.message;
if ("number" in ex && typeof ex.number == "number") {
number = ex.number;
ieErrorCode = number & 65535;
if ((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(number, 16) & 8191) === 10)
switch (ieErrorCode) {
case 438:
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(A.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")", _null));
case 445:
case 5007:
t1 = A.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")";
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(t1, _null));
if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
nsme = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern();
notClosure = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern();
nullCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern();
nullLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern();
undefCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern();
undefLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern();
nullProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern();
undefProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern();
undefLiteralProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern();
match = nsme.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match != null)
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(A._asStringS(message), match));
else {
match = notClosure.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match != null) {
match.method = "call";
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(A._asStringS(message), match));
} else {
match = nullCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = undefCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = undefLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = nullProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = undefProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = undefLiteralProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
t1 = match != null;
} else
t1 = true;
} else
t1 = true;
} else
t1 = true;
} else
t1 = true;
} else
t1 = true;
} else
t1 = true;
} else
t1 = true;
if (t1) {
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(message, match == null ? _null : match.method));
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.UnknownJsTypeError(typeof message == "string" ? message : ""));
if (ex instanceof RangeError) {
if (typeof message == "string" && message.indexOf("call stack") !== -1)
return new A.StackOverflowError();
message = function(ex) {
try {
return String(ex);
} catch (e) {
return null;
return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.ArgumentError(false, _null, _null, typeof message == "string" ? message.replace(/^RangeError:\s*/, "") : message));
if (typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError)
if (typeof message == "string" && message === "too much recursion")
return new A.StackOverflowError();
return ex;
getTraceFromException(exception) {
var trace;
if (exception instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace)
return exception.stackTrace;
if (exception == null)
return new A._StackTrace(exception);
trace = exception.$cachedTrace;
if (trace != null)
return trace;
return exception.$cachedTrace = new A._StackTrace(exception);
objectHashCode(object) {
if (object == null || typeof object != "object")
return J.get$hashCode$(object);
return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(object);
fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, result) {
var index, index0, index1,
$length = keyValuePairs.length;
for (index = 0; index < $length; index = index1) {
index0 = index + 1;
index1 = index0 + 1;
result.$indexSet(0, keyValuePairs[index], keyValuePairs[index0]);
return result;
invokeClosure(closure, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
switch (A._asIntS(numberOfArguments)) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
return$2(arg1, arg2);
case 3:
return$3(arg1, arg2, arg3);
case 4:
return$4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure"));
convertDartClosureToJS(closure, arity) {
var $function;
if (closure == null)
return null;
$function = closure.$identity;
if (!!$function)
return $function;
$function = function(closure, arity, invoke) {
return function(a1, a2, a3, a4) {
return invoke(closure, arity, a1, a2, a3, a4);
}(closure, arity, A.invokeClosure);
closure.$identity = $function;
return $function;
Closure_fromTearOff(parameters) {
var $prototype, $constructor, t2, trampoline, applyTrampoline, i, stub, stub0, stubName, stubCallName,
container =,
isStatic = parameters.iS,
isIntercepted = parameters.iI,
needsDirectAccess = parameters.nDA,
applyTrampolineIndex = parameters.aI,
funsOrNames = parameters.fs,
callNames = parameters.cs,
$name = funsOrNames[0],
callName = callNames[0],
$function = container[$name],
t1 = parameters.fT;
$prototype = isStatic ? Object.create(new A.StaticClosure().constructor.prototype) : Object.create(new A.BoundClosure(null, null).constructor.prototype);
$prototype.$initialize = $prototype.constructor;
if (isStatic)
$constructor = function static_tear_off() {
$constructor = function tear_off(a, b) {
this.$initialize(a, b);
$prototype.constructor = $constructor;
$constructor.prototype = $prototype;
$prototype.$_name = $name;
$prototype.$_target = $function;
t2 = !isStatic;
if (t2)
trampoline = A.Closure_forwardCallTo($name, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess);
else {
$prototype.$static_name = $name;
trampoline = $function;
$prototype.$signature = A.Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(t1, isStatic, isIntercepted);
$prototype[callName] = trampoline;
for (applyTrampoline = trampoline, i = 1; i < funsOrNames.length; ++i) {
stub = funsOrNames[i];
if (typeof stub == "string") {
stub0 = container[stub];
stubName = stub;
stub = stub0;
} else
stubName = "";
stubCallName = callNames[i];
if (stubCallName != null) {
if (t2)
stub = A.Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, stub, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess);
$prototype[stubCallName] = stub;
if (i === applyTrampolineIndex)
applyTrampoline = stub;
$prototype["call*"] = applyTrampoline;
$prototype.$requiredArgCount = parameters.rC;
$prototype.$defaultValues = parameters.dV;
return $constructor;
Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(functionType, isStatic, isIntercepted) {
if (typeof functionType == "number")
return functionType;
if (typeof functionType == "string") {
if (A.boolConversionCheck(isStatic))
throw A.wrapException("Cannot compute signature for static tearoff.");
return function(recipe, evalOnReceiver) {
return function() {
return evalOnReceiver(this, recipe);
}(functionType, A.BoundClosure_evalRecipe);
throw A.wrapException("Error in functionType of tearoff");
Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) {
var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf;
switch (A.boolConversionCheck(needsDirectAccess) ? -1 : arity) {
case 0:
return function(entry, receiverOf) {
return function() {
return receiverOf(this)[entry]();
}(stubName, getReceiver);
case 1:
return function(entry, receiverOf) {
return function(a) {
return receiverOf(this)[entry](a);
}(stubName, getReceiver);
case 2:
return function(entry, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b) {
return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b);
}(stubName, getReceiver);
case 3:
return function(entry, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b, c) {
return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c);
}(stubName, getReceiver);
case 4:
return function(entry, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b, c, d) {
return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d);
}(stubName, getReceiver);
case 5:
return function(entry, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d, e);
}(stubName, getReceiver);
return function(f, receiverOf) {
return function() {
return f.apply(receiverOf(this), arguments);
}($function, getReceiver);
Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess) {
var arity, t1;
if (A.boolConversionCheck(isIntercepted))
return A.Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess);
arity = $function.length;
t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function);
return t1;
Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) {
var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf,
getInterceptor = A.BoundClosure_interceptorOf;
switch (A.boolConversionCheck(needsDirectAccess) ? -1 : arity) {
case 0:
throw A.wrapException(new A.RuntimeError("Intercepted function with no arguments."));
case 1:
return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
return function() {
return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this));
}(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
case 2:
return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
return function(a) {
return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a);
}(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
case 3:
return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b) {
return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b);
}(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
case 4:
return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b, c) {
return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c);
}(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
case 5:
return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b, c, d) {
return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d);
}(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
case 6:
return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
return function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d, e);
}(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
return function(f, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
return function() {
var a = [receiverOf(this)];
Array.prototype.push.apply(a, arguments);
return f.apply(interceptorOf(this), a);
}($function, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess) {
var receiverField, arity, t1,
interceptorField = $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache;
interceptorField == null ? $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("interceptor") : interceptorField;
receiverField = $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache;
receiverField == null ? $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("receiver") : receiverField;
arity = $function.length;
t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function);
return t1;
closureFromTearOff(parameters) {
return A.Closure_fromTearOff(parameters);
BoundClosure_evalRecipe(closure, recipe) {
return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceType(closure._receiver), recipe);
BoundClosure_receiverOf(closure) {
return closure._receiver;
BoundClosure_interceptorOf(closure) {
return closure._interceptor;
BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed(fieldName) {
var t1, i, $name,
template = new A.BoundClosure("receiver", "interceptor"),
names = J.JSArray_markFixedList(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(template), type$.nullable_Object);
for (t1 = names.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
$name = names[i];
if (template[$name] === fieldName)
return $name;
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Field name " + fieldName + " not found.", null));
boolConversionCheck(value) {
if (value == null)
A.assertThrow("boolean expression must not be null");
return value;
assertThrow(message) {
throw A.wrapException(new A._AssertionError(message));
throwCyclicInit(staticName) {
throw A.wrapException(new A.CyclicInitializationError(staticName));
getIsolateAffinityTag($name) {
return init.getIsolateTag($name);
defineProperty(obj, property, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, property, {value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
lookupAndCacheInterceptor(obj) {
var interceptor, interceptorClass, altTag, mark, t1,
tag = A._asStringS($$1(obj)),
record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag];
if (record != null) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return record.i;
interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag];
if (interceptor != null)
return interceptor;
interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[tag];
if (interceptorClass == null) {
altTag = A._asStringQ($$2(obj, tag));
if (altTag != null) {
record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[altTag];
if (record != null) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return record.i;
interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[altTag];
if (interceptor != null)
return interceptor;
interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[altTag];
tag = altTag;
if (interceptorClass == null)
return null;
interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
mark = tag[0];
if (mark === "!") {
record = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
$.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag] = record;
Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return record.i;
if (mark === "~") {
$.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag] = interceptor;
return interceptor;
if (mark === "-") {
t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return t1.i;
if (mark === "+")
return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
if (mark === "*")
throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(tag));
if (init.leafTags[tag] === true) {
t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return t1.i;
} else
return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor) {
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null), enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return interceptor;
makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor) {
return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, false, null, !!interceptor.$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior);
makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, interceptorClass, proto) {
var interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
if (init.leafTags[tag] === true)
return A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null);
initNativeDispatch() {
if (true === $.initNativeDispatchFlag)
$.initNativeDispatchFlag = true;
initNativeDispatchContinue() {
var map, tags, fun, i, tag, proto, record, interceptorClass;
$.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = Object.create(null);
$.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = Object.create(null);
map = init.interceptorsByTag;
tags = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map);
if (typeof window != "undefined") {
fun = function() {
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
tag = tags[i];
proto = $$1(tag);
if (proto != null) {
record = A.makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, map[tag], proto);
if (record != null) {
Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
fun.prototype = proto;
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
tag = tags[i];
if (/^[A-Za-z_]/.test(tag)) {
interceptorClass = map[tag];
map["!" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["~" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["-" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["+" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["*" + tag] = interceptorClass;
initHooks() {
var transformers, i, transformer, getTag, getUnknownTag, prototypeForTag,
hooks = B.C_JS_CONST0();
hooks = A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST1, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST2, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST4, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST5, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST6(B.C_JS_CONST), hooks)))))));
if (typeof dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer != "undefined") {
transformers = dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer;
if (typeof transformers == "function")
transformers = [transformers];
if (transformers.constructor == Array)
for (i = 0; i < transformers.length; ++i) {
transformer = transformers[i];
if (typeof transformer == "function")
hooks = transformer(hooks) || hooks;
getTag = hooks.getTag;
getUnknownTag = hooks.getUnknownTag;
prototypeForTag = hooks.prototypeForTag;
$.getTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure(getTag);
$.alternateTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure0(getUnknownTag);
$.prototypeForTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure1(prototypeForTag);
applyHooksTransformer(transformer, hooks) {
return transformer(hooks) || hooks;
JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode, dotAll, global) {
var m = multiLine ? "m" : "",
i = caseSensitive ? "" : "i",
u = unicode ? "u" : "",
s = dotAll ? "s" : "",
g = global ? "g" : "",
regexp = function(source, modifiers) {
try {
return new RegExp(source, modifiers);
} catch (e) {
return e;
}(source, m + i + u + s + g);
if (regexp instanceof RegExp)
return regexp;
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal RegExp pattern (" + String(regexp) + ")", source, null));
stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex) {
var t1, t2;
if (typeof other == "string")
return receiver.indexOf(other, startIndex) >= 0;
else if (other instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp) {
t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex);
t2 = other._nativeRegExp;
return t2.test(t1);
} else {
t1 = J.allMatches$1$s(other, B.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex));
return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
quoteStringForRegExp(string) {
if (/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/.test(string))
return string.replace(/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, "\\$&");
return string;
stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, end, replacement) {
var prefix = receiver.substring(0, start),
suffix = receiver.substring(end);
return prefix + replacement + suffix;
ConstantMapView: function ConstantMapView(t0, t1) {
this._collection$_map = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
ConstantMap: function ConstantMap() {
ConstantMap_map_closure: function ConstantMap_map_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.transform = t1;
this.result = t2;
ConstantStringMap: function ConstantStringMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_.__js_helper$_length = t0;
_._jsObject = t1;
_.__js_helper$_keys = t2;
_.$ti = t3;
_ConstantMapKeyIterable: function _ConstantMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
this._map = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
JSInvocationMirror: function JSInvocationMirror(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._memberName = t0;
_.__js_helper$_kind = t1;
_._arguments = t2;
_._namedArgumentNames = t3;
_._typeArgumentCount = t4;
Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure: function Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.namedArgumentList = t1;
this.$arguments = t2;
TypeErrorDecoder: function TypeErrorDecoder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
var _ = this;
_._pattern = t0;
_._arguments = t1;
_._argumentsExpr = t2;
_._expr = t3;
_._method = t4;
_._receiver = t5;
NullError: function NullError(t0, t1) {
this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
this._method = t1;
JsNoSuchMethodError: function JsNoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2) {
this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
this._method = t1;
this._receiver = t2;
UnknownJsTypeError: function UnknownJsTypeError(t0) {
this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
NullThrownFromJavaScriptException: function NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(t0) {
this._irritant = t0;
ExceptionAndStackTrace: function ExceptionAndStackTrace(t0, t1) {
this.dartException = t0;
this.stackTrace = t1;
_StackTrace: function _StackTrace(t0) {
this._exception = t0;
this._trace = null;
Closure: function Closure() {
Closure0Args: function Closure0Args() {
Closure2Args: function Closure2Args() {
TearOffClosure: function TearOffClosure() {
StaticClosure: function StaticClosure() {
BoundClosure: function BoundClosure(t0, t1) {
this._receiver = t0;
this._interceptor = t1;
RuntimeError: function RuntimeError(t0) {
this.message = t0;
_AssertionError: function _AssertionError(t0) {
this.message = t0;
_Required: function _Required() {
JsLinkedHashMap: function JsLinkedHashMap(t0) {
var _ = this;
_.__js_helper$_length = 0;
_._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
_._modifications = 0;
_.$ti = t0;
JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
LinkedHashMapCell: function LinkedHashMapCell(t0, t1) {
var _ = this;
_.hashMapCellKey = t0;
_.hashMapCellValue = t1;
_._previous = _._next = null;
LinkedHashMapKeyIterable: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
this._map = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
LinkedHashMapKeyIterator: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._map = t0;
_._modifications = t1;
_.__js_helper$_current = _._cell = null;
_.$ti = t2;
initHooks_closure: function initHooks_closure(t0) {
this.getTag = t0;
initHooks_closure0: function initHooks_closure0(t0) {
this.getUnknownTag = t0;
initHooks_closure1: function initHooks_closure1(t0) {
this.prototypeForTag = t0;
JSSyntaxRegExp: function JSSyntaxRegExp(t0, t1) {
var _ = this;
_.pattern = t0;
_._nativeRegExp = t1;
_._nativeAnchoredRegExp = _._nativeGlobalRegExp = null;
_MatchImplementation: function _MatchImplementation(t0) {
this._match = t0;
_AllMatchesIterable: function _AllMatchesIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this._re = t0;
this._string = t1;
this._start = t2;
_AllMatchesIterator: function _AllMatchesIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._regExp = t0;
_._string = t1;
_._nextIndex = t2;
_.__js_helper$_current = null;
StringMatch: function StringMatch(t0, t1) {
this.start = t0;
this.pattern = t1;
_StringAllMatchesIterable: function _StringAllMatchesIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
this._input = t0;
this._pattern = t1;
this.__js_helper$_index = t2;
_StringAllMatchesIterator: function _StringAllMatchesIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._input = t0;
_._pattern = t1;
_.__js_helper$_index = t2;
_.__js_helper$_current = null;
throwLateFieldADI(fieldName) {
return A.throwExpression(A.LateError$fieldADI(fieldName));
_Cell$named(_name) {
var t1 = new A._Cell(_name);
return t1.__late_helper$_value = t1;
_lateReadCheck(value, $name) {
if (value === $)
throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldNI($name));
return value;
_lateWriteOnceCheck(value, $name) {
if (value !== $)
throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Field '" + $name + "' has already been initialized."));
_lateInitializeOnceCheck(value, $name) {
if (value !== $)
throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldADI($name));
_Cell: function _Cell(t0) {
this.__late_helper$_name = t0;
this.__late_helper$_value = null;
_checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) {
if (!A._isInt(offsetInBytes))
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid view offsetInBytes " + A.S(offsetInBytes), null));
_ensureNativeList(list) {
return list;
NativeInt8List__create1(arg) {
return new Int8Array(arg);
NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) {
A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
return $length == null ? new Uint8Array(buffer, offsetInBytes) : new Uint8Array(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
_checkValidIndex(index, list, $length) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= $length)
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(list, index));
_checkValidRange(start, end, $length) {
var t1;
if (!(start >>> 0 !== start))
if (end == null)
t1 = start > $length;
t1 = end >>> 0 !== end || start > end || end > $length;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length));
if (end == null)
return $length;
return end;
NativeByteBuffer: function NativeByteBuffer() {
NativeTypedData: function NativeTypedData() {
NativeByteData: function NativeByteData() {
NativeTypedArray: function NativeTypedArray() {
NativeTypedArrayOfDouble: function NativeTypedArrayOfDouble() {
NativeTypedArrayOfInt: function NativeTypedArrayOfInt() {
NativeFloat32List: function NativeFloat32List() {
NativeFloat64List: function NativeFloat64List() {
NativeInt16List: function NativeInt16List() {
NativeInt32List: function NativeInt32List() {
NativeInt8List: function NativeInt8List() {
NativeUint16List: function NativeUint16List() {
NativeUint32List: function NativeUint32List() {
NativeUint8ClampedList: function NativeUint8ClampedList() {
NativeUint8List: function NativeUint8List() {
_NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() {
_NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() {
_NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() {
_NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() {
Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, rti) {
var question = rti._precomputed1;
return question == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, rti._primary, true) : question;
Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, rti) {
var future = rti._precomputed1;
return future == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [rti._primary]) : future;
Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti) {
var kind = rti._kind;
if (kind === 6 || kind === 7 || kind === 8)
return A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti._primary);
return kind === 11 || kind === 12;
Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(rti) {
return rti._canonicalRecipe;
findType(recipe) {
return A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false);
_substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth) {
var baseType, substitutedBaseType, interfaceTypeArguments, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments, base, substitutedBase, $arguments, substitutedArguments, returnType, substitutedReturnType, functionParameters, substitutedFunctionParameters, bounds, substitutedBounds, index, argument,
kind = rti._kind;
switch (kind) {
case 5:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
return rti;
case 6:
baseType = rti._primary;
substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
return rti;
return A._Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
case 7:
baseType = rti._primary;
substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
return rti;
return A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
case 8:
baseType = rti._primary;
substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
return rti;
return A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
case 9:
interfaceTypeArguments = rti._rest;
substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, interfaceTypeArguments, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments === interfaceTypeArguments)
return rti;
return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, rti._primary, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments);
case 10:
base = rti._primary;
substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
$arguments = rti._rest;
substitutedArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, $arguments, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedBase === base && substitutedArguments === $arguments)
return rti;
return A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedArguments);
case 11:
returnType = rti._primary;
substitutedReturnType = A._substitute(universe, returnType, typeArguments, depth);
functionParameters = rti._rest;
substitutedFunctionParameters = A._substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedReturnType === returnType && substitutedFunctionParameters === functionParameters)
return rti;
return A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, substitutedReturnType, substitutedFunctionParameters);
case 12:
bounds = rti._rest;
depth += bounds.length;
substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, depth);
base = rti._primary;
substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedBounds === bounds && substitutedBase === base)
return rti;
return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, true);
case 13:
index = rti._primary;
if (index < depth)
return rti;
argument = typeArguments[index - depth];
if (argument == null)
return rti;
return argument;
throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Attempted to substitute unexpected RTI kind " + kind));
_substituteArray(universe, rtiArray, typeArguments, depth) {
var changed, i, rti, substitutedRti,
$length = rtiArray.length,
result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
rti = rtiArray[i];
substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedRti !== rti)
changed = true;
result[i] = substitutedRti;
return changed ? result : rtiArray;
_substituteNamed(universe, namedArray, typeArguments, depth) {
var changed, i, t1, t2, rti, substitutedRti,
$length = namedArray.length,
result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; i += 3) {
t1 = namedArray[i];
t2 = namedArray[i + 1];
rti = namedArray[i + 2];
substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedRti !== rti)
changed = true;
result.splice(i, 3, t1, t2, substitutedRti);
return changed ? result : namedArray;
_substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth) {
var result,
requiredPositional = functionParameters._requiredPositional,
substitutedRequiredPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, requiredPositional, typeArguments, depth),
optionalPositional = functionParameters._optionalPositional,
substitutedOptionalPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, optionalPositional, typeArguments, depth),
named = functionParameters._named,
substitutedNamed = A._substituteNamed(universe, named, typeArguments, depth);
if (substitutedRequiredPositional === requiredPositional && substitutedOptionalPositional === optionalPositional && substitutedNamed === named)
return functionParameters;
result = new A._FunctionParameters();
result._requiredPositional = substitutedRequiredPositional;
result._optionalPositional = substitutedOptionalPositional;
result._named = substitutedNamed;
return result;
_setArrayType(target, rti) {
target[init.arrayRti] = rti;
return target;
closureFunctionType(closure) {
var signature = closure.$signature;
if (signature != null) {
if (typeof signature == "number")
return A.getTypeFromTypesTable(signature);
return closure.$signature();
return null;
instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti) {
var rti;
if (A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(testRti))
if (object instanceof A.Closure) {
rti = A.closureFunctionType(object);
if (rti != null)
return rti;
return A.instanceType(object);
instanceType(object) {
var rti;
if (object instanceof A.Object) {
rti = object.$ti;
return rti != null ? rti : A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(object);
if (Array.isArray(object))
return A._arrayInstanceType(object);
return A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(J.getInterceptor$(object));
_arrayInstanceType(object) {
var rti = object[init.arrayRti],
defaultRti = type$.JSArray_dynamic;
if (rti == null)
return defaultRti;
if (rti.constructor !== defaultRti.constructor)
return defaultRti;
return rti;
_instanceType(object) {
var rti = object.$ti;
return rti != null ? rti : A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(object);
_instanceTypeFromConstructor(instance) {
var $constructor = instance.constructor,
probe = $constructor.$ccache;
if (probe != null)
return probe;
return A._instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor);
_instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor) {
var effectiveConstructor = instance instanceof A.Closure ? instance.__proto__.__proto__.constructor : $constructor,
rti = A._Universe_findErasedType(init.typeUniverse,;
$constructor.$ccache = rti;
return rti;
getTypeFromTypesTable(index) {
var rti,
table = init.types,
type = table[index];
if (typeof type == "string") {
rti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, type, false);
table[index] = rti;
return rti;
return type;
getRuntimeType(object) {
var rti = object instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(object) : null;
return A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(object) : rti);
createRuntimeType(rti) {
var recipe, starErasedRecipe, starErasedRti,
type = rti._cachedRuntimeType;
if (type != null)
return type;
recipe = rti._canonicalRecipe;
starErasedRecipe = recipe.replace(/\*/g, "");
if (starErasedRecipe === recipe)
return rti._cachedRuntimeType = new A._Type(rti);
starErasedRti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, starErasedRecipe, true);
type = starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType;
return rti._cachedRuntimeType = type == null ? starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType = new A._Type(starErasedRti) : type;
typeLiteral(recipe) {
return A.createRuntimeType(A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false));
_installSpecializedIsTest(object) {
var unstarred, isFn, $name, testRti = this,
t1 = type$.Object;
if (testRti === t1)
return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isObject);
if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
t1 = testRti === t1;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTop);
t1 = testRti._kind;
unstarred = t1 === 6 ? testRti._primary : testRti;
if (unstarred === type$.int)
isFn = A._isInt;
else if (unstarred === type$.double || unstarred === type$.num)
isFn = A._isNum;
else if (unstarred === type$.String)
isFn = A._isString;
isFn = unstarred === type$.bool ? A._isBool : null;
if (isFn != null)
return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn);
if (unstarred._kind === 9) {
$name = unstarred._primary;
if (unstarred._rest.every(A.isTopType)) {
testRti._specializedTestResource = "$is" + $name;
if ($name === "List")
return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isListTestViaProperty);
return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTestViaProperty);
} else if (t1 === 7)
return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalNullableIsTestImplementation);
return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalIsTestImplementation);
_finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn) {
testRti._is = isFn;
return testRti._is(object);
_installSpecializedAsCheck(object) {
var t1, asFn, testRti = this;
if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
t1 = testRti === type$.Object;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
asFn = A._asTop;
else if (testRti === type$.Object)
asFn = A._asObject;
asFn = A._generalNullableAsCheckImplementation;
testRti._as = asFn;
return testRti._as(object);
_nullIs(testRti) {
var t1,
kind = testRti._kind;
if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Never))
if (kind !== 7)
t1 = kind === 8 && A._nullIs(testRti._primary) || testRti === type$.Null || testRti === type$.JSNull;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
return t1;
_generalIsTestImplementation(object) {
var testRti = this;
if (object == null)
return A._nullIs(testRti);
return A._isSubtype(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti), null, testRti, null);
_generalNullableIsTestImplementation(object) {
if (object == null)
return true;
return this._primary._is(object);
_isTestViaProperty(object) {
var tag, testRti = this;
if (object == null)
return A._nullIs(testRti);
tag = testRti._specializedTestResource;
if (object instanceof A.Object)
return !!object[tag];
return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag];
_isListTestViaProperty(object) {
var tag, testRti = this;
if (object == null)
return A._nullIs(testRti);
if (typeof object != "object")
return false;
if (Array.isArray(object))
return true;
tag = testRti._specializedTestResource;
if (object instanceof A.Object)
return !!object[tag];
return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag];
_generalAsCheckImplementation(object) {
var testRti = this;
if (object == null)
return object;
else if (testRti._is(object))
return object;
A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti);
_generalNullableAsCheckImplementation(object) {
var testRti = this;
if (object == null)
return object;
else if (testRti._is(object))
return object;
A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti);
_failedAsCheck(object, testRti) {
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError$fromMessage(A._Error_compose(object, A.instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti), A._rtiToString(testRti, null))));
checkTypeBound(type, bound, variable, methodName) {
var _null = null;
if (A._isSubtype(init.typeUniverse, type, _null, bound, _null))
return type;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError$fromMessage("The type argument '" + A.S(A._rtiToString(type, _null)) + "' is not a subtype of the type variable bound '" + A.S(A._rtiToString(bound, _null)) + "' of type variable '" + A.S(variable) + "' in '" + A.S(methodName) + "'."));
_Error_compose(object, objectRti, checkedTypeDescription) {
var objectDescription = A.Error_safeToString(object),
objectTypeDescription = A._rtiToString(objectRti == null ? A.instanceType(object) : objectRti, null);
return objectDescription + ": type '" + A.S(objectTypeDescription) + "' is not a subtype of type '" + A.S(checkedTypeDescription) + "'";
_TypeError$fromMessage(message) {
return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + message);
_TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, type) {
return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + A._Error_compose(object, null, type));
_isObject(object) {
return object != null;
_asObject(object) {
return object;
_isTop(object) {
return true;
_asTop(object) {
return object;
_isBool(object) {
return true === object || false === object;
_asBool(object) {
if (true === object)
return true;
if (false === object)
return false;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool"));
_asBoolS(object) {
if (true === object)
return true;
if (false === object)
return false;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool"));
_asBoolQ(object) {
if (true === object)
return true;
if (false === object)
return false;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool?"));
_asDouble(object) {
if (typeof object == "number")
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double"));
_asDoubleS(object) {
if (typeof object == "number")
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double"));
_asDoubleQ(object) {
if (typeof object == "number")
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double?"));
_isInt(object) {
return typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object;
_asInt(object) {
if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int"));
_asIntS(object) {
if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int"));
_asIntQ(object) {
if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int?"));
_isNum(object) {
return typeof object == "number";
_asNum(object) {
if (typeof object == "number")
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num"));
_asNumS(object) {
if (typeof object == "number")
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num"));
_asNumQ(object) {
if (typeof object == "number")
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num?"));
_isString(object) {
return typeof object == "string";
_asString(object) {
if (typeof object == "string")
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String"));
_asStringS(object) {
if (typeof object == "string")
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String"));
_asStringQ(object) {
if (typeof object == "string")
return object;
if (object == null)
return object;
throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String?"));
_rtiArrayToString(array, genericContext) {
var s, sep, i;
for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < array.length; ++i, sep = ", ")
s += B.JSString_methods.$add(sep, A._rtiToString(array[i], genericContext));
return s;
_functionRtiToString(functionType, genericContext, bounds) {
var boundsLength, outerContextLength, offset, i, t1, t2, t3, typeParametersText, typeSep, t4, t5, boundRti, kind, parameters, requiredPositional, requiredPositionalLength, optionalPositional, optionalPositionalLength, named, namedLength, returnTypeText, argumentsText, sep, _s2_ = ", ";
if (bounds != null) {
boundsLength = bounds.length;
if (genericContext == null) {
genericContext = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
outerContextLength = null;
} else
outerContextLength = genericContext.length;
offset = genericContext.length;
for (i = boundsLength; i > 0; --i)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(genericContext, "T" + (offset + i));
for (t1 = type$.nullable_Object, t2 = type$.legacy_Object, t3 = type$.Object, typeParametersText = "<", typeSep = "", i = 0; i < boundsLength; ++i, typeSep = _s2_) {
typeParametersText += typeSep;
t4 = genericContext.length;
t5 = t4 - 1 - i;
if (!(t5 >= 0))
return A.ioore(genericContext, t5);
typeParametersText = B.JSString_methods.$add(typeParametersText, genericContext[t5]);
boundRti = bounds[i];
kind = boundRti._kind;
if (!(kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || boundRti === t1))
if (!(boundRti === t2))
t4 = boundRti === t3;
t4 = true;
t4 = true;
if (!t4)
typeParametersText += B.JSString_methods.$add(" extends ", A._rtiToString(boundRti, genericContext));
typeParametersText += ">";
} else {
typeParametersText = "";
outerContextLength = null;
t1 = functionType._primary;
parameters = functionType._rest;
requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional;
requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length;
optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional;
optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length;
named = parameters._named;
namedLength = named.length;
returnTypeText = A._rtiToString(t1, genericContext);
for (argumentsText = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < requiredPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_)
argumentsText += B.JSString_methods.$add(sep, A._rtiToString(requiredPositional[i], genericContext));
if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
argumentsText += sep + "[";
for (sep = "", i = 0; i < optionalPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_)
argumentsText += B.JSString_methods.$add(sep, A._rtiToString(optionalPositional[i], genericContext));
argumentsText += "]";
if (namedLength > 0) {
argumentsText += sep + "{";
for (sep = "", i = 0; i < namedLength; i += 3, sep = _s2_) {
argumentsText += sep;
if (named[i + 1])
argumentsText += "required ";
argumentsText += J.$add$ansx(A._rtiToString(named[i + 2], genericContext), " ") + named[i];
argumentsText += "}";
if (outerContextLength != null) {
genericContext.length = outerContextLength;
return typeParametersText + "(" + argumentsText + ") => " + A.S(returnTypeText);
_rtiToString(rti, genericContext) {
var s, questionArgument, argumentKind, $name, $arguments, t1, t2,
kind = rti._kind;
if (kind === 5)
return "erased";
if (kind === 2)
return "dynamic";
if (kind === 3)
return "void";
if (kind === 1)
return "Never";
if (kind === 4)
return "any";
if (kind === 6) {
s = A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext);
return s;
if (kind === 7) {
questionArgument = rti._primary;
s = A._rtiToString(questionArgument, genericContext);
argumentKind = questionArgument._kind;
return J.$add$ansx(argumentKind === 11 || argumentKind === 12 ? B.JSString_methods.$add("(", s) + ")" : s, "?");
if (kind === 8)
return "FutureOr<" + A.S(A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext)) + ">";
if (kind === 9) {
$name = A._unminifyOrTag(rti._primary);
$arguments = rti._rest;
return $arguments.length > 0 ? $name + ("<" + A._rtiArrayToString($arguments, genericContext) + ">") : $name;
if (kind === 11)
return A._functionRtiToString(rti, genericContext, null);
if (kind === 12)
return A._functionRtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext, rti._rest);
if (kind === 13) {
t1 = rti._primary;
t2 = genericContext.length;
t1 = t2 - 1 - t1;
if (!(t1 >= 0 && t1 < t2))
return A.ioore(genericContext, t1);
return genericContext[t1];
return "?";
_unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) {
var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName];
if (preserved != null)
return preserved;
return rawClassName;
_Universe_findRule(universe, targetType) {
var rule = universe.tR[targetType];
for (; typeof rule == "string";)
rule = universe.tR[rule];
return rule;
_Universe_findErasedType(universe, cls) {
var $length, erased, $arguments, i, $interface,
metadata = universe.eT,
probe = metadata[cls];
if (probe == null)
return A._Universe_eval(universe, cls, false);
else if (typeof probe == "number") {
$length = probe;
erased = A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, 5, "#");
$arguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
$arguments[i] = erased;
$interface = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, cls, $arguments);
metadata[cls] = $interface;
return $interface;
} else
return probe;
_Universe_addRules(universe, rules) {
return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.tR, rules);
_Universe_addErasedTypes(universe, types) {
return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.eT, types);
_Universe_eval(universe, recipe, normalize) {
var rti,
cache = universe.eC,
probe = cache.get(recipe);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, null, recipe, normalize));
cache.set(recipe, rti);
return rti;
_Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, environment, recipe) {
var probe, rti,
cache = environment._evalCache;
if (cache == null)
cache = environment._evalCache = new Map();
probe = cache.get(recipe);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, true));
cache.set(recipe, rti);
return rti;
_Universe_bind(universe, environment, argumentsRti) {
var argumentsRecipe, probe, rti,
cache = environment._bindCache;
if (cache == null)
cache = environment._bindCache = new Map();
argumentsRecipe = argumentsRti._canonicalRecipe;
probe = cache.get(argumentsRecipe);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, environment, argumentsRti._kind === 10 ? argumentsRti._rest : [argumentsRti]);
cache.set(argumentsRecipe, rti);
return rti;
_Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti) {
rti._as = A._installSpecializedAsCheck;
rti._is = A._installSpecializedIsTest;
return rti;
_Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, kind, key) {
var rti, t1,
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = kind;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
var t1,
key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "*",
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
t1 = A._Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
var baseKind, t1, rti;
if (normalize) {
baseKind = baseType._kind;
if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
t1 = baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull || baseKind === 7 || baseKind === 6;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return baseType;
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 6;
rti._primary = baseType;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
_Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
var t1,
key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "?",
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
t1 = A._Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
var baseKind, t1, starArgument, rti;
if (normalize) {
baseKind = baseType._kind;
if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
if (!(baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull))
if (baseKind !== 7)
t1 = baseKind === 8 && A.isNullable(baseType._primary);
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return baseType;
else if (baseKind === 1 || baseType === type$.legacy_Never)
return type$.Null;
else if (baseKind === 6) {
starArgument = baseType._primary;
if (starArgument._kind === 8 && A.isNullable(starArgument._primary))
return starArgument;
return A.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, baseType);
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 7;
rti._primary = baseType;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
_Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
var t1,
key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "/",
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
t1 = A._Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
var t1, t2, rti;
if (normalize) {
t1 = baseType._kind;
if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
if (!(baseType === type$.legacy_Object))
t2 = baseType === type$.Object;
t2 = true;
t2 = true;
if (t2 || baseType === type$.Object)
return baseType;
else if (t1 === 1)
return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [baseType]);
else if (baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull)
return type$.nullable_Future_Null;
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 8;
rti._primary = baseType;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
_Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(universe, index) {
var rti, t1,
key = "" + index + "^",
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 13;
rti._primary = index;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) {
var s, sep, i,
$length = $arguments.length;
for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; ++i, sep = ",")
s += sep + $arguments[i]._canonicalRecipe;
return s;
_Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed($arguments) {
var s, sep, i, t1, nameSep, s0,
$length = $arguments.length;
for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; i += 3, sep = ",") {
t1 = $arguments[i];
nameSep = $arguments[i + 1] ? "!" : ":";
s0 = $arguments[i + 2]._canonicalRecipe;
s += sep + t1 + nameSep + s0;
return s;
_Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, $name, $arguments) {
var probe, rti, t1,
s = $name;
if ($arguments.length > 0)
s += "<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) + ">";
probe = universe.eC.get(s);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 9;
rti._primary = $name;
rti._rest = $arguments;
if ($arguments.length > 0)
rti._precomputed1 = $arguments[0];
rti._canonicalRecipe = s;
t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
universe.eC.set(s, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, base, $arguments) {
var newBase, newArguments, key, probe, rti, t1;
if (base._kind === 10) {
newBase = base._primary;
newArguments = base._rest.concat($arguments);
} else {
newArguments = $arguments;
newBase = base;
key = newBase._canonicalRecipe + (";<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(newArguments) + ">");
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 10;
rti._primary = newBase;
rti._rest = newArguments;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, returnType, parameters) {
var sep, t1, key, probe, rti,
s = returnType._canonicalRecipe,
requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional,
requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length,
optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional,
optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length,
named = parameters._named,
namedLength = named.length,
recipe = "(" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(requiredPositional);
if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "";
t1 = A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(optionalPositional);
recipe += sep + "[" + t1 + "]";
if (namedLength > 0) {
sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "";
t1 = A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed(named);
recipe += sep + "{" + t1 + "}";
key = s + (recipe + ")");
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 11;
rti._primary = returnType;
rti._rest = parameters;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, normalize) {
var t1,
key = baseFunctionType._canonicalRecipe + ("<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(bounds) + ">"),
probe = universe.eC.get(key);
if (probe != null)
return probe;
t1 = A._Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize);
universe.eC.set(key, t1);
return t1;
_Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize) {
var $length, typeArguments, count, i, bound, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, rti;
if (normalize) {
$length = bounds.length;
typeArguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
for (count = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
bound = bounds[i];
if (bound._kind === 1) {
typeArguments[i] = bound;
if (count > 0) {
substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, baseFunctionType, typeArguments, 0);
substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, 0);
return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, bounds !== substitutedBounds);
rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
rti._kind = 12;
rti._primary = baseFunctionType;
rti._rest = bounds;
rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
_Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, normalize) {
return {u: universe, e: environment, r: recipe, s: [], p: 0, n: normalize};
_Parser_parse(parser) {
var t1, i, ch, universe, array, head, base, u, parameters, optionalPositional, named, item,
source = parser.r,
stack = parser.s;
for (t1 = source.length, i = 0; i < t1;) {
ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
i = A._Parser_handleDigit(i + 1, ch, source, stack);
else if ((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36)
i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, stack, false);
else if (ch === 46)
i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, stack, true);
else {
switch (ch) {
case 44:
case 58:
case 33:
case 59:
stack.push(A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, stack.pop()));
case 94:
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(parser.u, stack.pop()));
case 35:
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 5, "#"));
case 64:
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 2, "@"));
case 126:
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 3, "~"));
case 60:
parser.p = stack.length;
case 62:
universe = parser.u;
array = stack.splice(parser.p);
A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
parser.p = stack.pop();
head = stack.pop();
if (typeof head == "string")
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, head, array));
else {
base = A._Parser_toType(universe, parser.e, head);
switch (base._kind) {
case 11:
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, base, array, parser.n));
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, base, array));
case 38:
A._Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, stack);
case 42:
u = parser.u;
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupStarRti(u, A._Parser_toType(u, parser.e, stack.pop()), parser.n));
case 63:
u = parser.u;
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(u, A._Parser_toType(u, parser.e, stack.pop()), parser.n));
case 47:
u = parser.u;
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(u, A._Parser_toType(u, parser.e, stack.pop()), parser.n));
case 40:
parser.p = stack.length;
case 41:
universe = parser.u;
parameters = new A._FunctionParameters();
optionalPositional = universe.sEA;
named = universe.sEA;
head = stack.pop();
if (typeof head == "number")
switch (head) {
case -1:
optionalPositional = stack.pop();
case -2:
named = stack.pop();
array = stack.splice(parser.p);
A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
parser.p = stack.pop();
parameters._requiredPositional = array;
parameters._optionalPositional = optionalPositional;
parameters._named = named;
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, A._Parser_toType(universe, parser.e, stack.pop()), parameters));
case 91:
parser.p = stack.length;
case 93:
array = stack.splice(parser.p);
A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
parser.p = stack.pop();
case 123:
parser.p = stack.length;
case 125:
array = stack.splice(parser.p);
A._Parser_toTypesNamed(parser.u, parser.e, array);
parser.p = stack.pop();
throw "Bad character " + ch;
item = stack.pop();
return A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, item);
_Parser_handleDigit(i, digit, source, stack) {
var t1, ch,
value = digit - 48;
for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) {
ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
if (!(ch >= 48 && ch <= 57))
value = value * 10 + (ch - 48);
return i;
_Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, start, source, stack, hasPeriod) {
var t1, ch, t2, string, environment, recipe,
i = start + 1;
for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) {
ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
if (ch === 46) {
if (hasPeriod)
hasPeriod = true;
} else {
if (!((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36))
t2 = ch >= 48 && ch <= 57;
t2 = true;
if (!t2)
string = source.substring(start, i);
if (hasPeriod) {
t1 = parser.u;
environment = parser.e;
if (environment._kind === 10)
environment = environment._primary;
recipe = A._Universe_findRule(t1, environment._primary)[string];
if (recipe == null)
A.throwExpression('No "' + string + '" in "' + A.Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(environment) + '"');
stack.push(A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(t1, environment, recipe));
} else
return i;
_Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, stack) {
var $top = stack.pop();
if (0 === $top) {
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 1, "0&"));
if (1 === $top) {
stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 4, "1&"));
throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Unexpected extended operation " + A.S($top)));
_Parser_toType(universe, environment, item) {
if (typeof item == "string")
return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, item, universe.sEA);
else if (typeof item == "number")
return A._Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, item);
return item;
_Parser_toTypes(universe, environment, items) {
var i,
$length = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]);
_Parser_toTypesNamed(universe, environment, items) {
var i,
$length = items.length;
for (i = 2; i < $length; i += 3)
items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]);
_Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, index) {
var typeArguments, len,
kind = environment._kind;
if (kind === 10) {
if (index === 0)
return environment._primary;
typeArguments = environment._rest;
len = typeArguments.length;
if (index <= len)
return typeArguments[index - 1];
index -= len;
environment = environment._primary;
kind = environment._kind;
} else if (index === 0)
return environment;
if (kind !== 9)
throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Indexed base must be an interface type"));
typeArguments = environment._rest;
if (index <= typeArguments.length)
return typeArguments[index - 1];
throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Bad index " + index + " for " + environment.toString$0(0)));
_isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
var t1, sKind, leftTypeVariable, tKind, sBounds, tBounds, sLength, i, sBound, tBound;
if (s === t)
return true;
if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object))
t1 = t === type$.Object;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return true;
sKind = s._kind;
if (sKind === 4)
return true;
if (A.isStrongTopType(s))
return false;
if (s._kind !== 1)
t1 = s === type$.Null || s === type$.JSNull;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return true;
leftTypeVariable = sKind === 13;
if (leftTypeVariable)
if (A._isSubtype(universe, sEnv[s._primary], sEnv, t, tEnv))
return true;
tKind = t._kind;
if (sKind === 6)
return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
if (tKind === 6) {
t1 = t._primary;
return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t1, tEnv);
if (sKind === 8) {
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv))
return false;
return A._isSubtype(universe, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, s), sEnv, t, tEnv);
if (sKind === 7) {
t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
return t1;
if (tKind === 8) {
if (A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv))
return true;
return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, t), tEnv);
if (tKind === 7) {
t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
return t1;
if (leftTypeVariable)
return false;
t1 = sKind !== 11;
if ((!t1 || sKind === 12) && t === type$.Function)
return true;
if (tKind === 12) {
if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction)
return true;
if (sKind !== 12)
return false;
sBounds = s._rest;
tBounds = t._rest;
sLength = sBounds.length;
if (sLength !== tBounds.length)
return false;
sEnv = sEnv == null ? sBounds : sBounds.concat(sEnv);
tEnv = tEnv == null ? tBounds : tBounds.concat(tEnv);
for (i = 0; i < sLength; ++i) {
sBound = sBounds[i];
tBound = tBounds[i];
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, sBound, sEnv, tBound, tEnv) || !A._isSubtype(universe, tBound, tEnv, sBound, sEnv))
return false;
return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
if (tKind === 11) {
if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction)
return true;
if (t1)
return false;
return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
if (sKind === 9) {
if (tKind !== 9)
return false;
return A._isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
return false;
_isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
var sParameters, tParameters, sRequiredPositional, tRequiredPositional, sRequiredPositionalLength, tRequiredPositionalLength, requiredPositionalDelta, sOptionalPositional, tOptionalPositional, sOptionalPositionalLength, tOptionalPositionalLength, i, t1, sNamed, tNamed, sNamedLength, tNamedLength, sIndex, tIndex, tName, sName;
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv))
return false;
sParameters = s._rest;
tParameters = t._rest;
sRequiredPositional = sParameters._requiredPositional;
tRequiredPositional = tParameters._requiredPositional;
sRequiredPositionalLength = sRequiredPositional.length;
tRequiredPositionalLength = tRequiredPositional.length;
if (sRequiredPositionalLength > tRequiredPositionalLength)
return false;
requiredPositionalDelta = tRequiredPositionalLength - sRequiredPositionalLength;
sOptionalPositional = sParameters._optionalPositional;
tOptionalPositional = tParameters._optionalPositional;
sOptionalPositionalLength = sOptionalPositional.length;
tOptionalPositionalLength = tOptionalPositional.length;
if (sRequiredPositionalLength + sOptionalPositionalLength < tRequiredPositionalLength + tOptionalPositionalLength)
return false;
for (i = 0; i < sRequiredPositionalLength; ++i) {
t1 = sRequiredPositional[i];
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
return false;
for (i = 0; i < requiredPositionalDelta; ++i) {
t1 = sOptionalPositional[i];
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[sRequiredPositionalLength + i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
return false;
for (i = 0; i < tOptionalPositionalLength; ++i) {
t1 = sOptionalPositional[requiredPositionalDelta + i];
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tOptionalPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
return false;
sNamed = sParameters._named;
tNamed = tParameters._named;
sNamedLength = sNamed.length;
tNamedLength = tNamed.length;
for (sIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; tIndex < tNamedLength; tIndex += 3) {
tName = tNamed[tIndex];
for (; true;) {
if (sIndex >= sNamedLength)
return false;
sName = sNamed[sIndex];
sIndex += 3;
if (tName < sName)
return false;
if (sName < tName)
t1 = sNamed[sIndex - 1];
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tNamed[tIndex + 2], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
return false;
return true;
_isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
var rule, recipes, $length, supertypeArgs, i, t1, t2,
sName = s._primary,
tName = t._primary;
for (; sName !== tName;) {
rule = universe.tR[sName];
if (rule == null)
return false;
if (typeof rule == "string") {
sName = rule;
recipes = rule[tName];
if (recipes == null)
return false;
$length = recipes.length;
supertypeArgs = $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
supertypeArgs[i] = A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, s, recipes[i]);
return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, supertypeArgs, null, sEnv, t._rest, tEnv);
t1 = s._rest;
t2 = t._rest;
return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, t1, null, sEnv, t2, tEnv);
_areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, sArgs, sVariances, sEnv, tArgs, tEnv) {
var i, t1, t2,
$length = sArgs.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = sArgs[i];
t2 = tArgs[i];
if (!A._isSubtype(universe, t1, sEnv, t2, tEnv))
return false;
return true;
isNullable(t) {
var t1,
kind = t._kind;
if (!(t === type$.Null || t === type$.JSNull))
if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
if (kind !== 7)
if (!(kind === 6 && A.isNullable(t._primary)))
t1 = kind === 8 && A.isNullable(t._primary);
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
return t1;
isTopType(t) {
var t1;
if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object))
t1 = t === type$.Object;
t1 = true;
t1 = true;
return t1;
isStrongTopType(t) {
var kind = t._kind;
return kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || t === type$.nullable_Object;
_Utils_objectAssign(o, other) {
var i, key,
keys = Object.keys(other),
$length = keys.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
o[key] = other[key];
_Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length) {
return $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA;
Rti: function Rti(t0, t1) {
var _ = this;
_._as = t0;
_._is = t1;
_._cachedRuntimeType = _._specializedTestResource = _._precomputed1 = null;
_._kind = 0;
_._canonicalRecipe = _._bindCache = _._evalCache = _._rest = _._primary = null;
_FunctionParameters: function _FunctionParameters() {
this._named = this._optionalPositional = this._requiredPositional = null;
_Type: function _Type(t0) {
this._rti = t0;
_Error: function _Error() {
_TypeError: function _TypeError(t0) {
this.__rti$_message = t0;
_AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate() {
var div, span, t1 = {};
if (self.scheduleImmediate != null)
return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure();
if (self.MutationObserver != null && self.document != null) {
div = self.document.createElement("div");
span = self.document.createElement("span");
t1.storedCallback = null;
new self.MutationObserver(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t1), 1)).observe(div, {childList: true});
return new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t1, div, span);
} else if (self.setImmediate != null)
return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure();
return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure();
_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride(callback) {
self.scheduleImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(type$.void_Function._as(callback)), 0));
_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate(callback) {
self.setImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(type$.void_Function._as(callback)), 0));
_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer(callback) {
A.Timer__createTimer(B.Duration_0, type$.void_Function._as(callback));
Timer__createTimer(duration, callback) {
var milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000);
return A._TimerImpl$(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback);
_TimerImpl$(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(true);
t1._TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback);
return t1;
_TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(false);
t1._TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback);
return t1;
_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($T) {
return new A._AsyncAwaitCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncAwaitCompleter<0>"));
_asyncStartSync(bodyFunction, completer) {$2(0, null);
completer.isSync = true;
return completer._future;
_asyncAwait(object, bodyFunction) {
A._awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction);
_asyncReturn(object, completer) {
completer.complete$1(0, object);
_asyncRethrow(object, completer) {
completer.completeError$2(A.unwrapException(object), A.getTraceFromException(object));
_awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction) {
var t1, future,
thenCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure(bodyFunction),
errorCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure0(bodyFunction);
if (object instanceof A._Future)
object._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, type$.dynamic);
else {
t1 = type$.dynamic;
if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(object))
object.then$1$2$onError(0, thenCallback, errorCallback, t1);
else {
future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
future._state = 8;
future._resultOrListeners = object;
future._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, t1);
_wrapJsFunctionForAsync($function) {
var $protected = function(fn, ERROR) {
return function(errorCode, result) {
while (true)
try {
fn(errorCode, result);
} catch (error) {
result = error;
errorCode = ERROR;
}($function, 1);
return $.Zone__current.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(new A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure($protected), type$.void, type$.int, type$.dynamic);
AsyncError$(error, stackTrace) {
var t1 = A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
return new A.AsyncError(t1, stackTrace == null ? A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) : stackTrace);
AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) {
var stackTrace;
if (type$.Error._is(error)) {
stackTrace = error.get$stackTrace();
if (stackTrace != null)
return stackTrace;
return B._StringStackTrace_3uE;
Future_Future$microtask(computation, $T) {
var result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
A.scheduleMicrotask(new A.Future_Future$microtask_closure(result, computation));
return result;
Future_Future$sync(computation, $T) {
var result, error, stackTrace, future, replacement, t1, t2, exception;
try {
result =$0();
if ($T._eval$1("Future<0>")._is(result))
return result;
else {
t1 = $T._as(result);
t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
t2._state = 8;
t2._resultOrListeners = t1;
return t2;
} catch (exception) {
error = A.unwrapException(exception);
stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
t1 = $.Zone__current;
future = new A._Future(t1, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
replacement = t1.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
if (replacement != null)
future._asyncCompleteError$2(replacement.error, replacement.stackTrace);
future._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
return future;
Future_Future$value(value, $T) {
var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
return t1;
Completer_Completer($T) {
return new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0>"));
_completeWithErrorCallback(result, error, stackTrace) {
var replacement = $.Zone__current.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
if (replacement != null) {
error = replacement.error;
stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
} else if (stackTrace == null)
stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
result._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
_Future__chainCoreFuture(source, target) {
var t1, t2, listeners;
for (t1 = type$._Future_dynamic; t2 = source._state, (t2 & 4) !== 0;)
source = t1._as(source._resultOrListeners);
if ((t2 & 24) !== 0) {
listeners = target._removeListeners$0();
A._Future__propagateToListeners(target, listeners);
} else {
listeners = type$.nullable__FutureListener_dynamic_dynamic._as(target._resultOrListeners);
target._state = target._state & 1 | 4;
target._resultOrListeners = source;
_Future__propagateToListeners(source, listeners) {
var t2, t3, t4, _box_0, t5, t6, hasError, asyncError, nextListener, nextListener0, sourceResult, t7, zone, oldZone, result, current, _box_1 = {},
t1 = _box_1.source = source;
for (t2 = type$.AsyncError, t3 = type$.nullable__FutureListener_dynamic_dynamic, t4 = type$.Future_dynamic; true;) {
_box_0 = {};
t5 = t1._state;
t6 = (t5 & 16) === 0;
hasError = !t6;
if (listeners == null) {
if (hasError && (t5 & 1) === 0) {
asyncError = t2._as(t1._resultOrListeners);
t1._zone.handleUncaughtError$2(asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace);
_box_0.listener = listeners;
nextListener = listeners._nextListener;
for (t1 = listeners; nextListener != null; t1 = nextListener, nextListener = nextListener0) {
t1._nextListener = null;
A._Future__propagateToListeners(_box_1.source, t1);
_box_0.listener = nextListener;
nextListener0 = nextListener._nextListener;
t5 = _box_1.source;
sourceResult = t5._resultOrListeners;
_box_0.listenerHasError = hasError;
_box_0.listenerValueOrError = sourceResult;
if (t6) {
t7 = t1.state;
t7 = (t7 & 1) !== 0 || (t7 & 15) === 8;
} else
t7 = true;
if (t7) {
zone = t1.result._zone;
if (hasError) {
t1 = t5._zone;
t1 = !(t1 === zone || t1.get$errorZone() === zone.get$errorZone());
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
t1 = _box_1.source;
asyncError = t2._as(t1._resultOrListeners);
t1._zone.handleUncaughtError$2(asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace);
oldZone = $.Zone__current;
if (oldZone != zone)
$.Zone__current = zone;
oldZone = null;
t1 = _box_0.listener.state;
if ((t1 & 15) === 8)
new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(_box_0, _box_1, hasError).call$0();
else if (t6) {
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(_box_0, sourceResult).call$0();
} else if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(_box_1, _box_0).call$0();
if (oldZone != null)
$.Zone__current = oldZone;
t1 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;
if (t4._is(t1)) {
t5 = _box_0.listener.$ti;
t5 = t5._eval$1("Future<2>")._is(t1) || !t5._rest[1]._is(t1);
} else
t5 = false;
if (t5) {
result = _box_0.listener.result;
if (t1 instanceof A._Future)
if ((t1._state & 24) !== 0) {
current = t3._as(result._resultOrListeners);
result._resultOrListeners = null;
listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current);
result._state = t1._state & 30 | result._state & 1;
result._resultOrListeners = t1._resultOrListeners;
_box_1.source = t1;
} else
A._Future__chainCoreFuture(t1, result);
result = _box_0.listener.result;
current = t3._as(result._resultOrListeners);
result._resultOrListeners = null;
listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current);
t1 = _box_0.listenerHasError;
t5 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;
if (!t1) {
result._state = 8;
result._resultOrListeners = t5;
} else {
result._state = result._state & 1 | 16;
result._resultOrListeners = t5;
_box_1.source = result;
t1 = result;
_registerErrorHandler(errorHandler, zone) {
if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorHandler))
return zone.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(errorHandler, type$.dynamic, type$.Object, type$.StackTrace);
if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(errorHandler))
return zone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(errorHandler, type$.dynamic, type$.Object);
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(errorHandler, "onError", string$.Error_));
_microtaskLoop() {
var entry, next;
for (entry = $._nextCallback; entry != null; entry = $._nextCallback) {
$._lastPriorityCallback = null;
next =;
$._nextCallback = next;
if (next == null)
$._lastCallback = null;$0();
_startMicrotaskLoop() {
$._isInCallbackLoop = true;
try {
} finally {
$._lastPriorityCallback = null;
$._isInCallbackLoop = false;
if ($._nextCallback != null)
_scheduleAsyncCallback(callback) {
var newEntry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback),
lastCallback = $._lastCallback;
if (lastCallback == null) {
$._nextCallback = $._lastCallback = newEntry;
if (!$._isInCallbackLoop)
} else
$._lastCallback = = newEntry;
_schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(callback) {
var entry, lastPriorityCallback, next,
t1 = $._nextCallback;
if (t1 == null) {
$._lastPriorityCallback = $._lastCallback;
entry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback);
lastPriorityCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback;
if (lastPriorityCallback == null) { = t1;
$._nextCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback = entry;
} else {
next =; = next;
$._lastPriorityCallback = = entry;
if (next == null)
$._lastCallback = entry;
scheduleMicrotask(callback) {
var t1, _null = null,
currentZone = $.Zone__current;
if (B.C__RootZone === currentZone) {
A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, B.C__RootZone, callback);
if (B.C__RootZone === currentZone.get$_scheduleMicrotask().zone)
t1 = B.C__RootZone.get$errorZone() === currentZone.get$errorZone();
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, currentZone, currentZone.registerCallback$1$1(callback, type$.void));
t1 = $.Zone__current;
StreamIterator_StreamIterator(stream, $T) {
A.checkNotNullable(stream, "stream", type$.Object);
return new A._StreamIterator($T._eval$1("_StreamIterator<0>"));
StreamController_StreamController(onCancel, onListen, sync, $T) {
var _null = null;
return sync ? new A._SyncStreamController(onListen, _null, _null, onCancel, $T._eval$1("_SyncStreamController<0>")) : new A._AsyncStreamController(onListen, _null, _null, onCancel, $T._eval$1("_AsyncStreamController<0>"));
_runGuarded(notificationHandler) {
var e, s, exception;
if (notificationHandler == null)
try {$0();
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
$.Zone__current.handleUncaughtError$2(e, s);
_BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(zone, handleData, $T) {
var t1 = handleData == null ? A.async___nullDataHandler$closure() : handleData;
return zone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(t1, type$.void, $T);
_BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(zone, handleError) {
if (handleError == null)
handleError = A.async___nullErrorHandler$closure();
if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(handleError))
return zone.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(handleError, type$.dynamic, type$.Object, type$.StackTrace);
if (type$.void_Function_Object._is(handleError))
return zone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(handleError, type$.dynamic, type$.Object);
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("handleError callback must take either an Object (the error), or both an Object (the error) and a StackTrace.", null));
_nullDataHandler(value) {
_nullErrorHandler(error, stackTrace) {
$.Zone__current.handleUncaughtError$2(error, stackTrace);
_nullDoneHandler() {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value) {
var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel$0(0);
if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(new A._cancelAndValue_closure(future, value));
Timer_Timer(duration, callback) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 === B.C__RootZone)
return t1.createTimer$2(duration, callback);
return t1.createTimer$2(duration, t1.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback));
ZoneSpecification_ZoneSpecification$from(other, handleUncaughtError) {
var t1 = handleUncaughtError == null ? other.handleUncaughtError : handleUncaughtError;
return new A._ZoneSpecification(t1,, other.runUnary, other.runBinary, other.registerCallback, other.registerUnaryCallback, other.registerBinaryCallback, other.errorCallback, other.scheduleMicrotask, other.createTimer, other.createPeriodicTimer, other.print, other.fork);
_rootHandleUncaughtError($self, $parent, zone, error, stackTrace) {
A._rootHandleError(error, type$.StackTrace._as(stackTrace));
_rootHandleError(error, stackTrace) {
A._schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(new A._rootHandleError_closure(error, stackTrace));
_rootRun($self, $parent, zone, f, $R) {
var old, t1;
t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 == zone)
if (!(zone instanceof A._Zone))
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(zone, "zone", "Can only run in platform zones"));
$.Zone__current = zone;
old = t1;
try {
t1 =$0();
return t1;
} finally {
$.Zone__current = old;
_rootRunUnary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg, $R, $T) {
var old, t1;
t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 == zone)
if (!(zone instanceof A._Zone))
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(zone, "zone", "Can only run in platform zones"));
$.Zone__current = zone;
old = t1;
try {
t1 =$1(arg);
return t1;
} finally {
$.Zone__current = old;
_rootRunBinary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2, $R, T1, T2) {
var old, t1;
t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 == zone)
return$2(arg1, arg2);
if (!(zone instanceof A._Zone))
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(zone, "zone", "Can only run in platform zones"));
$.Zone__current = zone;
old = t1;
try {
t1 =$2(arg1, arg2);
return t1;
} finally {
$.Zone__current = old;
_rootRegisterCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, $R) {
return $R._eval$1("0()")._as(f);
_rootRegisterUnaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, $R, $T) {
return $R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f);
_rootRegisterBinaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, $R, T1, T2) {
return $R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(T1)._bind$1(T2)._eval$1("1(2,3)")._as(f);
_rootErrorCallback($self, $parent, zone, error, stackTrace) {
return null;
_rootScheduleMicrotask($self, $parent, zone, f) {
var t1, t2;
if (B.C__RootZone !== zone) {
t1 = B.C__RootZone.get$errorZone();
t2 = zone.get$errorZone();
f = t1 !== t2 ? zone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) : zone.bindCallback$1$1(f, type$.void);
_rootCreateTimer($self, $parent, zone, duration, callback) {
return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, B.C__RootZone !== zone ? zone.bindCallback$1$1(callback, type$.void) : callback);
_rootCreatePeriodicTimer($self, $parent, zone, duration, callback) {
var milliseconds;
if (B.C__RootZone !== zone)
callback = zone.bindUnaryCallback$2$1(callback, type$.void, type$.Timer);
milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000);
return A._TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback);
_rootPrint($self, $parent, zone, line) {
_printToZone(line) {
$.Zone__current.print$1(0, line);
_rootFork($self, $parent, zone, specification, zoneValues) {
var valueMap, t1, handleUncaughtError;
$.printToZone = A.async___printToZone$closure();
if (specification == null)
specification = B._ZoneSpecification_ALf;
valueMap = zone.get$_async$_map();
t1 = new A._CustomZone(zone.get$_run(), zone.get$_runUnary(), zone.get$_runBinary(), zone.get$_registerCallback(), zone.get$_registerUnaryCallback(), zone.get$_registerBinaryCallback(), zone.get$_errorCallback(), zone.get$_scheduleMicrotask(), zone.get$_createTimer(), zone.get$_createPeriodicTimer(), zone.get$_print(), zone.get$_fork(), zone.get$_handleUncaughtError(), zone, valueMap);
handleUncaughtError = specification.handleUncaughtError;
if (handleUncaughtError != null)
t1.set$_handleUncaughtError(new A._ZoneFunction(t1, handleUncaughtError, type$._ZoneFunction_of_void_Function_Zone_ZoneDelegate_Zone_Object_StackTrace));
return t1;
runZonedGuarded(body, onError, $R) {
var error, stackTrace, parentZone, errorHandler, t1, exception, _null = null, zoneSpecification = null, zoneValues = null;
A.checkNotNullable(body, "body", $R._eval$1("0()"));
A.checkNotNullable(onError, "onError", type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace);
parentZone = $.Zone__current;
errorHandler = new A.runZonedGuarded_closure(parentZone, onError);
if (zoneSpecification == null)
zoneSpecification = new A._ZoneSpecification(errorHandler, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
zoneSpecification = A.ZoneSpecification_ZoneSpecification$from(zoneSpecification, errorHandler);
try {
t1 = parentZone.fork$2$specification$zoneValues(zoneSpecification, zoneValues).run$1$1(body, $R);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
error = A.unwrapException(exception);
stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);$2(error, stackTrace);
return _null;
_AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t0) {
this._box_0 = t0;
_AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.div = t1;
this.span = t2;
_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(t0) {
this.callback = t0;
_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(t0) {
this.callback = t0;
_TimerImpl: function _TimerImpl(t0) {
this._once = t0;
this._handle = null;
this._tick = 0;
_TimerImpl_internalCallback: function _TimerImpl_internalCallback(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.callback = t1;
_TimerImpl$periodic_closure: function _TimerImpl$periodic_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_.$this = t0;
_.milliseconds = t1;
_.start = t2;
_.callback = t3;
_AsyncAwaitCompleter: function _AsyncAwaitCompleter(t0, t1) {
this._future = t0;
this.isSync = false;
this.$ti = t1;
_awaitOnObject_closure: function _awaitOnObject_closure(t0) {
this.bodyFunction = t0;
_awaitOnObject_closure0: function _awaitOnObject_closure0(t0) {
this.bodyFunction = t0;
_wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure: function _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure(t0) {
this.$protected = t0;
AsyncError: function AsyncError(t0, t1) {
this.error = t0;
this.stackTrace = t1;
Future_Future$microtask_closure: function Future_Future$microtask_closure(t0, t1) {
this.result = t0;
this.computation = t1;
_Completer: function _Completer() {
_AsyncCompleter: function _AsyncCompleter(t0, t1) {
this.future = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_SyncCompleter: function _SyncCompleter(t0, t1) {
this.future = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_FutureListener: function _FutureListener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._nextListener = null;
_.result = t0;
_.state = t1;
_.callback = t2;
_.errorCallback = t3;
_.$ti = t4;
_Future: function _Future(t0, t1) {
var _ = this;
_._state = 0;
_._zone = t0;
_._resultOrListeners = null;
_.$ti = t1;
_Future__addListener_closure: function _Future__addListener_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.listener = t1;
_Future__prependListeners_closure: function _Future__prependListeners_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.$this = t1;
_Future__chainForeignFuture_closure: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.e = t1;
this.s = t2;
_Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.value = t1;
_Future__chainFuture_closure: function _Future__chainFuture_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.value = t1;
_Future__asyncCompleteError_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.error = t1;
this.stackTrace = t2;
_Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(t0, t1, t2) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this._box_1 = t1;
this.hasError = t2;
_Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(t0) {
this.originalSource = t0;
_Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.sourceResult = t1;
_Future__propagateToListeners_handleError: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(t0, t1) {
this._box_1 = t0;
this._box_0 = t1;
_AsyncCallbackEntry: function _AsyncCallbackEntry(t0) {
this.callback = t0; = null;
Stream: function Stream() {
Stream_length_closure: function Stream_length_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.$this = t1;
Stream_length_closure0: function Stream_length_closure0(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.future = t1;
Stream_first_closure: function Stream_first_closure(t0) {
this.future = t0;
Stream_first_closure0: function Stream_first_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.subscription = t1;
this.future = t2;
StreamSubscription: function StreamSubscription() {
StreamTransformerBase: function StreamTransformerBase() {
_StreamController: function _StreamController() {
_StreamController__subscribe_closure: function _StreamController__subscribe_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_StreamController__recordCancel_complete: function _StreamController__recordCancel_complete(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_SyncStreamControllerDispatch: function _SyncStreamControllerDispatch() {
_AsyncStreamControllerDispatch: function _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch() {
_AsyncStreamController: function _AsyncStreamController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._varData = null;
_._state = 0;
_._doneFuture = null;
_.onListen = t0;
_.onPause = t1;
_.onResume = t2;
_.onCancel = t3;
_.$ti = t4;
_SyncStreamController: function _SyncStreamController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._varData = null;
_._state = 0;
_._doneFuture = null;
_.onListen = t0;
_.onPause = t1;
_.onResume = t2;
_.onCancel = t3;
_.$ti = t4;
_ControllerStream: function _ControllerStream(t0, t1) {
this._controller = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_ControllerSubscription: function _ControllerSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
var _ = this;
_._controller = t0;
_._async$_onData = t1;
_._onError = t2;
_._onDone = t3;
_._zone = t4;
_._state = t5;
_._pending = _._cancelFuture = null;
_.$ti = t6;
_StreamSinkWrapper: function _StreamSinkWrapper(t0, t1) {
this._async$_target = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_BufferingStreamSubscription: function _BufferingStreamSubscription() {
_BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure: function _BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.result = t1;
_BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure0: function _BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure0(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.result = t1;
_BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture__closure: function _BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.result = t0;
this.error = t1;
this.stackTrace = t2;
_BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.error = t1;
this.stackTrace = t2;
_BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_StreamImpl: function _StreamImpl() {
_DelayedEvent: function _DelayedEvent() {
_DelayedData: function _DelayedData(t0, t1) {
this.value = t0; = null;
this.$ti = t1;
_DelayedError: function _DelayedError(t0, t1) {
this.error = t0;
this.stackTrace = t1; = null;
_DelayedDone: function _DelayedDone() {
_PendingEvents: function _PendingEvents() {
_PendingEvents_schedule_closure: function _PendingEvents_schedule_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.dispatch = t1;
_StreamImplEvents: function _StreamImplEvents(t0) {
var _ = this;
_.lastPendingEvent = _.firstPendingEvent = null;
_._state = 0;
_.$ti = t0;
_StreamIterator: function _StreamIterator(t0) {
this.$ti = t0;
_cancelAndValue_closure: function _cancelAndValue_closure(t0, t1) {
this.future = t0;
this.value = t1;
_ForwardingStream: function _ForwardingStream() {
_ForwardingStreamSubscription: function _ForwardingStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
var _ = this;
_._stream = t0;
_._subscription = null;
_._async$_onData = t1;
_._onError = t2;
_._onDone = t3;
_._zone = t4;
_._state = t5;
_._pending = _._cancelFuture = null;
_.$ti = t6;
_MapStream: function _MapStream(t0, t1, t2) {
this._transform = t0;
this._source = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
_ZoneFunction: function _ZoneFunction(t0, t1, t2) { = t0;
this.$function = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
_RunNullaryZoneFunction: function _RunNullaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) { = t0;
this.$function = t1;
_RunUnaryZoneFunction: function _RunUnaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) { = t0;
this.$function = t1;
_RunBinaryZoneFunction: function _RunBinaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) { = t0;
this.$function = t1;
_RegisterNullaryZoneFunction: function _RegisterNullaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) { = t0;
this.$function = t1;
_RegisterUnaryZoneFunction: function _RegisterUnaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) { = t0;
this.$function = t1;
_RegisterBinaryZoneFunction: function _RegisterBinaryZoneFunction(t0, t1) { = t0;
this.$function = t1;
_ZoneSpecification: function _ZoneSpecification(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
var _ = this;
_.handleUncaughtError = t0; = t1;
_.runUnary = t2;
_.runBinary = t3;
_.registerCallback = t4;
_.registerUnaryCallback = t5;
_.registerBinaryCallback = t6;
_.errorCallback = t7;
_.scheduleMicrotask = t8;
_.createTimer = t9;
_.createPeriodicTimer = t10;
_.print = t11;
_.fork = t12;
_ZoneDelegate: function _ZoneDelegate(t0) {
this._delegationTarget = t0;
_Zone: function _Zone() {
_CustomZone: function _CustomZone(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
var _ = this;
_._run = t0;
_._runUnary = t1;
_._runBinary = t2;
_._registerCallback = t3;
_._registerUnaryCallback = t4;
_._registerBinaryCallback = t5;
_._errorCallback = t6;
_._scheduleMicrotask = t7;
_._createTimer = t8;
_._createPeriodicTimer = t9;
_._print = t10;
_._fork = t11;
_._handleUncaughtError = t12;
_._delegateCache = null;
_.parent = t13;
_._async$_map = t14;
_CustomZone_bindCallback_closure: function _CustomZone_bindCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.registered = t1;
this.R = t2;
_CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure: function _CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_.$this = t0;
_.registered = t1;
_.T = t2;
_.R = t3;
_CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure: function _CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.registered = t1;
_CustomZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure: function _CustomZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.registered = t1;
this.T = t2;
_rootHandleError_closure: function _rootHandleError_closure(t0, t1) {
this.error = t0;
this.stackTrace = t1;
_RootZone: function _RootZone() {
_RootZone_bindCallback_closure: function _RootZone_bindCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.f = t1;
this.R = t2;
_RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure: function _RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_.$this = t0;
_.f = t1;
_.T = t2;
_.R = t3;
_RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure: function _RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.f = t1;
_RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure: function _RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.$this = t0;
this.f = t1;
this.T = t2;
runZonedGuarded_closure: function runZonedGuarded_closure(t0, t1) {
this.parentZone = t0;
this.onError = t1;
HashMap_HashMap(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V) {
if (isValidKey == null)
if (hashCode == null) {
if (equals == null)
return new A._HashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_HashMap<1,2>"));
hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure();
} else {
if (A.core__identityHashCode$closure() === hashCode && A.core__identical$closure() === equals)
return new A._IdentityHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_IdentityHashMap<1,2>"));
if (equals == null)
equals = A.collection___defaultEquals$closure();
else {
if (hashCode == null)
hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure();
if (equals == null)
equals = A.collection___defaultEquals$closure();
return A._CustomHashMap$(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V);
_HashMap__getTableEntry(table, key) {
var entry = table[key];
return entry === table ? null : entry;
_HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value) {
if (value == null)
table[key] = table;
table[key] = value;
_HashMap__newHashTable() {
var table = Object.create(null);
A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, "<non-identifier-key>", table);
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
return table;
_CustomHashMap$(_equals, _hashCode, validKey, $K, $V) {
var t1 = validKey != null ? validKey : new A._CustomHashMap_closure($K);
return new A._CustomHashMap(_equals, _hashCode, t1, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_CustomHashMap<1,2>"));
LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V) {
if (isValidKey == null) {
if (hashCode == null)
return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"));
} else if (hashCode == null)
hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure();
return A._LinkedCustomHashMap$(A.collection___defaultEquals$closure(), hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V);
LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(keyValuePairs, $K, $V) {
return $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("LinkedHashMap<1,2>")._as(A.fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"))));
LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $V) {
return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"));
_LinkedCustomHashMap$(_equals, _hashCode, validKey, $K, $V) {
var t1 = validKey != null ? validKey : new A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure($K);
return new A._LinkedCustomHashMap(_equals, _hashCode, t1, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_LinkedCustomHashMap<1,2>"));
HashSet_HashSet(equals, hashCode, $E) {
return new A._HashSet($E._eval$1("_HashSet<0>"));
_HashSet__newHashTable() {
var table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
return table;
LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E) {
return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty($E) {
return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
_LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() {
var table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
return table;
_LinkedHashSetIterator$(_set, _modifications, $E) {
var t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(_set, _modifications, $E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSetIterator<0>"));
t1._collection$_cell = _set._collection$_first;
return t1;
_defaultEquals(a, b) {
return J.$eq$(a, b);
_defaultHashCode(a) {
return J.get$hashCode$(a);
IterableBase_iterableToShortString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {
var parts, t1;
if (A._isToStringVisiting(iterable)) {
if (leftDelimiter === "(" && rightDelimiter === ")")
return "(...)";
return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter;
parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1($._toStringVisiting, iterable);
try {
A._iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts);
} finally {
if (0 >= $._toStringVisiting.length)
return A.ioore($._toStringVisiting, -1);
t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(leftDelimiter, type$.Iterable_dynamic._as(parts), ", ") + rightDelimiter;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
IterableBase_iterableToFullString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {
var buffer, t1;
if (A._isToStringVisiting(iterable))
return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter;
buffer = new A.StringBuffer(leftDelimiter);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1($._toStringVisiting, iterable);
try {
t1 = buffer;
t1._contents = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t1._contents, iterable, ", ");
} finally {
if (0 >= $._toStringVisiting.length)
return A.ioore($._toStringVisiting, -1);
buffer._contents += rightDelimiter;
t1 = buffer._contents;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
_isToStringVisiting(o) {
var t1, i;
for (t1 = $._toStringVisiting.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
if (o === $._toStringVisiting[i])
return true;
return false;
_iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts) {
var next, ultimateString, penultimateString, penultimate, ultimate, ultimate0, elision,
it = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable),
$length = 0, count = 0;
while (true) {
if (!($length < 80 || count < 3))
if (!it.moveNext$0())
next = A.S(it.get$current(it));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, next);
$length += next.length + 2;
if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
if (count <= 5)
if (0 >= parts.length)
return A.ioore(parts, -1);
ultimateString = parts.pop();
if (0 >= parts.length)
return A.ioore(parts, -1);
penultimateString = parts.pop();
} else {
penultimate = it.get$current(it);
if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
if (count <= 4) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, A.S(penultimate));
ultimateString = A.S(penultimate);
if (0 >= parts.length)
return A.ioore(parts, -1);
penultimateString = parts.pop();
$length += ultimateString.length + 2;
} else {
ultimate = it.get$current(it);
for (; it.moveNext$0(); penultimate = ultimate, ultimate = ultimate0) {
ultimate0 = it.get$current(it);
if (count > 100) {
while (true) {
if (!($length > 75 && count > 3))
if (0 >= parts.length)
return A.ioore(parts, -1);
$length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, "...");
penultimateString = A.S(penultimate);
ultimateString = A.S(ultimate);
$length += ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 4;
if (count > parts.length + 2) {
$length += 5;
elision = "...";
} else
elision = null;
while (true) {
if (!($length > 80 && parts.length > 3))
if (0 >= parts.length)
return A.ioore(parts, -1);
$length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
if (elision == null) {
$length += 5;
elision = "...";
if (elision != null)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, elision);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, penultimateString);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, ultimateString);
LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(other, $K, $V) {
var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, $K, $V);
other.forEach$1(0, new A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure(result, $K, $V));
return result;
LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(elements, $E) {
var t1, _i,
result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E);
for (t1 = elements.length, _i = 0; _i < elements.length; elements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(elements), ++_i)
result.add$1(0, $E._as(elements[_i]));
return result;
ListMixin__compareAny(a, b) {
var t1 = type$.Comparable_dynamic;
return J.compareTo$1$ns(t1._as(a), t1._as(b));
MapBase_mapToString(m) {
var result, t1 = {};
if (A._isToStringVisiting(m))
return "{...}";
result = new A.StringBuffer("");
try {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1($._toStringVisiting, m);
result._contents += "{";
t1.first = true;
J.forEach$1$ax(m, new A.MapBase_mapToString_closure(t1, result));
result._contents += "}";
} finally {
if (0 >= $._toStringVisiting.length)
return A.ioore($._toStringVisiting, -1);
t1 = result._contents;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
ListQueue$($E) {
return new A.ListQueue(A.List_List$filled(A.ListQueue__calculateCapacity(null), null, false, $E._eval$1("0?")), $E._eval$1("ListQueue<0>"));
ListQueue__calculateCapacity(initialCapacity) {
return 8;
SplayTreeSet$(compare, isValidKey, $E) {
var t1 = isValidKey == null ? new A.SplayTreeSet_closure($E) : isValidKey;
return new A.SplayTreeSet(compare, t1, $E._eval$1("SplayTreeSet<0>"));
_HashMap: function _HashMap(t0) {
var _ = this;
_._collection$_length = 0;
_._keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
_.$ti = t0;
_IdentityHashMap: function _IdentityHashMap(t0) {
var _ = this;
_._collection$_length = 0;
_._keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
_.$ti = t0;
_CustomHashMap: function _CustomHashMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._equals = t0;
_._hashCode = t1;
_._validKey = t2;
_._collection$_length = 0;
_._keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
_.$ti = t3;
_CustomHashMap_closure: function _CustomHashMap_closure(t0) {
this.K = t0;
_HashMapKeyIterable: function _HashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
this._collection$_map = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_HashMapKeyIterator: function _HashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._collection$_map = t0;
_._keys = t1;
_._offset = 0;
_._collection$_current = null;
_.$ti = t2;
_LinkedIdentityHashMap: function _LinkedIdentityHashMap(t0) {
var _ = this;
_.__js_helper$_length = 0;
_._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
_._modifications = 0;
_.$ti = t0;
_LinkedCustomHashMap: function _LinkedCustomHashMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._equals = t0;
_._hashCode = t1;
_._validKey = t2;
_.__js_helper$_length = 0;
_._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
_._modifications = 0;
_.$ti = t3;
_LinkedCustomHashMap_closure: function _LinkedCustomHashMap_closure(t0) {
this.K = t0;
_HashSet: function _HashSet(t0) {
var _ = this;
_._collection$_length = 0;
_._elements = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
_.$ti = t0;
_HashSetIterator: function _HashSetIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._set = t0;
_._elements = t1;
_._offset = 0;
_._collection$_current = null;
_.$ti = t2;
_LinkedHashSet: function _LinkedHashSet(t0) {
var _ = this;
_._collection$_length = 0;
_._collection$_last = _._collection$_first = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
_._collection$_modifications = 0;
_.$ti = t0;
_LinkedHashSetCell: function _LinkedHashSetCell(t0) {
this._collection$_element = t0;
this._collection$_next = null;
_LinkedHashSetIterator: function _LinkedHashSetIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._set = t0;
_._collection$_modifications = t1;
_._collection$_current = _._collection$_cell = null;
_.$ti = t2;
UnmodifiableListView: function UnmodifiableListView(t0, t1) {
this._collection$_source = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
IterableMixin: function IterableMixin() {
IterableBase: function IterableBase() {
LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure: function LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.result = t0;
this.K = t1;
this.V = t2;
ListBase: function ListBase() {
ListMixin: function ListMixin() {
MapBase: function MapBase() {
MapBase_mapToString_closure: function MapBase_mapToString_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.result = t1;
MapMixin: function MapMixin() {
_UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapMixin() {
MapView: function MapView() {
UnmodifiableMapView: function UnmodifiableMapView(t0, t1) {
this._collection$_map = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
ListQueue: function ListQueue(t0, t1) {
var _ = this;
_._table = t0;
_._modificationCount = _._tail = _._head = 0;
_.$ti = t1;
_ListQueueIterator: function _ListQueueIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._queue = t0;
_._end = t1;
_._modificationCount = t2;
_._collection$_position = t3;
_._collection$_current = null;
_.$ti = t4;
SetMixin: function SetMixin() {
_SetBase: function _SetBase() {
_SplayTreeNode: function _SplayTreeNode() {
_SplayTreeSetNode: function _SplayTreeSetNode(t0, t1) {
var _ = this;
_.key = t0;
_._right = _._left = null;
_.$ti = t1;
_SplayTree: function _SplayTree() {
_SplayTreeIterator: function _SplayTreeIterator() {
_SplayTreeKeyIterator: function _SplayTreeKeyIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._tree = t0;
_._path = t1;
_._modificationCount = null;
_._splayCount = t2;
_.$ti = t3;
SplayTreeSet: function SplayTreeSet(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._root = null;
_._compare = t0;
_._validKey = t1;
_._splayCount = _._modificationCount = _._count = 0;
_.$ti = t2;
SplayTreeSet_closure: function SplayTreeSet_closure(t0) {
this.E = t0;
_ListBase_Object_ListMixin: function _ListBase_Object_ListMixin() {
_SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin: function _SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin() {
_SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin_SetMixin: function _SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin_SetMixin() {
_UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin() {
__SetBase_Object_SetMixin: function __SetBase_Object_SetMixin() {
_parseJson(source, reviver) {
var parsed, e, exception, t1;
if (typeof source != "string")
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(source));
parsed = null;
try {
parsed = JSON.parse(source);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
t1 = A.FormatException$(String(e), null, null);
throw A.wrapException(t1);
t1 = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(parsed);
return t1;
_convertJsonToDartLazy(object) {
var i;
if (object == null)
return null;
if (typeof object != "object")
return object;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(object) !== Array.prototype)
return new A._JsonMap(object, Object.create(null));
for (i = 0; i < object.length; ++i)
object[i] = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(object[i]);
return object;
Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, sourceIndex, sourceEnd, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length) {
if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, padded length must be multiple of four, is " + $length, source, sourceEnd));
if (firstPadding + paddingCount !== $length)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, '=' not at the end", source, sourceIndex));
if (paddingCount > 2)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, more than two '=' characters", source, sourceIndex));
JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(unsupportedObject, cause, partialResult) {
return new A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError(unsupportedObject, cause);
_defaultToEncodable(object) {
return object.toJson$0();
_JsonStringStringifier$(_sink, _toEncodable) {
return new A._JsonStringStringifier(_sink, [], A.convert___defaultToEncodable$closure());
_JsonStringStringifier_stringify(object, toEncodable, indent) {
var t1,
output = new A.StringBuffer("");
A._JsonStringStringifier_printOn(object, output, toEncodable, indent);
t1 = output._contents;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
_JsonStringStringifier_printOn(object, output, toEncodable, indent) {
var stringifier = A._JsonStringStringifier$(output, toEncodable);
_JsonMap: function _JsonMap(t0, t1) {
this._original = t0;
this._processed = t1;
this._data = null;
_JsonMapKeyIterable: function _JsonMapKeyIterable(t0) {
this._parent = t0;
Base64Codec: function Base64Codec() {
Base64Encoder: function Base64Encoder() {
Codec: function Codec() {
Converter: function Converter() {
Encoding: function Encoding() {
JsonUnsupportedObjectError: function JsonUnsupportedObjectError(t0, t1) {
this.unsupportedObject = t0;
this.cause = t1;
JsonCyclicError: function JsonCyclicError(t0, t1) {
this.unsupportedObject = t0;
this.cause = t1;
JsonCodec: function JsonCodec() {
JsonEncoder: function JsonEncoder(t0) {
this._toEncodable = t0;
JsonDecoder: function JsonDecoder(t0) {
this._reviver = t0;
_JsonStringifier: function _JsonStringifier() {
_JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure: function _JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.keyValueList = t1;
_JsonStringStringifier: function _JsonStringStringifier(t0, t1, t2) {
this._convert$_sink = t0;
this._seen = t1;
this._toEncodable = t2;
Utf8Codec: function Utf8Codec() {
Utf8Encoder: function Utf8Encoder() {
_Utf8Encoder: function _Utf8Encoder(t0) {
this._bufferIndex = this._carry = 0;
this._buffer = t0;
_symbolMapToStringMap(map) {
var result = new A.JsLinkedHashMap(type$.JsLinkedHashMap_String_dynamic);
map.forEach$1(0, new A._symbolMapToStringMap_closure(result));
return result;
identityHashCode(object) {
return A.objectHashCode(object);
Function_apply($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
return A.Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments == null ? null : A._symbolMapToStringMap(namedArguments));
Expando__checkType(object) {
var t1 = typeof object == "number" || false;
if (t1)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(object, string$.Expand, null));
int_parse(source, radix) {
var value = A.Primitives_parseInt(source, radix);
if (value != null)
return value;
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(source, null, null));
Error__objectToString(object) {
if (object instanceof A.Closure)
return object.toString$0(0);
return "Instance of '" + A.S(A.Primitives_objectTypeName(object)) + "'";
Error__throw(error, stackTrace) {
error = A.wrapException(error);
error.stack = J.toString$0$(stackTrace);
throw error;
throw A.wrapException("unreachable");
DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc) {
var t1;
if (Math.abs(millisecondsSinceEpoch) <= 864e13)
t1 = false;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + millisecondsSinceEpoch, null));
A.checkNotNullable(isUtc, "isUtc", type$.bool);
return new A.DateTime(millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc);
List_List$filled($length, fill, growable, $E) {
var i,
result = growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E);
if ($length !== 0 && fill != null)
for (i = 0; i < result.length; ++i)
result[i] = fill;
return result;
List_List$from(elements, growable, $E) {
var t1,
list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(list, $E._as(t1.get$current(t1)));
if (growable)
return list;
return J.JSArray_markFixedList(list, $E);
List_List$of(elements, growable, $E) {
var t1;
if (growable)
return A.List_List$_of(elements, $E);
t1 = J.JSArray_markFixedList(A.List_List$_of(elements, $E), $E);
return t1;
List_List$_of(elements, $E) {
var list, t1;
if (Array.isArray(elements))
return A._setArrayType(elements.slice(0), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(list, t1.get$current(t1));
return list;
String_String$fromCharCodes(charCodes, start, end) {
var array, len;
if (Array.isArray(charCodes)) {
array = charCodes;
len = array.length;
end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, len);
return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(start > 0 || end < len ? array.slice(start, end) : array);
if (type$.NativeUint8List._is(charCodes))
return A.Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, charCodes.length));
return A.String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end);
String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end) {
var t1, it, i, list, _null = null;
if (start < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, J.get$length$asx(charCodes), _null, _null));
t1 = end == null;
if (!t1 && end < start)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, J.get$length$asx(charCodes), _null, _null));
it = J.get$iterator$ax(charCodes);
for (i = 0; i < start; ++i)
if (!it.moveNext$0())
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, i, _null, _null));
list = [];
if (t1)
for (; it.moveNext$0();)
for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (!it.moveNext$0())
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, i, _null, _null));
return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(list);
RegExp_RegExp(source, caseSensitive, multiLine) {
return new A.JSSyntaxRegExp(source, A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, multiLine, caseSensitive, false, false, false));
identical(a, b) {
return a == null ? b == null : a === b;
StringBuffer__writeAll(string, objects, separator) {
var iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(objects);
if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
return string;
if (separator.length === 0) {
string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
while (iterator.moveNext$0());
} else {
string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
string = string + separator + A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
return string;
NoSuchMethodError$(receiver, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
return new A.NoSuchMethodError(receiver, memberName, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
_Uri__uriEncode(canonicalTable, text, encoding, spaceToPlus) {
var t1, bytes, i, t2, byte, t3,
_s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
if (encoding === B.C_Utf8Codec) {
t1 = $.$get$_Uri__needsNoEncoding()._nativeRegExp;
if (typeof text != "string")
t1 = t1.test(text);
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1)
return text;
bytes = encoding.get$encoder().convert$1(text);
for (t1 = bytes.length, i = 0, t2 = ""; i < t1; ++i) {
byte = bytes[i];
if (byte < 128) {
t3 = byte >>> 4;
if (!(t3 < 8))
return A.ioore(canonicalTable, t3);
t3 = (canonicalTable[t3] & 1 << (byte & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t3 = false;
if (t3)
t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(byte);
t2 = spaceToPlus && byte === 32 ? t2 + "+" : t2 + "%" + _s16_[byte >>> 4 & 15] + _s16_[byte & 15];
return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
StackTrace_current() {
var stackTrace, exception;
if (A.boolConversionCheck($.$get$_hasErrorStackProperty()))
return A.getTraceFromException(new Error());
try {
throw A.wrapException("");
} catch (exception) {
stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
return stackTrace;
_BigIntImpl__parseDecimal(source, isNegative) {
var part, i,
result = $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero(),
t1 = source.length,
digitInPartCount = 4 - t1 % 4;
if (digitInPartCount === 4)
digitInPartCount = 0;
for (part = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
part = part * 10 + B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i) - 48;
if (digitInPartCount === 4) {
result = result.$mul(0, $.$get$_BigIntImpl__bigInt10000()).$add(0, A._BigIntImpl__BigIntImpl$_fromInt(part));
part = 0;
digitInPartCount = 0;
if (isNegative)
return result.$negate(0);
return result;
_BigIntImpl__codeUnitToRadixValue(codeUnit) {
if (48 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= 57)
return codeUnit - 48;
return (codeUnit | 32) - 97 + 10;
_BigIntImpl__parseHex(source, startPos, isNegative) {
var i, chunk, j, i0, digitValue, digitIndex, digitIndex0,
t1 = source.length,
sourceLength = t1 - startPos,
chunkCount = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(sourceLength / 4),
digits = new Uint16Array(chunkCount),
t2 = chunkCount - 1,
lastDigitLength = sourceLength - t2 * 4;
for (i = startPos, chunk = 0, j = 0; j < lastDigitLength; ++j, i = i0) {
i0 = i + 1;
digitValue = A._BigIntImpl__codeUnitToRadixValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i));
if (digitValue >= 16)
return null;
chunk = chunk * 16 + digitValue;
digitIndex = t2 - 1;
if (!(t2 >= 0 && t2 < chunkCount))
return A.ioore(digits, t2);
digits[t2] = chunk;
for (; i < t1; digitIndex = digitIndex0) {
for (chunk = 0, j = 0; j < 4; ++j, i = i0) {
i0 = i + 1;
digitValue = A._BigIntImpl__codeUnitToRadixValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i));
if (digitValue >= 16)
return null;
chunk = chunk * 16 + digitValue;
digitIndex0 = digitIndex - 1;
if (!(digitIndex >= 0 && digitIndex < chunkCount))
return A.ioore(digits, digitIndex);
digits[digitIndex] = chunk;
if (chunkCount === 1) {
if (0 >= chunkCount)
return A.ioore(digits, 0);
t1 = digits[0] === 0;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1)
return $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(chunkCount, digits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 === 0 ? false : isNegative, digits, t1);
_BigIntImpl__tryParse(source, radix) {
var match, t1, t2, isNegative, decimalMatch, hexMatch;
if (source === "")
return null;
match = $.$get$_BigIntImpl__parseRE().firstMatch$1(source);
if (match == null)
return null;
t1 = match._match;
t2 = t1.length;
if (1 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 1);
isNegative = t1[1] === "-";
if (4 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 4);
decimalMatch = t1[4];
hexMatch = t1[3];
if (5 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 5);
if (decimalMatch != null)
return A._BigIntImpl__parseDecimal(decimalMatch, isNegative);
if (hexMatch != null)
return A._BigIntImpl__parseHex(hexMatch, 2, isNegative);
return null;
_BigIntImpl__normalize(used, digits) {
var t2,
t1 = digits.length;
while (true) {
if (typeof used !== "number")
return used.$gt();
if (used > 0) {
t2 = used - 1;
if (!(t2 < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, t2);
t2 = digits[t2] === 0;
} else
t2 = false;
if (!t2)
return used;
_BigIntImpl__cloneDigits(digits, from, to, $length) {
var resultDigits, n, t1, i, t2;
if (!A._isInt($length))
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid length " + A.S($length), null));
resultDigits = new Uint16Array($length);
if (typeof to !== "number")
return to.$sub();
if (typeof from !== "number")
return A.iae(from);
n = to - from;
for (t1 = resultDigits.length, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
t2 = from + i;
if (!(t2 >= 0 && t2 < digits.length))
return A.ioore(digits, t2);
t2 = digits[t2];
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = t2;
return resultDigits;
_BigIntImpl__BigIntImpl$_fromInt(value) {
var digits, t1, i, i0,
isNegative = value < 0;
if (isNegative) {
if (value === -9223372036854776e3) {
digits = new Uint16Array(4);
digits[3] = 32768;
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(4, digits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 !== 0 || false, digits, t1);
value = -value;
if (value < 65536) {
digits = new Uint16Array(1);
digits[0] = value;
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(1, digits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 === 0 ? false : isNegative, digits, t1);
if (value <= 4294967295) {
digits = new Uint16Array(2);
digits[0] = value & 65535;
digits[1] = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 16);
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(2, digits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 === 0 ? false : isNegative, digits, t1);
t1 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(B.JSInt_methods.get$bitLength(value) - 1, 16) + 1;
digits = new Uint16Array(t1);
for (i = 0; value !== 0; i = i0) {
i0 = i + 1;
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
digits[i] = value & 65535;
value = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(value, 65536);
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(t1, digits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 === 0 ? false : isNegative, digits, t1);
_BigIntImpl__dlShiftDigits(xDigits, xUsed, n, resultDigits) {
var i, t1, t2, t3, t4;
if (xUsed === 0)
return 0;
if (n === 0 && resultDigits === xDigits)
return xUsed;
for (i = xUsed - 1, t1 = xDigits.length, t2 = resultDigits.length; i >= 0; --i) {
t3 = i + n;
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(xDigits, i);
t4 = xDigits[i];
if (!(t3 >= 0 && t3 < t2))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, t3);
resultDigits[t3] = t4;
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!(i < t2))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = 0;
return xUsed + n;
_BigIntImpl__lsh(xDigits, xUsed, n, resultDigits) {
var i, t1, t2, carry, digit, t3, t4,
digitShift = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(n, 16),
bitShift = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(n, 16),
carryBitShift = 16 - bitShift,
bitMask = B.JSInt_methods.$shl(1, carryBitShift) - 1;
for (i = xUsed - 1, t1 = xDigits.length, t2 = resultDigits.length, carry = 0; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(xDigits, i);
digit = xDigits[i];
t3 = i + digitShift + 1;
t4 = B.JSInt_methods._shrReceiverPositive$1(digit, carryBitShift);
if (!(t3 >= 0 && t3 < t2))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, t3);
resultDigits[t3] = (t4 | carry) >>> 0;
carry = B.JSInt_methods.$shl(digit & bitMask, bitShift);
if (!(digitShift >= 0 && digitShift < t2))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, digitShift);
resultDigits[digitShift] = carry;
_BigIntImpl__lShiftDigits(xDigits, xUsed, n, resultDigits) {
var resultUsed, t1, i, t2,
digitsShift = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(n, 16);
if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod(n, 16) === 0)
return A._BigIntImpl__dlShiftDigits(xDigits, xUsed, digitsShift, resultDigits);
resultUsed = xUsed + digitsShift + 1;
A._BigIntImpl__lsh(xDigits, xUsed, n, resultDigits);
for (t1 = resultDigits.length, i = digitsShift; --i, i >= 0;) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = 0;
t2 = resultUsed - 1;
if (!(t2 >= 0 && t2 < t1))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, t2);
if (resultDigits[t2] === 0)
resultUsed = t2;
return resultUsed;
_BigIntImpl__rsh(xDigits, xUsed, n, resultDigits) {
var carry, last, t2, i, t3, digit,
digitsShift = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(n, 16),
bitShift = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(n, 16),
carryBitShift = 16 - bitShift,
bitMask = B.JSInt_methods.$shl(1, bitShift) - 1,
t1 = xDigits.length;
if (!(digitsShift >= 0 && digitsShift < t1))
return A.ioore(xDigits, digitsShift);
carry = B.JSInt_methods._shrReceiverPositive$1(xDigits[digitsShift], bitShift);
last = xUsed - digitsShift - 1;
for (t2 = resultDigits.length, i = 0; i < last; ++i) {
t3 = i + digitsShift + 1;
if (!(t3 < t1))
return A.ioore(xDigits, t3);
digit = xDigits[t3];
t3 = B.JSInt_methods.$shl(digit & bitMask, carryBitShift);
if (!(i < t2))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = (t3 | carry) >>> 0;
carry = B.JSInt_methods._shrReceiverPositive$1(digit, bitShift);
if (!(last >= 0 && last < t2))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, last);
resultDigits[last] = carry;
_BigIntImpl__compareDigits(digits, used, otherDigits, otherUsed) {
var i, t1, t2, t3,
result = used - otherUsed;
if (result === 0)
for (i = used - 1, t1 = digits.length, t2 = otherDigits.length; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
t3 = digits[i];
if (!(i < t2))
return A.ioore(otherDigits, i);
result = t3 - otherDigits[i];
if (result !== 0)
return result;
return result;
_BigIntImpl__absAdd(digits, used, otherDigits, otherUsed, resultDigits) {
var t1, t2, t3, carry, i, t4;
for (t1 = digits.length, t2 = otherDigits.length, t3 = resultDigits.length, carry = 0, i = 0; i < otherUsed; ++i) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
t4 = digits[i];
if (!(i < t2))
return A.ioore(otherDigits, i);
carry += t4 + otherDigits[i];
if (!(i < t3))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = carry & 65535;
carry = carry >>> 16;
for (i = otherUsed; i < used; ++i) {
if (!(i >= 0 && i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
carry += digits[i];
if (!(i < t3))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = carry & 65535;
carry = carry >>> 16;
if (!(used >= 0 && used < t3))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, used);
resultDigits[used] = carry;
_BigIntImpl__absSub(digits, used, otherDigits, otherUsed, resultDigits) {
var t1, t2, t3, carry, i, t4;
for (t1 = digits.length, t2 = otherDigits.length, t3 = resultDigits.length, carry = 0, i = 0; i < otherUsed; ++i) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
t4 = digits[i];
if (!(i < t2))
return A.ioore(otherDigits, i);
carry += t4 - otherDigits[i];
if (!(i < t3))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = carry & 65535;
carry = 0 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(carry, 16) & 1);
for (i = otherUsed; i < used; ++i) {
if (!(i >= 0 && i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
carry += digits[i];
if (!(i < t3))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
resultDigits[i] = carry & 65535;
carry = 0 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(carry, 16) & 1);
_BigIntImpl__mulAdd(x, multiplicandDigits, i, accumulatorDigits, j, n) {
var t1, t2, c, i0, t3, combined, j0, l;
if (x === 0)
for (t1 = multiplicandDigits.length, t2 = accumulatorDigits.length, c = 0; --n, n >= 0; j = j0, i = i0) {
i0 = i + 1;
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(multiplicandDigits, i);
t3 = multiplicandDigits[i];
if (!(j >= 0 && j < t2))
return A.ioore(accumulatorDigits, j);
combined = x * t3 + accumulatorDigits[j] + c;
j0 = j + 1;
accumulatorDigits[j] = combined & 65535;
c = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(combined, 65536);
for (; c !== 0; j = j0) {
if (!(j >= 0 && j < t2))
return A.ioore(accumulatorDigits, j);
l = accumulatorDigits[j] + c;
j0 = j + 1;
accumulatorDigits[j] = l & 65535;
c = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(l, 65536);
_BigIntImpl__estimateQuotientDigit(topDigitDivisor, digits, i) {
var t2, t3, quotientDigit,
t1 = digits.length;
if (!(i >= 0 && i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
t2 = digits[i];
if (t2 === topDigitDivisor)
return 65535;
t3 = i - 1;
if (!(t3 >= 0 && t3 < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, t3);
quotientDigit = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv((t2 << 16 | digits[t3]) >>> 0, topDigitDivisor);
if (quotientDigit > 65535)
return 65535;
return quotientDigit;
DateTime__fourDigits(n) {
var absN = Math.abs(n),
sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "";
if (absN >= 1000)
return "" + n;
if (absN >= 100)
return sign + "0" + absN;
if (absN >= 10)
return sign + "00" + absN;
return sign + "000" + absN;
DateTime__threeDigits(n) {
if (n >= 100)
return "" + n;
if (n >= 10)
return "0" + n;
return "00" + n;
DateTime__twoDigits(n) {
if (n >= 10)
return "" + n;
return "0" + n;
Error_safeToString(object) {
if (typeof object == "number" || A._isBool(object) || object == null)
return J.toString$0$(object);
if (typeof object == "string")
return JSON.stringify(object);
return A.Error__objectToString(object);
Error_throwWithStackTrace(error, stackTrace) {
A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
A.checkNotNullable(stackTrace, "stackTrace", type$.StackTrace);
A.Error__throw(error, stackTrace);
AssertionError$(message) {
return new A.AssertionError(message);
ArgumentError$(message, $name) {
return new A.ArgumentError(false, null, $name, message);
ArgumentError$value(value, $name, message) {
return new A.ArgumentError(true, value, $name, message);
ArgumentError$notNull($name) {
return new A.ArgumentError(false, null, $name, "Must not be null");
RangeError$(message) {
var _null = null;
return new A.RangeError(_null, _null, false, _null, _null, message);
RangeError$value(value, $name) {
return new A.RangeError(null, null, true, value, $name, "Value not in range");
RangeError$range(invalidValue, minValue, maxValue, $name, message) {
return new A.RangeError(minValue, maxValue, true, invalidValue, $name, "Invalid value");
RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, $length) {
if (0 > start || start > $length)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, "start", null));
if (end != null) {
if (start > end || end > $length)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, "end", null));
return end;
return $length;
RangeError_checkNotNegative(value, $name) {
if (value < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(value, 0, null, $name, null));
return value;
IndexError$(invalidValue, indexable, $name, message, $length) {
var t1 = A._asIntS($length == null ? J.get$length$asx(indexable) : $length);
return new A.IndexError(t1, true, invalidValue, $name, "Index out of range");
UnsupportedError$(message) {
return new A.UnsupportedError(message);
UnimplementedError$(message) {
return new A.UnimplementedError(message);
StateError$(message) {
return new A.StateError(message);
ConcurrentModificationError$(modifiedObject) {
return new A.ConcurrentModificationError(modifiedObject);
Exception_Exception(message) {
return new A._Exception(message);
FormatException$(message, source, offset) {
return new A.FormatException(message, source, offset);
Map_castFrom(source, $K, $V, K2, V2) {
return new A.CastMap(source, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._bind$1(K2)._bind$1(V2)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>"));
Object_hash(object1, object2, object3, object4) {
var t1;
if (B.C_SentinelValue === object3) {
t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2));
if (B.C_SentinelValue === object4) {
t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3));
t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
object4 = A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4));
return object4;
print(object) {
var toZone = $.printToZone;
if (toZone == null)
Uri_parse(uri) {
var delta, indices, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, isSimple, scheme, t1, t2, schemeAuth, queryStart0, pathStart0, userInfoStart, userInfo, host, portNumber, port, path, query, _null = null,
end = uri.length;
if (end >= 5) {
delta = ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 4) ^ 58) * 3 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 0) ^ 100 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 1) ^ 97 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 2) ^ 116 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 3) ^ 97) >>> 0;
if (delta === 0)
return A.UriData__parse(end < end ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end) : uri, 5, _null).get$uri();
else if (delta === 32)
return A.UriData__parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 5, end), 0, _null).get$uri();
indices = A.List_List$filled(8, 0, false, type$.int);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 0, 0);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 1, -1);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 2, -1);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 7, -1);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 3, 0);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 4, 0);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 5, end);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 6, end);
if (A._scan(uri, 0, end, 0, indices) >= 14)
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, 7, end);
schemeEnd = indices[1];
if (schemeEnd >= 0)
if (A._scan(uri, 0, schemeEnd, 20, indices) === 20)
indices[7] = schemeEnd;
hostStart = indices[2] + 1;
portStart = indices[3];
pathStart = indices[4];
queryStart = indices[5];
fragmentStart = indices[6];
if (fragmentStart < queryStart)
queryStart = fragmentStart;
if (pathStart < hostStart)
pathStart = queryStart;
else if (pathStart <= schemeEnd)
pathStart = schemeEnd + 1;
if (portStart < hostStart)
portStart = pathStart;
isSimple = indices[7] < 0;
if (isSimple)
if (hostStart > schemeEnd + 3) {
scheme = _null;
isSimple = false;
} else {
t1 = portStart > 0;
if (t1 && portStart + 1 === pathStart) {
scheme = _null;
isSimple = false;
} else {
if (!(queryStart < end && queryStart === pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "..", pathStart)))
t2 = queryStart > pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/..", queryStart - 3);
t2 = true;
if (t2) {
scheme = _null;
isSimple = false;
} else {
if (schemeEnd === 4)
if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "file", 0)) {
if (hostStart <= 0) {
if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/", pathStart)) {
schemeAuth = "file:///";
delta = 3;
} else {
schemeAuth = "file://";
delta = 2;
uri = schemeAuth + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, pathStart, end);
schemeEnd -= 0;
t1 = delta - 0;
queryStart += t1;
fragmentStart += t1;
end = uri.length;
hostStart = 7;
portStart = 7;
pathStart = 7;
} else if (pathStart === queryStart) {
queryStart0 = queryStart + 1;
uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, pathStart, queryStart, "/");
queryStart = queryStart0;
scheme = "file";
} else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "http", 0)) {
if (t1 && portStart + 3 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "80", portStart + 1)) {
fragmentStart -= 3;
pathStart0 = pathStart - 3;
queryStart -= 3;
uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, "");
end -= 3;
pathStart = pathStart0;
scheme = "http";
} else
scheme = _null;
else if (schemeEnd === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "https", 0)) {
if (t1 && portStart + 4 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "443", portStart + 1)) {
fragmentStart -= 4;
pathStart0 = pathStart - 4;
queryStart -= 4;
uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, "");
end -= 3;
pathStart = pathStart0;
scheme = "https";
} else
scheme = _null;
isSimple = true;
scheme = _null;
if (isSimple) {
if (end < uri.length) {
uri = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end);
schemeEnd -= 0;
hostStart -= 0;
portStart -= 0;
pathStart -= 0;
queryStart -= 0;
fragmentStart -= 0;
return new A._SimpleUri(uri, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, scheme);
if (scheme == null)
if (schemeEnd > 0)
scheme = A._Uri__makeScheme(uri, 0, schemeEnd);
else {
if (schemeEnd === 0) {
A._Uri__fail(uri, 0, "Invalid empty scheme");
scheme = "";
if (hostStart > 0) {
userInfoStart = schemeEnd + 3;
userInfo = userInfoStart < hostStart ? A._Uri__makeUserInfo(uri, userInfoStart, hostStart - 1) : "";
host = A._Uri__makeHost(uri, hostStart, portStart, false);
t1 = portStart + 1;
if (t1 < pathStart) {
portNumber = A.Primitives_parseInt(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, t1, pathStart), _null);
port = A._Uri__makePort(portNumber == null ? A.throwExpression(A.FormatException$("Invalid port", uri, t1)) : portNumber, scheme);
} else
port = _null;
} else {
port = _null;
host = port;
userInfo = "";
path = A._Uri__makePath(uri, pathStart, queryStart, _null, scheme, host != null);
query = queryStart < fragmentStart ? A._Uri__makeQuery(uri, queryStart + 1, fragmentStart, _null) : _null;
return A._Uri$_internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragmentStart < end ? A._Uri__makeFragment(uri, fragmentStart + 1, end) : _null);
Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, start, end) {
var i, partStart, partIndex, char, part, partIndex0,
_s43_ = "IPv4 address should contain exactly 4 parts",
_s37_ = "each part must be in the range 0..255",
error = new A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(host),
result = new Uint8Array(4);
for (i = start, partStart = i, partIndex = 0; i < end; ++i) {
char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i);
if (char !== 46) {
if ((char ^ 48) > 9)$2("invalid character", i);
} else {
if (partIndex === 3)$2(_s43_, i);
part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, i), null);
if (part > 255)$2(_s37_, partStart);
partIndex0 = partIndex + 1;
if (!(partIndex < 4))
return A.ioore(result, partIndex);
result[partIndex] = part;
partStart = i + 1;
partIndex = partIndex0;
if (partIndex !== 3)$2(_s43_, end);
part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, end), null);
if (part > 255)$2(_s37_, partStart);
if (!(partIndex < 4))
return A.ioore(result, partIndex);
result[partIndex] = part;
return result;
Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, end) {
var parts, i, partStart, wildcardSeen, seenDot, char, atEnd, t1, last, bytes, wildCardLength, index, value, j, t2,
error = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(host),
parseHex = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(error, host);
if (host.length < 2)$1("address is too short");
parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
for (i = start, partStart = i, wildcardSeen = false, seenDot = false; i < end; ++i) {
char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i);
if (char === 58) {
if (i === start) {
if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) !== 58)$2("invalid start colon.", i);
partStart = i;
if (i === partStart) {
if (wildcardSeen)$2("only one wildcard `::` is allowed", i);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, -1);
wildcardSeen = true;
} else
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts,$2(partStart, i));
partStart = i + 1;
} else if (char === 46)
seenDot = true;
if (parts.length === 0)$1("too few parts");
atEnd = partStart === end;
t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(parts);
if (atEnd && t1 !== -1)$2("expected a part after last `:`", end);
if (!atEnd)
if (!seenDot)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts,$2(partStart, end));
else {
last = A.Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, partStart, end);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, (last[0] << 8 | last[1]) >>> 0);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(parts, (last[2] << 8 | last[3]) >>> 0);
if (wildcardSeen) {
if (parts.length > 7)$1("an address with a wildcard must have less than 7 parts");
} else if (parts.length !== 8)$1("an address without a wildcard must contain exactly 8 parts");
bytes = new Uint8Array(16);
for (t1 = parts.length, wildCardLength = 9 - t1, i = 0, index = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
value = parts[i];
if (value === -1)
for (j = 0; j < wildCardLength; ++j) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < 16))
return A.ioore(bytes, index);
bytes[index] = 0;
t2 = index + 1;
if (!(t2 < 16))
return A.ioore(bytes, t2);
bytes[t2] = 0;
index += 2;
else {
t2 = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 8);
if (!(index >= 0 && index < 16))
return A.ioore(bytes, index);
bytes[index] = t2;
t2 = index + 1;
if (!(t2 < 16))
return A.ioore(bytes, t2);
bytes[t2] = value & 255;
index += 2;
return bytes;
_Uri$_internal(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment) {
return new A._Uri(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment);
_Uri__defaultPort(scheme) {
if (scheme === "http")
return 80;
if (scheme === "https")
return 443;
return 0;
_Uri__compareScheme(scheme, uri) {
var t1, i, schemeChar, uriChar, delta, lowerChar;
for (t1 = scheme.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
schemeChar = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, i);
uriChar = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, i);
delta = schemeChar ^ uriChar;
if (delta !== 0) {
if (delta === 32) {
lowerChar = uriChar | delta;
if (97 <= lowerChar && lowerChar <= 122)
return false;
return true;
_Uri__fail(uri, index, message) {
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(message, uri, index));
_Uri__makePort(port, scheme) {
if (port != null && port === A._Uri__defaultPort(scheme))
return null;
return port;
_Uri__makeHost(host, start, end, strictIPv6) {
var t1, t2, index, zoneIDstart, zoneID, i;
if (host == null)
return null;
if (start === end)
return "";
if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, start) === 91) {
t1 = end - 1;
if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, t1) !== 93) {
A._Uri__fail(host, start, "Missing end `]` to match `[` in host");
t2 = start + 1;
index = A._Uri__checkZoneID(host, t2, t1);
if (index < t1) {
zoneIDstart = index + 1;
zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, t1, "%25");
} else
zoneID = "";
A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, t2, index);
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index).toLowerCase() + zoneID + "]";
for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) === 58) {
index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start);
index = index >= start && index < end ? index : end;
if (index < end) {
zoneIDstart = index + 1;
zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, end, "%25");
} else
zoneID = "";
A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, index);
return "[" + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index) + zoneID + "]";
return A._Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end);
_Uri__checkZoneID(host, start, end) {
var index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start);
return index >= start && index < end ? index : end;
_Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, start, end, prefix) {
var index, sectionStart, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, t2, tail, sourceLength, slice,
buffer = prefix !== "" ? new A.StringBuffer(prefix) : null;
for (index = start, sectionStart = index, isNormalized = true; index < end;) {
char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index);
if (char === 37) {
replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true);
t1 = replacement == null;
if (t1 && isNormalized) {
index += 3;
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
t2 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
if (t1)
replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3);
else if (replacement === "%") {
A._Uri__fail(host, index, "ZoneID should not contain % anymore");
buffer._contents = t2 + replacement;
index += 3;
sectionStart = index;
isNormalized = true;
} else {
if (char < 127) {
t1 = char >>> 4;
if (!(t1 < 8))
return A.ioore(B.List_nxB, t1);
t1 = (B.List_nxB[t1] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) {
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
if (sectionStart < index) {
buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
sectionStart = index;
isNormalized = false;
} else {
if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) {
tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1);
if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
sourceLength = 2;
} else
sourceLength = 1;
} else
sourceLength = 1;
slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
t1 = buffer;
} else
t1 = buffer;
t1._contents += slice;
t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
index += sourceLength;
sectionStart = index;
if (buffer == null)
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end);
if (sectionStart < end)
buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end);
t1 = buffer._contents;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
_Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end) {
var index, sectionStart, buffer, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, slice, t2, sourceLength, tail;
for (index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = null, isNormalized = true; index < end;) {
char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index);
if (char === 37) {
replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true);
t1 = replacement == null;
if (t1 && isNormalized) {
index += 3;
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
t2 = buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice;
if (t1) {
replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3);
sourceLength = 3;
} else if (replacement === "%") {
replacement = "%25";
sourceLength = 1;
} else
sourceLength = 3;
buffer._contents = t2 + replacement;
index += sourceLength;
sectionStart = index;
isNormalized = true;
} else {
if (char < 127) {
t1 = char >>> 4;
if (!(t1 < 8))
return A.ioore(B.List_qNA, t1);
t1 = (B.List_qNA[t1] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) {
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
if (sectionStart < index) {
buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
sectionStart = index;
isNormalized = false;
} else {
if (char <= 93) {
t1 = char >>> 4;
if (!(t1 < 8))
return A.ioore(B.List_2Vk, t1);
t1 = (B.List_2Vk[t1] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
A._Uri__fail(host, index, "Invalid character");
} else {
if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) {
tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1);
if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
sourceLength = 2;
} else
sourceLength = 1;
} else
sourceLength = 1;
slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
if (!isNormalized)
slice = slice.toLowerCase();
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
t1 = buffer;
} else
t1 = buffer;
t1._contents += slice;
t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
index += sourceLength;
sectionStart = index;
if (buffer == null)
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end);
if (sectionStart < end) {
slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end);
buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice;
t1 = buffer._contents;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
_Uri__makeScheme(scheme, start, end) {
var i, containsUpperCase, codeUnit, t1,
_s67_ = string$._null_;
if (start === end)
return "";
if (!A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(J._codeUnitAt$1$s(scheme, start))) {
A._Uri__fail(scheme, start, "Scheme not starting with alphabetic character");
for (i = start, containsUpperCase = false; i < end; ++i) {
codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, i);
if (codeUnit < 128) {
t1 = codeUnit >>> 4;
if (!(t1 < 8))
return A.ioore(B.List_JYB, t1);
t1 = (B.List_JYB[t1] & 1 << (codeUnit & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t1 = false;
if (!t1) {
A._Uri__fail(scheme, i, "Illegal scheme character");
if (65 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= 90)
containsUpperCase = true;
scheme = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(scheme, start, end);
return A._Uri__canonicalizeScheme(containsUpperCase ? scheme.toLowerCase() : scheme);
_Uri__canonicalizeScheme(scheme) {
if (scheme === "http")
return "http";
if (scheme === "file")
return "file";
if (scheme === "https")
return "https";
if (scheme === "package")
return "package";
return scheme;
_Uri__makeUserInfo(userInfo, start, end) {
if (userInfo == null)
return "";
return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(userInfo, start, end, B.List_gRj, false);
_Uri__makePath(path, start, end, pathSegments, scheme, hasAuthority) {
var t1, result,
isFile = scheme === "file",
ensureLeadingSlash = isFile || hasAuthority;
if (path == null) {
if (pathSegments == null)
return isFile ? "/" : "";
t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(pathSegments);
result = new A.MappedListIterable(pathSegments, t1._eval$1("String(1)")._as(new A._Uri__makePath_closure()), t1._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, "/");
} else if (pathSegments != null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Both path and pathSegments specified", null));
result = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(path, start, end, B.List_qg4, true);
if (result.length === 0) {
if (isFile)
return "/";
} else if (ensureLeadingSlash && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(result, "/"))
result = "/" + result;
return A._Uri__normalizePath(result, scheme, hasAuthority);
_Uri__normalizePath(path, scheme, hasAuthority) {
var t1 = scheme.length === 0;
if (t1 && !hasAuthority && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/"))
return A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, !t1 || hasAuthority);
return A._Uri__removeDotSegments(path);
_Uri__makeQuery(query, start, end, queryParameters) {
if (query != null)
return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(query, start, end, B.List_CVk, true);
return null;
_Uri__makeFragment(fragment, start, end) {
if (fragment == null)
return null;
return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(fragment, start, end, B.List_CVk, true);
_Uri__normalizeEscape(source, index, lowerCase) {
var firstDigit, secondDigit, firstDigitValue, secondDigitValue, value,
t1 = index + 2;
if (t1 >= source.length)
return "%";
firstDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index + 1);
secondDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, t1);
firstDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(firstDigit);
secondDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(secondDigit);
if (firstDigitValue < 0 || secondDigitValue < 0)
return "%";
value = firstDigitValue * 16 + secondDigitValue;
if (value < 127) {
t1 = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 4);
if (!(t1 < 8))
return A.ioore(B.List_nxB, t1);
t1 = (B.List_nxB[t1] & 1 << (value & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1)
return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(lowerCase && 65 <= value && 90 >= value ? (value | 32) >>> 0 : value);
if (firstDigit >= 97 || secondDigit >= 97)
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, index, index + 3).toUpperCase();
return null;
_Uri__escapeChar(char) {
var codeUnits, flag, encodedBytes, t1, index, byte, t2, t3,
_s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
if (char < 128) {
codeUnits = new Uint8Array(3);
codeUnits[0] = 37;
codeUnits[1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char >>> 4);
codeUnits[2] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char & 15);
} else {
if (char > 2047)
if (char > 65535) {
flag = 240;
encodedBytes = 4;
} else {
flag = 224;
encodedBytes = 3;
else {
flag = 192;
encodedBytes = 2;
t1 = 3 * encodedBytes;
codeUnits = new Uint8Array(t1);
for (index = 0; --encodedBytes, encodedBytes >= 0; flag = 128) {
byte = B.JSInt_methods._shrReceiverPositive$1(char, 6 * encodedBytes) & 63 | flag;
if (!(index < t1))
return A.ioore(codeUnits, index);
codeUnits[index] = 37;
t2 = index + 1;
t3 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte >>> 4);
if (!(t2 < t1))
return A.ioore(codeUnits, t2);
codeUnits[t2] = t3;
t3 = index + 2;
t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte & 15);
if (!(t3 < t1))
return A.ioore(codeUnits, t3);
codeUnits[t3] = t2;
index += 3;
return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(codeUnits, 0, null);
_Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters) {
var t1 = A._Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters);
return t1 == null ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, start, end) : t1;
_Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters) {
var t1, index, sectionStart, buffer, char, t2, replacement, sourceLength, tail, _null = null;
for (t1 = !escapeDelimiters, index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = _null; index < end;) {
char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, index);
if (char < 127) {
t2 = char >>> 4;
if (!(t2 < 8))
return A.ioore(charTable, t2);
t2 = (charTable[t2] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t2 = false;
if (t2)
else {
if (char === 37) {
replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(component, index, false);
if (replacement == null) {
index += 3;
if ("%" === replacement) {
replacement = "%25";
sourceLength = 1;
} else
sourceLength = 3;
} else {
if (t1)
if (char <= 93) {
t2 = char >>> 4;
if (!(t2 < 8))
return A.ioore(B.List_2Vk, t2);
t2 = (B.List_2Vk[t2] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0;
} else
t2 = false;
t2 = false;
if (t2) {
A._Uri__fail(component, index, "Invalid character");
sourceLength = _null;
replacement = sourceLength;
} else {
if ((char & 64512) === 55296) {
t2 = index + 1;
if (t2 < end) {
tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, t2);
if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
sourceLength = 2;
} else
sourceLength = 1;
} else
sourceLength = 1;
} else
sourceLength = 1;
replacement = A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
t2 = buffer;
} else
t2 = buffer;
t2._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, index);
t2._contents += A.S(replacement);
if (typeof sourceLength !== "number")
return A.iae(sourceLength);
index += sourceLength;
sectionStart = index;
if (buffer == null)
return _null;
if (sectionStart < end)
buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, end);
t1 = buffer._contents;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
_Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path) {
if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "."))
return true;
return B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(path, "/.") !== -1;
_Uri__removeDotSegments(path) {
var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment, t3;
if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path))
return path;
output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
segment = t1[_i];
if (J.$eq$(segment, "..")) {
t3 = output.length;
if (t3 !== 0) {
if (0 >= t3)
return A.ioore(output, -1);
if (output.length === 0)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(output, "");
appendSlash = true;
} else if ("." === segment)
appendSlash = true;
else {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(output, segment);
appendSlash = false;
if (appendSlash)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(output, "");
return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/");
_Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, allowScheme) {
var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment;
if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path))
return !allowScheme ? A._Uri__escapeScheme(path) : path;
output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
segment = t1[_i];
if (".." === segment)
if (output.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) !== "..") {
if (0 >= output.length)
return A.ioore(output, -1);
appendSlash = true;
} else {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(output, "..");
appendSlash = false;
else if ("." === segment)
appendSlash = true;
else {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(output, segment);
appendSlash = false;
t1 = output.length;
if (t1 !== 0)
if (t1 === 1) {
if (0 >= t1)
return A.ioore(output, 0);
t1 = output[0].length === 0;
} else
t1 = false;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return "./";
if (appendSlash || B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) === "..")
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(output, "");
if (!allowScheme) {
if (0 >= output.length)
return A.ioore(output, 0);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(output, 0, A._Uri__escapeScheme(output[0]));
return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/");
_Uri__escapeScheme(path) {
var i, char, t2,
t1 = path.length;
if (t1 >= 2 && A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0)))
for (i = 1; i < t1; ++i) {
char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i);
if (char === 58)
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, i) + "%3A" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, i + 1);
if (char <= 127) {
t2 = char >>> 4;
if (!(t2 < 8))
return A.ioore(B.List_JYB, t2);
t2 = (B.List_JYB[t2] & 1 << (char & 15)) === 0;
} else
t2 = true;
if (t2)
return path;
_Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(codeUnit) {
var lowerCase = codeUnit | 32;
return 97 <= lowerCase && lowerCase <= 122;
UriData__parse(text, start, sourceUri) {
var t1, i, slashIndex, char, equalsIndex, lastSeparator, t2, data,
_s17_ = "Invalid MIME type",
indices = A._setArrayType([start - 1], type$.JSArray_int);
for (t1 = text.length, i = start, slashIndex = -1, char = null; i < t1; ++i) {
char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
if (char === 44 || char === 59)
if (char === 47) {
if (slashIndex < 0) {
slashIndex = i;
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i));
if (slashIndex < 0 && i > start)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i));
for (; char !== 44;) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(indices, i);
for (equalsIndex = -1; i < t1; ++i) {
char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
if (char === 61) {
if (equalsIndex < 0)
equalsIndex = i;
} else if (char === 59 || char === 44)
if (equalsIndex >= 0)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(indices, equalsIndex);
else {
lastSeparator = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(indices);
if (char !== 44 || i !== lastSeparator + 7 || !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(text, "base64", lastSeparator + 1))
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expecting '='", text, i));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(indices, i);
t2 = i + 1;
if ((indices.length & 1) === 1)
text = B.C_Base64Codec.normalize$3(0, text, t2, t1);
else {
data = A._Uri__normalize(text, t2, t1, B.List_CVk, true);
if (data != null)
text = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(text, t2, t1, data);
return new A.UriData(text, indices, sourceUri);
_createTables() {
var _i, t2, t3, t4, t5,
_s77_ = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-._~!$&'()*+,;=",
_s1_ = ".", _s1_0 = ":", _s1_1 = "/", _s1_2 = "?", _s1_3 = "#",
t1 = type$.Uint8List,
tables = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(22, t1);
for (_i = 0; _i < 22; ++_i)
tables[_i] = new Uint8Array(96);
t2 = new A._createTables_build(tables);
t3 = new A._createTables_setChars();
t4 = new A._createTables_setRange();
t5 = t1._as($2(0, 225));$3(t5, _s77_, 1);$3(t5, _s1_, 14);$3(t5, _s1_0, 34);$3(t5, _s1_1, 3);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(14, 225));$3(t5, _s77_, 1);$3(t5, _s1_, 15);$3(t5, _s1_0, 34);$3(t5, _s1_1, 234);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(15, 225));$3(t5, _s77_, 1);$3(t5, "%", 225);$3(t5, _s1_0, 34);$3(t5, _s1_1, 9);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(1, 225));$3(t5, _s77_, 1);$3(t5, _s1_0, 34);$3(t5, _s1_1, 10);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(2, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 139);$3(t5, _s1_1, 131);$3(t5, _s1_, 146);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(3, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_1, 68);$3(t5, _s1_, 18);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(4, 229));$3(t5, _s77_, 5);$3(t5, "AZ", 229);$3(t5, _s1_0, 102);$3(t5, "@", 68);$3(t5, "[", 232);$3(t5, _s1_1, 138);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(5, 229));$3(t5, _s77_, 5);$3(t5, "AZ", 229);$3(t5, _s1_0, 102);$3(t5, "@", 68);$3(t5, _s1_1, 138);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(6, 231));$3(t5, "19", 7);$3(t5, "@", 68);$3(t5, _s1_1, 138);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(7, 231));$3(t5, "09", 7);$3(t5, "@", 68);$3(t5, _s1_1, 138);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);$3(t1._as($2(8, 8)), "]", 5);
t5 = t1._as($2(9, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_, 16);$3(t5, _s1_1, 234);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(16, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_, 17);$3(t5, _s1_1, 234);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(17, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_1, 9);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(10, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_, 18);$3(t5, _s1_1, 234);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(18, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_, 19);$3(t5, _s1_1, 234);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(19, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_1, 234);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(11, 235));$3(t5, _s77_, 11);$3(t5, _s1_1, 10);$3(t5, _s1_2, 172);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(12, 236));$3(t5, _s77_, 12);$3(t5, _s1_2, 12);$3(t5, _s1_3, 205);
t5 = t1._as($2(13, 237));$3(t5, _s77_, 13);$3(t5, _s1_2, 13);$3(t1._as($2(20, 245)), "az", 21);
t2 = t1._as($2(21, 245));$3(t2, "az", 21);$3(t2, "09", 21);$3(t2, "+-.", 21);
return tables;
_scan(uri, start, end, state, indices) {
var t1, i, table, char, transition,
tables = $.$get$_scannerTables();
for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$s(uri), i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (!(state >= 0 && state < tables.length))
return A.ioore(tables, state);
table = tables[state];
char = t1._codeUnitAt$1(uri, i) ^ 96;
transition = table[char > 95 ? 31 : char];
state = transition & 31;
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(indices, transition >>> 5, i);
return state;
_symbolMapToStringMap_closure: function _symbolMapToStringMap_closure(t0) {
this.result = t0;
NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure: function NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0; = t1;
_BigIntImpl: function _BigIntImpl(t0, t1, t2) {
this._isNegative = t0;
this._digits = t1;
this._used = t2;
_BigIntImpl_hashCode_combine: function _BigIntImpl_hashCode_combine() {
_BigIntImpl_hashCode_finish: function _BigIntImpl_hashCode_finish() {
DateTime: function DateTime(t0, t1) {
this._value = t0;
this.isUtc = t1;
Duration: function Duration(t0) {
this._duration = t0;
Error: function Error() {
AssertionError: function AssertionError(t0) {
this.message = t0;
TypeError: function TypeError() {
NullThrownError: function NullThrownError() {
ArgumentError: function ArgumentError(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._hasValue = t0;
_.invalidValue = t1; = t2;
_.message = t3;
RangeError: function RangeError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
var _ = this;
_.start = t0;
_.end = t1;
_._hasValue = t2;
_.invalidValue = t3; = t4;
_.message = t5;
IndexError: function IndexError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_.length = t0;
_._hasValue = t1;
_.invalidValue = t2; = t3;
_.message = t4;
NoSuchMethodError: function NoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._core$_receiver = t0;
_._core$_memberName = t1;
_._core$_arguments = t2;
_._namedArguments = t3;
UnsupportedError: function UnsupportedError(t0) {
this.message = t0;
UnimplementedError: function UnimplementedError(t0) {
this.message = t0;
StateError: function StateError(t0) {
this.message = t0;
ConcurrentModificationError: function ConcurrentModificationError(t0) {
this.modifiedObject = t0;
OutOfMemoryError: function OutOfMemoryError() {
StackOverflowError: function StackOverflowError() {
CyclicInitializationError: function CyclicInitializationError(t0) {
this.variableName = t0;
_Exception: function _Exception(t0) {
this.message = t0;
FormatException: function FormatException(t0, t1, t2) {
this.message = t0;
this.source = t1;
this.offset = t2;
IntegerDivisionByZeroException: function IntegerDivisionByZeroException() {
Expando: function Expando(t0, t1) {
this._jsWeakMap = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
Iterable: function Iterable() {
Iterator: function Iterator() {
Null: function Null() {
Object: function Object() {
_StringStackTrace: function _StringStackTrace(t0) {
this._stackTrace = t0;
StringBuffer: function StringBuffer(t0) {
this._contents = t0;
Uri__parseIPv4Address_error: function Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(t0) { = t0;
Uri_parseIPv6Address_error: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(t0) { = t0;
Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(t0, t1) {
this.error = t0; = t1;
_Uri: function _Uri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
var _ = this;
_.scheme = t0;
_._userInfo = t1;
_._host = t2;
_._port = t3;
_.path = t4;
_._query = t5;
_._fragment = t6;
_.___Uri_hashCode = _.___Uri_pathSegments = _.___Uri__text = $;
_Uri__makePath_closure: function _Uri__makePath_closure() {
UriData: function UriData(t0, t1, t2) {
this._text = t0;
this._separatorIndices = t1;
this._uriCache = t2;
_createTables_build: function _createTables_build(t0) {
this.tables = t0;
_createTables_setChars: function _createTables_setChars() {
_createTables_setRange: function _createTables_setRange() {
_SimpleUri: function _SimpleUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
var _ = this;
_._uri = t0;
_._schemeEnd = t1;
_._hostStart = t2;
_._portStart = t3;
_._pathStart = t4;
_._queryStart = t5;
_._fragmentStart = t6;
_._schemeCache = t7;
_._hashCodeCache = null;
_DataUri: function _DataUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
var _ = this;
_.scheme = t0;
_._userInfo = t1;
_._host = t2;
_._port = t3;
_.path = t4;
_._query = t5;
_._fragment = t6;
_.___Uri_hashCode = _.___Uri_pathSegments = _.___Uri__text = $;
CustomEvent_CustomEvent(type) {
var exception,
canBubble = true,
cancelable = true,
detail = null,
e = type$.CustomEvent._as(document.createEvent("CustomEvent"));
e._dartDetail = detail;
if (type$.List_dynamic._is(detail) || type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(detail) || typeof detail == "string" || typeof detail == "number")
try {
detail = new A._StructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).walk$1(detail);
J._initCustomEvent$4$x(e, type, canBubble, cancelable, detail);
} catch (exception) {
J._initCustomEvent$4$x(e, type, canBubble, cancelable, null);
J._initCustomEvent$4$x(e, type, canBubble, cancelable, null);
return e;
Element_Element$html(html, treeSanitizer, validator) {
var fragment,
t1 = document.body;
fragment = B.BodyElement_methods.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(t1, html, treeSanitizer, validator);
t1 = type$._ChildNodeListLazy;
t1 = new A.WhereIterable(new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment), t1._eval$1("bool(ListMixin.E)")._as(new A.Element_Element$html_closure()), t1._eval$1("WhereIterable<ListMixin.E>"));
return type$.Element._as(t1.get$single(t1));
Element__safeTagName(element) {
var t1, exception,
result = "element tag unavailable";
try {
t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(element);
if (typeof t1.get$tagName(element) == "string")
result = t1.get$tagName(element);
} catch (exception) {
return result;
EventSource__factoryEventSource(url, eventSourceInitDict) {
var t1 = new EventSource(url, A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(eventSourceInitDict));
return t1;
HttpRequest_request(url, method, responseType, sendData, withCredentials) {
var t2, t3, t4,
t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_HttpRequest),
completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_HttpRequest),
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();$3$async(xhr, method, url, true);
if (withCredentials != null)
B.HttpRequest_methods.set$withCredentials(xhr, withCredentials);
if (responseType != null)
xhr.responseType = responseType;
t2 = type$.nullable_void_Function_legacy_ProgressEvent;
t3 = t2._as(new A.HttpRequest_request_closure(xhr, completer));
t4 = type$.legacy_ProgressEvent;
A._EventStreamSubscription$(xhr, "load", t3, false, t4);
A._EventStreamSubscription$(xhr, "error", t2._as(completer.get$completeError()), false, t4);
if (sendData != null)
return t1;
WebSocket_WebSocket(url, protocols) {
return new WebSocket(url);
_EventStreamSubscription$(_target, _eventType, onData, _useCapture, $T) {
var t1 = onData == null ? null : A._wrapZone(new A._EventStreamSubscription_closure(onData), type$.Event);
t1 = new A._EventStreamSubscription(_target, _eventType, t1, false, $T._eval$1("_EventStreamSubscription<0>"));
return t1;
_Html5NodeValidator$(uriPolicy) {
var e = document.createElement("a"),
t1 = new A._SameOriginUriPolicy(e, window.location);
t1 = new A._Html5NodeValidator(t1);
return t1;
_Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator(element, attributeName, value, context) {
return true;
_Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator(element, attributeName, value, context) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = type$._Html5NodeValidator._as(context).uriPolicy;
t2 = t1._hiddenAnchor;
B.AnchorElement_methods.set$href(t2, value);
t3 = t2.hostname;
t1 = t1._loc;
if (!(t3 == t1.hostname && t2.port == t1.port && t2.protocol == t1.protocol))
if (t3 === "")
if (t2.port === "") {
t1 = t2.protocol;
t1 = t1 === ":" || t1 === "";
} else
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
t1 = true;
return t1;
_TemplatingNodeValidator$() {
var t1 = type$.String,
t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(B.List_wSV, t1),
t3 = type$.String_Function_legacy_String._as(new A._TemplatingNodeValidator_closure()),
t4 = A._setArrayType(["TEMPLATE"], type$.JSArray_String);
t1 = new A._TemplatingNodeValidator(t2, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1), null);
t1._SimpleNodeValidator$4$allowedAttributes$allowedElements$allowedUriAttributes(null, new A.MappedListIterable(B.List_wSV, t3, type$.MappedListIterable_of_legacy_String_and_String), t4, null);
return t1;
_convertNativeToDart_XHR_Response(o) {
if (type$.Document._is(o))
return o;
return new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(o, true);
_DOMWindowCrossFrame__createSafe(w) {
if (w === window)
return w;
return new A._DOMWindowCrossFrame();
_wrapZone(callback, $T) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 === B.C__RootZone)
return callback;
return t1.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(callback, $T);
HtmlElement: function HtmlElement() {
AccessibleNodeList: function AccessibleNodeList() {
AnchorElement: function AnchorElement() {
AreaElement: function AreaElement() {
BaseElement: function BaseElement() {
Blob: function Blob() {
BodyElement: function BodyElement() {
CharacterData: function CharacterData() {
CloseEvent: function CloseEvent() {
CssPerspective: function CssPerspective() {
CssRule: function CssRule() {
CssStyleDeclaration: function CssStyleDeclaration() {
CssStyleDeclarationBase: function CssStyleDeclarationBase() {
CssStyleValue: function CssStyleValue() {
CssTransformComponent: function CssTransformComponent() {
CssTransformValue: function CssTransformValue() {
CssUnparsedValue: function CssUnparsedValue() {
CustomEvent: function CustomEvent() {
DataTransferItemList: function DataTransferItemList() {
Document: function Document() {
DomException: function DomException() {
DomImplementation: function DomImplementation() {
DomRectList: function DomRectList() {
DomRectReadOnly: function DomRectReadOnly() {
DomStringList: function DomStringList() {
DomTokenList: function DomTokenList() {
_FrozenElementList: function _FrozenElementList(t0, t1) {
this._nodeList = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
Element: function Element() {
Element_Element$html_closure: function Element_Element$html_closure() {
Event: function Event() {
EventSource: function EventSource() {
EventTarget: function EventTarget() {
File: function File() {
FileList: function FileList() {
FileWriter: function FileWriter() {
FormElement: function FormElement() {
Gamepad: function Gamepad() {
History: function History() {
HtmlCollection: function HtmlCollection() {
HtmlDocument: function HtmlDocument() {
HttpRequest: function HttpRequest() {
HttpRequest_request_closure: function HttpRequest_request_closure(t0, t1) {
this.xhr = t0;
this.completer = t1;
HttpRequestEventTarget: function HttpRequestEventTarget() {
ImageData: function ImageData() {
KeyboardEvent: function KeyboardEvent() {
Location: function Location() {
MediaList: function MediaList() {
MessageEvent: function MessageEvent() {
MessagePort: function MessagePort() {
MidiInputMap: function MidiInputMap() {
MidiInputMap_keys_closure: function MidiInputMap_keys_closure(t0) {
this.keys = t0;
MidiOutputMap: function MidiOutputMap() {
MidiOutputMap_keys_closure: function MidiOutputMap_keys_closure(t0) {
this.keys = t0;
MimeType: function MimeType() {
MimeTypeArray: function MimeTypeArray() {
_ChildNodeListLazy: function _ChildNodeListLazy(t0) {
this._this = t0;
Node: function Node() {
NodeList: function NodeList() {
Plugin: function Plugin() {
PluginArray: function PluginArray() {
ProgressEvent: function ProgressEvent() {
RtcStatsReport: function RtcStatsReport() {
RtcStatsReport_keys_closure: function RtcStatsReport_keys_closure(t0) {
this.keys = t0;
ScriptElement: function ScriptElement() {
SelectElement: function SelectElement() {
SourceBuffer: function SourceBuffer() {
SourceBufferList: function SourceBufferList() {
SpeechGrammar: function SpeechGrammar() {
SpeechGrammarList: function SpeechGrammarList() {
SpeechRecognitionResult: function SpeechRecognitionResult() {
Storage: function Storage() {
Storage_keys_closure: function Storage_keys_closure(t0) {
this.keys = t0;
StyleSheet: function StyleSheet() {
TableElement: function TableElement() {
TableRowElement: function TableRowElement() {
TableSectionElement: function TableSectionElement() {
TemplateElement: function TemplateElement() {
TextTrack: function TextTrack() {
TextTrackCue: function TextTrackCue() {
TextTrackCueList: function TextTrackCueList() {
TextTrackList: function TextTrackList() {
TimeRanges: function TimeRanges() {
Touch: function Touch() {
TouchList: function TouchList() {
TrackDefaultList: function TrackDefaultList() {
UIEvent: function UIEvent() {
Url: function Url() {
VideoTrackList: function VideoTrackList() {
WebSocket: function WebSocket() {
Window: function Window() {
WorkerGlobalScope: function WorkerGlobalScope() {
_Attr: function _Attr() {
_CssRuleList: function _CssRuleList() {
_DomRect: function _DomRect() {
_GamepadList: function _GamepadList() {
_NamedNodeMap: function _NamedNodeMap() {
_SpeechRecognitionResultList: function _SpeechRecognitionResultList() {
_StyleSheetList: function _StyleSheetList() {
_AttributeMap: function _AttributeMap() {
_ElementAttributeMap: function _ElementAttributeMap(t0) {
this._element = t0;
EventStreamProvider: function EventStreamProvider(t0, t1) {
this._eventType = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_EventStream: function _EventStream(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._target = t0;
_._eventType = t1;
_._useCapture = t2;
_.$ti = t3;
_EventStreamSubscription: function _EventStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._pauseCount = 0;
_._target = t0;
_._eventType = t1;
_._onData = t2;
_._useCapture = t3;
_.$ti = t4;
_EventStreamSubscription_closure: function _EventStreamSubscription_closure(t0) {
this.onData = t0;
_EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure: function _EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure(t0) {
this.handleData = t0;
_Html5NodeValidator: function _Html5NodeValidator(t0) {
this.uriPolicy = t0;
ImmutableListMixin: function ImmutableListMixin() {
NodeValidatorBuilder: function NodeValidatorBuilder(t0) {
this._validators = t0;
NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure: function NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure(t0) {
this.element = t0;
NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure: function NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this.element = t0;
this.attributeName = t1;
this.value = t2;
_SimpleNodeValidator: function _SimpleNodeValidator() {
_SimpleNodeValidator_closure: function _SimpleNodeValidator_closure() {
_SimpleNodeValidator_closure0: function _SimpleNodeValidator_closure0() {
_TemplatingNodeValidator: function _TemplatingNodeValidator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._templateAttrs = t0;
_.allowedElements = t1;
_.allowedAttributes = t2;
_.allowedUriAttributes = t3;
_.uriPolicy = t4;
_TemplatingNodeValidator_closure: function _TemplatingNodeValidator_closure() {
_SvgNodeValidator: function _SvgNodeValidator() {
FixedSizeListIterator: function FixedSizeListIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._array = t0;
_._length = t1;
_._position = -1;
_._current = null;
_.$ti = t2;
_DOMWindowCrossFrame: function _DOMWindowCrossFrame() {
_SameOriginUriPolicy: function _SameOriginUriPolicy(t0, t1) {
this._hiddenAnchor = t0;
this._loc = t1;
_ValidatingTreeSanitizer: function _ValidatingTreeSanitizer(t0) {
this.validator = t0;
this.numTreeModifications = 0;
_ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk: function _ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_CssStyleDeclaration_Interceptor_CssStyleDeclarationBase: function _CssStyleDeclaration_Interceptor_CssStyleDeclarationBase() {
_DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_MidiInputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin: function _MidiInputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin() {
_MidiOutputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin: function _MidiOutputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin() {
_MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_RtcStatsReport_Interceptor_MapMixin: function _RtcStatsReport_Interceptor_MapMixin() {
_SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin: function _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin() {
_SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_Storage_Interceptor_MapMixin: function _Storage_Interceptor_MapMixin() {
_TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin: function _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin() {
_TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function __CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function __GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin: function __NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function __SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function __StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_convertNativeToDart_Value(value) {
var values, i;
if (value == null)
return value;
if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number" || A._isBool(value))
return value;
if (A.isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value))
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(value);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
values = [];
for (i = 0; i < value.length; ++i)
return values;
return value;
convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(object) {
var dict, keys, t1, _i, key;
if (object == null)
return null;
dict = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object);
for (t1 = keys.length, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
key = keys[_i];
dict.$indexSet(0, key, A._convertNativeToDart_Value(object[key]));
return dict;
_convertDartToNative_Value(value) {
var array;
if (value == null)
return value;
if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number" || A._isBool(value))
return value;
if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(value))
return A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary(value);
if (type$.List_dynamic._is(value)) {
array = [];
J.forEach$1$ax(value, new A._convertDartToNative_Value_closure(array));
value = array;
return value;
convertDartToNative_Dictionary(dict) {
var object = {};
J.forEach$1$ax(dict, new A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure(object));
return object;
isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value) {
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
return proto === Object.prototype || proto === null;
_StructuredClone: function _StructuredClone() {
_StructuredClone_walk_closure: function _StructuredClone_walk_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.$this = t1;
_StructuredClone_walk_closure0: function _StructuredClone_walk_closure0(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.$this = t1;
_AcceptStructuredClone: function _AcceptStructuredClone() {
_AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure: function _AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.$this = t1;
_convertDartToNative_Value_closure: function _convertDartToNative_Value_closure(t0) {
this.array = t0;
convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure: function convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure(t0) {
this.object = t0;
_StructuredCloneDart2Js: function _StructuredCloneDart2Js(t0, t1) {
this.values = t0;
this.copies = t1;
_AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js: function _AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js(t0, t1) {
this.values = t0;
this.copies = t1;
this.mustCopy = false;
KeyRange: function KeyRange() {
_callDartFunction(callback, captureThis, $self, $arguments) {
var arguments0, t1, dartArgs;
if (A.boolConversionCheck(captureThis)) {
arguments0 = [$self];
B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(arguments0, $arguments);
$arguments = arguments0;
t1 = type$.dynamic;
dartArgs = A.List_List$from($1$1$ax($arguments, A.js___convertToDart$closure(), t1), true, t1);
return A._convertToJS(A.Function_apply(type$.Function._as(callback), dartArgs, null));
JsObject__convertDataTree(data) {
return new A.JsObject__convertDataTree__convert(new A._IdentityHashMap(type$._IdentityHashMap_dynamic_dynamic)).call$1(data);
_castToJsObject(o) {
return o;
_defineProperty(o, $name, value) {
var exception;
try {
if (Object.isExtensible(o) && !, $name)) {
Object.defineProperty(o, $name, {value: value});
return true;
} catch (exception) {
return false;
_getOwnProperty(o, $name) {
if (, $name))
return o[$name];
return null;
_convertToJS(o) {
if (o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || A._isBool(o))
return o;
if (o instanceof A.JsObject)
return o._js$_jsObject;
if (A.isBrowserObject(o))
return o;
if (type$.TypedData._is(o))
return o;
if (o instanceof A.DateTime)
return A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(o);
if (type$.Function._is(o))
return A._getJsProxy(o, "$dart_jsFunction", new A._convertToJS_closure());
return A._getJsProxy(o, "_$dart_jsObject", new A._convertToJS_closure0($.$get$_dartProxyCtor()));
_getJsProxy(o, propertyName, createProxy) {
var jsProxy = A._getOwnProperty(o, propertyName);
if (jsProxy == null) {
jsProxy =$1(o);
A._defineProperty(o, propertyName, jsProxy);
return jsProxy;
_convertToDart(o) {
if (o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || typeof o == "boolean")
return o;
else if (o instanceof Object && A.isBrowserObject(o))
return o;
else if (o instanceof Object && type$.TypedData._is(o))
return o;
else if (o instanceof Date)
return A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(A._asIntS(o.getTime()), false);
else if (o.constructor === $.$get$_dartProxyCtor())
return o.o;
return A._wrapToDart(o);
_wrapToDart(o) {
if (typeof o == "function")
return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure());
if (o instanceof Array)
return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure0());
return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure1());
_getDartProxy(o, propertyName, createProxy) {
var dartProxy = A._getOwnProperty(o, propertyName);
if (dartProxy == null || !(o instanceof Object)) {
dartProxy =$1(o);
A._defineProperty(o, propertyName, dartProxy);
return dartProxy;
_convertDartFunctionFast(f) {
var ret,
existing = f.$dart_jsFunction;
if (existing != null)
return existing;
ret = function(_call, f) {
return function() {
return _call(f, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
}(A._callDartFunctionFast, f);
f.$dart_jsFunction = ret;
return ret;
_callDartFunctionFast(callback, $arguments) {
return A.Function_apply(type$.Function._as(callback), $arguments, null);
allowInterop(f, $F) {
if (typeof f == "function")
return f;
return $F._as(A._convertDartFunctionFast(f));
JsObject__convertDataTree__convert: function JsObject__convertDataTree__convert(t0) {
this._convertedObjects = t0;
_convertToJS_closure: function _convertToJS_closure() {
_convertToJS_closure0: function _convertToJS_closure0(t0) {
this.ctor = t0;
_wrapToDart_closure: function _wrapToDart_closure() {
_wrapToDart_closure0: function _wrapToDart_closure0() {
_wrapToDart_closure1: function _wrapToDart_closure1() {
JsObject: function JsObject(t0) {
this._js$_jsObject = t0;
JsFunction: function JsFunction(t0) {
this._js$_jsObject = t0;
JsArray: function JsArray(t0, t1) {
this._js$_jsObject = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin: function _JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin() {
promiseToFuture(jsPromise, $T) {
var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")),
completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0>"));
jsPromise.then(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A.promiseToFuture_closure(completer, $T), 1), A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A.promiseToFuture_closure0(completer), 1));
return t1;
NullRejectionException: function NullRejectionException(t0) {
this.isUndefined = t0;
promiseToFuture_closure: function promiseToFuture_closure(t0, t1) {
this.completer = t0;
this.T = t1;
promiseToFuture_closure0: function promiseToFuture_closure0(t0) {
this.completer = t0;
Random_Random(seed) {
var t1;
if (seed == null)
t1 = B.C__JSRandom;
else {
t1 = new A._Random();
return t1;
_JSRandom: function _JSRandom() {
_Random: function _Random() {
this._hi = this._lo = 0;
Length: function Length() {
LengthList: function LengthList() {
Number: function Number() {
NumberList: function NumberList() {
PointList: function PointList() {
ScriptElement0: function ScriptElement0() {
StringList: function StringList() {
SvgElement: function SvgElement() {
Transform: function Transform() {
TransformList: function TransformList() {
_LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
_TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin: function _TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin() {
_TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
AudioBuffer: function AudioBuffer() {
AudioParamMap: function AudioParamMap() {
AudioParamMap_keys_closure: function AudioParamMap_keys_closure(t0) {
this.keys = t0;
AudioTrackList: function AudioTrackList() {
BaseAudioContext: function BaseAudioContext() {
OfflineAudioContext: function OfflineAudioContext() {
_AudioParamMap_Interceptor_MapMixin: function _AudioParamMap_Interceptor_MapMixin() {
AsyncMemoizer: function AsyncMemoizer(t0, t1) {
this._completer = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
DelegatingStreamSink: function DelegatingStreamSink() {
CopyOnWriteList: function CopyOnWriteList(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._copyBeforeWrite = true;
_._growable = t0;
_._copy_on_write_list$_list = t1;
_.$ti = t2;
hashObjects(objects) {
return A._finish(B.JSArray_methods.fold$1$2(objects, 0, new A.hashObjects_closure(), type$.int));
_combine(hash, value) {
if (typeof hash !== "number")
return hash.$add();
if (typeof value !== "number")
return A.iae(value);
hash = hash + value & 536870911;
hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
return hash ^ hash >>> 6;
_finish(hash) {
if (typeof hash !== "number")
return A.iae(hash);
hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
hashObjects_closure: function hashObjects_closure() {
BuiltList_BuiltList$from(iterable, $E) {
var t1;
if (iterable instanceof A._BuiltList) {
t1 = A.createRuntimeType($E);
t1 = A.createRuntimeType(iterable.$ti._precomputed1) === t1;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1)
return $E._eval$1("BuiltList<0>")._as(iterable);
else {
t1 = new A._BuiltList(A.List_List$from(iterable, false, $E), $E._eval$1("_BuiltList<0>"));
return t1;
ListBuilder_ListBuilder(iterable, $E) {
var t1 = new A.ListBuilder($E._eval$1("ListBuilder<0>"));
t1.replace$1(0, iterable);
return t1;
BuiltList: function BuiltList() {
_BuiltList: function _BuiltList(t0, t1) {
this._list = t0;
this._list$_hashCode = null;
this.$ti = t1;
ListBuilder: function ListBuilder(t0) {
this.__ListBuilder__list = $;
this._listOwner = null;
this.$ti = t0;
BuiltListMultimap_BuiltListMultimap($K, $V) {
var t1 = A._BuiltListMultimap$copy(B.Map_empty.get$keys(B.Map_empty), new A.BuiltListMultimap_BuiltListMultimap_closure(B.Map_empty), $K, $V);
return t1;
_BuiltListMultimap$copy(keys, lookup, $K, $V) {
var t1 = new A._BuiltListMultimap(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $V._eval$1("BuiltList<0>")), A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from(B.List_empty0, $V), $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_BuiltListMultimap<1,2>"));
t1._BuiltListMultimap$copy$2(keys, lookup, $K, $V);
return t1;
ListMultimapBuilder_ListMultimapBuilder($K, $V) {
var t1 = new A.ListMultimapBuilder($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("ListMultimapBuilder<1,2>"));
t1.replace$1(0, B.Map_empty);
return t1;
BuiltListMultimap: function BuiltListMultimap() {
BuiltListMultimap_BuiltListMultimap_closure: function BuiltListMultimap_BuiltListMultimap_closure(t0) {
this.multimap = t0;
BuiltListMultimap_hashCode_closure: function BuiltListMultimap_hashCode_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_BuiltListMultimap: function _BuiltListMultimap(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._list_multimap$_map = t0;
_._emptyList = t1;
_._list_multimap$_keys = _._list_multimap$_hashCode = null;
_.$ti = t2;
ListMultimapBuilder: function ListMultimapBuilder(t0) {
var _ = this;
_.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap = $;
_._list_multimap$_builtMapOwner = null;
_.__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap = $;
_.$ti = t0;
ListMultimapBuilder_replace_closure: function ListMultimapBuilder_replace_closure(t0) {
this.multimap = t0;
BuiltMap_BuiltMap($K, $V) {
var t1 = new A._BuiltMap(null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $V), $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_BuiltMap<1,2>"));
t1._BuiltMap$copyAndCheckTypes$2(B.Map_empty.get$keys(B.Map_empty), new A.BuiltMap_BuiltMap_closure(B.Map_empty), $K, $V);
return t1;
MapBuilder_MapBuilder($K, $V) {
var t1 = new A.MapBuilder(null, $, null, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("MapBuilder<1,2>"));
t1.replace$1(0, B.Map_empty);
return t1;
BuiltMap: function BuiltMap() {
BuiltMap_BuiltMap_closure: function BuiltMap_BuiltMap_closure(t0) { = t0;
BuiltMap_hashCode_closure: function BuiltMap_hashCode_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_BuiltMap: function _BuiltMap(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._mapFactory = t0;
_._map$_map = t1;
_._map$_keys = _._map$_hashCode = null;
_.$ti = t2;
MapBuilder: function MapBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._mapFactory = t0;
_.__MapBuilder__map = t1;
_._mapOwner = t2;
_.$ti = t3;
MapBuilder_replace_closure: function MapBuilder_replace_closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.replacement = t1;
BuiltSet_BuiltSet$from(iterable, $E) {
var t1 = new A._BuiltSet(null, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(iterable, $E), $E._eval$1("_BuiltSet<0>"));
return t1;
SetBuilder_SetBuilder($E) {
var t1 = new A.SetBuilder(null, $, null, $E._eval$1("SetBuilder<0>"));
t1.replace$1(0, B.List_empty0);
return t1;
BuiltSet: function BuiltSet() {
BuiltSet_hashCode_closure: function BuiltSet_hashCode_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_BuiltSet: function _BuiltSet(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._setFactory = t0;
_._set$_set = t1;
_._set$_hashCode = null;
_.$ti = t2;
SetBuilder: function SetBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._setFactory = t0;
_.__SetBuilder__set = t1;
_._setOwner = t2;
_.$ti = t3;
SetMultimapBuilder_SetMultimapBuilder($K, $V) {
var t1 = new A.SetMultimapBuilder($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("SetMultimapBuilder<1,2>"));
t1.replace$1(0, B.Map_empty);
return t1;
BuiltSetMultimap: function BuiltSetMultimap() {
BuiltSetMultimap_hashCode_closure: function BuiltSetMultimap_hashCode_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_BuiltSetMultimap: function _BuiltSetMultimap(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._set_multimap$_map = t0;
_._emptySet = t1;
_._set_multimap$_keys = _._set_multimap$_hashCode = null;
_.$ti = t2;
SetMultimapBuilder: function SetMultimapBuilder(t0) {
var _ = this;
_.__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap = $;
_._builtMapOwner = null;
_.__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap = $;
_.$ti = t0;
SetMultimapBuilder_replace_closure: function SetMultimapBuilder_replace_closure(t0) {
this.multimap = t0;
$jc(hash, value) {
if (typeof value !== "number")
return A.iae(value);
hash = hash + value & 536870911;
hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
return hash ^ hash >>> 6;
$jf(hash) {
hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
BuiltValueNullFieldError$(type, field) {
return new A.BuiltValueNullFieldError(type, field);
EnumClass: function EnumClass() {
newBuiltValueToStringHelper_closure: function newBuiltValueToStringHelper_closure() {
IndentingBuiltValueToStringHelper: function IndentingBuiltValueToStringHelper(t0) {
this._result = t0;
BuiltValueNullFieldError: function BuiltValueNullFieldError(t0, t1) {
this.type = t0;
this.field = t1;
BuiltValueNestedFieldError: function BuiltValueNestedFieldError(t0, t1, t2) {
this.type = t0;
this.field = t1;
this.error = t2;
JsonObject_JsonObject(value) {
if (typeof value == "number")
return new A.NumJsonObject(value);
else if (typeof value == "string")
return new A.StringJsonObject(value);
else if (A._isBool(value))
return new A.BoolJsonObject(value);
else if (type$.List_nullable_Object._is(value))
return new A.ListJsonObject(new A.UnmodifiableListView(value, type$.UnmodifiableListView_nullable_Object));
else if (type$.Map_of_String_and_nullable_Object._is(value))
return new A.MapJsonObject(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(value, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_of_String_and_nullable_Object));
else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(value))
return new A.MapJsonObject(new A.UnmodifiableMapView(J.cast$2$0$ax(value, type$.String, type$.nullable_Object), type$.UnmodifiableMapView_of_String_and_nullable_Object));
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(value, "value", "Must be bool, List<Object?>, Map<String?, Object?>, num or String"));
JsonObject: function JsonObject() {
BoolJsonObject: function BoolJsonObject(t0) {
this.value = t0;
ListJsonObject: function ListJsonObject(t0) {
this.value = t0;
MapJsonObject: function MapJsonObject(t0) {
this.value = t0;
NumJsonObject: function NumJsonObject(t0) {
this.value = t0;
StringJsonObject: function StringJsonObject(t0) {
this.value = t0;
Serializers_Serializers() {
var t1 = type$.Type,
t2 = type$.Serializer_dynamic,
t3 = type$.String;
t2 = new A.BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder(A.MapBuilder_MapBuilder(t1, t2), A.MapBuilder_MapBuilder(t3, t2), A.MapBuilder_MapBuilder(t3, t2), A.MapBuilder_MapBuilder(type$.FullType, type$.Function), A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(B.List_empty0, type$.SerializerPlugin));
t2.add$1(0, new A.BigIntSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_BigInt_8OV, J.get$runtimeType$($.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero())], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.BoolSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_bool_lhE], t1)));
t3 = type$.Object;
t2.add$1(0, new A.BuiltListSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_BuiltList_iTR, A.getRuntimeType(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from(B.List_empty0, t3))], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_BuiltListMultimap_2Mt, A.getRuntimeType(A.BuiltListMultimap_BuiltListMultimap(t3, t3))], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.BuiltMapSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_BuiltMap_qd4, A.getRuntimeType(A.BuiltMap_BuiltMap(t3, t3))], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.BuiltSetSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_BuiltSet_fcN, A.getRuntimeType(A.BuiltSet_BuiltSet$from(B.List_empty0, t3))], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer(A.BuiltSet_BuiltSet$from([B.Type_BuiltSetMultimap_9Fi], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.DateTimeSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_DateTime_8AS], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.DoubleSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_double_K1J], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.DurationSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_Duration_SnA], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.IntSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_int_tHn], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.Int64Serializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_Int64_gc6], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.JsonObjectSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_JsonObject_gyf, B.Type_BoolJsonObject_8HQ, B.Type_ListJsonObject_yPV, B.Type_MapJsonObject_bBG, B.Type_NumJsonObject_H9C, B.Type_StringJsonObject_GAC], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.NullSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_Null_Yyn], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.NumSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_num_cv7], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.RegExpSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_RegExp_Eeh, $.$get$_runtimeType()], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.StringSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_String_k8F], t1)));
t2.add$1(0, new A.UriSerializer(A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from([B.Type_Uri_EFX, A.getRuntimeType(A.Uri_parse("")), A.getRuntimeType(A.Uri_parse(""))], t1)));
t2.addBuilderFactory$2(B.FullType_eLJ, new A.Serializers_Serializers_closure());
t2.addBuilderFactory$2(B.FullType_4Wf, new A.Serializers_Serializers_closure0());
t2.addBuilderFactory$2(B.FullType_wIv, new A.Serializers_Serializers_closure1());
t2.addBuilderFactory$2(B.FullType_4e8, new A.Serializers_Serializers_closure2());
t2.addBuilderFactory$2(B.FullType_Ofx, new A.Serializers_Serializers_closure3());
FullType__getRawName(type) {
var $name = J.toString$0$(type),
genericsStart = J.indexOf$1$s($name, "<");
return genericsStart === -1 ? $name : B.JSString_methods.substring$2($name, 0, genericsStart);
DeserializationError_DeserializationError(json, type, error) {
var limitedJson = J.toString$0$(json),
t1 = limitedJson.length;
return new A.DeserializationError(t1 > 80 ? B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(limitedJson, 77, t1, "...") : limitedJson, type, error);
Serializers_Serializers_closure: function Serializers_Serializers_closure() {
Serializers_Serializers_closure0: function Serializers_Serializers_closure0() {
Serializers_Serializers_closure1: function Serializers_Serializers_closure1() {
Serializers_Serializers_closure2: function Serializers_Serializers_closure2() {
Serializers_Serializers_closure3: function Serializers_Serializers_closure3() {
FullType: function FullType(t0, t1, t2) {
this.root = t0;
this.parameters = t1;
this.nullable = t2;
DeserializationError: function DeserializationError(t0, t1, t2) {
this.json = t0;
this.type = t1;
this.error = t2;
BigIntSerializer: function BigIntSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
BoolSerializer: function BoolSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder$_(_typeToSerializer, _wireNameToSerializer, _typeNameToSerializer, _builderFactories, _plugins) {
return new A.BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder(_typeToSerializer, _wireNameToSerializer, _typeNameToSerializer, _builderFactories, _plugins);
_getRawName(type) {
var $name = J.toString$0$(type),
genericsStart = J.indexOf$1$s($name, "<");
return genericsStart === -1 ? $name : B.JSString_methods.substring$2($name, 0, genericsStart);
BuiltJsonSerializers: function BuiltJsonSerializers(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._typeToSerializer = t0;
_._wireNameToSerializer = t1;
_._typeNameToSerializer = t2;
_.builderFactories = t3;
_.serializerPlugins = t4;
BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder: function BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._typeToSerializer = t0;
_._wireNameToSerializer = t1;
_._typeNameToSerializer = t2;
_._builderFactories = t3;
_._plugins = t4;
BuiltListMultimapSerializer: function BuiltListMultimapSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
BuiltListMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure: function BuiltListMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.valueType = t1;
BuiltListMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure: function BuiltListMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.valueType = t1;
BuiltListSerializer: function BuiltListSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
BuiltListSerializer_serialize_closure: function BuiltListSerializer_serialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.elementType = t1;
BuiltListSerializer_deserialize_closure: function BuiltListSerializer_deserialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.elementType = t1;
BuiltMapSerializer: function BuiltMapSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
BuiltSetMultimapSerializer: function BuiltSetMultimapSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure: function BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.valueType = t1;
BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure: function BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.valueType = t1;
BuiltSetSerializer: function BuiltSetSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
BuiltSetSerializer_serialize_closure: function BuiltSetSerializer_serialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.elementType = t1;
BuiltSetSerializer_deserialize_closure: function BuiltSetSerializer_deserialize_closure(t0, t1) {
this.serializers = t0;
this.elementType = t1;
DateTimeSerializer: function DateTimeSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
DoubleSerializer: function DoubleSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
DurationSerializer: function DurationSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
Int64Serializer: function Int64Serializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
IntSerializer: function IntSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
JsonObjectSerializer: function JsonObjectSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
NullSerializer: function NullSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
NumSerializer: function NumSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
RegExpSerializer: function RegExpSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
StringSerializer: function StringSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
UriSerializer: function UriSerializer(t0) {
this.types = t0;
DefaultEquality: function DefaultEquality(t0) {
this.$ti = t0;
IterableEquality: function IterableEquality(t0, t1) {
this._elementEquality = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
ListEquality: function ListEquality(t0, t1) {
this._elementEquality = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_UnorderedEquality: function _UnorderedEquality() {
SetEquality: function SetEquality(t0, t1) {
this._elementEquality = t0;
this.$ti = t1;
_MapEntry: function _MapEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
this.equality = t0;
this.key = t1;
this.value = t2;
MapEquality: function MapEquality(t0, t1, t2) {
this._keyEquality = t0;
this._valueEquality = t1;
this.$ti = t2;
DeepCollectionEquality: function DeepCollectionEquality() {
_$valueOf($name) {
switch ($name) {
case "started":
return B.BuildStatus_started;
case "succeeded":
return B.BuildStatus_succeeded;
case "failed":
return B.BuildStatus_failed;
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$($name, null));
BuildStatus: function BuildStatus(t0) { = t0;
BuildResult: function BuildResult() {
_$BuildStatusSerializer: function _$BuildStatusSerializer() {
_$BuildResultSerializer: function _$BuildResultSerializer() {
_$BuildResult: function _$BuildResult(t0) {
this.status = t0;
BuildResultBuilder: function BuildResultBuilder() {
this._status = this._build_result$_$v = null;
ConnectRequest: function ConnectRequest() {
_$ConnectRequestSerializer: function _$ConnectRequestSerializer() {
_$ConnectRequest: function _$ConnectRequest(t0, t1, t2) {
this.appId = t0;
this.instanceId = t1;
this.entrypointPath = t2;
ConnectRequestBuilder: function ConnectRequestBuilder() {
var _ = this;
_._entrypointPath = _._instanceId = _._appId = _._$v = null;
DebugEvent: function DebugEvent() {
_$DebugEventSerializer: function _$DebugEventSerializer() {
_$DebugEvent: function _$DebugEvent(t0, t1, t2) {
this.kind = t0;
this.eventData = t1;
this.timestamp = t2;
DebugEventBuilder: function DebugEventBuilder() {
var _ = this;
_._timestamp = _._eventData = _._debug_event$_kind = _._debug_event$_$v = null;
DevToolsRequest: function DevToolsRequest() {
DevToolsResponse: function DevToolsResponse() {
_$DevToolsRequestSerializer: function _$DevToolsRequestSerializer() {
_$DevToolsResponseSerializer: function _$DevToolsResponseSerializer() {
_$DevToolsRequest: function _$DevToolsRequest(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_.appId = t0;
_.instanceId = t1;
_.contextId = t2;
_.tabUrl = t3;
DevToolsRequestBuilder: function DevToolsRequestBuilder() {
var _ = this;
_._tabUrl = _._contextId = _._devtools_request$_instanceId = _._devtools_request$_appId = _._devtools_request$_$v = null;
_$DevToolsResponse: function _$DevToolsResponse(t0, t1, t2) {
this.success = t0;
this.promptExtension = t1;
this.error = t2;
DevToolsResponseBuilder: function DevToolsResponseBuilder() {
var _ = this;
_._error = _._promptExtension = _._success = _._devtools_request$_$v = null;
ErrorResponse: function ErrorResponse() {
_$ErrorResponseSerializer: function _$ErrorResponseSerializer() {
_$ErrorResponse: function _$ErrorResponse(t0, t1) {
this.error = t0;
this.stackTrace = t1;
ErrorResponseBuilder: function ErrorResponseBuilder() {
this._error_response$_stackTrace = this._error_response$_error = this._error_response$_$v = null;
ExtensionRequest: function ExtensionRequest() {
ExtensionResponse: function ExtensionResponse() {
ExtensionEvent: function ExtensionEvent() {
BatchedEvents: function BatchedEvents() {
_$ExtensionRequestSerializer: function _$ExtensionRequestSerializer() {
_$ExtensionResponseSerializer: function _$ExtensionResponseSerializer() {
_$ExtensionEventSerializer: function _$ExtensionEventSerializer() {
_$BatchedEventsSerializer: function _$BatchedEventsSerializer() {
_$ExtensionRequest: function _$ExtensionRequest(t0, t1, t2) { = t0;
this.command = t1;
this.commandParams = t2;
ExtensionRequestBuilder: function ExtensionRequestBuilder() {
var _ = this;
_._commandParams = _._command = _._id = _._extension_request$_$v = null;
_$ExtensionResponse: function _$ExtensionResponse(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this; = t0;
_.success = t1;
_.result = t2;
_.error = t3;
ExtensionResponseBuilder: function ExtensionResponseBuilder() {
var _ = this;
_._extension_request$_error = _._extension_request$_result = _._extension_request$_success = _._id = _._extension_request$_$v = null;
_$ExtensionEvent: function _$ExtensionEvent(t0, t1) {
this.params = t0;
this.method = t1;
ExtensionEventBuilder: function ExtensionEventBuilder() {
this._extension_request$_method = this._params = this._extension_request$_$v = null;
_$BatchedEvents: function _$BatchedEvents(t0) { = t0;
BatchedEventsBuilder: function BatchedEventsBuilder() {
this._events = this._extension_request$_$v = null;
IsolateExit: function IsolateExit() {
IsolateStart: function IsolateStart() {
_$IsolateExitSerializer: function _$IsolateExitSerializer() {
_$IsolateStartSerializer: function _$IsolateStartSerializer() {
_$IsolateExit: function _$IsolateExit() {
IsolateExitBuilder: function IsolateExitBuilder() {
this._isolate_events$_$v = null;
_$IsolateStart: function _$IsolateStart() {
IsolateStartBuilder: function IsolateStartBuilder() {
this._isolate_events$_$v = null;
RegisterEvent: function RegisterEvent() {
_$RegisterEventSerializer: function _$RegisterEventSerializer() {
_$RegisterEvent: function _$RegisterEvent(t0, t1) {
this.eventData = t0;
this.timestamp = t1;
RegisterEventBuilder: function RegisterEventBuilder() {
this._register_event$_timestamp = this._register_event$_eventData = this._register_event$_$v = null;
RunRequest: function RunRequest() {
_$RunRequestSerializer: function _$RunRequestSerializer() {
_$RunRequest: function _$RunRequest() {
_$serializers_closure: function _$serializers_closure() {
SocketClient: function SocketClient() {
SseSocketClient: function SseSocketClient(t0) {
this._sockets$_client = t0;
WebSocketClient: function WebSocketClient(t0) {
this._channel = t0;
WebSocketClient_stream_closure: function WebSocketClient_stream_closure() {
Int32__decodeDigit(c) {
if (c >= 48 && c <= 57)
return c - 48;
else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122)
return c - 97 + 10;
else if (c >= 65 && c <= 90)
return c - 65 + 10;
return -1;
Int64__parseRadix(s, radix) {
var i, negative, d0, d1, d2, c, digit, d00, d10, _null = null,
t1 = s.length;
if (0 < t1 && s[0] === "-") {
i = 1;
negative = true;
} else {
i = 0;
negative = false;
if (i >= t1)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("No digits in '" + s + "'", _null, _null));
for (d0 = 0, d1 = 0, d2 = 0; i < t1; ++i, d1 = d10, d0 = d00) {
c = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, i);
digit = A.Int32__decodeDigit(c);
if (digit < 0 || digit >= radix)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Non-radix char code: " + c, _null, _null));
d0 = d0 * radix + digit;
d00 = d0 & 4194303;
d1 = d1 * radix + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(d0, 22);
d10 = d1 & 4194303;
d2 = d2 * radix + (d1 >>> 22) & 1048575;
if (negative)
return A.Int64__sub(0, 0, 0, d0, d1, d2);
return new A.Int64(d0 & 4194303, d1 & 4194303, d2 & 1048575);
Int64_Int64(value) {
var negative, v2, v1, t1, t2, t3;
if (value < 0) {
value = -value;
negative = true;
} else
negative = false;
v2 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(value, 17592186044416);
value -= v2 * 17592186044416;
v1 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(value, 4194304);
t1 = v1 & 4194303;
t2 = v2 & 1048575;
t3 = value - v1 * 4194304 & 4194303;
return negative ? A.Int64__sub(0, 0, 0, t3, t1, t2) : new A.Int64(t3, t1, t2);
Int64__promote(value) {
if (value instanceof A.Int64)
return value;
else if (A._isInt(value))
return A.Int64_Int64(value);
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(value, null, null));
Int64__toRadixStringUnsigned(radix, d0, d1, d2, sign) {
var d4, d3, fatRadix, chunk1, chunk2, chunk3, q, q0, q1, q2, q3, chunk10, residue;
if (d0 === 0 && d1 === 0 && d2 === 0)
return "0";
d4 = (d2 << 4 | d1 >>> 18) >>> 0;
d3 = d1 >>> 8 & 1023;
d2 = (d1 << 2 | d0 >>> 20) & 1023;
d1 = d0 >>> 10 & 1023;
d0 &= 1023;
if (!(radix < 37))
return A.ioore(B.List_WrN, radix);
fatRadix = B.List_WrN[radix];
chunk1 = "";
chunk2 = "";
chunk3 = "";
while (true) {
if (!!(d4 === 0 && d3 === 0))
q = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(d4, fatRadix);
d3 += d4 - q * fatRadix << 10 >>> 0;
q0 = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(d3, fatRadix);
d2 += d3 - q0 * fatRadix << 10 >>> 0;
q1 = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(d2, fatRadix);
d1 += d2 - q1 * fatRadix << 10 >>> 0;
q2 = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(d1, fatRadix);
d0 += d1 - q2 * fatRadix << 10 >>> 0;
q3 = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(d0, fatRadix);
chunk10 = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(fatRadix + (d0 - q3 * fatRadix), radix), 1);
chunk3 = chunk2;
chunk2 = chunk1;
chunk1 = chunk10;
d3 = q0;
d4 = q;
d2 = q1;
d1 = q2;
d0 = q3;
residue = (d2 << 20 >>> 0) + (d1 << 10 >>> 0) + d0;
return sign + (residue === 0 ? "" : B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(residue, radix)) + chunk1 + chunk2 + chunk3;
Int64__sub(a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2) {
var diff0 = a0 - b0,
diff1 = a1 - b1 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(diff0, 22) & 1);
return new A.Int64(diff0 & 4194303, diff1 & 4194303, a2 - b2 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(diff1, 22) & 1) & 1048575);
Int64: function Int64(t0, t1, t2) {
this._l = t0;
this._m = t1;
this._h = t2;
stronglyConnectedComponents(nodes, edges, $T) {
var node, _null = null, _box_0 = {},
result = A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<List<0>>")),
t1 = type$.int,
lowLinks = A.HashMap_HashMap(_null, _null, _null, $T, t1),
indexes = A.HashMap_HashMap(_null, _null, _null, $T, t1),
onStack = A.HashSet_HashSet(_null, _null, $T),
_i = _box_0.index = 0,
strongConnect = new A.stronglyConnectedComponents_strongConnect(_box_0, indexes, lowLinks, A.ListQueue$($T), onStack, edges, A.strongly_connected_components___defaultEquals$closure(), result, $T);
for (t1 = nodes.length; _i < nodes.length; nodes.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(nodes), ++_i) {
node = nodes[_i];
if (!indexes.containsKey$1(0, node))$1(node);
return result;
_defaultEquals0(a, b) {
return J.$eq$(a, b);
stronglyConnectedComponents_strongConnect: function stronglyConnectedComponents_strongConnect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
var _ = this;
_._box_0 = t0;
_.indexes = t1;
_.lowLinks = t2;
_.lastVisited = t3;
_.onStack = t4;
_.edges = t5;
_.nonNullEquals = t6;
_.result = t7;
_.T = t8;
Level: function Level(t0, t1) { = t0;
this.value = t1;
LogRecord: function LogRecord(t0, t1, t2) {
this.level = t0;
this.message = t1;
this.loggerName = t2;
Logger_Logger($name) {
return $.Logger__loggers.putIfAbsent$2(0, $name, new A.Logger_Logger_closure($name));
Logger: function Logger(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this; = t0;
_.parent = t1;
_._level = null;
_._children = t2;
Logger_Logger_closure: function Logger_Logger_closure(t0) { = t0;
Pool: function Pool(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._requestedResources = t0;
_._onReleaseCallbacks = t1;
_._onReleaseCompleters = t2;
_._maxAllocatedResources = t3;
_._allocatedResources = 0;
_._timer = null;
_._closeMemo = t4;
Pool__runOnRelease_closure: function Pool__runOnRelease_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
Pool__runOnRelease_closure0: function Pool__runOnRelease_closure0(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
PoolResource: function PoolResource(t0) {
this._pool = t0;
this._released = false;
SseClient$(serverUrl) {
var _null = null,
t1 = type$.String;
t1 = new A.SseClient(A.StreamController_StreamController(_null, _null, false, t1), A.StreamController_StreamController(_null, _null, false, t1), A.Logger_Logger("SseClient"), new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic), type$._AsyncCompleter_dynamic));
return t1;
SseClient: function SseClient(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
var _ = this;
_._incomingController = t0;
_._outgoingController = t1;
_._logger = t2;
_._onConnected = t3;
_._lastMessageId = -1;
_.__SseClient__serverUrl = _.__SseClient__eventSource = $;
_._errorTimer = null;
SseClient_closure: function SseClient_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
SseClient_closure0: function SseClient_closure0(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
SseClient_closure1: function SseClient_closure1(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
SseClient__closure: function SseClient__closure(t0, t1) {
this.$this = t0;
this.error = t1;
SseClient__onOutgoingMessage_closure: function SseClient__onOutgoingMessage_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.$this = t1;
this.message = t2;
generateUuidV4() {
var t1 = new A.generateUuidV4__printDigits(),
t2 = new A.generateUuidV4__bitsDigits(t1, new A.generateUuidV4__generateBits(B.C__JSRandom)),
t3 = B.C__JSRandom.nextInt$1(4);
return A.S($2(16, 4)) + A.S($2(16, 4)) + "-" + A.S($2(16, 4)) + "-4" + A.S($2(12, 3)) + "-" + A.S($2(8 + t3, 1)) + A.S($2(12, 3)) + "-" + A.S($2(16, 4)) + A.S($2(16, 4)) + A.S($2(16, 4));
generateUuidV4__generateBits: function generateUuidV4__generateBits(t0) {
this.random = t0;
generateUuidV4__printDigits: function generateUuidV4__printDigits() {
generateUuidV4__bitsDigits: function generateUuidV4__bitsDigits(t0, t1) {
this._printDigits = t0;
this._generateBits = t1;
GuaranteeChannel$(innerStream, innerSink, allowSinkErrors, $T) {
var t2, t1 = {};
t1.innerStream = innerStream;
t2 = new A.GuaranteeChannel($T._eval$1("GuaranteeChannel<0>"));
t2.GuaranteeChannel$3$allowSinkErrors(innerSink, allowSinkErrors, t1, $T);
return t2;
GuaranteeChannel: function GuaranteeChannel(t0) {
var _ = this;
_.__GuaranteeChannel__streamController = _.__GuaranteeChannel__sink = $;
_._guarantee_channel$_subscription = null;
_._disconnected = false;
_.$ti = t0;
GuaranteeChannel_closure: function GuaranteeChannel_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.$this = t1;
this.T = t2;
GuaranteeChannel__closure: function GuaranteeChannel__closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_GuaranteeSink: function _GuaranteeSink(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
var _ = this;
_._inner = t0;
_._guarantee_channel$_channel = t1;
_._doneCompleter = t2;
_._closed = _._disconnected = false;
_._addStreamCompleter = _._addStreamSubscription = null;
_._allowErrors = t3;
_.$ti = t4;
_GuaranteeSink__addError_closure: function _GuaranteeSink__addError_closure() {
StreamChannelController: function StreamChannelController(t0) {
this.__StreamChannelController__foreign = this.__StreamChannelController__local = $;
this.$ti = t0;
StreamChannelMixin: function StreamChannelMixin() {
Uuid: function Uuid() {
HtmlWebSocketChannel$connect(url, protocols) {
var t2, t3, localToForeignController, foreignToLocalController, t4, t5, t6, _null = null,
t1 = A.WebSocket_WebSocket(url.toString$0(0), protocols);
B.WebSocket_methods.set$binaryType(t1, "arraybuffer");
t2 = new A.StreamChannelController(type$.StreamChannelController_dynamic);
t3 = type$.dynamic;
localToForeignController = A.StreamController_StreamController(_null, _null, true, t3);
foreignToLocalController = A.StreamController_StreamController(_null, _null, true, t3);
t4 = A._instanceType(foreignToLocalController);
t5 = A._instanceType(localToForeignController);
t6 = A.GuaranteeChannel$(new A._ControllerStream(foreignToLocalController, t4._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")), new A._StreamSinkWrapper(localToForeignController, t5._eval$1("_StreamSinkWrapper<1>")), true, t3);
A._lateWriteOnceCheck($, "_local");
t3 = A.GuaranteeChannel$(new A._ControllerStream(localToForeignController, t5._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")), new A._StreamSinkWrapper(foreignToLocalController, t4._eval$1("_StreamSinkWrapper<1>")), false, t3);
A._lateWriteOnceCheck(t2.__StreamChannelController__foreign, "_foreign");
t2 = new A.HtmlWebSocketChannel(t1, t2);
return t2;
HtmlWebSocketChannel: function HtmlWebSocketChannel(t0, t1) {
var _ = this;
_._webSocket = t0;
_._localCloseReason = _._localCloseCode = null;
_._html$_controller = t1;
_.__HtmlWebSocketChannel_sink = $;
HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure: function HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure0: function HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure0(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure1: function HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure1(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure2: function HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure2(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
HtmlWebSocketChannel__listen_closure: function HtmlWebSocketChannel__listen_closure(t0) {
this.$this = t0;
_HtmlWebSocketSink: function _HtmlWebSocketSink(t0, t1) {
this._html$_channel = t0;
this._sink = t1;
WebSocketChannel: function WebSocketChannel(t0) {
this._channel$_webSocket = t0;
WebSocketChannelException: function WebSocketChannelException(t0) {
this.message = t0;
main() {
return A.runZonedGuarded(new A.main_closure(), new A.main_closure0(), type$.legacy_Future_void);
main_closure: function main_closure() {
main__closure: function main__closure(t0) {
this.manager = t0;
main__closure0: function main__closure0(t0) {
this.client = t0;
main___closure1: function main___closure1(t0, t1) {
this.kind = t0;
this.eventData = t1;
main__closure1: function main__closure1(t0) {
this.client = t0;
main___closure0: function main___closure0(t0) {
this.eventData = t0;
main__closure2: function main__closure2(t0) {
this.client = t0;
main___closure: function main___closure() {
main__closure3: function main__closure3(t0) {
this.manager = t0;
main__closure4: function main__closure4() {
main__closure5: function main__closure5() {
main__closure6: function main__closure6() {
main_closure0: function main_closure0() {
LegacyRestarter: function LegacyRestarter() {
LegacyRestarter_restart_closure: function LegacyRestarter_restart_closure(t0, t1) {
this._box_0 = t0;
this.reloadCompleter = t1;
ReloadingManager: function ReloadingManager(t0, t1) {
this._client = t0;
this._restarter = t1;
toPromise(future, $T) {
return new self.Promise(A.allowInterop(new A.toPromise_closure(future, $T), $T._eval$1("~(~(0*)*,~(@)*)*")), $T._eval$1("0*"));
Promise: function Promise() {
toPromise_closure: function toPromise_closure(t0, t1) {
this.future = t0;
this.T = t1;
HotReloadFailedException$(_s) {
return new A.HotReloadFailedException(_s);
RequireRestarter_create() {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.legacy_RequireRestarter),
$async$returnValue, reloader, t1, t2, t3;
var $async$RequireRestarter_create = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
t1 = type$.legacy_String;
t2 = A.HashMap_HashMap(null, null, null, t1, type$.legacy_int);
t3 = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_legacy_bool), type$._AsyncCompleter_legacy_bool);
reloader = new A.RequireRestarter(t2, t3);
reloader.set$_dirtyModules(A.SplayTreeSet$(reloader.get$_moduleTopologicalCompare(), null, t1));
$async$goto = 3;
return A._asyncAwait(reloader._initialize$0(), $async$RequireRestarter_create);
case 3:
// returning from await.
$async$returnValue = reloader;
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
case 1:
// return
return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$RequireRestarter_create, $async$completer);
RequireLoader: function RequireLoader() {
HotReloadFailedException: function HotReloadFailedException(t0) {
this._s = t0;
JsError: function JsError() {
JsMap: function JsMap() {
RequireRestarter: function RequireRestarter(t0, t1) {
this._moduleOrdering = t0;
this._dirtyModules = null;
this._running = t1;
RequireRestarter__reload_closure: function RequireRestarter__reload_closure(t0) {
this.childModule = t0;
RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure: function RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure(t0) {
this.completer = t0;
RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure0: function RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure0(t0, t1) {
this.completer = t0;
this.stackTrace = t1;
_findNonce() {
var t2, elements, t3, nonceValue,
t1 = window.document;
A.checkTypeBound(type$.legacy_Element, type$.Element, "T", "querySelectorAll");
t2 = type$._FrozenElementList_legacy_Element;
elements = new A._FrozenElementList(t1.querySelectorAll("script"), t2);
for (t1 = new A.ListIterator(elements, elements.get$length(elements), t2._eval$1("ListIterator<ListMixin.E>")), t2 = type$.legacy_HtmlElement; t1.moveNext$0();) {
t3 = t2._as(t1.__internal$_current);
nonceValue = t3.nonce;
if (nonceValue == null)
nonceValue = t3.getAttribute("nonce");
if (nonceValue != null) {
t3 = $.$get$_noncePattern()._nativeRegExp;
t3 = t3.test(nonceValue);
} else
t3 = false;
if (t3)
return nonceValue;
return null;
runMain() {
var t1,
scriptElement = $.$get$_createScript().call$0();
t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(scriptElement);
t1.setInnerHtml$1(scriptElement, "window.$dartRunMain();");
A.Future_Future$microtask(t1.get$remove(scriptElement), type$.void);
_createScript_closure: function _createScript_closure() {
_createScript__closure: function _createScript__closure() {
_createScript__closure0: function _createScript__closure0(t0) {
this.nonce = t0;
isBrowserObject(o) {
return type$.Blob._is(o) || type$.Event._is(o) || type$.KeyRange._is(o) || type$.ImageData._is(o) || type$.Node._is(o) || type$.Window._is(o) || type$.WorkerGlobalScope._is(o);
printString(string) {
if (typeof dartPrint == "function") {
if (typeof console == "object" && typeof console.log != "undefined") {
if (typeof window == "object")
if (typeof print == "function") {
throw "Unable to print message: " + String(string);
UuidUtil_mathRNG() {
var i, t1,
b = new Uint8Array(16),
rand = $.$get$UuidUtil__random();
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
t1 = rand.nextInt$1(256);
if (!(i < 16))
return A.ioore(b, i);
b[i] = t1;
return b;
J = {
makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, extension, indexability) {
return {i: interceptor, p: proto, e: extension, x: indexability};
getNativeInterceptor(object) {
var proto, objectProto, $constructor, interceptor, t1,
record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
if (record == null)
if ($.initNativeDispatchFlag == null) {
record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
if (record != null) {
proto = record.p;
if (false === proto)
return record.i;
if (true === proto)
return object;
objectProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
if (proto === objectProto)
return record.i;
if (record.e === objectProto)
throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Return interceptor for " + A.S(proto(object, record))));
$constructor = object.constructor;
if ($constructor == null)
interceptor = null;
else {
if (t1 == null)
t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js");
interceptor = $constructor[t1];
if (interceptor != null)
return interceptor;
interceptor = A.lookupAndCacheInterceptor(object);
if (interceptor != null)
return interceptor;
if (typeof object == "function")
return B.JavaScriptFunction_methods;
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
if (proto == null)
return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods;
if (proto === Object.prototype)
return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods;
if (typeof $constructor == "function") {
if (t1 == null)
t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js");
Object.defineProperty($constructor, t1, {value: B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods;
return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods;
JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E) {
if (!A._isInt($length))
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value($length, "length", "is not an integer"));
if ($length < 0 || $length > 4294967295)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range($length, 0, 4294967295, "length", null));
return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(new Array($length), $E);
JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) {
if (!A._isInt($length) || $length < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Length must be a non-negative integer: " + A.S($length), null));
return A._setArrayType(new Array($length), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable($length, $E) {
return A._setArrayType(new Array($length), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(allocation, $E) {
return J.JSArray_markFixedList(A._setArrayType(allocation, $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>")), $E);
JSArray_markFixedList(list, $T) {
list.fixed$length = Array;
return list;
JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list) {
list.fixed$length = Array;
list.immutable$list = Array;
return list;
JSArray__compareAny(a, b) {
var t1 = type$.Comparable_dynamic;
return J.compareTo$1$ns(t1._as(a), t1._as(b));
getInterceptor$(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number") {
if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver)
return J.JSInt.prototype;
return J.JSNumNotInt.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return J.JSNull.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "boolean")
return J.JSBool.prototype;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return J.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object") {
if (typeof receiver == "function")
return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
getInterceptor$ansx(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number")
return J.JSNumber.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return J.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object") {
if (typeof receiver == "function")
return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
getInterceptor$asx(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return J.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object") {
if (typeof receiver == "function")
return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
getInterceptor$ax(receiver) {
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return J.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object") {
if (typeof receiver == "function")
return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
getInterceptor$n(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number")
return J.JSNumber.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
return receiver;
getInterceptor$ns(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number")
return J.JSNumber.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
return receiver;
getInterceptor$s(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
return receiver;
getInterceptor$x(receiver) {
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (typeof receiver != "object") {
if (typeof receiver == "function")
return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
getInterceptor$z(receiver) {
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
return receiver;
set$_innerHtml$x(receiver, value) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$_innerHtml(receiver, value);
get$attributes$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$attributes(receiver);
get$digestsPath$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$digestsPath(receiver);
get$first$ax(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$first(receiver);
get$hashCode$(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).get$hashCode(receiver);
get$isEmpty$asx(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isEmpty(receiver);
get$isNotEmpty$asx(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isNotEmpty(receiver);
get$iterator$ax(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$iterator(receiver);
get$keys$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$keys(receiver);
get$length$asx(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$length(receiver);
get$message$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$message(receiver);
get$moduleParentsGraph$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$moduleParentsGraph(receiver);
get$parent$z(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$parent(receiver);
get$runtimeType$(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).get$runtimeType(receiver);
$add$ansx(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver + a0;
return J.getInterceptor$ansx(receiver).$add(receiver, a0);
$eq$(receiver, a0) {
if (receiver == null)
return a0 == null;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return a0 != null && receiver === a0;
return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).$eq(receiver, a0);
$get$1$x(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).$get$1(receiver, a0);
$index$asx(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof a0 === "number")
if (receiver.constructor == Array || typeof receiver == "string" || A.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName]))
if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
return receiver[a0];
return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).$index(receiver, a0);
$indexSet$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).$indexSet(receiver, a0, a1);
$sub$n(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver - a0;
return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$sub(receiver, a0);
_clearChildren$0$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver)._clearChildren$0(receiver);
_codeUnitAt$1$s(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver)._codeUnitAt$1(receiver, a0);
_initCustomEvent$4$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver)._initCustomEvent$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3);
_removeEventListener$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver)._removeEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
add$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).add$1(receiver, a0);
addEventListener$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
allMatches$1$s(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).allMatches$1(receiver, a0);
cast$1$0$ax(receiver, $T1) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).cast$1$0(receiver, $T1);
cast$2$0$ax(receiver, $T1, $T2) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).cast$2$0(receiver, $T1, $T2);
codeUnitAt$1$s(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).codeUnitAt$1(receiver, a0);
compareTo$1$ns(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ns(receiver).compareTo$1(receiver, a0);
complete$1$z(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).complete$1(receiver, a0);
contains$1$asx(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).contains$1(receiver, a0);
containsKey$1$x(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).containsKey$1(receiver, a0);
elementAt$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).elementAt$1(receiver, a0);
forEach$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).forEach$1(receiver, a0);
forceLoadModule$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).forceLoadModule$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
getRange$2$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).getRange$2(receiver, a0, a1);
indexOf$1$s(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).indexOf$1(receiver, a0);
keys$0$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).keys$0(receiver);
map$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$1(receiver, a0);
map$1$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1);
map$2$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1, $T2) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$2$1(receiver, a0, $T1, $T2);
matchAsPrefix$2$s(receiver, a0, a1) {
return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).matchAsPrefix$2(receiver, a0, a1);
noSuchMethod$1$(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).noSuchMethod$1(receiver, a0);
remove$0$x(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).remove$0(receiver);
remove$1$x(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).remove$1(receiver, a0);
skip$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).skip$1(receiver, a0);
sort$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sort$1(receiver, a0);
sublist$2$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sublist$2(receiver, a0, a1);
then$1$1$x(receiver, a0, $T1) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1);
then$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).then$2(receiver, a0, a1);
toList$0$ax(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$0(receiver);
toList$1$growable$ax(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$1$growable(receiver, a0);
toLowerCase$0$s(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).toLowerCase$0(receiver);
toString$0$(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).toString$0(receiver);
Interceptor: function Interceptor() {
JSBool: function JSBool() {
JSNull: function JSNull() {
JavaScriptObject: function JavaScriptObject() {
PlainJavaScriptObject: function PlainJavaScriptObject() {
UnknownJavaScriptObject: function UnknownJavaScriptObject() {
JavaScriptFunction: function JavaScriptFunction() {
JSArray: function JSArray(t0) {
this.$ti = t0;
JSUnmodifiableArray: function JSUnmodifiableArray(t0) {
this.$ti = t0;
ArrayIterator: function ArrayIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
var _ = this;
_._iterable = t0;
_.__interceptors$_length = t1;
_._index = 0;
_.__interceptors$_current = null;
_.$ti = t2;
JSNumber: function JSNumber() {
JSInt: function JSInt() {
JSNumNotInt: function JSNumNotInt() {
JSString: function JSString() {
B = {};
var holders = [A, J, B];
var $ = {};
A.JS_CONST.prototype = {};
J.Interceptor.prototype = {
$eq(receiver, other) {
return receiver === other;
get$hashCode(receiver) {
return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
toString$0(receiver) {
return "Instance of '" + A.S(A.Primitives_objectTypeName(receiver)) + "'";
noSuchMethod$1(receiver, invocation) {
throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError$(receiver, invocation.get$memberName(), invocation.get$positionalArguments(), invocation.get$namedArguments()));
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return A.getRuntimeType(receiver);
J.JSBool.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
get$hashCode(receiver) {
return receiver ? 519018 : 218159;
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_bool_lhE;
$isbool: 1
J.JSNull.prototype = {
$eq(receiver, other) {
return null == other;
toString$0(receiver) {
return "null";
get$hashCode(receiver) {
return 0;
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Null_Yyn;
noSuchMethod$1(receiver, invocation) {
return this.super$Interceptor$noSuchMethod(receiver, type$.Invocation._as(invocation));
$isNull: 1
J.JavaScriptObject.prototype = {
get$hashCode(receiver) {
return 0;
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_JSObject_8k0;
toString$0(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
$isJSObject: 1,
$isPromise: 1,
$isJsError: 1,
then$1$1(receiver, p0) {
return receiver.then(p0);
then$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
return receiver.then(p0, p1);
get$digestsPath(obj) {
return obj.digestsPath;
get$moduleParentsGraph(obj) {
return obj.moduleParentsGraph;
forceLoadModule$3(receiver, p0, p1, p2) {
return receiver.forceLoadModule(p0, p1, p2);
get$message(obj) {
return obj.message;
$get$1(receiver, p0) {
return receiver.get(p0);
get$keys(obj) {
return obj.keys;
keys$0(receiver) {
return receiver.keys();
J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype = {};
J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype = {};
J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
var dartClosure = receiver[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()];
if (dartClosure == null)
return this.super$JavaScriptObject$toString(receiver);
return "JavaScript function for " + A.S(J.toString$0$(dartClosure));
$isFunction: 1
J.JSArray.prototype = {
cast$1$0(receiver, $R) {
return new A.CastList(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
add$1(receiver, value) {
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
addAll$1(receiver, collection) {
var t1;
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
if (Array.isArray(collection)) {
this._addAllFromArray$1(receiver, collection);
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(collection); t1.moveNext$0();)
_addAllFromArray$1(receiver, array) {
var len, i;
len = array.length;
if (len === 0)
if (receiver === array)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
forEach$1(receiver, f) {
var end, i;
end = receiver.length;
for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {$1(receiver[i]);
if (receiver.length !== end)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(receiver);
return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, t1._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, f) {
return$1$1($receiver, f, type$.dynamic);
join$1(receiver, separator) {
var i,
list = A.List_List$filled(receiver.length, "", false, type$.String);
for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
this.$indexSet(list, i, A.S(receiver[i]));
return list.join(separator);
skip$1(receiver, n) {
return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
fold$1$2(receiver, initialValue, combine, $T) {
var $length, value, i;
$length = receiver.length;
for (value = initialValue, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
value =$2(value, receiver[i]);
if (receiver.length !== $length)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
return value;
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
var t1 = receiver.length;
if (start > t1)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, "start", null));
if (start === t1)
return A._setArrayType([], A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
return A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(start, t1), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
getRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
get$last(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.length;
if (t1 > 0)
return receiver[t1 - 1];
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
var $length, otherList, otherStart, t1, i;
if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
$length = end - start;
if ($length === 0)
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount");
if (type$.List_dynamic._is(iterable)) {
otherList = iterable;
otherStart = skipCount;
} else {
otherList = J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount).toList$1$growable(0, false);
otherStart = 0;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(otherList);
if (otherStart + $length > t1.get$length(otherList))
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooFew());
if (otherStart < start)
for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i);
any$1(receiver, test) {
var end, i;
end = receiver.length;
for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
if (A.boolConversionCheck($1(receiver[i])))
return true;
if (receiver.length !== end)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
return false;
sort$1(receiver, compare) {
var t2,
t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(receiver);
if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
t2 = compare == null ? J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure() : compare;
A.Sort_sort(receiver, t2, t1._precomputed1);
sort$0($receiver) {
return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
contains$1(receiver, other) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], other))
return true;
return false;
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return receiver.length === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
return receiver.length !== 0;
toString$0(receiver) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]");
toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) {
var t1 = A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
return t1;
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$iterator(receiver) {
return new J.ArrayIterator(receiver, receiver.length, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
get$hashCode(receiver) {
return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
set$length(receiver, newLength) {
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("set length"));
if (newLength < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(newLength, 0, null, "newLength", null));
receiver.length = newLength;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (!A._isInt(index))
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("indexed set"));
if (!A._isInt(index))
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
receiver[index] = value;
$add(receiver, other) {
var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(receiver);
t1 = A.List_List$of(receiver, true, t1._precomputed1);
this.addAll$1(t1, other);
return t1;
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
J.JSUnmodifiableArray.prototype = {};
J.ArrayIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this.__interceptors$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this._iterable,
$length = t1.length;
if (_this.__interceptors$_length !== $length)
throw A.wrapException(A.throwConcurrentModificationError(t1));
t2 = _this._index;
if (t2 >= $length) {
return false;
return true;
set$__interceptors$_current(_current) {
this.__interceptors$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
J.JSNumber.prototype = {
compareTo$1(receiver, b) {
var bIsNegative;
if (typeof b != "number")
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(b));
if (receiver < b)
return -1;
else if (receiver > b)
return 1;
else if (receiver === b) {
if (receiver === 0) {
bIsNegative = this.get$isNegative(b);
if (this.get$isNegative(receiver) === bIsNegative)
return 0;
if (this.get$isNegative(receiver))
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
} else if (isNaN(receiver)) {
if (isNaN(b))
return 0;
return 1;
} else
return -1;
get$isNegative(receiver) {
return receiver === 0 ? 1 / receiver < 0 : receiver < 0;
ceil$0(receiver) {
var truncated, d;
if (receiver >= 0) {
if (receiver <= 2147483647) {
truncated = receiver | 0;
return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated + 1;
} else if (receiver >= -2147483648)
return receiver | 0;
d = Math.ceil(receiver);
if (isFinite(d))
return d;
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".ceil()"));
floor$0(receiver) {
var truncated, d;
if (receiver >= 0) {
if (receiver <= 2147483647)
return receiver | 0;
} else if (receiver >= -2147483648) {
truncated = receiver | 0;
return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated - 1;
d = Math.floor(receiver);
if (isFinite(d))
return d;
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".floor()"));
round$0(receiver) {
if (receiver > 0) {
if (receiver !== 1 / 0)
return Math.round(receiver);
} else if (receiver > -1 / 0)
return 0 - Math.round(0 - receiver);
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".round()"));
toRadixString$1(receiver, radix) {
var result, match, t1, exponent;
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", null));
result = receiver.toString(radix);
if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(result, result.length - 1) !== 41)
return result;
match = /^([\da-z]+)(?:\.([\da-z]+))?\(e\+(\d+)\)$/.exec(result);
if (match == null)
A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("Unexpected toString result: " + result));
t1 = match.length;
if (1 >= t1)
return A.ioore(match, 1);
result = match[1];
if (3 >= t1)
return A.ioore(match, 3);
exponent = +match[3];
t1 = match[2];
if (t1 != null) {
result += t1;
exponent -= t1.length;
return result + B.JSString_methods.$mul("0", exponent);
toString$0(receiver) {
if (receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0)
return "-0.0";
return "" + receiver;
get$hashCode(receiver) {
var absolute, floorLog2, factor, scaled,
intValue = receiver | 0;
if (receiver === intValue)
return intValue & 536870911;
absolute = Math.abs(receiver);
floorLog2 = Math.log(absolute) / 0.6931471805599453 | 0;
factor = Math.pow(2, floorLog2);
scaled = absolute < 1 ? absolute / factor : factor / absolute;
return ((scaled * 9007199254740992 | 0) + (scaled * 3542243181176521 | 0)) * 599197 + floorLog2 * 1259 & 536870911;
$add(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other != "number")
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
return receiver + other;
$sub(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other != "number")
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
return receiver - other;
$mod(receiver, other) {
var result = receiver % other;
if (result === 0)
return 0;
if (result > 0)
return result;
return result + other;
$tdiv(receiver, other) {
if ((receiver | 0) === receiver)
if (other >= 1 || other < -1)
return receiver / other | 0;
return this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other);
_tdivFast$1(receiver, other) {
return (receiver | 0) === receiver ? receiver / other | 0 : this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other);
_tdivSlow$1(receiver, other) {
var quotient = receiver / other;
if (quotient >= -2147483648 && quotient <= 2147483647)
return quotient | 0;
if (quotient > 0) {
if (quotient !== 1 / 0)
return Math.floor(quotient);
} else if (quotient > -1 / 0)
return Math.ceil(quotient);
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Result of truncating division is " + A.S(quotient) + ": " + A.S(receiver) + " ~/ " + other));
$shl(receiver, other) {
if (other < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver << other >>> 0;
_shlPositive$1(receiver, other) {
return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver << other >>> 0;
_shrOtherPositive$1(receiver, other) {
var t1;
if (receiver > 0)
t1 = this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other);
else {
t1 = other > 31 ? 31 : other;
t1 = receiver >> t1 >>> 0;
return t1;
_shrReceiverPositive$1(receiver, other) {
if (0 > other)
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
return this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other);
_shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other) {
return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver >>> other;
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_num_cv7;
$isComparable: 1,
$isdouble: 1,
$isnum: 1
J.JSInt.prototype = {
get$bitLength(receiver) {
var wordBits, i,
t1 = receiver < 0 ? -receiver - 1 : receiver,
nonneg = t1;
for (wordBits = 32; nonneg >= 4294967296;) {
nonneg = this._tdivFast$1(nonneg, 4294967296);
wordBits += 32;
i = nonneg | nonneg >> 1;
i |= i >> 2;
i |= i >> 4;
i |= i >> 8;
i = (i | i >> 16) >>> 0;
i = (i >>> 0) - (i >>> 1 & 1431655765);
i = (i & 858993459) + (i >>> 2 & 858993459);
i = i + (i >>> 4) & 252645135;
i += i >>> 8;
return wordBits - (32 - (i + (i >>> 16) & 63));
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_int_tHn;
$isint: 1
J.JSNumNotInt.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_double_K1J;
J.JSString.prototype = {
codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (index < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
if (index >= receiver.length)
A.throwExpression(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
_codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
allMatches$2(receiver, string, start) {
var t1;
if (typeof string != "string")
t1 = string.length;
if (start > t1)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, null, null));
return new A._StringAllMatchesIterable(string, receiver, start);
allMatches$1($receiver, string) {
return this.allMatches$2($receiver, string, 0);
matchAsPrefix$2(receiver, string, start) {
var t1, i, _null = null;
if (start < 0 || start > string.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, string.length, _null, _null));
t1 = receiver.length;
if (start + t1 > string.length)
return _null;
for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
if (this.codeUnitAt$1(string, start + i) !== this._codeUnitAt$1(receiver, i))
return _null;
return new A.StringMatch(start, receiver);
$add(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other != "string")
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(other, null, null));
return receiver + other;
replaceRange$3(receiver, start, end, replacement) {
var e = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length);
return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, e, replacement);
startsWith$2(receiver, pattern, index) {
var endIndex;
if (index < 0 || index > receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
if (typeof pattern == "string") {
endIndex = index + pattern.length;
if (endIndex > receiver.length)
return false;
return pattern === receiver.substring(index, endIndex);
return J.matchAsPrefix$2$s(pattern, receiver, index) != null;
startsWith$1($receiver, pattern) {
return this.startsWith$2($receiver, pattern, 0);
substring$2(receiver, start, end) {
return receiver.substring(start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length));
substring$1($receiver, start) {
return this.substring$2($receiver, start, null);
toLowerCase$0(receiver) {
return receiver.toLowerCase();
$mul(receiver, times) {
var s, result;
if (0 >= times)
return "";
if (times === 1 || receiver.length === 0)
return receiver;
if (times !== times >>> 0)
throw A.wrapException(B.C_OutOfMemoryError);
for (s = receiver, result = ""; true;) {
if ((times & 1) === 1)
result = s + result;
times = times >>> 1;
if (times === 0)
s += s;
return result;
padLeft$2(receiver, width, padding) {
var delta = width - receiver.length;
if (delta <= 0)
return receiver;
return this.$mul(padding, delta) + receiver;
indexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) {
var t1;
if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
t1 = receiver.indexOf(pattern, start);
return t1;
indexOf$1($receiver, pattern) {
return this.indexOf$2($receiver, pattern, 0);
lastIndexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) {
var t1, t2;
if (start == null)
start = receiver.length;
else if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
t1 = pattern.length;
t2 = receiver.length;
if (start + t1 > t2)
start = t2 - t1;
return receiver.lastIndexOf(pattern, start);
lastIndexOf$1($receiver, pattern) {
return this.lastIndexOf$2($receiver, pattern, null);
contains$1(receiver, other) {
if (other == null)
return A.stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, 0);
compareTo$1(receiver, other) {
var t1;
if (typeof other != "string")
throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
if (receiver === other)
t1 = 0;
t1 = receiver < other ? -1 : 1;
return t1;
toString$0(receiver) {
return receiver;
get$hashCode(receiver) {
var t1, hash, i;
for (t1 = receiver.length, hash = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
hash = hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i) & 536870911;
hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
hash ^= hash >> 6;
hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
hash ^= hash >> 11;
return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_String_k8F;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
return receiver[index];
$isComparable: 1,
$isPattern: 1,
$isString: 1
A._CastIterableBase.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return new A.CastIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$__internal$_source()), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("CastIterator<1,2>"));
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this.get$__internal$_source());
get$isEmpty(_) {
return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$__internal$_source());
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$__internal$_source());
skip$1(_, count) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.skip$1$ax(this.get$__internal$_source(), count), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.get$__internal$_source(), index));
get$first(_) {
return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$first$ax(this.get$__internal$_source()));
contains$1(_, other) {
return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$__internal$_source(), other);
toString$0(_) {
return J.toString$0$(this.get$__internal$_source());
A.CastIterator.prototype = {
moveNext$0() {
return this.__internal$_source.moveNext$0();
get$current(_) {
var t1 = this.__internal$_source;
return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1.get$current(t1));
$isIterator: 1
A.CastIterable.prototype = {
cast$1$0(_, $R) {
return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(this.__internal$_source, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1, $R);
get$__internal$_source() {
return this.__internal$_source;
A._EfficientLengthCastIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1};
A._CastListBase.prototype = {
$index(_, index) {
return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(J.$index$asx(this.__internal$_source, index));
$indexSet(_, index, value) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
J.$indexSet$ax(this.__internal$_source, A._asIntS(index), t1._precomputed1._as(t1._rest[1]._as(value)));
sort$1(_, compare) {
var t1;
t1 = compare == null ? null : new A._CastListBase_sort_closure(this, compare);
J.sort$1$ax(this.__internal$_source, t1);
getRange$2(_, start, end) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.getRange$2$ax(this.__internal$_source, start, end), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._CastListBase_sort_closure.prototype = {
call$2(v1, v2) {
var t1 = this.$this.$ti,
t2 = t1._precomputed1;
t1 = t1._rest[1];
return$2(t1._as(v1), t1._as(v2));
$signature() {
return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("int(1,1)");
A.CastList.prototype = {
cast$1$0(_, $R) {
return new A.CastList(this.__internal$_source, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
get$__internal$_source() {
return this.__internal$_source;
A.CastMap.prototype = {
cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return new A.CastMap(this.__internal$_source, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._bind$1(RK)._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>"));
containsKey$1(_, key) {
return J.containsKey$1$x(this.__internal$_source, key);
$index(_, key) {
return this.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(J.$index$asx(this.__internal$_source, key));
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
J.$indexSet$ax(this.__internal$_source, t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
forEach$1(_, f) {
J.forEach$1$ax(this.__internal$_source, new A.CastMap_forEach_closure(this, this.$ti._eval$1("~(3,4)")._as(f)));
get$keys(_) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.get$keys$x(this.__internal$_source), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[2]);
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_source);
get$isEmpty(_) {
return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_source);
A.CastMap_forEach_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
var t1 = this.$this.$ti;
t1._rest[1]._as(value);$2(t1._rest[2]._as(key), t1._rest[3]._as(value));
$signature() {
return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(1,2)");
A.LateError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = "LateInitializationError: " + this._message;
return t1;
A.ReachabilityError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = "ReachabilityError: " + this._message;
return t1;
A.nullFuture_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.Null);
$signature: 24
A.SentinelValue.prototype = {};
A.NotNullableError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Null is not a valid value for '" + this._name + "' of type '" + A.createRuntimeType(this.$ti._precomputed1).toString$0(0) + "'";
$isTypeError: 1
A.EfficientLengthIterable.prototype = {};
A.ListIterable.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
var _this = this;
return new A.ListIterator(_this, _this.get$length(_this), A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ListIterator<ListIterable.E>"));
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this.get$length(this) === 0;
get$first(_) {
if (this.get$length(this) === 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
return this.elementAt$1(0, 0);
contains$1(_, element) {
var i, _this = this,
$length = _this.get$length(_this);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
if (J.$eq$(_this.elementAt$1(0, i), element))
return true;
if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
return false;
join$1(_, separator) {
var first, t1, i, _this = this,
$length = _this.get$length(_this);
if (separator.length !== 0) {
if ($length === 0)
return "";
first = A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, 0));
if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
for (t1 = first, i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i));
if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
} else {
for (i = 0, t1 = ""; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 += A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i));
if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
join$0($receiver) {
return this.join$1($receiver, "");
where$1(_, test) {
return this.super$Iterable$where(0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("bool(ListIterable.E)")._as(test));
map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return new A.MappedListIterable(this, t1._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(ListIterable.E)")._as(toElement), t1._eval$1("@<ListIterable.E>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, toElement) {
return$1$1($receiver, toElement, type$.dynamic);
skip$1(_, count) {
return A.SubListIterable$(this, count, null, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
return A.List_List$of(this, true, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
A.SubListIterable.prototype = {
get$_endIndex() {
var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength > $length)
return $length;
return endOrLength;
get$_startIndex() {
var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
t1 = this.__internal$_start;
if (t1 > $length)
return $length;
return t1;
get$length(_) {
var endOrLength,
$length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
t1 = this.__internal$_start;
if (t1 >= $length)
return 0;
endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength >= $length)
return $length - t1;
if (typeof endOrLength !== "number")
return endOrLength.$sub();
return endOrLength - t1;
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var _this = this,
realIndex = _this.get$_startIndex() + index;
if (index < 0 || realIndex >= _this.get$_endIndex())
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, _this, "index", null, null));
return J.elementAt$1$ax(_this.__internal$_iterable, realIndex);
skip$1(_, count) {
var newStart, endOrLength, _this = this;
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
newStart = _this.__internal$_start + count;
endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
if (endOrLength != null && newStart >= endOrLength)
return new A.EmptyIterable(_this.$ti._eval$1("EmptyIterable<1>"));
return A.SubListIterable$(_this.__internal$_iterable, newStart, endOrLength, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
var $length, result, i, _this = this,
start = _this.__internal$_start,
t1 = _this.__internal$_iterable,
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
end = t2.get$length(t1),
endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
if (endOrLength != null && endOrLength < end)
end = endOrLength;
if (typeof end !== "number")
return end.$sub();
$length = end - start;
if ($length <= 0) {
t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1;
return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1);
result = A.List_List$filled($length, t2.elementAt$1(t1, start), growable, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(result, i, t2.elementAt$1(t1, start + i));
if (t2.get$length(t1) < end)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
return result;
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
A.ListIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this.__internal$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var t3, _this = this,
t1 = _this.__internal$_iterable,
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
$length = t2.get$length(t1);
if (_this.__internal$_length !== $length)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
t3 = _this.__internal$_index;
if (t3 >= $length) {
return false;
_this.set$__internal$_current(t2.elementAt$1(t1, t3));
return true;
set$__internal$_current(_current) {
this.__internal$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
A.MappedIterable.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>"));
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable);
get$isEmpty(_) {
return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_iterable);
get$first(_) {
elementAt$1(_, index) {
return$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.__internal$_iterable, index));
A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1};
A.MappedIterator.prototype = {
moveNext$0() {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._iterator;
if (t1.moveNext$0()) {
return true;
return false;
get$current(_) {
return this.__internal$_current;
set$__internal$_current(_current) {
this.__internal$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("2?")._as(_current);
A.MappedListIterable.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_source);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
return$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.__internal$_source, index));
A.WhereIterable.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
return new A.WhereIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f, this.$ti._eval$1("WhereIterator<1>"));
map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return new A.MappedIterable(this, t1._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(toElement), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, toElement) {
return$1$1($receiver, toElement, type$.dynamic);
A.WhereIterator.prototype = {
moveNext$0() {
var t1, t2;
for (t1 = this._iterator, t2 = this._f; t1.moveNext$0();)
if (A.boolConversionCheck($1(t1.get$current(t1))))
return true;
return false;
get$current(_) {
var t1 = this._iterator;
return t1.get$current(t1);
A.SkipIterable.prototype = {
skip$1(_, count) {
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
return new A.SkipIterable(this.__internal$_iterable, this._skipCount + count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SkipIterable<1>"));
get$iterator(_) {
return new A.SkipIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._skipCount, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SkipIterator<1>"));
A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable) - this._skipCount;
if ($length >= 0)
return $length;
return 0;
skip$1(_, count) {
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(this.__internal$_iterable, this._skipCount + count, this.$ti);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1
A.SkipIterator.prototype = {
moveNext$0() {
var t1, i;
for (t1 = this._iterator, i = 0; i < this._skipCount; ++i)
this._skipCount = 0;
return t1.moveNext$0();
get$current(_) {
var t1 = this._iterator;
return t1.get$current(t1);
A.EmptyIterable.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
return B.C_EmptyIterator;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return true;
get$length(_) {
return 0;
get$first(_) {
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
elementAt$1(_, index) {
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, 0, "index", null));
contains$1(_, element) {
return false;
map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
return new A.EmptyIterable($T._eval$1("EmptyIterable<0>"));
map$1($receiver, toElement) {
return$1$1($receiver, toElement, type$.dynamic);
skip$1(_, count) {
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
return this;
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
var t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, this.$ti._precomputed1);
return t1;
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
A.EmptyIterator.prototype = {
moveNext$0() {
return false;
get$current(_) {
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
$isIterator: 1
A.FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {};
A.UnmodifiableListMixin.prototype = {
$indexSet(_, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
sort$1(_, compare) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
A.UnmodifiableListBase.prototype = {};
A.ReversedListIterable.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_source);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var t1 = this.__internal$_source,
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
return t2.elementAt$1(t1, t2.get$length(t1) - 1 - index);
A.Symbol.prototype = {
get$hashCode(_) {
var hash = this._hashCode;
if (hash != null)
return hash;
hash = 664597 * J.get$hashCode$(this._name) & 536870911;
this._hashCode = hash;
return hash;
toString$0(_) {
return 'Symbol("' + A.S(this._name) + '")';
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return other instanceof A.Symbol && this._name == other._name;
$isSymbol0: 1
A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A.ConstantMapView.prototype = {};
A.ConstantMap.prototype = {
cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return A.Map_castFrom(this, t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1], RK, RV);
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this.get$length(this) === 0;
toString$0(_) {
return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
$indexSet(_, key, val) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
map$2$1(_, transform, K2, V2) {
var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K2, V2);
this.forEach$1(0, new A.ConstantMap_map_closure(this, A._instanceType(this)._bind$1(K2)._bind$1(V2)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>(3,4)")._as(transform), result));
return result;
map$1($receiver, transform) {
return$2$1($receiver, transform, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
$isMap: 1
A.ConstantMap_map_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this.$this),
entry =$2(t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
this.result.$indexSet(0, entry.get$key(entry), entry.get$value(entry));
$signature() {
return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)");
A.ConstantStringMap.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return this.__js_helper$_length;
containsKey$1(_, key) {
if (typeof key != "string")
return false;
if ("__proto__" === key)
return false;
return this._jsObject.hasOwnProperty(key);
$index(_, key) {
if (!this.containsKey$1(0, key))
return null;
return this._jsObject[A._asStringS(key)];
forEach$1(_, f) {
var keys, t2, t3, i, t4,
t1 = this.$ti;
keys = this.__js_helper$_keys;
for (t2 = keys.length, t3 = this._jsObject, t1 = t1._rest[1], i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
t4 = A._asStringS(keys[i]);$2(t4, t1._as(t3[t4]));
get$keys(_) {
return new A._ConstantMapKeyIterable(this, this.$ti._eval$1("_ConstantMapKeyIterable<1>"));
A._ConstantMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this._map.__js_helper$_keys;
return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
get$length(_) {
return this._map.__js_helper$_keys.length;
A.JSInvocationMirror.prototype = {
get$memberName() {
var t1 = this._memberName;
return t1;
get$positionalArguments() {
var t1, argumentCount, list, index, _this = this;
if (_this.__js_helper$_kind === 1)
return B.List_empty0;
t1 = _this._arguments;
argumentCount = t1.length - _this._namedArgumentNames.length - _this._typeArgumentCount;
if (argumentCount === 0)
return B.List_empty0;
list = [];
for (index = 0; index < argumentCount; ++index) {
if (!(index < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, index);
return J.JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list);
get$namedArguments() {
var t1, namedArgumentCount, t2, namedArgumentsStartIndex, map, i, t3, t4, _this = this;
if (_this.__js_helper$_kind !== 0)
return B.Map_empty0;
t1 = _this._namedArgumentNames;
namedArgumentCount = t1.length;
t2 = _this._arguments;
namedArgumentsStartIndex = t2.length - namedArgumentCount - _this._typeArgumentCount;
if (namedArgumentCount === 0)
return B.Map_empty0;
map = new A.JsLinkedHashMap(type$.JsLinkedHashMap_Symbol_dynamic);
for (i = 0; i < namedArgumentCount; ++i) {
if (!(i < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, i);
t3 = t1[i];
t4 = namedArgumentsStartIndex + i;
if (!(t4 >= 0 && t4 < t2.length))
return A.ioore(t2, t4);
map.$indexSet(0, new A.Symbol(t3), t2[t4]);
return new A.ConstantMapView(map, type$.ConstantMapView_Symbol_dynamic);
$isInvocation: 1
A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure.prototype = {
call$2($name, argument) {
var t1;
t1 = this._box_0;
t1.names = t1.names + "$" + A.S($name);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.namedArgumentList, $name);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.$arguments, argument);
$signature: 6
A.TypeErrorDecoder.prototype = {
matchTypeError$1(message) {
var result, t1, _this = this,
match = new RegExp(_this._pattern).exec(message);
if (match == null)
return null;
result = Object.create(null);
t1 = _this._arguments;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.arguments = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = _this._argumentsExpr;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.argumentsExpr = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = _this._expr;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.expr = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = _this._method;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.method = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = _this._receiver;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.receiver = match[t1 + 1];
return result;
A.NullError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = this._method;
if (t1 == null)
return "NoSuchMethodError: " + A.S(this.__js_helper$_message);
return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + t1 + "' on null";
A.JsNoSuchMethodError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t2, _this = this,
_s38_ = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '",
t1 = _this._method;
if (t1 == null)
return "NoSuchMethodError: " + A.S(_this.__js_helper$_message);
t2 = _this._receiver;
if (t2 == null)
return _s38_ + t1 + "' (" + A.S(_this.__js_helper$_message) + ")";
return _s38_ + t1 + "' on '" + t2 + "' (" + A.S(_this.__js_helper$_message) + ")";
A.UnknownJsTypeError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = this.__js_helper$_message;
return t1.length === 0 ? "Error" : "Error: " + t1;
A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Throw of null ('" + (this._irritant === null ? "null" : "undefined") + "' from JavaScript)";
A.ExceptionAndStackTrace.prototype = {};
A._StackTrace.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var trace,
t1 = this._trace;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
t1 = this._exception;
trace = t1 !== null && typeof t1 === "object" ? t1.stack : null;
return this._trace = trace == null ? "" : trace;
$isStackTrace: 1
A.Closure.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var $constructor = this.constructor,
$name = $constructor == null ? null : $;
return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name == null ? "unknown" : $name) + "'";
$isFunction: 1,
get$$call() {
return this;
"call*": "call$1",
$requiredArgCount: 1,
$defaultValues: null
A.Closure0Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$0", $requiredArgCount: 0};
A.Closure2Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$2", $requiredArgCount: 2};
A.TearOffClosure.prototype = {};
A.StaticClosure.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var $name = this.$static_name;
if ($name == null)
return "Closure of unknown static method";
return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name) + "'";
A.BoundClosure.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (this === other)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.BoundClosure))
return false;
return this.$_target === other.$_target && this._receiver === other._receiver;
get$hashCode(_) {
var receiverHashCode = A.objectHashCode(this._receiver),
t1 = A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.$_target);
if (typeof receiverHashCode !== "number")
return receiverHashCode.$xor();
return (receiverHashCode ^ t1) >>> 0;
toString$0(_) {
return "Closure '" + A.S(this.$_name) + "' of " + ("Instance of '" + A.S(A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this._receiver)) + "'");
A.RuntimeError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "RuntimeError: " + this.message;
A._AssertionError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Assertion failed: " + A.Error_safeToString(this.message);
A._Required.prototype = {};
A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return this.__js_helper$_length;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this.__js_helper$_length === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return !this.get$isEmpty(this);
get$keys(_) {
return new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
containsKey$1(_, key) {
var strings, t1;
if (typeof key == "string") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
return false;
return this._containsTableEntry$2(strings, key);
} else {
t1 = this.internalContainsKey$1(key);
return t1;
internalContainsKey$1(key) {
var _this = this,
rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(_this._getTableBucket$2(rest, _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key)), key) >= 0;
addAll$1(_, other) {
A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Map<1,2>")._as(other).forEach$1(0, new A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(this));
$index(_, key) {
var strings, cell, t1, nums, _this = this, _null = null;
if (typeof key == "string") {
strings = _this._strings;
if (strings == null)
return _null;
cell = _this._getTableCell$2(strings, key);
t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue;
return t1;
} else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = _this._nums;
if (nums == null)
return _null;
cell = _this._getTableCell$2(nums, key);
t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue;
return t1;
} else
return _this.internalGet$1(key);
internalGet$1(key) {
var bucket, index, _this = this,
rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return null;
bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key));
index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index < 0)
return null;
return bucket[index].hashMapCellValue;
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var strings, nums, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
if (typeof key == "string") {
strings = _this._strings;
_this._addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._strings = _this._newHashTable$0() : strings, key, value);
} else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = _this._nums;
_this._addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._nums = _this._newHashTable$0() : nums, key, value);
} else
_this.internalSet$2(key, value);
internalSet$2(key, value) {
var rest, hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
if (rest == null)
rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest = _this._newHashTable$0();
hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key);
bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, hash);
if (bucket == null)
_this._setTableEntry$3(rest, hash, [_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)]);
else {
index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index >= 0)
bucket[index].hashMapCellValue = value;
bucket.push(_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value));
putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
var value, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key))
return _this.$index(0, key);
value =$0();
_this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
return value;
remove$1(_, key) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof key == "string")
return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._strings, key);
else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key)
return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._nums, key);
return _this.internalRemove$1(key);
internalRemove$1(key) {
var hash, bucket, index, cell, _this = this,
rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return null;
hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key);
bucket = _this._getTableBucket$2(rest, hash);
index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index < 0)
return null;
cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0];
if (bucket.length === 0)
_this._deleteTableEntry$2(rest, hash);
return cell.hashMapCellValue;
forEach$1(_, action) {
var cell, modifications, _this = this;
cell = _this._first;
modifications = _this._modifications;
for (; cell != null;) {$2(cell.hashMapCellKey, cell.hashMapCellValue);
if (modifications !== _this._modifications)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
cell = cell._next;
_addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
var cell, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
cell = _this._getTableCell$2(table, key);
if (cell == null)
_this._setTableEntry$3(table, key, _this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value));
cell.hashMapCellValue = value;
_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, key) {
var cell;
if (table == null)
return null;
cell = this._getTableCell$2(table, key);
if (cell == null)
return null;
this._deleteTableEntry$2(table, key);
return cell.hashMapCellValue;
_modified$0() {
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
_newLinkedCell$2(key, value) {
var _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this),
cell = new A.LinkedHashMapCell(t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
if (_this._first == null)
_this._first = _this._last = cell;
else {
t1 = _this._last;
cell._previous = t1;
_this._last = t1._next = cell;
return cell;
_unlinkCell$1(cell) {
var _this = this,
previous = cell._previous,
next = cell._next;
if (previous == null)
_this._first = next;
previous._next = next;
if (next == null)
_this._last = previous;
next._previous = previous;
internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff;
internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (J.$eq$(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key))
return i;
return -1;
toString$0(_) {
return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
_getTableCell$2(table, key) {
return table[key];
_getTableBucket$2(table, key) {
return table[key];
_setTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
table[key] = value;
_deleteTableEntry$2(table, key) {
delete table[key];
_containsTableEntry$2(table, key) {
return this._getTableCell$2(table, key) != null;
_newHashTable$0() {
var _s20_ = "<non-identifier-key>",
table = Object.create(null);
this._setTableEntry$3(table, _s20_, table);
this._deleteTableEntry$2(table, _s20_);
return table;
$isLinkedHashMap: 1
A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
var t1 = this.$this,
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
t1.$indexSet(0, t2._precomputed1._as(key), t2._rest[1]._as(value));
$signature() {
return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)");
A.LinkedHashMapCell.prototype = {};
A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return this._map.__js_helper$_length;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._map.__js_helper$_length === 0;
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this._map,
t2 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._modifications, this.$ti._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterator<1>"));
t2._cell = t1._first;
return t2;
contains$1(_, element) {
return this._map.containsKey$1(0, element);
A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this.__js_helper$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var cell, _this = this,
t1 = _this._map;
if (_this._modifications !== t1._modifications)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
cell = _this._cell;
if (cell == null) {
return false;
} else {
_this._cell = cell._next;
return true;
set$__js_helper$_current(_current) {
this.__js_helper$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
A.initHooks_closure.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
return this.getTag(o);
$signature: 1
A.initHooks_closure0.prototype = {
call$2(o, tag) {
return this.getUnknownTag(o, tag);
$signature: 35
A.initHooks_closure1.prototype = {
call$1(tag) {
return this.prototypeForTag(A._asStringS(tag));
$signature: 33
A.JSSyntaxRegExp.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "RegExp/" + this.pattern + "/" + this._nativeRegExp.flags;
get$_nativeGlobalVersion() {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._nativeGlobalRegExp;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
t1 = _this._nativeRegExp;
return _this._nativeGlobalRegExp = A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(_this.pattern, t1.multiline, !t1.ignoreCase, t1.unicode, t1.dotAll, true);
get$_nativeAnchoredVersion() {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._nativeAnchoredRegExp;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
t1 = _this._nativeRegExp;
return _this._nativeAnchoredRegExp = A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(_this.pattern + "|()", t1.multiline, !t1.ignoreCase, t1.unicode, t1.dotAll, true);
firstMatch$1(string) {
var m;
if (typeof string != "string")
m = this._nativeRegExp.exec(string);
if (m == null)
return null;
return new A._MatchImplementation(m);
allMatches$2(_, string, start) {
var t1 = string.length;
if (start > t1)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, null, null));
return new A._AllMatchesIterable(this, string, start);
allMatches$1($receiver, string) {
return this.allMatches$2($receiver, string, 0);
_execGlobal$2(string, start) {
var match,
regexp = this.get$_nativeGlobalVersion();
regexp.lastIndex = start;
match = regexp.exec(string);
if (match == null)
return null;
return new A._MatchImplementation(match);
_execAnchored$2(string, start) {
var match,
regexp = this.get$_nativeAnchoredVersion();
regexp.lastIndex = start;
match = regexp.exec(string);
if (match == null)
return null;
if (0 >= match.length)
return A.ioore(match, -1);
if (match.pop() != null)
return null;
return new A._MatchImplementation(match);
matchAsPrefix$2(_, string, start) {
if (start < 0 || start > string.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, string.length, null, null));
return this._execAnchored$2(string, start);
$isPattern: 1,
$isRegExp: 1
A._MatchImplementation.prototype = {
get$end(_) {
var t1 = this._match;
return t1.index + t1[0].length;
$index(_, index) {
var t1 = this._match;
if (!(index < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, index);
return t1[index];
$isMatch: 1,
$isRegExpMatch: 1
A._AllMatchesIterable.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
return new A._AllMatchesIterator(this._re, this._string, this._start);
A._AllMatchesIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this.__js_helper$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var t1, t2, t3, match, nextIndex, _this = this,
string = _this._string;
if (string == null)
return false;
t1 = _this._nextIndex;
t2 = string.length;
if (t1 <= t2) {
t3 = _this._regExp;
match = t3._execGlobal$2(string, t1);
if (match != null) {
_this.__js_helper$_current = match;
nextIndex = match.get$end(match);
if (match._match.index === nextIndex) {
if (t3._nativeRegExp.unicode) {
t1 = _this._nextIndex;
t3 = t1 + 1;
if (t3 < t2) {
t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, t1);
if (t1 >= 55296 && t1 <= 56319) {
t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, t3);
t1 = t1 >= 56320 && t1 <= 57343;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
nextIndex = (t1 ? nextIndex + 1 : nextIndex) + 1;
_this._nextIndex = nextIndex;
return true;
_this._string = _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
return false;
$isIterator: 1
A.StringMatch.prototype = {
$index(_, g) {
if (g !== 0)
A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$value(g, null));
return this.pattern;
$isMatch: 1
A._StringAllMatchesIterable.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
return new A._StringAllMatchesIterator(this._input, this._pattern, this.__js_helper$_index);
get$first(_) {
var t1 = this._pattern,
index = this._input.indexOf(t1, this.__js_helper$_index);
if (index >= 0)
return new A.StringMatch(index, t1);
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
A._StringAllMatchesIterator.prototype = {
moveNext$0() {
var index, end, _this = this,
t1 = _this.__js_helper$_index,
t2 = _this._pattern,
t3 = t2.length,
t4 = _this._input,
t5 = t4.length;
if (t1 + t3 > t5) {
_this.__js_helper$_current = null;
return false;
index = t4.indexOf(t2, t1);
if (index < 0) {
_this.__js_helper$_index = t5 + 1;
_this.__js_helper$_current = null;
return false;
end = index + t3;
_this.__js_helper$_current = new A.StringMatch(index, t2);
_this.__js_helper$_index = end === _this.__js_helper$_index ? end + 1 : end;
return true;
get$current(_) {
var t1 = this.__js_helper$_current;
return t1;
$isIterator: 1
A._Cell.prototype = {
_readField$0() {
var t1 = this.__late_helper$_value;
if (t1 === this)
throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldNI(this.__late_helper$_name));
return t1;
A.NativeByteBuffer.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_ByteBuffer_RkP;
$isNativeByteBuffer: 1,
$isByteBuffer: 1
A.NativeTypedData.prototype = {$isNativeTypedData: 1, $isTypedData: 1};
A.NativeByteData.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_ByteData_zNC;
A.NativeTypedArray.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1
A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble.prototype = {
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
receiver[index] = value;
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.prototype = {
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
receiver[index] = value;
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.NativeFloat32List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Float32List_LB7;
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Float32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
A.NativeFloat64List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Float64List_LB7;
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Float64Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
A.NativeInt16List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Int16List_uXf;
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Int16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
A.NativeInt32List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Int32List_O50;
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Int32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
A.NativeInt8List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Int8List_ekJ;
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Int8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
A.NativeUint16List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Uint16List_2bx;
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Uint16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
$isUint16List: 1
A.NativeUint32List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Uint32List_2bx;
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Uint32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
A.NativeUint8ClampedList.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Uint8ClampedList_Jik;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Uint8ClampedArray(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
A.NativeUint8List.prototype = {
get$runtimeType(receiver) {
return B.Type_Uint8List_WLA;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
return receiver[index];
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
return new Uint8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
$isNativeUint8List: 1,
$isUint8List: 1
A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {};
A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {};
A.Rti.prototype = {
_eval$1(recipe) {
return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, this, recipe);
_bind$1(typeOrTuple) {
return A._Universe_bind(init.typeUniverse, this, typeOrTuple);
A._FunctionParameters.prototype = {};
A._Type.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return A._rtiToString(this._rti, null);
$isType: 1
A._Error.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return this.__rti$_message;
A._TypeError.prototype = {$isTypeError: 1};
A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = {
call$1(_) {
var t1 = this._box_0,
f = t1.storedCallback;
t1.storedCallback = null;$0();
$signature: 7
A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure.prototype = {
call$1(callback) {
var t1, t2;
this._box_0.storedCallback = type$.void_Function._as(callback);
t1 = this.div;
t2 = this.span;
t1.firstChild ? t1.removeChild(t2) : t1.appendChild(t2);
$signature: 36
A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback.prototype = {
call$0() {$0();
$signature: 2
A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = {
call$0() {$0();
$signature: 2
A._TimerImpl.prototype = {
_TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback) {
if (self.setTimeout != null)
this._handle = self.setTimeout(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl_internalCallback(this, callback), 0), milliseconds);
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("`setTimeout()` not found."));
_TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback) {
if (self.setTimeout != null)
this._handle = self.setInterval(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure(this, milliseconds,, callback), 0), milliseconds);
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Periodic timer."));
get$isActive() {
return this._handle != null;
cancel$0(_) {
var t1;
if (self.setTimeout != null) {
t1 = this._handle;
if (t1 == null)
if (this._once)
this._handle = null;
} else
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Canceling a timer."));
$isTimer: 1
A._TimerImpl_internalCallback.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = this.$this;
t1._handle = null;
t1._tick = 1;$0();
$signature: 0
A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var duration, _this = this,
t1 = _this.$this,
tick = t1._tick + 1,
t2 = _this.milliseconds;
if (t2 > 0) {
duration = - _this.start;
if (duration > (tick + 1) * t2)
tick = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(duration, t2);
t1._tick = tick;$1(t1);
$signature: 2
A._AsyncAwaitCompleter.prototype = {
complete$1(_, value) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti;
if (!_this.isSync)
else {
t2 = _this._future;
if (t1._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value))
completeError$2(e, st) {
var t1;
if (st == null)
st = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(e);
t1 = this._future;
if (this.isSync)
t1._completeError$2(e, st);
t1._asyncCompleteError$2(e, st);
$isCompleter: 1
A._awaitOnObject_closure.prototype = {
call$1(result) {
return$2(0, result);
$signature: 4
A._awaitOnObject_closure0.prototype = {
call$2(error, stackTrace) {$2(1, new A.ExceptionAndStackTrace(error, type$.StackTrace._as(stackTrace)));
$signature: 51
A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure.prototype = {
call$2(errorCode, result) {
this.$protected(A._asIntS(errorCode), result);
$signature: 52
A.AsyncError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return A.S(this.error);
$isError: 1,
get$stackTrace() {
return this.stackTrace;
A.Future_Future$microtask_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var e, s, exception;
try {
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
A._completeWithErrorCallback(this.result, e, s);
$signature: 0
A._Completer.prototype = {
completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
var replacement;
A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
if ((this.future._state & 30) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
replacement = $.Zone__current.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
if (replacement != null) {
error = replacement.error;
stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
} else if (stackTrace == null)
stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
completeError$1(error) {
return this.completeError$2(error, null);
$isCompleter: 1
A._AsyncCompleter.prototype = {
complete$1(_, value) {
var t2,
t1 = this.$ti;
t2 = this.future;
if ((t2._state & 30) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
complete$0($receiver) {
return this.complete$1($receiver, null);
_completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
this.future._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
A._SyncCompleter.prototype = {
complete$1(_, value) {
var t2,
t1 = this.$ti;
t2 = this.future;
if ((t2._state & 30) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
_completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
this.future._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
A._FutureListener.prototype = {
matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) {
if ((this.state & 15) !== 6)
return true;
return this.result._zone.runUnary$2$2(type$.bool_Function_Object._as(this.callback), asyncError.error, type$.bool, type$.Object);
handleError$1(asyncError) {
var exception, _this = this,
errorCallback = _this.errorCallback,
result = null,
t1 = type$.dynamic,
t2 = type$.Object,
t3 = _this.result._zone;
if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorCallback))
result = t3.runBinary$3$3(errorCallback, asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace, t1, t2, type$.StackTrace);
result = t3.runUnary$2$2(type$.dynamic_Function_Object._as(errorCallback), asyncError.error, t1, t2);
try {
t1 = _this.$ti._eval$1("2/")._as(result);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
if (type$.TypeError._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
if ((_this.state & 1) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.then must return a value of the returned future's type", "onError"));
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.catchError must return a value of the future's type", "onError"));
} else
throw exception;
A._Future.prototype = {
then$1$2$onError(_, f, onError, $R) {
var currentZone, result, t2,
t1 = this.$ti;
currentZone = $.Zone__current;
if (currentZone === B.C__RootZone) {
if (onError != null && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError) && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(onError))
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(onError, "onError", string$.Error_));
} else {
f = currentZone.registerUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R._eval$1("0/"), t1._precomputed1);
if (onError != null)
onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, currentZone);
result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $R._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
t2 = onError == null ? 1 : 3;
this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, t2, f, onError, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
return result;
then$1$1($receiver, f, $R) {
return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, f, null, $R);
_thenAwait$1$2(f, onError, $E) {
var result,
t1 = this.$ti;
result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $E._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 19, f, onError, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($E)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
return result;
catchError$1(onError) {
var t1 = this.$ti,
t2 = $.Zone__current,
result = new A._Future(t2, t1);
if (t2 !== B.C__RootZone)
onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, t2);
this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 2, null, onError, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
return result;
whenComplete$1(action) {
var t1, t2, result;
t1 = this.$ti;
t2 = $.Zone__current;
result = new A._Future(t2, t1);
if (t2 !== B.C__RootZone)
action = t2.registerCallback$1$1(action, type$.dynamic);
this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 8, action, null, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
return result;
_setErrorObject$1(error) {
this._state = this._state & 1 | 16;
this._resultOrListeners = error;
_cloneResult$1(source) {
this._state = source._state & 30 | this._state & 1;
this._resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners;
_addListener$1(listener) {
var source, _this = this,
t1 = _this._state;
if (t1 <= 3) {
listener._nextListener = type$.nullable__FutureListener_dynamic_dynamic._as(_this._resultOrListeners);
_this._resultOrListeners = listener;
} else {
if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) {
source = type$._Future_dynamic._as(_this._resultOrListeners);
if ((source._state & 24) === 0) {
_this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__addListener_closure(_this, listener));
_prependListeners$1(listeners) {
var t1, existingListeners, next, cursor, next0, source, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
_box_0.listeners = listeners;
if (listeners == null)
t1 = _this._state;
if (t1 <= 3) {
existingListeners = type$.nullable__FutureListener_dynamic_dynamic._as(_this._resultOrListeners);
_this._resultOrListeners = listeners;
if (existingListeners != null) {
next = listeners._nextListener;
for (cursor = listeners; next != null; cursor = next, next = next0)
next0 = next._nextListener;
cursor._nextListener = existingListeners;
} else {
if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) {
source = type$._Future_dynamic._as(_this._resultOrListeners);
if ((source._state & 24) === 0) {
_box_0.listeners = _this._reverseListeners$1(listeners);
_this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__prependListeners_closure(_box_0, _this));
_removeListeners$0() {
var current = type$.nullable__FutureListener_dynamic_dynamic._as(this._resultOrListeners);
this._resultOrListeners = null;
return this._reverseListeners$1(current);
_reverseListeners$1(listeners) {
var current, prev, next;
for (current = listeners, prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) {
next = current._nextListener;
current._nextListener = prev;
return prev;
_chainForeignFuture$1(source) {
var e, s, exception, _this = this;
_this._state ^= 2;
try {
source.then$1$2$onError(0, new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(_this), new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(_this), type$.Null);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(_this, e, s));
_complete$1(value) {
var listeners, _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti;
if (t1._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value))
if (t1._is(value))
A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this);
else {
listeners = _this._removeListeners$0();
_this._state = 8;
_this._resultOrListeners = value;
A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners);
_completeWithValue$1(value) {
var listeners, _this = this;
listeners = _this._removeListeners$0();
_this._state = 8;
_this._resultOrListeners = value;
A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners);
_completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
var listeners;
listeners = this._removeListeners$0();
this._setErrorObject$1(A.AsyncError$(error, stackTrace));
A._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
_asyncComplete$1(value) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
if (t1._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value)) {
_asyncCompleteWithValue$1(value) {
var _this = this;
_this._state ^= 2;
_this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(_this, value));
_chainFuture$1(value) {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti;
if (t1._is(value)) {
if ((value._state & 16) !== 0) {
_this._state ^= 2;
_this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__chainFuture_closure(_this, value));
} else
A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this);
_asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace) {
this._state ^= 2;
this._zone.scheduleMicrotask$1(new A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(this, error, stackTrace));
$isFuture: 1
A._Future__addListener_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this.listener);
$signature: 0
A._Future__prependListeners_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this._box_0.listeners);
$signature: 0
A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure.prototype = {
call$1(value) {
var error, stackTrace, exception,
t1 = this.$this;
t1._state ^= 2;
try {
} catch (exception) {
error = A.unwrapException(exception);
stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
t1._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
$signature: 7
A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0.prototype = {
call$2(error, stackTrace) {
this.$this._completeError$2(error, type$.StackTrace._as(stackTrace));
$signature: 9
A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1.prototype = {
call$0() {
this.$this._completeError$2(this.e, this.s);
$signature: 0
A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
$signature: 0
A._Future__chainFuture_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
A._Future__chainCoreFuture(this.value, this.$this);
$signature: 0
A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
this.$this._completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
$signature: 0
A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback.prototype = {
call$0() {
var e, s, t1, exception, t2, originalSource, _this = this, completeResult = null;
try {
t1 = _this._box_0.listener;
completeResult =$1$1(type$.dynamic_Function._as(t1.callback), type$.dynamic);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
if (_this.hasError) {
t1 = type$.AsyncError._as(_this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners).error;
t2 = e;
t2 = t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2;
t1 = t2;
} else
t1 = false;
t2 = _this._box_0;
if (t1)
t2.listenerValueOrError = type$.AsyncError._as(_this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners);
t2.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
t2.listenerHasError = true;
if (completeResult instanceof A._Future && (completeResult._state & 24) !== 0) {
if ((completeResult._state & 16) !== 0) {
t1 = _this._box_0;
t1.listenerValueOrError = type$.AsyncError._as(completeResult._resultOrListeners);
t1.listenerHasError = true;
if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(completeResult)) {
originalSource = _this._box_1.source;
t1 = _this._box_0;
t1.listenerValueOrError = J.then$1$1$x(completeResult, new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(originalSource), type$.dynamic);
t1.listenerHasError = false;
$signature: 0
A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure.prototype = {
call$1(_) {
return this.originalSource;
$signature: 98
A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback.prototype = {
call$0() {
var e, s, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, exception;
try {
t1 = this._box_0;
t2 = t1.listener;
t3 = t2.$ti;
t4 = t3._precomputed1;
t5 = t4._as(this.sourceResult);
t1.listenerValueOrError = t2.result._zone.runUnary$2$2(t3._eval$1("2/(1)")._as(t2.callback), t5, t3._eval$1("2/"), t4);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
t1 = this._box_0;
t1.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
t1.listenerHasError = true;
$signature: 0
A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError.prototype = {
call$0() {
var asyncError, e, s, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
try {
asyncError = type$.AsyncError._as(_this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners);
t1 = _this._box_0;
if (A.boolConversionCheck(t1.listener.matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError)) && t1.listener.errorCallback != null) {
t1.listenerValueOrError = t1.listener.handleError$1(asyncError);
t1.listenerHasError = false;
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
t1 = type$.AsyncError._as(_this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners);
t2 = t1.error;
t3 = e;
t4 = _this._box_0;
if (t2 == null ? t3 == null : t2 === t3)
t4.listenerValueOrError = t1;
t4.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
t4.listenerHasError = true;
$signature: 0
A._AsyncCallbackEntry.prototype = {};
A.Stream.prototype = {
map$1$1(_, convert, $S) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return new A._MapStream(t1._bind$1($S)._eval$1("1(Stream.T)")._as(convert), this, t1._eval$1("@<Stream.T>")._bind$1($S)._eval$1("_MapStream<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, convert) {
return$1$1($receiver, convert, type$.dynamic);
get$length(_) {
var t1 = {},
future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_int);
t1.count = 0;
this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(new A.Stream_length_closure(t1, this), true, new A.Stream_length_closure0(t1, future), future.get$_completeError());
return future;
get$first(_) {
var future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_Future<Stream.T>")),
subscription = this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(null, true, new A.Stream_first_closure(future), future.get$_completeError());
subscription.onData$1(new A.Stream_first_closure0(this, subscription, future));
return future;
A.Stream_length_closure.prototype = {
call$1(_) {
$signature() {
return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(Stream.T)");
A.Stream_length_closure0.prototype = {
call$0() {
$signature: 0
A.Stream_first_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var e, s, t1, exception;
try {
t1 = A.IterableElementError_noElement();
throw A.wrapException(t1);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
A._completeWithErrorCallback(this.future, e, s);
$signature: 0
A.Stream_first_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(value) {
A._cancelAndValue(this.subscription, this.future, A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("Stream.T")._as(value));
$signature() {
return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(Stream.T)");
A.StreamSubscription.prototype = {};
A.StreamTransformerBase.prototype = {$isStreamTransformer: 1};
A._StreamController.prototype = {
get$_pendingEvents() {
var t1, _this = this;
if ((_this._state & 8) === 0)
return A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_PendingEvents<1>?")._as(_this._varData);
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
return t1._eval$1("_PendingEvents<1>?")._as(t1._eval$1("_StreamControllerAddStreamState<1>")._as(_this._varData).get$varData());
_ensurePendingEvents$0() {
var events, t1, _this = this;
if ((_this._state & 8) === 0) {
events = _this._varData;
if (events == null)
events = _this._varData = new A._StreamImplEvents(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_StreamImplEvents<1>"));
return A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_StreamImplEvents<1>")._as(events);
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
events = t1._eval$1("_StreamControllerAddStreamState<1>")._as(_this._varData).get$varData();
return t1._eval$1("_StreamImplEvents<1>")._as(events);
get$_subscription() {
var varData = this._varData;
if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
varData = type$._StreamControllerAddStreamState_nullable_Object._as(varData).get$varData();
return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_ControllerSubscription<1>")._as(varData);
_badEventState$0() {
if ((this._state & 4) !== 0)
return new A.StateError("Cannot add event after closing");
return new A.StateError("Cannot add event while adding a stream");
_ensureDoneFuture$0() {
var t1 = this._doneFuture;
if (t1 == null)
t1 = this._doneFuture = (this._state & 2) !== 0 ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
return t1;
add$1(_, value) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
t2 = _this._state;
if (t2 >= 4)
throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0());
if ((t2 & 1) !== 0)
else if ((t2 & 3) === 0)
_this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedData(value, t1._eval$1("_DelayedData<1>")));
addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
var replacement, t1, _this = this;
A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
if (_this._state >= 4)
throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0());
replacement = $.Zone__current.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
if (replacement != null) {
error = replacement.error;
stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
} else if (stackTrace == null)
stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
t1 = _this._state;
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
_this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
_this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
addError$1(error) {
return this.addError$2(error, null);
close$0(_) {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._state;
if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0();
if (t1 >= 4)
throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0());
t1 = _this._state = t1 | 4;
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
_this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, B.C__DelayedDone);
return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0();
_subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) {
var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, subscription, pendingEvents, addState, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
if ((_this._state & 3) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Stream has already been listened to."));
t2 = $.Zone__current;
t3 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0;
t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t2, onData, t1._precomputed1);
t5 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t2, onError);
t6 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone;
subscription = new A._ControllerSubscription(_this, t4, t5, t2.registerCallback$1$1(t6, type$.void), t2, t3, t1._eval$1("_ControllerSubscription<1>"));
pendingEvents = _this.get$_pendingEvents();
t3 = _this._state |= 1;
if ((t3 & 8) !== 0) {
addState = t1._eval$1("_StreamControllerAddStreamState<1>")._as(_this._varData);
} else
_this._varData = subscription;
subscription._guardCallback$1(new A._StreamController__subscribe_closure(_this));
return subscription;
_recordCancel$1(subscription) {
var result, onCancel, cancelResult, e, s, exception, result0, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
result = null;
if ((_this._state & 8) !== 0)
result = t1._eval$1("_StreamControllerAddStreamState<1>")._as(_this._varData).cancel$0(0);
_this._varData = null;
_this._state = _this._state & 4294967286 | 2;
onCancel = _this.onCancel;
if (onCancel != null)
if (result == null)
try {
cancelResult =$0();
if (type$.Future_void._is(cancelResult))
result = cancelResult;
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
result0 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
result0._asyncCompleteError$2(e, s);
result = result0;
result = result.whenComplete$1(onCancel);
t1 = new A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete(_this);
if (result != null)
result = result.whenComplete$1(t1);
return result;
$isStreamSink: 1,
$isStreamController: 1,
$is_StreamControllerLifecycle: 1,
$is_EventSink: 1,
$is_EventDispatch: 1
A._StreamController__subscribe_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
$signature: 0
A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete.prototype = {
call$0() {
var doneFuture = this.$this._doneFuture;
if (doneFuture != null && (doneFuture._state & 30) === 0)
$signature: 0
A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch.prototype = {
_sendData$1(data) {
this.get$_subscription()._add$1(0, data);
_sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
this.get$_subscription()._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
_sendDone$0() {
A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch.prototype = {
_sendData$1(data) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data, t1._eval$1("_DelayedData<1>")));
_sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
_sendDone$0() {
A._AsyncStreamController.prototype = {};
A._SyncStreamController.prototype = {};
A._ControllerStream.prototype = {
get$hashCode(_) {
return (A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._controller) ^ 892482866) >>> 0;
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (this === other)
return true;
return other instanceof A._ControllerStream && other._controller === this._controller;
A._ControllerSubscription.prototype = {
_onCancel$0() {
return this._controller._recordCancel$1(this);
_onPause$0() {
var t1 = this._controller,
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
if ((t1._state & 8) !== 0)
_onResume$0() {
var t1 = this._controller,
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
if ((t1._state & 8) !== 0)
A._StreamSinkWrapper.prototype = {
add$1(_, data) {
this._async$_target.add$1(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(data));
$isStreamSink: 1
A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype = {
_setPendingEvents$1(pendingEvents) {
var _this = this;
if (pendingEvents == null)
if (pendingEvents.lastPendingEvent != null) {
_this._state = (_this._state | 64) >>> 0;
onData$1(handleData) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
this.set$_async$_onData(A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(this._zone, t1._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription.T)?")._as(handleData), t1._eval$1("_BufferingStreamSubscription.T")));
pause$0(_) {
var t2, t3, _this = this,
t1 = _this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
t2 = (t1 + 128 | 4) >>> 0;
_this._state = t2;
if (t1 < 128) {
t3 = _this._pending;
if (t3 != null)
if (t3._state === 1)
t3._state = 3;
if ((t1 & 4) === 0 && (t2 & 32) === 0)
resume$0(_) {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
if (t1 >= 128) {
t1 = _this._state = t1 - 128;
if (t1 < 128)
if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent != null)
else {
t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0;
_this._state = t1;
if ((t1 & 32) === 0)
cancel$0(_) {
var _this = this,
t1 = (_this._state & 4294967279) >>> 0;
_this._state = t1;
if ((t1 & 8) === 0)
t1 = _this._cancelFuture;
return t1 == null ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : t1;
asFuture$1$1(futureValue, $E) {
var result, t1 = {};
t1.resultValue = null;
t1.resultValue = $E._as(futureValue);
result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $E._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
this.set$_onDone(new A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure(t1, result));
this._onError = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure0(this, result);
return result;
_cancel$0() {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this._state = (_this._state | 8) >>> 0;
if ((t1 & 64) !== 0) {
t2 = _this._pending;
if (t2._state === 1)
t2._state = 3;
if ((t1 & 32) === 0)
_this._cancelFuture = _this._onCancel$0();
_add$1(_, data) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
t2 = _this._state;
if ((t2 & 8) !== 0)
if (t2 < 32)
_this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data, t1._eval$1("_DelayedData<_BufferingStreamSubscription.T>")));
_addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
if (t1 < 32)
this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
_close$0() {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
t1 = (t1 | 2) >>> 0;
_this._state = t1;
if (t1 < 32)
_onPause$0() {
_onResume$0() {
_onCancel$0() {
return null;
_addPending$1($event) {
var _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this),
pending = t1._eval$1("_StreamImplEvents<_BufferingStreamSubscription.T>?")._as(_this._pending);
if (pending == null)
pending = new A._StreamImplEvents(t1._eval$1("_StreamImplEvents<_BufferingStreamSubscription.T>"));
pending.add$1(0, $event);
t1 = _this._state;
if ((t1 & 64) === 0) {
t1 = (t1 | 64) >>> 0;
_this._state = t1;
if (t1 < 128)
_sendData$1(data) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_BufferingStreamSubscription.T");
t2 = _this._state;
_this._state = (t2 | 32) >>> 0;
_this._zone.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(_this._async$_onData, data, t1);
_this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
_this._checkState$1((t2 & 4) !== 0);
_sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
var cancelFuture, _this = this,
t1 = _this._state,
t2 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(_this, error, stackTrace);
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) {
_this._state = (t1 | 16) >>> 0;
cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture;
if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
} else {$0();
_this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
_sendDone$0() {
var cancelFuture, _this = this,
t1 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(_this);
_this._state = (_this._state | 16) >>> 0;
cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture;
if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
_guardCallback$1(callback) {
var t1, _this = this;
t1 = _this._state;
_this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0;$0();
_this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
_this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
_checkState$1(wasInputPaused) {
var t2, isInputPaused, _this = this,
t1 = _this._state;
if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent == null) {
t1 = _this._state = (t1 & 4294967231) >>> 0;
if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
if (t1 < 128) {
t2 = _this._pending;
t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.lastPendingEvent == null;
t2 = t2 !== false;
} else
t2 = false;
t2 = false;
if (t2) {
t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0;
_this._state = t1;
for (; true; wasInputPaused = isInputPaused) {
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) {
isInputPaused = (t1 & 4) !== 0;
if (wasInputPaused === isInputPaused)
_this._state = (t1 ^ 32) >>> 0;
if (isInputPaused)
t1 = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
_this._state = t1;
if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && t1 < 128)
set$_async$_onData(_onData) {
this._async$_onData = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription.T)")._as(_onData);
set$_onDone(_onDone) {
this._onDone = type$.void_Function._as(_onDone);
set$_pending(_pending) {
this._pending = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_PendingEvents<_BufferingStreamSubscription.T>?")._as(_pending);
$isStreamSubscription: 1,
$is_EventSink: 1,
$is_EventDispatch: 1
A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
$signature: 0
A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure0.prototype = {
call$2(error, stackTrace) {
var cancelFuture, t1;
cancelFuture = this.$this.cancel$0(0);
t1 = this.result;
if (cancelFuture != $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(new A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture__closure(t1, error, stackTrace));
t1._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
$signature: 9
A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture__closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
this.result._completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
$signature: 2
A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError.prototype = {
call$0() {
var onError, t3, t4,
t1 = this.$this,
t2 = t1._state;
if ((t2 & 8) !== 0 && (t2 & 16) === 0)
t1._state = (t2 | 32) >>> 0;
onError = t1._onError;
t2 = this.error;
t3 = type$.Object;
t4 = t1._zone;
if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError))
t4.runBinaryGuarded$2$3(onError, t2, this.stackTrace, t3, type$.StackTrace);
t4.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(type$.void_Function_Object._as(onError), t2, t3);
t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
$signature: 0
A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = this.$this,
t2 = t1._state;
if ((t2 & 16) === 0)
t1._state = (t2 | 42) >>> 0;
t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
$signature: 0
A._StreamImpl.prototype = {
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return this._controller._subscribe$4(t1._eval$1("~(1)?")._as(onData), onError, onDone, cancelOnError === true);
listen$2$onError(onData, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, onError);
listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
listen$2$cancelOnError(onData, cancelOnError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, null, null);
listen$2$onDone(onData, onDone) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, null);
A._DelayedEvent.prototype = {
set$next(_, next) { = type$.nullable__DelayedEvent_dynamic._as(next);
get$next(receiver) {
A._DelayedData.prototype = {
perform$1(dispatch) {
A._DelayedError.prototype = {
perform$1(dispatch) {
dispatch._sendError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
A._DelayedDone.prototype = {
perform$1(dispatch) {
get$next(_) {
return null;
set$next(_, _0) {
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No events after a done."));
$is_DelayedEvent: 1
A._PendingEvents.prototype = {
schedule$1(dispatch) {
var t1, _this = this;
t1 = _this._state;
if (t1 === 1)
if (t1 >= 1) {
_this._state = 1;
A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure(_this, dispatch));
_this._state = 1;
A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t2, $event, nextEvent,
t1 = this.$this,
oldState = t1._state;
t1._state = 0;
if (oldState === 3)
t2 = t1.$ti._eval$1("_EventDispatch<1>")._as(this.dispatch);
$event = t1.firstPendingEvent;
nextEvent = $event.get$next($event);
t1.firstPendingEvent = nextEvent;
if (nextEvent == null)
t1.lastPendingEvent = null;
$signature: 0
A._StreamImplEvents.prototype = {
add$1(_, $event) {
var _this = this,
lastEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent;
if (lastEvent == null)
_this.firstPendingEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
else {
lastEvent.set$next(0, $event);
_this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
A._StreamIterator.prototype = {};
A._cancelAndValue_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return this.future._complete$1(this.value);
$signature: 0
A._ForwardingStream.prototype = {
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7,
t1 = this.$ti;
t2 = t1._rest[1];
t3 = $.Zone__current;
t4 = cancelOnError === true ? 1 : 0;
t5 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t3, onData, t2);
t6 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t3, onError);
t7 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone;
t2 = new A._ForwardingStreamSubscription(this, t5, t6, t3.registerCallback$1$1(t7, type$.void), t3, t4, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2)._eval$1("_ForwardingStreamSubscription<1,2>"));
t2.set$_subscription(this._source.listen$3$onDone$onError(t2.get$_handleData(), t2.get$_handleDone(), t2.get$_handleError()));
return t2;
listen$2$onError(onData, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, onError);
listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
A._ForwardingStreamSubscription.prototype = {
_add$1(_, data) {
if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_add(0, data);
_addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_addError(error, stackTrace);
_onPause$0() {
var t1 = this._subscription;
if (t1 != null)
_onResume$0() {
var t1 = this._subscription;
if (t1 != null)
_onCancel$0() {
var subscription = this._subscription;
if (subscription != null) {
return subscription.cancel$0(0);
return null;
_handleData$1(data) {
this._stream._handleData$2(this.$ti._precomputed1._as(data), this);
_handleError$2(error, stackTrace) {
this._stream.$ti._eval$1("_EventSink<2>")._as(this)._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
_handleDone$0() {
set$_subscription(_subscription) {
this._subscription = this.$ti._eval$1("StreamSubscription<1>?")._as(_subscription);
A._MapStream.prototype = {
_handleData$2(inputEvent, sink) {
var outputEvent, e, s, exception, error, stackTrace, replacement,
t1 = this.$ti;
outputEvent = null;
try {
outputEvent =$1(inputEvent);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
error = e;
stackTrace = s;
replacement = $.Zone__current.errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace);
if (replacement != null) {
error = replacement.error;
stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
sink._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
sink._add$1(0, outputEvent);
A._ZoneFunction.prototype = {};
A._RunNullaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
A._RunUnaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
A._RunBinaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
A._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
A._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
A._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction.prototype = {};
A._ZoneSpecification.prototype = {$isZoneSpecification: 1};
A._ZoneDelegate.prototype = {$isZoneDelegate: 1};
A._Zone.prototype = {
_processUncaughtError$3(zone, error, stackTrace) {
var implZone, handler, parentDelegate, parentZone, currentZone, e, s, implementation, t1, exception;
implementation = this.get$_handleUncaughtError();
implZone =;
if (implZone === B.C__RootZone) {
A._rootHandleError(error, stackTrace);
handler = implementation.$function;
parentDelegate = implZone.get$_parentDelegate();
t1 = J.get$parent$z(implZone);
parentZone = t1;
currentZone = $.Zone__current;
try {
$.Zone__current = parentZone;$5(implZone, parentDelegate, zone, error, stackTrace);
$.Zone__current = currentZone;
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
$.Zone__current = currentZone;
t1 = e;
t1 = (error == null ? t1 == null : error === t1) ? stackTrace : s;
parentZone._processUncaughtError$3(implZone, e, t1);
$isZone: 1
A._CustomZone.prototype = {
get$_delegate() {
var t1 = this._delegateCache;
return t1 == null ? this._delegateCache = new A._ZoneDelegate(this) : t1;
get$_parentDelegate() {
return this.parent.get$_delegate();
get$errorZone() {
runGuarded$1(f) {
var e, s, exception;
try {$1$1(f, type$.void);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
this._processUncaughtError$3(this, e, type$.StackTrace._as(s));
runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg, $T) {
var e, s, exception;
try {
this.runUnary$2$2(f, arg, type$.void, $T);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
this._processUncaughtError$3(this, e, type$.StackTrace._as(s));
runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2, T1, T2) {
var e, s, exception;
try {
this.runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2, type$.void, T1, T2);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
this._processUncaughtError$3(this, e, type$.StackTrace._as(s));
bindCallback$1$1(f, $R) {
return new A._CustomZone_bindCallback_closure(this, this.registerCallback$1$1($R._eval$1("0()")._as(f), $R), $R);
bindUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R, $T) {
return new A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(this, this.registerUnaryCallback$2$1($R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f), $R, $T), $T, $R);
bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) {
return new A._CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(this, this.registerCallback$1$1(type$.void_Function._as(f), type$.void));
bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(f, $T) {
return new A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(this, this.registerUnaryCallback$2$1($T._eval$1("~(0)")._as(f), type$.void, $T), $T);
$index(_, key) {
var value,
t1 = this._async$_map,
result = t1.$index(0, key);
if (result != null || t1.containsKey$1(0, key))
return result;
value = this.parent.$index(0, key);
if (value != null)
t1.$indexSet(0, key, value);
return value;
handleUncaughtError$2(error, stackTrace) {
this._processUncaughtError$3(this, error, type$.StackTrace._as(stackTrace));
fork$2$specification$zoneValues(specification, zoneValues) {
var implementation = this._fork,
t1 =;
return implementation.$$5(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, specification, zoneValues);
run$1$1(f, $R) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._run;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$1$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f, $R);
runUnary$2$2(f, arg, $R, $T) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._runUnary;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$2$5(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f, arg, $R, $T);
runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2, $R, T1, T2) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._runBinary;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$3$6(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f, arg1, arg2, $R, T1, T2);
registerCallback$1$1(callback, $R) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._registerCallback;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$1$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, callback, $R);
registerUnaryCallback$2$1(callback, $R, $T) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._registerUnaryCallback;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$2$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, callback, $R, $T);
registerBinaryCallback$3$1(callback, $R, T1, T2) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._registerBinaryCallback;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$3$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, callback, $R, T1, T2);
errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace) {
var implementation, implementationZone;
A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
implementation = this._errorCallback;
implementationZone =;
if (implementationZone === B.C__RootZone)
return null;
return implementation.$$5(implementationZone, implementationZone.get$_parentDelegate(), this, error, stackTrace);
scheduleMicrotask$1(f) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._scheduleMicrotask;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, f);
createTimer$2(duration, f) {
var implementation, t1;
implementation = this._createTimer;
t1 =;
return implementation.$$5(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, duration, f);
print$1(_, line) {
var implementation = this._print,
t1 =;
return implementation.$$4(t1, t1.get$_parentDelegate(), this, line);
set$_handleUncaughtError(_handleUncaughtError) {
this._handleUncaughtError = type$._ZoneFunction_of_void_Function_Zone_ZoneDelegate_Zone_Object_StackTrace._as(_handleUncaughtError);
get$_run() {
return this._run;
get$_runUnary() {
return this._runUnary;
get$_runBinary() {
return this._runBinary;
get$_registerCallback() {
return this._registerCallback;
get$_registerUnaryCallback() {
return this._registerUnaryCallback;
get$_registerBinaryCallback() {
return this._registerBinaryCallback;
get$_errorCallback() {
return this._errorCallback;
get$_scheduleMicrotask() {
return this._scheduleMicrotask;
get$_createTimer() {
return this._createTimer;
get$_createPeriodicTimer() {
return this._createPeriodicTimer;
get$_print() {
return this._print;
get$_fork() {
return this._fork;
get$_handleUncaughtError() {
return this._handleUncaughtError;
get$parent(receiver) {
return this.parent;
get$_async$_map() {
return this._async$_map;
A._CustomZone_bindCallback_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return this.$$1$1(this.registered, this.R);
$signature() {
return this.R._eval$1("0()");
A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure.prototype = {
call$1(arg) {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this.T;
return _this.$this.runUnary$2$2(_this.registered, t1._as(arg), _this.R, t1);
$signature() {
return this.R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.T)._eval$1("1(2)");
A._CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return this.$this.runGuarded$1(this.registered);
$signature: 0
A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
call$1(arg) {
var t1 = this.T;
return this.$this.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(this.registered, t1._as(arg), t1);
$signature() {
return this.T._eval$1("~(0)");
A._rootHandleError_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
A.Error_throwWithStackTrace(this.error, this.stackTrace);
$signature: 0
A._RootZone.prototype = {
get$_run() {
return B._RunNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRun;
get$_runUnary() {
return B._RunUnaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunUnary;
get$_runBinary() {
return B._RunBinaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunBinary;
get$_registerCallback() {
return B._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRegisterCallback;
get$_registerUnaryCallback() {
return B._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction_Bqo;
get$_registerBinaryCallback() {
return B._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction_kGu;
get$_errorCallback() {
return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootErrorCallback;
get$_scheduleMicrotask() {
return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootScheduleMicrotask;
get$_createTimer() {
return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootCreateTimer;
get$_createPeriodicTimer() {
return B._ZoneFunction_3bB;
get$_print() {
return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootPrint;
get$_fork() {
return B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootFork;
get$_handleUncaughtError() {
return B._ZoneFunction_NMc;
get$parent(_) {
return null;
get$_async$_map() {
return $.$get$_RootZone__rootMap();
get$_delegate() {
var t1 = $._RootZone__rootDelegate;
return t1 == null ? $._RootZone__rootDelegate = new A._ZoneDelegate(this) : t1;
get$_parentDelegate() {
var t1 = $._RootZone__rootDelegate;
return t1 == null ? $._RootZone__rootDelegate = new A._ZoneDelegate(this) : t1;
get$errorZone() {
return this;
runGuarded$1(f) {
var e, s, exception;
try {
if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {$0();
A._rootRun(null, null, this, f, type$.void);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
A._rootHandleError(e, type$.StackTrace._as(s));
runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg, $T) {
var e, s, exception;
try {
if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {$1(arg);
A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg, type$.void, $T);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
A._rootHandleError(e, type$.StackTrace._as(s));
runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2, T1, T2) {
var e, s, exception;
try {
if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {$2(arg1, arg2);
A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2, type$.void, T1, T2);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
A._rootHandleError(e, type$.StackTrace._as(s));
bindCallback$1$1(f, $R) {
return new A._RootZone_bindCallback_closure(this, $R._eval$1("0()")._as(f), $R);
bindUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R, $T) {
return new A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(this, $R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f), $T, $R);
bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) {
return new A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(this, type$.void_Function._as(f));
bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(f, $T) {
return new A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(this, $T._eval$1("~(0)")._as(f), $T);
$index(_, key) {
return null;
handleUncaughtError$2(error, stackTrace) {
A._rootHandleError(error, type$.StackTrace._as(stackTrace));
fork$2$specification$zoneValues(specification, zoneValues) {
return A._rootFork(null, null, this, specification, zoneValues);
run$1$1(f, $R) {
if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
return A._rootRun(null, null, this, f, $R);
runUnary$2$2(f, arg, $R, $T) {
if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
return A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg, $R, $T);
runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2, $R, T1, T2) {
if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
return$2(arg1, arg2);
return A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2, $R, T1, T2);
registerCallback$1$1(f, $R) {
return $R._eval$1("0()")._as(f);
registerUnaryCallback$2$1(f, $R, $T) {
return $R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f);
registerBinaryCallback$3$1(f, $R, T1, T2) {
return $R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(T1)._bind$1(T2)._eval$1("1(2,3)")._as(f);
errorCallback$2(error, stackTrace) {
return null;
scheduleMicrotask$1(f) {
A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, this, type$.void_Function._as(f));
createTimer$2(duration, f) {
return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, type$.void_Function._as(f));
print$1(_, line) {
A._RootZone_bindCallback_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return this.$$1$1(this.f, this.R);
$signature() {
return this.R._eval$1("0()");
A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure.prototype = {
call$1(arg) {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this.T;
return _this.$this.runUnary$2$2(_this.f, t1._as(arg), _this.R, t1);
$signature() {
return this.R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.T)._eval$1("1(2)");
A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return this.$this.runGuarded$1(this.f);
$signature: 0
A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
call$1(arg) {
var t1 = this.T;
return this.$this.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(this.f, t1._as(arg), t1);
$signature() {
return this.T._eval$1("~(0)");
A.runZonedGuarded_closure.prototype = {
call$5($self, $parent, zone, error, stackTrace) {
var e, s, exception, t2, t3,
t1 = type$.StackTrace;
try {
this.parentZone.runBinary$3$3(this.onError, error, stackTrace, type$.void, type$.Object, t1);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
t2 = e;
t3 = $parent._delegationTarget;
if (t2 == null ? error == null : t2 === error)
t3._processUncaughtError$3(zone, error, stackTrace);
t3._processUncaughtError$3(zone, e, t1._as(s));
$signature: 80
A._HashMap.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return this._collection$_length;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._collection$_length === 0;
get$keys(_) {
return new A._HashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
containsKey$1(_, key) {
var strings, nums;
if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._collection$_strings;
return strings == null ? false : strings[key] != null;
} else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
nums = this._collection$_nums;
return nums == null ? false : nums[key] != null;
} else
return this._containsKey$1(key);
_containsKey$1(key) {
var rest = this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return this._findBucketIndex$2(this._getBucket$2(rest, key), key) >= 0;
$index(_, key) {
var strings, t1, nums;
if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._collection$_strings;
t1 = strings == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(strings, key);
return t1;
} else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
nums = this._collection$_nums;
t1 = nums == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(nums, key);
return t1;
} else
return this._get$1(0, key);
_get$1(_, key) {
var bucket, index,
rest = this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return null;
bucket = this._getBucket$2(rest, key);
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
return index < 0 ? null : bucket[index + 1];
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var strings, nums, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = _this._collection$_strings;
_this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : strings, key, value);
} else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
nums = _this._collection$_nums;
_this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : nums, key, value);
} else
_this._set$2(key, value);
_set$2(key, value) {
var rest, hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
rest = _this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._HashMap__newHashTable();
hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(key);
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null) {
A._HashMap__setTableEntry(rest, hash, [key, value]);
_this._keys = null;
} else {
index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index >= 0)
bucket[index + 1] = value;
else {
bucket.push(key, value);
_this._keys = null;
forEach$1(_, action) {
var keys, $length, i, key, _this = this,
t1 = A._instanceType(_this);
keys = _this._computeKeys$0();
for ($length = keys.length, t1 = t1._precomputed1, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];$2(t1._as(key), _this.$index(0, key));
if (keys !== _this._keys)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
_computeKeys$0() {
var strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0, _this = this,
result = _this._keys;
if (result != null)
return result;
result = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_length, null, false, type$.dynamic);
strings = _this._collection$_strings;
if (strings != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
entries = names.length;
for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = names[i];
} else
index = 0;
nums = _this._collection$_nums;
if (nums != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = +names[i];
rest = _this._collection$_rest;
if (rest != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
bucket = rest[names[i]];
$length = bucket.length;
for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; i0 += 2) {
result[index] = bucket[i0];
return _this._keys = result;
_collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
if (table[key] == null) {
this._keys = null;
A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value);
_computeHashCode$1(key) {
return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 1073741823;
_getBucket$2(table, key) {
return table[this._computeHashCode$1(key)];
_findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2)
if (J.$eq$(bucket[i], key))
return i;
return -1;
$isHashMap: 1
A._IdentityHashMap.prototype = {
_computeHashCode$1(key) {
return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823;
_findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
var $length, i, t1;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2) {
t1 = bucket[i];
if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key)
return i;
return -1;
A._CustomHashMap.prototype = {
$index(_, key) {
if (!A.boolConversionCheck($1(key)))
return null;
return this.super$_HashMap$_get(0, key);
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
this.super$_HashMap$_set(t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
containsKey$1(_, key) {
if (!A.boolConversionCheck($1(key)))
return false;
return this.super$_HashMap$_containsKey(key);
_computeHashCode$1(key) {
return$1(this.$ti._precomputed1._as(key)) & 1073741823;
_findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
var $length, t1, t2, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1, t2 = this._equals, i = 0; i < $length; i += 2)
if (A.boolConversionCheck($2(bucket[i], t1._as(key))))
return i;
return -1;
A._CustomHashMap_closure.prototype = {
call$1(v) {
return this.K._is(v);
$signature: 11
A._HashMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return this._collection$_map._collection$_length;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._collection$_map._collection$_length === 0;
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this._collection$_map;
return new A._HashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._computeKeys$0(), this.$ti._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterator<1>"));
contains$1(_, element) {
return this._collection$_map.containsKey$1(0, element);
A._HashMapKeyIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var _this = this,
keys = _this._keys,
offset = _this._offset,
t1 = _this._collection$_map;
if (keys !== t1._keys)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else if (offset >= keys.length) {
return false;
} else {
_this._offset = offset + 1;
return true;
set$_collection$_current(_current) {
this._collection$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
A._LinkedIdentityHashMap.prototype = {
internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823;
internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
var $length, i, t1;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = bucket[i].hashMapCellKey;
if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key)
return i;
return -1;
A._LinkedCustomHashMap.prototype = {
$index(_, key) {
if (!A.boolConversionCheck($1(key)))
return null;
return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalGet(key);
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalSet(t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
containsKey$1(_, key) {
if (!A.boolConversionCheck($1(key)))
return false;
return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalContainsKey(key);
remove$1(_, key) {
if (!A.boolConversionCheck($1(key)))
return null;
return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalRemove(key);
internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
return$1(this.$ti._precomputed1._as(key)) & 1073741823;
internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
var $length, t1, t2, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1, t2 = this._equals, i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (A.boolConversionCheck($2(t1._as(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey), t1._as(key))))
return i;
return -1;
A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure.prototype = {
call$1(v) {
return this.K._is(v);
$signature: 11
A._HashSet.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
return new A._HashSetIterator(this, this._computeElements$0(), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashSetIterator<1>"));
get$length(_) {
return this._collection$_length;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._collection$_length === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return this._collection$_length !== 0;
contains$1(_, object) {
var strings, nums;
if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._collection$_strings;
return strings == null ? false : strings[object] != null;
} else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) {
nums = this._collection$_nums;
return nums == null ? false : nums[object] != null;
} else
return this._contains$1(object);
_contains$1(object) {
var rest = this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;
add$1(_, element) {
var strings, nums, _this = this;
if (typeof element == "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
strings = _this._collection$_strings;
return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._HashSet__newHashTable() : strings, element);
} else if (typeof element == "number" && (element & 1073741823) === element) {
nums = _this._collection$_nums;
return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._HashSet__newHashTable() : nums, element);
} else
return _this._collection$_add$1(0, element);
_collection$_add$1(_, element) {
var rest, hash, bucket, _this = this;
rest = _this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._HashSet__newHashTable();
hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(element);
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null)
rest[hash] = [element];
else {
if (_this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)
return false;
_this._elements = null;
return true;
remove$1(_, object) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__")
return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, object);
else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object)
return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, object);
return _this._remove$1(0, object);
_remove$1(_, object) {
var hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
rest = _this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(object);
bucket = rest[hash];
index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
if (index < 0)
return false;
_this._elements = null;
bucket.splice(index, 1);
if (0 === bucket.length)
delete rest[hash];
return true;
_computeElements$0() {
var strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0, _this = this,
result = _this._elements;
if (result != null)
return result;
result = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_length, null, false, type$.dynamic);
strings = _this._collection$_strings;
if (strings != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
entries = names.length;
for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = names[i];
} else
index = 0;
nums = _this._collection$_nums;
if (nums != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = +names[i];
rest = _this._collection$_rest;
if (rest != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
bucket = rest[names[i]];
$length = bucket.length;
for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; ++i0) {
result[index] = bucket[i0];
return _this._elements = result;
_collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
if (table[element] != null)
return false;
table[element] = 0;
this._elements = null;
return true;
_collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
if (table != null && table[element] != null) {
delete table[element];
this._elements = null;
return true;
} else
return false;
_computeHashCode$1(element) {
return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 1073741823;
_findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (J.$eq$(bucket[i], element))
return i;
return -1;
A._HashSetIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var _this = this,
elements = _this._elements,
offset = _this._offset,
t1 = _this._set;
if (elements !== t1._elements)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else if (offset >= elements.length) {
return false;
} else {
_this._offset = offset + 1;
return true;
set$_collection$_current(_current) {
this._collection$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
A._LinkedHashSet.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
var _this = this,
t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(_this, _this._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_LinkedHashSetIterator<1>"));
t1._collection$_cell = _this._collection$_first;
return t1;
get$length(_) {
return this._collection$_length;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._collection$_length === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return this._collection$_length !== 0;
contains$1(_, object) {
var strings, nums;
if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._collection$_strings;
if (strings == null)
return false;
return type$.nullable__LinkedHashSetCell._as(strings[object]) != null;
} else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) {
nums = this._collection$_nums;
if (nums == null)
return false;
return type$.nullable__LinkedHashSetCell._as(nums[object]) != null;
} else
return this._contains$1(object);
_contains$1(object) {
var rest = this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;
get$first(_) {
var first = this._collection$_first;
if (first == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
return A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1._as(first._collection$_element);
add$1(_, element) {
var strings, nums, _this = this;
if (typeof element == "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
strings = _this._collection$_strings;
return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : strings, element);
} else if (typeof element == "number" && (element & 1073741823) === element) {
nums = _this._collection$_nums;
return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : nums, element);
} else
return _this._collection$_add$1(0, element);
_collection$_add$1(_, element) {
var rest, hash, bucket, _this = this;
rest = _this._collection$_rest;
if (rest == null)
rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable();
hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(element);
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null)
rest[hash] = [_this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element)];
else {
if (_this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)
return false;
return true;
_collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
if (type$.nullable__LinkedHashSetCell._as(table[element]) != null)
return false;
table[element] = this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element);
return true;
_collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element) {
var _this = this,
cell = new A._LinkedHashSetCell(A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1._as(element));
if (_this._collection$_first == null)
_this._collection$_first = _this._collection$_last = cell;
_this._collection$_last = _this._collection$_last._collection$_next = cell;
_this._collection$_modifications = _this._collection$_modifications + 1 & 1073741823;
return cell;
_computeHashCode$1(element) {
return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 1073741823;
_findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (J.$eq$(bucket[i]._collection$_element, element))
return i;
return -1;
A._LinkedHashSetCell.prototype = {};
A._LinkedHashSetIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var _this = this,
cell = _this._collection$_cell,
t1 = _this._set;
if (_this._collection$_modifications !== t1._collection$_modifications)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else if (cell == null) {
return false;
} else {
_this._collection$_cell = cell._collection$_next;
return true;
set$_collection$_current(_current) {
this._collection$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
A.UnmodifiableListView.prototype = {
cast$1$0(_, $R) {
return new A.UnmodifiableListView(J.cast$1$0$ax(this._collection$_source, $R), $R._eval$1("UnmodifiableListView<0>"));
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this._collection$_source);
$index(_, index) {
return J.elementAt$1$ax(this._collection$_source, index);
A.IterableMixin.prototype = {
map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this, t1._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(toElement), t1._precomputed1, $T);
map$1($receiver, toElement) {
return$1$1($receiver, toElement, type$.dynamic);
contains$1(_, element) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.$ti, t1 = new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>")); t1.moveNext$0();)
if (J.$eq$(t1.get$current(t1), element))
return true;
return false;
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
return A.List_List$from(this, true, this.$ti._precomputed1);
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$length(_) {
var count,
t1 = this.$ti,
it = new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>"));
for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0();)
return count;
get$isEmpty(_) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return !new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>")).moveNext$0();
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return this._root != null;
skip$1(_, count) {
return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, count, this.$ti._precomputed1);
get$first(_) {
var t1 = this.$ti,
it = new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>"));
if (!it.moveNext$0())
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
return it.get$current(it);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var t1, elementIndex, element, _this = this, _s5_ = "index";
A.checkNotNullable(index, _s5_, type$.int);
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, _s5_);
for (t1 = _this.$ti, t1 = new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(_this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), _this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>")), elementIndex = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
element = t1.get$current(t1);
if (index === elementIndex)
return element;
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, _this, _s5_, null, elementIndex));
toString$0(_) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToShortString(this, "(", ")");
A.IterableBase.prototype = {};
A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure.prototype = {
call$2(k, v) {
this.result.$indexSet(0, this.K._as(k), this.V._as(v));
$signature: 8
A.ListBase.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isList: 1};
A.ListMixin.prototype = {
get$iterator(receiver) {
return new A.ListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListIterator<ListMixin.E>"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
return this.$index(receiver, index);
forEach$1(receiver, action) {
var $length, i;
$length = this.get$length(receiver);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {$1(this.$index(receiver, i));
if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
return !this.get$isEmpty(receiver);
get$first(receiver) {
if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
return this.$index(receiver, 0);
contains$1(receiver, element) {
var i,
$length = this.get$length(receiver);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element))
return true;
if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
return false;
map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
var t1 = A.instanceType(receiver);
return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, t1._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(ListMixin.E)")._as(f), t1._eval$1("@<ListMixin.E>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, f) {
return$1$1($receiver, f, type$.dynamic);
skip$1(receiver, count) {
return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, count, null, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) {
var t1, first, result, i, _this = this;
if (_this.get$isEmpty(receiver)) {
t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
return t1;
first = _this.$index(receiver, 0);
result = A.List_List$filled(_this.get$length(receiver), first, true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
for (i = 1; i < _this.get$length(receiver); ++i)
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(result, i, _this.$index(receiver, i));
return result;
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
cast$1$0(receiver, $R) {
return new A.CastList(receiver, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<ListMixin.E>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
sort$1(receiver, compare) {
var t2,
t1 = A.instanceType(receiver);
t2 = compare == null ? A.collection_ListMixin__compareAny$closure() : compare;
A.Sort_sort(receiver, t2, t1._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
$add(receiver, other) {
var t1 = A.instanceType(receiver);
t1 = A.List_List$of(receiver, true, t1._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, other);
return t1;
sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
var listLength = this.get$length(receiver);
if (end == null)
end = listLength;
A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, listLength);
return A.List_List$from(this.getRange$2(receiver, start, end), true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
getRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver));
return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListMixin.E"));
fillRange$3(receiver, start, end, fill) {
var i;
A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver));
for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
this.$indexSet(receiver, i, fill);
toString$0(receiver) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]");
A.MapBase.prototype = {};
A.MapBase_mapToString_closure.prototype = {
call$2(k, v) {
var t2,
t1 = this._box_0;
if (!t1.first)
this.result._contents += ", ";
t1.first = false;
t1 = this.result;
t2 = t1._contents += A.S(k);
t1._contents = t2 + ": ";
t1._contents += A.S(v);
$signature: 18
A.MapMixin.prototype = {
cast$2$0(receiver, RK, RV) {
var t1 = A.instanceType(receiver);
return A.Map_castFrom(receiver, t1._eval$1("MapMixin.K"), t1._eval$1("MapMixin.V"), RK, RV);
forEach$1(receiver, action) {
var t1, key;
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);$2(key, this.$index(receiver, key));
map$2$1(receiver, transform, K2, V2) {
var result, t1, key, entry;
result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K2, V2);
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
entry =$2(key, this.$index(receiver, key));
result.$indexSet(0, entry.get$key(entry), entry.get$value(entry));
return result;
map$1($receiver, transform) {
return$2$1($receiver, transform, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$keys(receiver), key);
get$length(receiver) {
return J.get$length$asx(this.get$keys(receiver));
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$keys(receiver));
toString$0(receiver) {
return A.MapBase_mapToString(receiver);
$isMap: 1
A._UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = {
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"));
A.MapView.prototype = {
cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
return J.cast$2$0$ax(this._collection$_map, RK, RV);
$index(_, key) {
return J.$index$asx(this._collection$_map, key);
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
J.$indexSet$ax(this._collection$_map, t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
containsKey$1(_, key) {
return J.containsKey$1$x(this._collection$_map, key);
forEach$1(_, action) {
J.forEach$1$ax(this._collection$_map, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("~(1,2)")._as(action));
get$isEmpty(_) {
return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._collection$_map);
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this._collection$_map);
get$keys(_) {
return J.get$keys$x(this._collection$_map);
toString$0(_) {
return J.toString$0$(this._collection$_map);
map$2$1(_, transform, K2, V2) {
return$2$1$ax(this._collection$_map, A._instanceType(this)._bind$1(K2)._bind$1(V2)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>(3,4)")._as(transform), K2, V2);
map$1($receiver, transform) {
return$2$1($receiver, transform, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
$isMap: 1
A.UnmodifiableMapView.prototype = {
cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
return new A.UnmodifiableMapView(J.cast$2$0$ax(this._collection$_map, RK, RV), RK._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>"));
A.ListQueue.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
var _this = this;
return new A._ListQueueIterator(_this, _this._tail, _this._modificationCount, _this._head, _this.$ti._eval$1("_ListQueueIterator<1>"));
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._head === this._tail;
get$length(_) {
return (this._tail - this._head & this._table.length - 1) >>> 0;
get$first(_) {
var t2,
t1 = this._head;
if (t1 === this._tail)
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
t2 = this._table;
if (!(t1 < t2.length))
return A.ioore(t2, t1);
return t2[t1];
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
$length = _this.get$length(_this);
if (0 > index || index >= $length)
A.throwExpression(A.IndexError$(index, _this, "index", null, $length));
t1 = _this._table;
t2 = t1.length;
t3 = (_this._head + index & t2 - 1) >>> 0;
if (!(t3 >= 0 && t3 < t2))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
return t1[t3];
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
var t1, list, i, t2, _this = this,
mask = _this._table.length - 1,
$length = (_this._tail - _this._head & mask) >>> 0;
if ($length === 0) {
t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
return t1;
list = A.List_List$filled($length, _this.get$first(_this), true, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = _this._table;
t2 = (_this._head + i & mask) >>> 0;
if (!(t2 < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(list, i, t1[t2]);
return list;
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
toString$0(_) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
removeFirst$0() {
var t2, result, _this = this,
t1 = _this._head;
if (t1 === _this._tail)
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
t2 = _this._table;
if (!(t1 < t2.length))
return A.ioore(t2, t1);
result = t2[t1];
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t2, t1, null);
_this._head = (_this._head + 1 & _this._table.length - 1) >>> 0;
return result;
_collection$_add$1(_, element) {
var t2, t3, newTable, split, _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti;
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(_this._table, _this._tail, element);
t2 = _this._tail;
t3 = _this._table.length;
t2 = (t2 + 1 & t3 - 1) >>> 0;
_this._tail = t2;
if (_this._head === t2) {
newTable = A.List_List$filled(t3 * 2, null, false, t1._eval$1("1?"));
t1 = _this._table;
t2 = _this._head;
split = t1.length - t2;
B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, 0, split, t1, t2);
B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, split, split + _this._head, _this._table, 0);
_this._head = 0;
_this._tail = _this._table.length;
set$_table(_table) {
this._table = this.$ti._eval$1("List<1?>")._as(_table);
$isQueue: 1
A._ListQueueIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0() {
var t2, t3, _this = this,
t1 = _this._queue;
if (_this._modificationCount !== t1._modificationCount)
t2 = _this._collection$_position;
if (t2 === _this._end) {
return false;
t3 = t1._table;
if (!(t2 < t3.length))
return A.ioore(t3, t2);
_this._collection$_position = (_this._collection$_position + 1 & t1._table.length - 1) >>> 0;
return true;
set$_collection$_current(_current) {
this._collection$_current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
A.SetMixin.prototype = {
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this.get$length(this) === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return this.get$length(this) !== 0;
addAll$1(_, elements) {
var t1;
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable<1>")._as(elements)); t1.moveNext$0();)
this.add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
containsAll$1(other) {
var t1;
for (t1 = other._set$_set, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t1.moveNext$0();)
if (!this.contains$1(0, t1._collection$_current))
return false;
return true;
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
return A.List_List$of(this, true, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
map$1$1(_, f, $T) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(this, t1._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, f) {
return$1$1($receiver, f, type$.dynamic);
toString$0(_) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
skip$1(_, n) {
return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, n, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
get$first(_) {
var it = this.get$iterator(this);
if (!it.moveNext$0())
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
return it.get$current(it);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var t1, elementIndex, element, _s5_ = "index";
A.checkNotNullable(index, _s5_, type$.int);
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, _s5_);
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), elementIndex = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
element = t1.get$current(t1);
if (index === elementIndex)
return element;
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, _s5_, null, elementIndex));
A._SetBase.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1, $isIterable: 1, $isSet: 1};
A._SplayTreeNode.prototype = {
set$_left(_, _left) {
this._left = this.$ti._eval$1("_SplayTreeNode.1?")._as(_left);
set$_right(_, _right) {
this._right = this.$ti._eval$1("_SplayTreeNode.1?")._as(_right);
A._SplayTreeSetNode.prototype = {};
A._SplayTree.prototype = {
_splay$1(key) {
var root, compare, comp, current, newTreeLeft, left, newTreeRight, right, currentLeft, currentLeft0, currentRight, currentRight0, _this = this, _null = null;
root = _this._root;
if (root == null) {$2(key, key);
return -1;
compare = _this._compare;
for (comp = _null, current = root, newTreeLeft = comp, left = newTreeLeft, newTreeRight = left, right = newTreeRight; true;) {
comp =$2(current.key, key);
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$gt();
if (comp > 0) {
currentLeft = current._left;
if (currentLeft == null)
comp =$2(currentLeft.key, key);
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$gt();
if (comp > 0) {
current.set$_left(0, currentLeft._right);
currentLeft.set$_right(0, current);
currentLeft0 = currentLeft._left;
if (currentLeft0 == null) {
current = currentLeft;
current = currentLeft;
currentLeft = currentLeft0;
if (right == null)
newTreeRight = current;
right.set$_left(0, current);
right = current;
current = currentLeft;
} else {
if (comp < 0) {
currentRight = current._right;
if (currentRight == null)
comp =$2(currentRight.key, key);
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$lt();
if (comp < 0) {
current.set$_right(0, currentRight._left);
currentRight.set$_left(0, current);
currentRight0 = currentRight._right;
if (currentRight0 == null) {
current = currentRight;
current = currentRight;
currentRight = currentRight0;
if (left == null)
newTreeLeft = current;
left.set$_right(0, current);
} else
left = current;
current = currentRight;
if (left != null) {
left.set$_right(0, current._left);
current.set$_left(0, newTreeLeft);
if (right != null) {
right.set$_left(0, current._right);
current.set$_right(0, newTreeRight);
if (_this._root !== current) {
return comp;
_splayMin$1(node) {
var nextLeft, current, nextLeft0;
nextLeft = node._left;
for (current = node; nextLeft != null; current = nextLeft, nextLeft = nextLeft0) {
current.set$_left(0, nextLeft._right);
nextLeft.set$_right(0, current);
nextLeft0 = nextLeft._left;
return current;
_splayMax$1(node) {
var nextRight, current, nextRight0;
nextRight = node._right;
for (current = node; nextRight != null; current = nextRight, nextRight = nextRight0) {
current.set$_right(0, nextRight._left);
nextRight.set$_left(0, current);
nextRight0 = nextRight._right;
return current;
_remove$1(_, key) {
var root, left, t1, root0, _this = this;
if (_this._root == null)
return null;
if (_this._splay$1(key) !== 0)
return null;
root = _this._root;
left = root._left;
t1 = root._right;
if (left == null)
else {
root0 = _this._splayMax$1(left);
root0.set$_right(0, t1);
return root;
_addNewRoot$2(node, comp) {
var root, _this = this;
root = _this._root;
if (root == null) {
if (typeof comp !== "number")
return comp.$lt();
if (comp < 0) {
node.set$_left(0, root);
node.set$_right(0, root._right);
root.set$_right(0, null);
} else {
node.set$_right(0, root);
node.set$_left(0, root._left);
root.set$_left(0, null);
get$_collection$_first() {
var _this = this,
root = _this._root;
if (root == null)
return null;
return _this._root;
A._SplayTreeIterator.prototype = {
get$current(_) {
var t1 = this._path;
if (t1.length === 0)
return null;
return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1)).key;
moveNext$0() {
var node, next, _this = this,
t1 = _this._modificationCount,
t2 = _this._tree,
t3 = t2._modificationCount;
if (t1 !== t3) {
if (t1 == null) {
_this._modificationCount = t3;
node = t2._root;
for (t1 = _this._path; node != null;) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, node);
node = node._left;
return t1.length !== 0;
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t2));
t1 = _this._path;
if (t1.length === 0)
return false;
if (_this._splayCount !== t2._splayCount) {
t3 = _this.$ti._eval$1("_SplayTreeIterator.K")._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).key);
B.JSArray_methods.set$length(t1, 0);
t3 = t2._root;
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, t3);
_this._splayCount = t2._splayCount;
node = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
next = node._right;
if (next != null) {
for (; next != null;) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, next);
next = next._left;
return true;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, -1);
while (true) {
if (!(t1.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1)._right == node))
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, -1);
node = t1.pop();
return t1.length !== 0;
$isIterator: 1
A._SplayTreeKeyIterator.prototype = {};
A.SplayTreeSet.prototype = {
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>"));
get$length(_) {
return this._count;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._root == null;
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return this._root != null;
get$first(_) {
if (this._count === 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
return this.get$_collection$_first().key;
contains$1(_, element) {
return A.boolConversionCheck($1(element)) && this._splay$1(this.$ti._precomputed1._as(element)) === 0;
add$1(_, element) {
return this._collection$_add$1(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(element));
_collection$_add$1(_, element) {
var compare,
t1 = this.$ti;
compare = this._splay$1(element);
if (compare === 0)
return false;
this._addNewRoot$2(new A._SplayTreeSetNode(element, t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>")), compare);
return true;
remove$1(_, object) {
if (!A.boolConversionCheck($1(object)))
return false;
return this._remove$1(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(object)) != null;
addAll$1(_, elements) {
var t1;
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.$ti._eval$1("Iterable<1>")._as(elements)); t1.moveNext$0();)
this._collection$_add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
toString$0(_) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
set$_root(_root) {
this._root = this.$ti._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>?")._as(_root);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isSet: 1
A.SplayTreeSet_closure.prototype = {
call$1(v) {
return this.E._is(v);
$signature: 11
A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin.prototype = {};
A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin_SetMixin.prototype = {};
A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = {};
A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin.prototype = {};
A._JsonMap.prototype = {
$index(_, key) {
var result,
t1 = this._processed;
if (t1 == null)
return this._data.$index(0, key);
else if (typeof key != "string")
return null;
else {
result = t1[key];
return typeof result == "undefined" ? this._process$1(key) : result;
get$length(_) {
var t1;
if (this._processed == null) {
t1 = this._data;
t1 = t1.get$length(t1);
} else
t1 = this._convert$_computeKeys$0().length;
return t1;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this.get$length(this) === 0;
get$keys(_) {
var t1;
if (this._processed == null) {
t1 = this._data;
return t1.get$keys(t1);
return new A._JsonMapKeyIterable(this);
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var processed, original, _this = this;
if (_this._processed == null)
_this._data.$indexSet(0, key, value);
else if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key)) {
processed = _this._processed;
processed[key] = value;
original = _this._original;
if (original == null ? processed != null : original !== processed)
original[key] = null;
} else
_this._upgrade$0().$indexSet(0, key, value);
containsKey$1(_, key) {
if (this._processed == null)
return this._data.containsKey$1(0, key);
if (typeof key != "string")
return false;
return, key);
forEach$1(_, f) {
var keys, i, key, value, _this = this;
if (_this._processed == null)
return _this._data.forEach$1(0, f);
keys = _this._convert$_computeKeys$0();
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
value = _this._processed[key];
if (typeof value == "undefined") {
value = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(_this._original[key]);
_this._processed[key] = value;
}$2(key, value);
if (keys !== _this._data)
throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
_convert$_computeKeys$0() {
var keys = type$.nullable_List_dynamic._as(this._data);
if (keys == null)
keys = this._data = A._setArrayType(Object.keys(this._original), type$.JSArray_String);
return keys;
_upgrade$0() {
var result, keys, i, t1, key, _this = this;
if (_this._processed == null)
return _this._data;
result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
keys = _this._convert$_computeKeys$0();
for (i = 0; t1 = keys.length, i < t1; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
result.$indexSet(0, key, _this.$index(0, key));
if (t1 === 0)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(keys, "");
B.JSArray_methods.set$length(keys, 0);
_this._original = _this._processed = null;
return _this._data = result;
_process$1(key) {
var result;
if (!, key))
return null;
result = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(this._original[key]);
return this._processed[key] = result;
A._JsonMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
var t1 = this._parent;
return t1.get$length(t1);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var t1 = this._parent;
if (t1._processed == null)
t1 = t1.get$keys(t1).elementAt$1(0, index);
else {
t1 = t1._convert$_computeKeys$0();
if (!(index >= 0 && index < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, index);
t1 = t1[index];
return t1;
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this._parent;
if (t1._processed == null) {
t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1);
} else {
t1 = t1._convert$_computeKeys$0();
t1 = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
return t1;
contains$1(_, key) {
return this._parent.containsKey$1(0, key);
A.Base64Codec.prototype = {
normalize$3(_, source, start, end) {
var inverseAlphabet, i, sliceStart, buffer, firstPadding, firstPaddingSourceIndex, paddingCount, i0, char, i1, digit1, digit2, char0, value, t1, t2, endLength, $length,
_s31_ = "Invalid base64 encoding length ";
end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, source.length);
inverseAlphabet = $.$get$_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet();
for (i = start, sliceStart = i, buffer = null, firstPadding = -1, firstPaddingSourceIndex = -1, paddingCount = 0; i < end; i = i0) {
i0 = i + 1;
char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
if (char === 37) {
i1 = i0 + 2;
if (i1 <= end) {
digit1 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i0));
digit2 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i0 + 1));
char0 = digit1 * 16 + digit2 - (digit2 & 256);
if (char0 === 37)
char0 = -1;
i0 = i1;
} else
char0 = -1;
} else
char0 = char;
if (0 <= char0 && char0 <= 127) {
if (!(char0 >= 0 && char0 < inverseAlphabet.length))
return A.ioore(inverseAlphabet, char0);
value = inverseAlphabet[char0];
if (value >= 0) {
char0 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", value);
if (char0 === char)
char = char0;
} else {
if (value === -1) {
if (firstPadding < 0) {
t1 = buffer == null ? null : buffer._contents.length;
if (t1 == null)
t1 = 0;
firstPadding = t1 + (i - sliceStart);
firstPaddingSourceIndex = i;
if (char === 61)
char = char0;
if (value !== -2) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
t1 = buffer;
} else
t1 = buffer;
t2 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, i);
t1._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(char);
sliceStart = i0;
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 data", source, i));
if (buffer != null) {
t1 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, end);
t2 = t1.length;
if (firstPadding >= 0)
A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, t2);
else {
endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2 - 1, 4) + 1;
if (endLength === 1)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end));
for (; endLength < 4;) {
t1 += "=";
buffer._contents = t1;
t1 = buffer._contents;
return B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, start, end, t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1);
$length = end - start;
if (firstPadding >= 0)
A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length);
else {
endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4);
if (endLength === 1)
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end));
if (endLength > 1)
source = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, end, end, endLength === 2 ? "==" : "=");
return source;
A.Base64Encoder.prototype = {};
A.Codec.prototype = {};
A.Converter.prototype = {};
A.Encoding.prototype = {};
A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var safeString = A.Error_safeToString(this.unsupportedObject);
return (this.cause != null ? "Converting object to an encodable object failed:" : "Converting object did not return an encodable object:") + " " + safeString;
A.JsonCyclicError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Cyclic error in JSON stringify";
A.JsonCodec.prototype = {
decode$2$reviver(_, source, reviver) {
var t1;
t1 = A._parseJson(source, this.get$decoder()._reviver);
return t1;
encode$2$toEncodable(value, toEncodable) {
var t1;
t1 = A._JsonStringStringifier_stringify(value, this.get$encoder()._toEncodable, null);
return t1;
get$encoder() {
return B.JsonEncoder_null;
get$decoder() {
return B.JsonDecoder_null;
A.JsonEncoder.prototype = {};
A.JsonDecoder.prototype = {};
A._JsonStringifier.prototype = {
writeStringContent$1(s) {
var offset, i, charCode, t1, t2, _this = this,
$length = s.length;
for (offset = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, i);
if (charCode > 92) {
if (charCode >= 55296) {
t1 = charCode & 64512;
if (t1 === 55296) {
t2 = i + 1;
t2 = !(t2 < $length && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, t2) & 64512) === 56320);
} else
t2 = false;
if (!t2)
if (t1 === 56320) {
t1 = i - 1;
t1 = !(t1 >= 0 && (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(s, t1) & 64512) === 55296);
} else
t1 = false;
t1 = true;
if (t1) {
if (i > offset)
_this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, i);
offset = i + 1;
t1 = charCode >>> 8 & 15;
_this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
t1 = charCode >>> 4 & 15;
_this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
t1 = charCode & 15;
_this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
if (charCode < 32) {
if (i > offset)
_this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, i);
offset = i + 1;
switch (charCode) {
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 12:
case 13:
t1 = charCode >>> 4 & 15;
_this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
t1 = charCode & 15;
_this.writeCharCode$1(t1 < 10 ? 48 + t1 : 87 + t1);
} else if (charCode === 34 || charCode === 92) {
if (i > offset)
_this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, i);
offset = i + 1;
if (offset === 0)
else if (offset < $length)
_this.writeStringSlice$3(s, offset, $length);
_checkCycle$1(object) {
var t1, t2, i, t3;
for (t1 = this._seen, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
t3 = t1[i];
if (object == null ? t3 == null : object === t3)
throw A.wrapException(new A.JsonCyclicError(object, null));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, object);
writeObject$1(object) {
var customJson, e, t1, exception, _this = this;
if (_this.writeJsonValue$1(object))
try {
customJson =$1(object);
if (!_this.writeJsonValue$1(customJson)) {
t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, null, _this.get$_partialResult());
throw A.wrapException(t1);
t1 = _this._seen;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, -1);
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, e, _this.get$_partialResult());
throw A.wrapException(t1);
writeJsonValue$1(object) {
var t1, success, _this = this;
if (typeof object == "number") {
if (!isFinite(object))
return false;
return true;
} else if (object === true) {
return true;
} else if (object === false) {
return true;
} else if (object == null) {
return true;
} else if (typeof object == "string") {
return true;
} else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(object)) {
t1 = _this._seen;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, -1);
return true;
} else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(object)) {
success = _this.writeMap$1(object);
t1 = _this._seen;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, -1);
return success;
} else
return false;
writeList$1(list) {
var t1, i, _this = this;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list);
if (t1.get$isNotEmpty(list)) {
_this.writeObject$1(t1.$index(list, 0));
for (i = 1; i < t1.get$length(list); ++i) {
_this.writeObject$1(t1.$index(list, i));
writeMap$1(map) {
var t2, keyValueList, i, separator, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(map);
if (t1.get$isEmpty(map)) {
return true;
t2 = t1.get$length(map);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return t2.$mul();
t2 *= 2;
keyValueList = A.List_List$filled(t2, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
i = _box_0.i = 0;
_box_0.allStringKeys = true;
t1.forEach$1(map, new A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(_box_0, keyValueList));
if (!_box_0.allStringKeys)
return false;
for (separator = '"'; i < t2; i += 2, separator = ',"') {
t1 = i + 1;
if (!(t1 < t2))
return A.ioore(keyValueList, t1);
return true;
A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
var t1, t2;
if (typeof key != "string")
this._box_0.allStringKeys = false;
t1 = this.keyValueList;
t2 = this._box_0;
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t1, t2.i++, key);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t1, t2.i++, value);
$signature: 18
A._JsonStringStringifier.prototype = {
get$_partialResult() {
var t1 = this._convert$_sink;
return t1 instanceof A.StringBuffer ? t1.toString$0(0) : null;
writeNumber$1(number) {
this._convert$_sink.write$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(number));
writeString$1(string) {
this._convert$_sink.write$1(0, string);
writeStringSlice$3(string, start, end) {
this._convert$_sink.write$1(0, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(string, start, end));
writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
A.Utf8Codec.prototype = {
get$encoder() {
return B.C_Utf8Encoder;
A.Utf8Encoder.prototype = {
convert$1(string) {
var end, $length, t1, encoder;
end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, null, string.length);
$length = end - 0;
if ($length === 0)
return new Uint8Array(0);
t1 = new Uint8Array($length * 3);
encoder = new A._Utf8Encoder(t1);
if (encoder._fillBuffer$3(string, 0, end) !== end) {
B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, end - 1);
return B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(t1, 0, encoder._bufferIndex);
A._Utf8Encoder.prototype = {
_writeReplacementCharacter$0() {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._buffer,
t2 = _this._bufferIndex,
t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1,
t4 = t1.length;
if (!(t2 < t4))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t1[t2] = 239;
t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
if (!(t3 < t4))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t1[t3] = 191;
_this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
if (!(t2 < t4))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t1[t2] = 189;
_writeSurrogate$2(leadingSurrogate, nextCodeUnit) {
var rune, t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
if ((nextCodeUnit & 64512) === 56320) {
rune = 65536 + ((leadingSurrogate & 1023) << 10) | nextCodeUnit & 1023;
t1 = _this._buffer;
t2 = _this._bufferIndex;
t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
t4 = t1.length;
if (!(t2 < t4))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t1[t2] = rune >>> 18 | 240;
t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
if (!(t3 < t4))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t1[t3] = rune >>> 12 & 63 | 128;
t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
if (!(t2 < t4))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t1[t2] = rune >>> 6 & 63 | 128;
_this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
if (!(t3 < t4))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t1[t3] = rune & 63 | 128;
return true;
} else {
return false;
_fillBuffer$3(str, start, end) {
var t1, t2, t3, stringIndex, codeUnit, t4, stringIndex0, t5, _this = this;
if (start !== end && (J.codeUnitAt$1$s(str, end - 1) & 64512) === 55296)
for (t1 = _this._buffer, t2 = t1.length, t3 = J.getInterceptor$s(str), stringIndex = start; stringIndex < end; ++stringIndex) {
codeUnit = t3._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex);
if (codeUnit <= 127) {
t4 = _this._bufferIndex;
if (t4 >= t2)
_this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1;
t1[t4] = codeUnit;
} else {
t4 = codeUnit & 64512;
if (t4 === 55296) {
if (_this._bufferIndex + 4 > t2)
stringIndex0 = stringIndex + 1;
if (_this._writeSurrogate$2(codeUnit, B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex0)))
stringIndex = stringIndex0;
} else if (t4 === 56320) {
if (_this._bufferIndex + 3 > t2)
} else if (codeUnit <= 2047) {
t4 = _this._bufferIndex;
t5 = t4 + 1;
if (t5 >= t2)
_this._bufferIndex = t5;
if (!(t4 < t2))
return A.ioore(t1, t4);
t1[t4] = codeUnit >>> 6 | 192;
_this._bufferIndex = t5 + 1;
t1[t5] = codeUnit & 63 | 128;
} else {
t4 = _this._bufferIndex;
if (t4 + 2 >= t2)
t5 = _this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1;
if (!(t4 < t2))
return A.ioore(t1, t4);
t1[t4] = codeUnit >>> 12 | 224;
t4 = _this._bufferIndex = t5 + 1;
if (!(t5 < t2))
return A.ioore(t1, t5);
t1[t5] = codeUnit >>> 6 & 63 | 128;
_this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1;
if (!(t4 < t2))
return A.ioore(t1, t4);
t1[t4] = codeUnit & 63 | 128;
return stringIndex;
A._symbolMapToStringMap_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
this.result.$indexSet(0, type$.Symbol._as(key)._name, value);
$signature: 19
A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 =;
t2 = this._box_0;
t1._contents += t2.comma;
t3 = t1._contents += A.S(key._name);
t1._contents = t3 + ": ";
t1._contents += A.Error_safeToString(value);
t2.comma = ", ";
$signature: 19
A._BigIntImpl.prototype = {
$negate(_) {
var t2, t3, _this = this,
t1 = _this._used;
if (t1 === 0)
return _this;
t2 = !_this._isNegative;
t3 = _this._digits;
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(t1, t3);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 === 0 ? false : t2, t3, t1);
_drShift$1(n) {
var resultUsed, digits, resultDigits, t1, i, t2, t3, result, _this = this,
used = _this._used;
if (used === 0)
return $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
resultUsed = used - n;
if (resultUsed <= 0)
return _this._isNegative ? $.$get$_BigIntImpl__minusOne() : $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
digits = _this._digits;
resultDigits = new Uint16Array(resultUsed);
for (t1 = digits.length, i = n; i < used; ++i) {
t2 = i - n;
if (!(i >= 0 && i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
t3 = digits[i];
if (!(t2 < resultUsed))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, t2);
resultDigits[t2] = t3;
t2 = _this._isNegative;
t3 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(resultUsed, resultDigits);
result = new A._BigIntImpl(t3 === 0 ? false : t2, resultDigits, t3);
if (t2)
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
if (digits[i] !== 0)
return result.$sub(0, $.$get$_BigIntImpl_one());
return result;
$shr(_, shiftAmount) {
var t1, digitShift, bitShift, resultUsed, digits, resultDigits, t2, result, i, _this = this;
if (typeof shiftAmount !== "number")
return shiftAmount.$lt();
if (shiftAmount < 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("shift-amount must be posititve " + shiftAmount, null));
t1 = _this._used;
if (t1 === 0)
return _this;
digitShift = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(shiftAmount, 16);
bitShift = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(shiftAmount, 16);
if (bitShift === 0)
return _this._drShift$1(digitShift);
resultUsed = t1 - digitShift;
if (resultUsed <= 0)
return _this._isNegative ? $.$get$_BigIntImpl__minusOne() : $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
digits = _this._digits;
resultDigits = new Uint16Array(resultUsed);
A._BigIntImpl__rsh(digits, t1, shiftAmount, resultDigits);
t1 = _this._isNegative;
t2 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(resultUsed, resultDigits);
result = new A._BigIntImpl(t2 === 0 ? false : t1, resultDigits, t2);
if (t1) {
t1 = digits.length;
if (!(digitShift >= 0 && digitShift < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, digitShift);
if ((digits[digitShift] & B.JSInt_methods.$shl(1, bitShift) - 1) !== 0)
return result.$sub(0, $.$get$_BigIntImpl_one());
for (i = 0; i < digitShift; ++i) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(digits, i);
if (digits[i] !== 0)
return result.$sub(0, $.$get$_BigIntImpl_one());
return result;
compareTo$1(_, other) {
var t1, result;
t1 = this._isNegative;
if (t1 === other._isNegative) {
result = A._BigIntImpl__compareDigits(this._digits, this._used, other._digits, other._used);
return t1 ? 0 - result : result;
return t1 ? -1 : 1;
_absAddSetSign$2(other, isNegative) {
var resultUsed, resultDigits, t1, _this = this,
used = _this._used,
otherUsed = other._used;
if (used < otherUsed)
return other._absAddSetSign$2(_this, isNegative);
if (used === 0)
return $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
if (otherUsed === 0)
return _this._isNegative === isNegative ? _this : _this.$negate(0);
resultUsed = used + 1;
resultDigits = new Uint16Array(resultUsed);
A._BigIntImpl__absAdd(_this._digits, used, other._digits, otherUsed, resultDigits);
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(resultUsed, resultDigits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 === 0 ? false : isNegative, resultDigits, t1);
_absSubSetSign$2(other, isNegative) {
var otherUsed, resultDigits, t1, _this = this,
used = _this._used;
if (used === 0)
return $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
otherUsed = other._used;
if (otherUsed === 0)
return _this._isNegative === isNegative ? _this : _this.$negate(0);
resultDigits = new Uint16Array(used);
A._BigIntImpl__absSub(_this._digits, used, other._digits, otherUsed, resultDigits);
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(used, resultDigits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t1 === 0 ? false : isNegative, resultDigits, t1);
$add(_, other) {
var t1, t2, isNegative, _this = this;
t1 = _this._used;
if (t1 === 0)
return other;
t2 = other._used;
if (t2 === 0)
return _this;
isNegative = _this._isNegative;
if (isNegative === other._isNegative)
return _this._absAddSetSign$2(other, isNegative);
if (A._BigIntImpl__compareDigits(_this._digits, t1, other._digits, t2) >= 0)
return _this._absSubSetSign$2(other, isNegative);
return other._absSubSetSign$2(_this, !isNegative);
$sub(_, other) {
var t1, t2, isNegative, _this = this;
t1 = _this._used;
if (t1 === 0)
return other.$negate(0);
t2 = other._used;
if (t2 === 0)
return _this;
isNegative = _this._isNegative;
if (isNegative !== other._isNegative)
return _this._absAddSetSign$2(other, isNegative);
if (A._BigIntImpl__compareDigits(_this._digits, t1, other._digits, t2) >= 0)
return _this._absSubSetSign$2(other, isNegative);
return other._absSubSetSign$2(_this, !isNegative);
$mul(_, other) {
var resultUsed, digits, otherDigits, resultDigits, t1, i, t2,
used = this._used,
otherUsed = other._used;
if (used === 0 || otherUsed === 0)
return $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
resultUsed = used + otherUsed;
digits = this._digits;
otherDigits = other._digits;
resultDigits = new Uint16Array(resultUsed);
for (t1 = otherDigits.length, i = 0; i < otherUsed;) {
if (!(i < t1))
return A.ioore(otherDigits, i);
A._BigIntImpl__mulAdd(otherDigits[i], digits, 0, resultDigits, i, used);
t1 = this._isNegative !== other._isNegative;
t2 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(resultUsed, resultDigits);
return new A._BigIntImpl(t2 === 0 ? false : t1, resultDigits, t2);
_div$1(other) {
var t1, t2, lastQuo_used, quo_digits, quo;
if (this._used < other._used)
return $.$get$_BigIntImpl_zero();
t1 = $._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemUsed._readField$0();
t2 = $._BigIntImpl____lastRemUsed._readField$0();
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return t1.$sub();
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return A.iae(t2);
lastQuo_used = t1 - t2;
quo_digits = A._BigIntImpl__cloneDigits($._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemDigits._readField$0(), $._BigIntImpl____lastRemUsed._readField$0(), $._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemUsed._readField$0(), lastQuo_used);
t2 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize(lastQuo_used, quo_digits);
quo = new A._BigIntImpl(false, quo_digits, t2);
return this._isNegative !== other._isNegative && t2 > 0 ? quo.$negate(0) : quo;
_rem$1(other) {
var remDigits, t1, rem, _this = this;
if (_this._used < other._used)
return _this;
remDigits = A._BigIntImpl__cloneDigits($._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemDigits._readField$0(), 0, $._BigIntImpl____lastRemUsed._readField$0(), $._BigIntImpl____lastRemUsed._readField$0());
t1 = A._BigIntImpl__normalize($._BigIntImpl____lastRemUsed._readField$0(), remDigits);
rem = new A._BigIntImpl(false, remDigits, t1);
t1 = $._BigIntImpl____lastRem_nsh._readField$0();
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return t1.$gt();
if (t1 > 0)
rem = rem.$shr(0, $._BigIntImpl____lastRem_nsh._readField$0());
return _this._isNegative && rem._used > 0 ? rem.$negate(0) : rem;
_divRem$1(other) {
var yDigits, yUsed, t1, nsh, yDigits0, yUsed0, resultDigits, resultUsed0, topDigitDivisor, j, tmpDigits, tmpUsed, resultUsed1, t2, nyDigits, i, estimatedQuotientDigit, _this = this,
resultUsed = _this._used;
if (resultUsed === $._BigIntImpl__lastDividendUsed && other._used === $._BigIntImpl__lastDivisorUsed && _this._digits === $._BigIntImpl__lastDividendDigits && other._digits === $._BigIntImpl__lastDivisorDigits)
yDigits = other._digits;
yUsed = other._used;
t1 = yUsed - 1;
if (!(t1 >= 0 && t1 < yDigits.length))
return A.ioore(yDigits, t1);
nsh = 16 - B.JSInt_methods.get$bitLength(yDigits[t1]);
if (nsh > 0) {
yDigits0 = new Uint16Array(yUsed + 5);
yUsed0 = A._BigIntImpl__lShiftDigits(yDigits, yUsed, nsh, yDigits0);
resultDigits = new Uint16Array(resultUsed + 5);
resultUsed0 = A._BigIntImpl__lShiftDigits(_this._digits, resultUsed, nsh, resultDigits);
} else {
resultDigits = A._BigIntImpl__cloneDigits(_this._digits, 0, resultUsed, resultUsed + 2);
yUsed0 = yUsed;
yDigits0 = yDigits;
resultUsed0 = resultUsed;
t1 = yUsed0 - 1;
if (!(t1 >= 0 && t1 < yDigits0.length))
return A.ioore(yDigits0, t1);
topDigitDivisor = yDigits0[t1];
j = resultUsed0 - yUsed0;
tmpDigits = new Uint16Array(resultUsed0);
tmpUsed = A._BigIntImpl__dlShiftDigits(yDigits0, yUsed0, j, tmpDigits);
resultUsed1 = resultUsed0 + 1;
t1 = resultDigits.length;
if (A._BigIntImpl__compareDigits(resultDigits, resultUsed0, tmpDigits, tmpUsed) >= 0) {
if (!(resultUsed0 >= 0 && resultUsed0 < t1))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, resultUsed0);
resultDigits[resultUsed0] = 1;
A._BigIntImpl__absSub(resultDigits, resultUsed1, tmpDigits, tmpUsed, resultDigits);
} else {
if (!(resultUsed0 >= 0 && resultUsed0 < t1))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, resultUsed0);
resultDigits[resultUsed0] = 0;
t2 = yUsed0 + 2;
nyDigits = new Uint16Array(t2);
if (!(yUsed0 >= 0 && yUsed0 < t2))
return A.ioore(nyDigits, yUsed0);
nyDigits[yUsed0] = 1;
A._BigIntImpl__absSub(nyDigits, yUsed0 + 1, yDigits0, yUsed0, nyDigits);
i = resultUsed0 - 1;
for (; j > 0;) {
estimatedQuotientDigit = A._BigIntImpl__estimateQuotientDigit(topDigitDivisor, resultDigits, i);
A._BigIntImpl__mulAdd(estimatedQuotientDigit, nyDigits, 0, resultDigits, j, yUsed0);
if (!(i >= 0 && i < t1))
return A.ioore(resultDigits, i);
if (resultDigits[i] < estimatedQuotientDigit) {
tmpUsed = A._BigIntImpl__dlShiftDigits(nyDigits, yUsed0, j, tmpDigits);
A._BigIntImpl__absSub(resultDigits, resultUsed1, tmpDigits, tmpUsed, resultDigits);
for (; --estimatedQuotientDigit, resultDigits[i] < estimatedQuotientDigit;)
A._BigIntImpl__absSub(resultDigits, resultUsed1, tmpDigits, tmpUsed, resultDigits);
$._BigIntImpl__lastDividendDigits = _this._digits;
$._BigIntImpl__lastDividendUsed = resultUsed;
$._BigIntImpl__lastDivisorDigits = yDigits;
$._BigIntImpl__lastDivisorUsed = yUsed;
$._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemDigits.__late_helper$_value = resultDigits;
$._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemUsed.__late_helper$_value = resultUsed1;
$._BigIntImpl____lastRemUsed.__late_helper$_value = yUsed0;
$._BigIntImpl____lastRem_nsh.__late_helper$_value = nsh;
get$hashCode(_) {
var hash, t2, t3, i,
combine = new A._BigIntImpl_hashCode_combine(),
t1 = this._used;
if (t1 === 0)
return 6707;
hash = this._isNegative ? 83585 : 429689;
for (t2 = this._digits, t3 = t2.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
if (!(i < t3))
return A.ioore(t2, i);
hash =$2(hash, t2[i]);
return new A._BigIntImpl_hashCode_finish().call$1(hash);
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return other instanceof A._BigIntImpl && this.compareTo$1(0, other) === 0;
toString$0(_) {
var decimalDigitChunks, rest, t2, digits4, t3, _this = this,
t1 = _this._used;
if (t1 === 0)
return "0";
if (t1 === 1) {
if (_this._isNegative) {
t1 = _this._digits;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
return B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(-t1[0]);
t1 = _this._digits;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
return B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(t1[0]);
decimalDigitChunks = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
t1 = _this._isNegative;
rest = t1 ? _this.$negate(0) : _this;
for (; rest._used > 1;) {
t2 = $.$get$_BigIntImpl__bigInt10000();
if (t2._used === 0)
digits4 = J.toString$0$(rest._rem$1(t2));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(decimalDigitChunks, digits4);
t3 = digits4.length;
if (t3 === 1)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(decimalDigitChunks, "000");
if (t3 === 2)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(decimalDigitChunks, "00");
if (t3 === 3)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(decimalDigitChunks, "0");
rest = rest._div$1(t2);
t2 = rest._digits;
if (0 >= t2.length)
return A.ioore(t2, 0);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(decimalDigitChunks, B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(t2[0]));
if (t1)
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(decimalDigitChunks, "-");
return new A.ReversedListIterable(decimalDigitChunks, type$.ReversedListIterable_String).join$0(0);
$isBigInt: 1,
$isComparable: 1
A._BigIntImpl_hashCode_combine.prototype = {
call$2(hash, value) {
hash = hash + value & 536870911;
hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
return hash ^ hash >>> 6;
$signature: 20
A._BigIntImpl_hashCode_finish.prototype = {
call$1(hash) {
hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
$signature: 21
A.DateTime.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return other instanceof A.DateTime && this._value === other._value && this.isUtc === other.isUtc;
compareTo$1(_, other) {
return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._value, type$.DateTime._as(other)._value);
get$hashCode(_) {
var t1 = this._value;
return (t1 ^ B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 30)) & 1073741823;
toString$0(_) {
var _this = this,
y = A.DateTime__fourDigits(A.Primitives_getYear(_this)),
m = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMonth(_this)),
d = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getDay(_this)),
h = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getHours(_this)),
min = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMinutes(_this)),
sec = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getSeconds(_this)),
ms = A.DateTime__threeDigits(A.Primitives_getMilliseconds(_this));
if (_this.isUtc)
return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms + "Z";
return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms;
$isComparable: 1
A.Duration.prototype = {
$add(_, other) {
return new A.Duration(B.JSInt_methods.$add(this._duration, type$.Duration._as(other).get$_duration()));
$sub(_, other) {
return new A.Duration(B.JSInt_methods.$sub(this._duration, type$.Duration._as(other).get$_duration()));
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return other instanceof A.Duration && this._duration === other._duration;
get$hashCode(_) {
return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this._duration);
compareTo$1(_, other) {
return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._duration, type$.Duration._as(other)._duration);
toString$0(_) {
var minutes, minutesPadding, seconds, secondsPadding, paddedMicroseconds,
microseconds = this._duration,
hours = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 3600000000);
microseconds %= 3600000000;
if (microseconds < 0)
microseconds = -microseconds;
minutes = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 60000000);
microseconds %= 60000000;
minutesPadding = minutes < 10 ? "0" : "";
seconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 1000000);
secondsPadding = seconds < 10 ? "0" : "";
paddedMicroseconds = B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(microseconds % 1000000), 6, "0");
return "" + hours + ":" + minutesPadding + minutes + ":" + secondsPadding + seconds + "." + paddedMicroseconds;
$isComparable: 1
A.Error.prototype = {
get$stackTrace() {
return A.getTraceFromException(this.$thrownJsError);
A.AssertionError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = this.message;
if (t1 != null)
return "Assertion failed: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1);
return "Assertion failed";
A.TypeError.prototype = {};
A.NullThrownError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Throw of null.";
A.ArgumentError.prototype = {
get$_errorName() {
return "Invalid argument" + (!this._hasValue ? "(s)" : "");
get$_errorExplanation() {
return "";
toString$0(_) {
var explanation, errorValue, _this = this,
$name =,
nameString = $name == null ? "" : " (" + $name + ")",
message = _this.message,
messageString = message == null ? "" : ": " + A.S(message),
prefix = _this.get$_errorName() + nameString + messageString;
if (!_this._hasValue)
return prefix;
explanation = _this.get$_errorExplanation();
errorValue = A.Error_safeToString(_this.invalidValue);
return prefix + explanation + ": " + errorValue;
A.RangeError.prototype = {
get$_errorName() {
return "RangeError";
get$_errorExplanation() {
var explanation,
start = this.start,
end = this.end;
if (start == null)
explanation = end != null ? ": Not less than or equal to " + A.S(end) : "";
else if (end == null)
explanation = ": Not greater than or equal to " + A.S(start);
else if (end > start)
explanation = ": Not in inclusive range " + A.S(start) + ".." + A.S(end);
explanation = end < start ? ": Valid value range is empty" : ": Only valid value is " + A.S(start);
return explanation;
A.IndexError.prototype = {
get$_errorName() {
return "RangeError";
get$_errorExplanation() {
var t1,
invalidValue = A._asIntS(this.invalidValue);
if (typeof invalidValue !== "number")
return invalidValue.$lt();
if (invalidValue < 0)
return ": index must not be negative";
t1 = this.length;
if (t1 === 0)
return ": no indices are valid";
return ": index should be less than " + A.S(t1);
get$length(receiver) {
return this.length;
A.NoSuchMethodError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var $arguments, t1, _i, t2, t3, argument, receiverText, actualParameters, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
sb = new A.StringBuffer("");
_box_0.comma = "";
$arguments = _this._core$_arguments;
for (t1 = $arguments.length, _i = 0, t2 = "", t3 = ""; _i < t1; ++_i, t3 = ", ") {
argument = $arguments[_i];
sb._contents = t2 + t3;
t2 = sb._contents += A.Error_safeToString(argument);
_box_0.comma = ", ";
_this._namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(_box_0, sb));
receiverText = A.Error_safeToString(_this._core$_receiver);
actualParameters = sb.toString$0(0);
t1 = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + A.S(_this._core$_memberName._name) + "'\nReceiver: " + receiverText + "\nArguments: [" + actualParameters + "]";
return t1;
A.UnsupportedError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Unsupported operation: " + this.message;
A.UnimplementedError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var message = this.message;
return message != null ? "UnimplementedError: " + message : "UnimplementedError";
A.StateError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Bad state: " + this.message;
A.ConcurrentModificationError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = this.modifiedObject;
if (t1 == null)
return "Concurrent modification during iteration.";
return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1) + ".";
A.OutOfMemoryError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Out of Memory";
get$stackTrace() {
return null;
$isError: 1
A.StackOverflowError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Stack Overflow";
get$stackTrace() {
return null;
$isError: 1
A.CyclicInitializationError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var variableName = this.variableName;
return variableName == null ? "Reading static variable during its initialization" : "Reading static variable '" + variableName + "' during its initialization";
A._Exception.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Exception: " + this.message;
A.FormatException.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1, lineNum, lineStart, previousCharWasCR, i, char, lineEnd, end, start, prefix, postfix, slice,
message = this.message,
report = message != null && "" !== message ? "FormatException: " + A.S(message) : "FormatException",
offset = this.offset,
source = this.source;
if (typeof source == "string") {
if (offset != null)
t1 = offset < 0 || offset > source.length;
t1 = false;
if (t1)
offset = null;
if (offset == null) {
if (source.length > 78)
source = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, 0, 75) + "...";
return report + "\n" + source;
for (lineNum = 1, lineStart = 0, previousCharWasCR = false, i = 0; i < offset; ++i) {
char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
if (char === 10) {
if (lineStart !== i || !previousCharWasCR)
lineStart = i + 1;
previousCharWasCR = false;
} else if (char === 13) {
lineStart = i + 1;
previousCharWasCR = true;
report = lineNum > 1 ? report + (" (at line " + lineNum + ", character " + (offset - lineStart + 1) + ")\n") : report + (" (at character " + (offset + 1) + ")\n");
lineEnd = source.length;
for (i = offset; i < lineEnd; ++i) {
char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
if (char === 10 || char === 13) {
lineEnd = i;
if (lineEnd - lineStart > 78)
if (offset - lineStart < 75) {
end = lineStart + 75;
start = lineStart;
prefix = "";
postfix = "...";
} else {
if (lineEnd - offset < 75) {
start = lineEnd - 75;
end = lineEnd;
postfix = "";
} else {
start = offset - 36;
end = offset + 36;
postfix = "...";
prefix = "...";
else {
end = lineEnd;
start = lineStart;
prefix = "";
postfix = "";
slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, start, end);
return report + prefix + slice + postfix + "\n" + B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", offset - start + prefix.length) + "^\n";
} else
return offset != null ? report + (" (at offset " + A.S(offset) + ")") : report;
A.IntegerDivisionByZeroException.prototype = {
get$stackTrace() {
return null;
toString$0(_) {
return "IntegerDivisionByZeroException";
$isError: 1
A.Expando.prototype = {
$index(_, object) {
var t1 = typeof object == "number" || false;
if (t1)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(object, string$.Expand, null));
return this._jsWeakMap.get(object);
toString$0(_) {
return "Expando:null";
A.Iterable.prototype = {
cast$1$0(_, $R) {
return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $R);
map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this, t1._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(Iterable.E)")._as(toElement), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $T);
map$1($receiver, toElement) {
return$1$1($receiver, toElement, type$.dynamic);
where$1(_, test) {
var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
return new A.WhereIterable(this, t1._eval$1("bool(Iterable.E)")._as(test), t1._eval$1("WhereIterable<Iterable.E>"));
contains$1(_, element) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
if (J.$eq$(t1.get$current(t1), element))
return true;
return false;
forEach$1(_, action) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current(t1));
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
return A.List_List$of(this, growable, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$length(_) {
var count,
it = this.get$iterator(this);
for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0();)
return count;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return !this.get$iterator(this).moveNext$0();
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return !this.get$isEmpty(this);
skip$1(_, count) {
return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
get$first(_) {
var it = this.get$iterator(this);
if (!it.moveNext$0())
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
return it.get$current(it);
get$single(_) {
var result,
it = this.get$iterator(this);
if (!it.moveNext$0())
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
result = it.get$current(it);
if (it.moveNext$0())
throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
return result;
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var t1, elementIndex, element;
A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, "index");
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), elementIndex = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
element = t1.get$current(t1);
if (index === elementIndex)
return element;
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex));
toString$0(_) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToShortString(this, "(", ")");
A.Iterator.prototype = {};
A.Null.prototype = {
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.Object.prototype.get$, this);
toString$0(_) {
return "null";
A.Object.prototype = {$isObject: 1,
$eq(_, other) {
return this === other;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this);
toString$0(_) {
return "Instance of '" + A.S(A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this)) + "'";
noSuchMethod$1(_, invocation) {
throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError$(this, invocation.get$memberName(), invocation.get$positionalArguments(), invocation.get$namedArguments()));
get$runtimeType(_) {
return A.getRuntimeType(this);
toString() {
return this.toString$0(this);
A._StringStackTrace.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return this._stackTrace;
$isStackTrace: 1
A.StringBuffer.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return this._contents.length;
write$1(_, obj) {
this._contents += A.S(obj);
writeCharCode$1(charCode) {
this._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = this._contents;
return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
$isStringSink: 1
A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error.prototype = {
call$2(msg, position) {
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv4 address, " + msg,, position));
$signature: 53
A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error.prototype = {
call$2(msg, position) {
throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv6 address, " + msg,, position));
call$1(msg) {
return$2(msg, null);
$signature: 54
A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex.prototype = {
call$2(start, end) {
var value;
if (end - start > 4)$2("an IPv6 part can only contain a maximum of 4 hex digits", start);
value = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(, start, end), 16);
if (value < 0 || value > 65535)$2("each part must be in the range of `0x0..0xFFFF`", start);
return value;
$signature: 20
A._Uri.prototype = {
get$_text() {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
value = _this.___Uri__text;
if (value === $) {
t1 = _this.scheme;
t2 = t1.length !== 0 ? t1 + ":" : "";
t3 = _this._host;
t4 = t3 == null;
if (!t4 || t1 === "file") {
t1 = t2 + "//";
t2 = _this._userInfo;
if (t2.length !== 0)
t1 = t1 + t2 + "@";
if (!t4)
t1 += t3;
t2 = _this._port;
if (t2 != null)
t1 = t1 + ":" + A.S(t2);
} else
t1 = t2;
t1 += _this.path;
t2 = _this._query;
if (t2 != null)
t1 = t1 + "?" + t2;
t2 = _this._fragment;
if (t2 != null)
t1 = t1 + "#" + t2;
A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri__text, "_text");
value = _this.___Uri__text = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
return value;
get$hashCode(_) {
var result, _this = this,
value = _this.___Uri_hashCode;
if (value === $) {
result = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$_text());
A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(_this.___Uri_hashCode, "hashCode");
_this.___Uri_hashCode = result;
value = result;
return value;
get$userInfo() {
return this._userInfo;
get$host(_) {
var host = this._host;
if (host == null)
return "";
if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(host, "["))
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, 1, host.length - 1);
return host;
get$port(_) {
var t1 = this._port;
return t1 == null ? A._Uri__defaultPort(this.scheme) : t1;
get$query(_) {
var t1 = this._query;
return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
get$fragment() {
var t1 = this._fragment;
return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
isScheme$1(scheme) {
var thisScheme = this.scheme;
if (scheme.length !== thisScheme.length)
return false;
return A._Uri__compareScheme(scheme, thisScheme);
replace$1$scheme(_, scheme) {
var isFile, userInfo, port, host, currentPath, t1, path, _this = this;
scheme = A._Uri__makeScheme(scheme, 0, scheme.length);
isFile = scheme === "file";
userInfo = _this._userInfo;
port = _this._port;
if (scheme !== _this.scheme)
port = A._Uri__makePort(port, scheme);
host = _this._host;
if (!(host != null))
host = userInfo.length !== 0 || port != null || isFile ? "" : null;
currentPath = _this.path;
if (!isFile)
t1 = host != null && currentPath.length !== 0;
t1 = true;
if (t1 && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(currentPath, "/"))
currentPath = "/" + currentPath;
path = currentPath;
return A._Uri$_internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, _this._query, _this._fragment);
get$hasAuthority() {
return this._host != null;
get$hasQuery() {
return this._query != null;
get$hasFragment() {
return this._fragment != null;
toString$0(_) {
return this.get$_text();
$eq(_, other) {
var t1, t2, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (_this === other)
return true;
if (type$.Uri._is(other))
if (_this.scheme === other.get$scheme())
if (_this._host != null === other.get$hasAuthority())
if (_this._userInfo === other.get$userInfo())
if (_this.get$host(_this) === other.get$host(other))
if (_this.get$port(_this) === other.get$port(other))
if (_this.path === other.get$path(other)) {
t1 = _this._query;
t2 = t1 == null;
if (!t2 === other.get$hasQuery()) {
if (t2)
t1 = "";
if (t1 === other.get$query(other)) {
t1 = _this._fragment;
t2 = t1 == null;
if (!t2 === other.get$hasFragment()) {
if (t2)
t1 = "";
t1 = t1 === other.get$fragment();
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
t1 = false;
return t1;
$isUri: 1,
get$scheme() {
return this.scheme;
get$path(receiver) {
return this.path;
A._Uri__makePath_closure.prototype = {
call$1(s) {
return A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_qg40, A._asStringS(s), B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
$signature: 22
A.UriData.prototype = {
get$uri() {
var t2, queryIndex, end, query, _this = this, _null = null,
t1 = _this._uriCache;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = _this._separatorIndices;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
t2 = _this._text;
t1 = t1[0] + 1;
queryIndex = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t2, "?", t1);
end = t2.length;
if (queryIndex >= 0) {
query = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t2, queryIndex + 1, end, B.List_CVk, false);
end = queryIndex;
} else
query = _null;
t1 = _this._uriCache = new A._DataUri("data", "", _null, _null, A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t2, t1, end, B.List_qg4, false), query, _null);
return t1;
toString$0(_) {
var t2,
t1 = this._separatorIndices;
if (0 >= t1.length)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
t2 = this._text;
return t1[0] === -1 ? "data:" + t2 : t2;
A._createTables_build.prototype = {
call$2(state, defaultTransition) {
var t1 = this.tables;
if (!(state < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, state);
t1 = t1[state];
B.NativeUint8List_methods.fillRange$3(t1, 0, 96, defaultTransition);
return t1;
$signature: 61
A._createTables_setChars.prototype = {
call$3(target, chars, transition) {
var t1, i, t2;
for (t1 = chars.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
t2 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(chars, i) ^ 96;
if (!(t2 < 96))
return A.ioore(target, t2);
target[t2] = transition;
$signature: 23
A._createTables_setRange.prototype = {
call$3(target, range, transition) {
var i, n, t1;
for (i = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 0), n = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 1); i <= n; ++i) {
t1 = (i ^ 96) >>> 0;
if (!(t1 < 96))
return A.ioore(target, t1);
target[t1] = transition;
$signature: 23
A._SimpleUri.prototype = {
get$hasAuthority() {
return this._hostStart > 0;
get$hasPort() {
return this._hostStart > 0 && this._portStart + 1 < this._pathStart;
get$hasQuery() {
return this._queryStart < this._fragmentStart;
get$hasFragment() {
return this._fragmentStart < this._uri.length;
isScheme$1(scheme) {
var t1 = scheme.length;
if (t1 === 0)
return this._schemeEnd < 0;
if (t1 !== this._schemeEnd)
return false;
return A._Uri__compareScheme(scheme, this._uri);
get$scheme() {
var t1 = this._schemeCache;
return t1 == null ? this._schemeCache = this._computeScheme$0() : t1;
_computeScheme$0() {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
if (t1 <= 0)
return "";
t2 = t1 === 4;
if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http"))
return "http";
if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https"))
return "https";
if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "file"))
return "file";
if (t1 === 7 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "package"))
return "package";
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, 0, t1);
get$userInfo() {
var t1 = this._hostStart,
t2 = this._schemeEnd + 3;
return t1 > t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t2, t1 - 1) : "";
get$host(_) {
var t1 = this._hostStart;
return t1 > 0 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1, this._portStart) : "";
get$port(_) {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this.get$hasPort())
return A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, _this._portStart + 1, _this._pathStart), null);
t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
if (t1 === 4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http"))
return 80;
if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https"))
return 443;
return 0;
get$path(_) {
return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, this._pathStart, this._queryStart);
get$query(_) {
var t1 = this._queryStart,
t2 = this._fragmentStart;
return t1 < t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1 + 1, t2) : "";
get$fragment() {
var t1 = this._fragmentStart,
t2 = this._uri;
return t1 < t2.length ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, t1 + 1) : "";
replace$1$scheme(_, scheme) {
var schemeChanged, isFile, t1, userInfo, port, host, t2, path, t3, query, fragment, _this = this, _null = null;
scheme = A._Uri__makeScheme(scheme, 0, scheme.length);
schemeChanged = !(_this._schemeEnd === scheme.length && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, scheme));
isFile = scheme === "file";
t1 = _this._hostStart;
userInfo = t1 > 0 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, _this._schemeEnd + 3, t1) : "";
port = _this.get$hasPort() ? _this.get$port(_this) : _null;
if (schemeChanged)
port = A._Uri__makePort(port, scheme);
t1 = _this._hostStart;
if (t1 > 0)
host = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, t1, _this._portStart);
host = userInfo.length !== 0 || port != null || isFile ? "" : _null;
t1 = _this._uri;
t2 = _this._queryStart;
path = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, _this._pathStart, t2);
if (!isFile)
t3 = host != null && path.length !== 0;
t3 = true;
if (t3 && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/"))
path = "/" + path;
t3 = _this._fragmentStart;
query = t2 < t3 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, t2 + 1, t3) : _null;
t2 = _this._fragmentStart;
fragment = t2 < t1.length ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1, t2 + 1) : _null;
return A._Uri$_internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment);
get$hashCode(_) {
var t1 = this._hashCodeCache;
return t1 == null ? this._hashCodeCache = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this._uri) : t1;
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (this === other)
return true;
return type$.Uri._is(other) && this._uri === other.toString$0(0);
toString$0(_) {
return this._uri;
$isUri: 1
A._DataUri.prototype = {};
A.HtmlElement.prototype = {$isHtmlElement: 1};
A.AccessibleNodeList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.AnchorElement.prototype = {
set$href(receiver, value) {
receiver.href = value;
toString$0(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
$isAnchorElement: 1
A.AreaElement.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
A.BaseElement.prototype = {$isBaseElement: 1};
A.Blob.prototype = {$isBlob: 1};
A.BodyElement.prototype = {$isBodyElement: 1};
A.CharacterData.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.CloseEvent.prototype = {$isCloseEvent: 1};
A.CssPerspective.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.CssRule.prototype = {$isCssRule: 1};
A.CssStyleDeclaration.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.CssStyleDeclarationBase.prototype = {};
A.CssStyleValue.prototype = {};
A.CssTransformComponent.prototype = {};
A.CssTransformValue.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.CssUnparsedValue.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.CustomEvent.prototype = {
_initCustomEvent$4(receiver, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) {
return receiver.initCustomEvent(type, true, true, detail);
$isCustomEvent: 1
A.DataTransferItemList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
return receiver[index];
A.Document.prototype = {$isDocument: 1};
A.DomException.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
A.DomImplementation.prototype = {
createHtmlDocument$1(receiver, title) {
return receiver.createHTMLDocument(title);
A.DomRectList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.DomRectReadOnly.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
var t2,
t1 = receiver.left;
t1 = "Rectangle (" + A.S(t1) + ", ";
t2 =;
return t1 + A.S(t2) + ") " + A.S(this.get$width(receiver)) + " x " + A.S(this.get$height(receiver));
$eq(receiver, other) {
var t1, t2;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (type$.Rectangle_num._is(other)) {
t1 = receiver.left;
t2 = other.left;
if (t1 === t2) {
t1 =;
t2 =;
if (t1 === t2) {
t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(other);
t1 = this.get$width(receiver) == t1.get$width(other) && this.get$height(receiver) == t1.get$height(other);
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
return t1;
get$hashCode(receiver) {
var t2,
t1 = receiver.left;
t2 =;
return A.Object_hash(t1, t2, this.get$width(receiver), this.get$height(receiver));
get$_height(receiver) {
return receiver.height;
get$height(receiver) {
var t1 = this.get$_height(receiver);
return t1;
get$_width(receiver) {
return receiver.width;
get$width(receiver) {
var t1 = this.get$_width(receiver);
return t1;
$isRectangle: 1
A.DomStringList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.DomTokenList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A._FrozenElementList.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return this._nodeList.length;
$index(_, index) {
var t1 = this._nodeList;
if (!(index >= 0 && index < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, index);
return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1[index]);
$indexSet(_, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify list"));
sort$1(_, compare) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot sort list"));
get$first(_) {
return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(B.NodeList_methods.get$first(this._nodeList));
A.Element.prototype = {
get$attributes(receiver) {
return new A._ElementAttributeMap(receiver);
toString$0(receiver) {
return receiver.localName;
createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) {
var t1, t2, contextElement, fragment;
if (treeSanitizer == null) {
t1 = $.Element__defaultValidator;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_NodeValidator);
t2 = new A.NodeValidatorBuilder(t1);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A._Html5NodeValidator$(null));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A._TemplatingNodeValidator$());
$.Element__defaultValidator = t2;
validator = t2;
} else
validator = t1;
t1 = $.Element__defaultSanitizer;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = new A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer(validator);
$.Element__defaultSanitizer = t1;
treeSanitizer = t1;
} else {
t1.validator = validator;
treeSanitizer = t1;
if ($.Element__parseDocument == null) {
t1 = document;
t2 = t1.implementation;
t2 = B.DomImplementation_methods.createHtmlDocument$1(t2, "");
$.Element__parseDocument = t2;
$.Element__parseRange = t2.createRange();
t2 = $.Element__parseDocument.createElement("base");
t1 = t1.baseURI;
t2.href = t1;
t1 = $.Element__parseDocument;
if (t1.body == null) {
t2 = t1.createElement("body");
B.HtmlDocument_methods.set$body(t1, type$.BodyElement._as(t2));
t1 = $.Element__parseDocument;
if (type$.BodyElement._is(receiver)) {
t1 = t1.body;
contextElement = t1;
} else {
contextElement = t1.createElement(receiver.tagName);
if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype && !B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_ego, receiver.tagName)) {
t1 = $.Element__parseRange;
fragment = t1.createContextualFragment(html);
} else {
J.set$_innerHtml$x(contextElement, html);
fragment = $.Element__parseDocument.createDocumentFragment();
for (; t1 = contextElement.firstChild, t1 != null;)
if (contextElement !== $.Element__parseDocument.body)
return fragment;
createFragment$2$treeSanitizer($receiver, html, treeSanitizer) {
return this.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator($receiver, html, treeSanitizer, null);
setInnerHtml$1(receiver, html) {
this.set$text(receiver, null);
receiver.appendChild(this.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, null, null));
set$_innerHtml(receiver, value) {
receiver.innerHTML = value;
get$tagName(receiver) {
return receiver.tagName;
$isElement: 1
A.Element_Element$html_closure.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
return type$.Element._is(type$.Node._as(e));
$signature: 81
A.Event.prototype = {$isEvent: 1};
A.EventSource.prototype = {$isEventSource: 1};
A.EventTarget.prototype = {
addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
if (listener != null)
this._addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture);
addEventListener$2($receiver, type, listener) {
return this.addEventListener$3($receiver, type, listener, null);
_addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, options) {
return receiver.addEventListener(type, A.convertDartClosureToJS(type$.nullable_dynamic_Function_Event._as(listener), 1), options);
_removeEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, options) {
return receiver.removeEventListener(type, A.convertDartClosureToJS(type$.nullable_dynamic_Function_Event._as(listener), 1), false);
$isEventTarget: 1
A.File.prototype = {$isFile: 1};
A.FileList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1,
$isFileList: 1
A.FileWriter.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.FormElement.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.Gamepad.prototype = {$isGamepad: 1};
A.History.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.HtmlCollection.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.HtmlDocument.prototype = {
set$body(receiver, value) {
receiver.body = value;
A.HttpRequest.prototype = {
open$3$async(receiver, method, url, async) {
return, url, true);
set$withCredentials(receiver, value) {
receiver.withCredentials = true;
$isHttpRequest: 1
A.HttpRequest_request_closure.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
var t1, t2, accepted, unknownRedirect, t3;
t1 = this.xhr;
t2 = t1.status;
accepted = t2 >= 200 && t2 < 300;
unknownRedirect = t2 > 307 && t2 < 400;
t2 = accepted || t2 === 0 || t2 === 304 || unknownRedirect;
t3 = this.completer;
if (t2)
t3.complete$1(0, t1);
$signature: 97
A.HttpRequestEventTarget.prototype = {};
A.ImageData.prototype = {$isImageData: 1};
A.KeyboardEvent.prototype = {$isKeyboardEvent: 1};
A.Location.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
$isLocation: 1
A.MediaList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.MessageEvent.prototype = {$isMessageEvent: 1};
A.MessagePort.prototype = {$isMessagePort: 1};
A.MidiInputMap.prototype = {
containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
$index(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(A._asStringS(key)));
forEach$1(receiver, f) {
var entries, entry;
entries = receiver.entries();
for (; true;) {
entry =;
if (entry.done)
return;$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
get$keys(receiver) {
var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure(keys));
return keys;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.size;
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return receiver.size === 0;
$indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
$isMap: 1
A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure.prototype = {
call$2(k, v) {
return B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.keys, k);
$signature: 6
A.MidiOutputMap.prototype = {
containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
$index(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(A._asStringS(key)));
forEach$1(receiver, f) {
var entries, entry;
entries = receiver.entries();
for (; true;) {
entry =;
if (entry.done)
return;$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
get$keys(receiver) {
var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure(keys));
return keys;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.size;
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return receiver.size === 0;
$indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
$isMap: 1
A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure.prototype = {
call$2(k, v) {
return B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.keys, k);
$signature: 6
A.MimeType.prototype = {$isMimeType: 1};
A.MimeTypeArray.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._ChildNodeListLazy.prototype = {
get$first(_) {
var result = this._this.firstChild;
if (result == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
return result;
get$single(_) {
var t1 = this._this,
l = t1.childNodes.length;
if (l === 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
if (l > 1)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("More than one element"));
t1 = t1.firstChild;
return t1;
addAll$1(_, iterable) {
var t1, t2, len, i, t3;
if (iterable instanceof A._ChildNodeListLazy) {
t1 = iterable._this;
t2 = this._this;
if (t1 !== t2)
for (len = t1.childNodes.length, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
t3 = t1.firstChild;
for (t1 = iterable.get$iterator(iterable), t2 = this._this; t1.moveNext$0();)
$indexSet(_, index, value) {
var t1;
t1 = this._this;
t1.replaceChild(type$.Node._as(value), B.NodeList_methods.$index(t1.childNodes, index));
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this._this.childNodes;
return new A.FixedSizeListIterator(t1, t1.length, A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("FixedSizeListIterator<ImmutableListMixin.E>"));
sort$1(_, compare) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot sort Node list"));
get$length(_) {
return this._this.childNodes.length;
$index(_, index) {
return B.NodeList_methods.$index(this._this.childNodes, index);
A.Node.prototype = {
remove$0(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.parentNode;
if (t1 != null)
_clearChildren$0(receiver) {
var t1;
for (; t1 = receiver.firstChild, t1 != null;)
toString$0(receiver) {
var value = receiver.nodeValue;
return value == null ? this.super$Interceptor$toString(receiver) : value;
set$text(receiver, value) {
receiver.textContent = value;
$isNode: 1
A.NodeList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.Plugin.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$isPlugin: 1
A.PluginArray.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.ProgressEvent.prototype = {$isProgressEvent: 1};
A.RtcStatsReport.prototype = {
containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
$index(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(A._asStringS(key)));
forEach$1(receiver, f) {
var entries, entry;
entries = receiver.entries();
for (; true;) {
entry =;
if (entry.done)
return;$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
get$keys(receiver) {
var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure(keys));
return keys;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.size;
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return receiver.size === 0;
$indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
$isMap: 1
A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure.prototype = {
call$2(k, v) {
return B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.keys, k);
$signature: 6
A.ScriptElement.prototype = {$isScriptElement: 1};
A.SelectElement.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.SourceBuffer.prototype = {$isSourceBuffer: 1};
A.SourceBufferList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.SpeechGrammar.prototype = {$isSpeechGrammar: 1};
A.SpeechGrammarList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.SpeechRecognitionResult.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$isSpeechRecognitionResult: 1
A.Storage.prototype = {
containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
return receiver.getItem(key) != null;
$index(receiver, key) {
return receiver.getItem(A._asStringS(key));
$indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
receiver.setItem(A._asStringS(key), A._asStringS(value));
forEach$1(receiver, f) {
var i, key, t1;
for (i = 0; true; ++i) {
key = receiver.key(i);
if (key == null)
t1 = receiver.getItem(key);
t1.toString;$2(key, t1);
get$keys(receiver) {
var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.Storage_keys_closure(keys));
return keys;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return receiver.key(0) == null;
$isMap: 1
A.Storage_keys_closure.prototype = {
call$2(k, v) {
return B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.keys, k);
$signature: 32
A.StyleSheet.prototype = {$isStyleSheet: 1};
A.TableElement.prototype = {
createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) {
var table, fragment;
if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype)
return this.super$Element$createFragment(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator);
table = A.Element_Element$html("<table>" + html + "</table>", treeSanitizer, validator);
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment).addAll$1(0, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(table));
return fragment;
A.TableRowElement.prototype = {
createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) {
var t1, fragment, section, row;
if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype)
return this.super$Element$createFragment(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator);
t1 = document;
fragment = t1.createDocumentFragment();
t1 = B.TableElement_methods.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(t1.createElement("table"), html, treeSanitizer, validator);
t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(t1);
section = t1.get$single(t1);
t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(section);
row = t1.get$single(t1);
new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment).addAll$1(0, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(row));
return fragment;
A.TableSectionElement.prototype = {
createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator) {
var t1, fragment, section;
if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype)
return this.super$Element$createFragment(receiver, html, treeSanitizer, validator);
t1 = document;
fragment = t1.createDocumentFragment();
t1 = B.TableElement_methods.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(t1.createElement("table"), html, treeSanitizer, validator);
t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(t1);
section = t1.get$single(t1);
new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment).addAll$1(0, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(section));
return fragment;
A.TemplateElement.prototype = {
setInnerHtml$1(receiver, html) {
var t1, fragment;
this.set$text(receiver, null);
t1 = receiver.content;
fragment = this.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, html, null, null);
$isTemplateElement: 1
A.TextTrack.prototype = {$isTextTrack: 1};
A.TextTrackCue.prototype = {$isTextTrackCue: 1};
A.TextTrackCueList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.TextTrackList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.TimeRanges.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.Touch.prototype = {$isTouch: 1};
A.TouchList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.TrackDefaultList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.UIEvent.prototype = {};
A.Url.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
A.VideoTrackList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.WebSocket.prototype = {
set$binaryType(receiver, value) {
receiver.binaryType = value;
send$1(receiver, data) {
return receiver.send(data);
$isWebSocket: 1
A.Window.prototype = {
open$2(receiver, url, $name) {
var t1 = A._DOMWindowCrossFrame__createSafe(, $name));
return t1;
alert$1(receiver, message) {
return receiver.alert(message);
confirm$1(receiver, message) {
return receiver.confirm(message);
$isWindow: 1
A.WorkerGlobalScope.prototype = {$isWorkerGlobalScope: 1};
A._Attr.prototype = {$is_Attr: 1};
A._CssRuleList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._DomRect.prototype = {
toString$0(receiver) {
var t2,
t1 = receiver.left;
t1 = "Rectangle (" + A.S(t1) + ", ";
t2 =;
t2 = t1 + A.S(t2) + ") ";
t1 = receiver.width;
t1 = t2 + A.S(t1) + " x ";
t2 = receiver.height;
return t1 + A.S(t2);
$eq(receiver, other) {
var t1, t2;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (type$.Rectangle_num._is(other)) {
t1 = receiver.left;
t2 = other.left;
if (t1 === t2) {
t1 =;
t2 =;
if (t1 === t2) {
t1 = receiver.width;
t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(other);
if (t1 === t2.get$width(other)) {
t1 = receiver.height;
t2 = t1 === t2.get$height(other);
t1 = t2;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
} else
t1 = false;
return t1;
get$hashCode(receiver) {
var t2, t3, t4,
t1 = receiver.left;
t2 =;
t3 = receiver.width;
t4 = receiver.height;
return A.Object_hash(t1, t2, t3, t4);
get$_height(receiver) {
return receiver.height;
get$height(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.height;
return t1;
get$_width(receiver) {
return receiver.width;
get$width(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.width;
return t1;
A._GamepadList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._NamedNodeMap.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._SpeechRecognitionResultList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._StyleSheetList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
return A.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._AttributeMap.prototype = {
cast$2$0(_, $K, $V) {
var t1 = type$.String;
return A.Map_castFrom(this, t1, t1, $K, $V);
forEach$1(_, f) {
var t1, t2, t3, _i, t4;
for (t1 = this.get$keys(this), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._element, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
t4 = A._asStringS(t1[_i]);$2(t4, t3.getAttribute(t4));
get$keys(_) {
var keys, len, t2, i, attr, t3,
t1 = this._element.attributes;
keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
for (len = t1.length, t2 = type$._Attr, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (!(i < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, i);
attr = t2._as(t1[i]);
if (attr.namespaceURI == null) {
t3 =;
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(keys, t3);
return keys;
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this.get$keys(this).length === 0;
A._ElementAttributeMap.prototype = {
containsKey$1(_, key) {
return typeof key == "string" && A.boolConversionCheck(this._element.hasAttribute(key));
$index(_, key) {
return this._element.getAttribute(A._asStringS(key));
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
this._element.setAttribute(A._asStringS(key), A._asStringS(value));
get$length(_) {
return this.get$keys(this).length;
A.EventStreamProvider.prototype = {};
A._EventStream.prototype = {
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return A._EventStreamSubscription$(this._target, this._eventType, onData, false, t1._precomputed1);
listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
A._EventStreamSubscription.prototype = {
cancel$0(_) {
var _this = this;
if (_this._target == null)
return $.$get$nullFuture();
_this._target = null;
return $.$get$nullFuture();
onData$1(handleData) {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._target == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Subscription has been canceled."));
t1 = A._wrapZone(new A._EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure(handleData), type$.Event);
pause$0(_) {
if (this._target == null)
resume$0(_) {
var _this = this;
if (_this._target == null || _this._pauseCount <= 0)
_tryResume$0() {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this._onData;
if (t1 != null && _this._pauseCount <= 0) {
t2 = _this._target;
J.addEventListener$3$x(t2, _this._eventType, t1, false);
_unlisten$0() {
var t2,
t1 = this._onData;
if (t1 != null) {
t2 = this._target;
J._removeEventListener$3$x(t2, this._eventType, type$.nullable_dynamic_Function_Event._as(t1), false);
set$_onData(_onData) {
this._onData = type$.nullable_dynamic_Function_Event._as(_onData);
A._EventStreamSubscription_closure.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
$signature: 5
A._EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
$signature: 5
A._Html5NodeValidator.prototype = {
_Html5NodeValidator$1$uriPolicy(uriPolicy) {
var _i;
if ($._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.get$isEmpty($._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators)) {
for (_i = 0; _i < 262; ++_i)
$._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$indexSet(0, B.List_2Zi[_i], A.html0__Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator$closure());
for (_i = 0; _i < 12; ++_i)
$._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$indexSet(0, B.List_yrN[_i], A.html0__Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator$closure());
allowsElement$1(element) {
return $.$get$_Html5NodeValidator__allowedElements().contains$1(0, A.Element__safeTagName(element));
allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) {
var validator = $._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$index(0, A.S(A.Element__safeTagName(element)) + "::" + attributeName);
if (validator == null)
validator = $._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators.$index(0, "*::" + attributeName);
if (validator == null)
return false;
return A._asBoolS($4(element, attributeName, value, this));
$isNodeValidator: 1
A.ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {
get$iterator(receiver) {
return new A.FixedSizeListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("FixedSizeListIterator<ImmutableListMixin.E>"));
sort$1(receiver, compare) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot sort immutable List."));
A.NodeValidatorBuilder.prototype = {
allowsElement$1(element) {
return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this._validators, new A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure(element));
allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) {
return B.JSArray_methods.any$1(this._validators, new A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure(element, attributeName, value));
$isNodeValidator: 1
A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure.prototype = {
call$1(v) {
return type$.NodeValidator._as(v).allowsElement$1(this.element);
$signature: 25
A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure.prototype = {
call$1(v) {
return type$.NodeValidator._as(v).allowsAttribute$3(this.element, this.attributeName, this.value);
$signature: 25
A._SimpleNodeValidator.prototype = {
_SimpleNodeValidator$4$allowedAttributes$allowedElements$allowedUriAttributes(uriPolicy, allowedAttributes, allowedElements, allowedUriAttributes) {
var legalAttributes, extraUriAttributes, t1;
this.allowedElements.addAll$1(0, allowedElements);
legalAttributes = allowedAttributes.where$1(0, new A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure());
extraUriAttributes = allowedAttributes.where$1(0, new A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure0());
this.allowedAttributes.addAll$1(0, legalAttributes);
t1 = this.allowedUriAttributes;
t1.addAll$1(0, B.List_empty);
t1.addAll$1(0, extraUriAttributes);
allowsElement$1(element) {
return this.allowedElements.contains$1(0, A.Element__safeTagName(element));
allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) {
var _this = this,
tagName = A.Element__safeTagName(element),
t1 = _this.allowedUriAttributes;
if (t1.contains$1(0, A.S(tagName) + "::" + attributeName))
return _this.uriPolicy.allowsUri$1(value);
else if (t1.contains$1(0, "*::" + attributeName))
return _this.uriPolicy.allowsUri$1(value);
else {
t1 = _this.allowedAttributes;
if (t1.contains$1(0, A.S(tagName) + "::" + attributeName))
return true;
else if (t1.contains$1(0, "*::" + attributeName))
return true;
else if (t1.contains$1(0, A.S(tagName) + "::*"))
return true;
else if (t1.contains$1(0, "*::*"))
return true;
return false;
$isNodeValidator: 1
A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure.prototype = {
call$1(x) {
return !B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_yrN, A._asStringS(x));
$signature: 26
A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(x) {
return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_yrN, A._asStringS(x));
$signature: 26
A._TemplatingNodeValidator.prototype = {
allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) {
if (this.super$_SimpleNodeValidator$allowsAttribute(element, attributeName, value))
return true;
if (attributeName === "template" && value === "")
return true;
if (element.getAttribute("template") === "")
return this._templateAttrs.contains$1(0, attributeName);
return false;
A._TemplatingNodeValidator_closure.prototype = {
call$1(attr) {
return "TEMPLATE::" + A.S(A._asStringS(attr));
$signature: 22
A._SvgNodeValidator.prototype = {
allowsElement$1(element) {
var t1;
if (type$.ScriptElement._is(element))
return false;
t1 = type$.SvgElement._is(element);
if (t1 && A.Element__safeTagName(element) === "foreignObject")
return false;
if (t1)
return true;
return false;
allowsAttribute$3(element, attributeName, value) {
if (attributeName === "is" || B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(attributeName, "on"))
return false;
return this.allowsElement$1(element);
$isNodeValidator: 1
A.FixedSizeListIterator.prototype = {
moveNext$0() {
var _this = this,
nextPosition = _this._position + 1,
t1 = _this._length;
if (nextPosition < t1) {
_this.set$_current(J.$index$asx(_this._array, nextPosition));
_this._position = nextPosition;
return true;
_this._position = t1;
return false;
get$current(_) {
return this._current;
set$_current(_current) {
this._current = this.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(_current);
$isIterator: 1
A._DOMWindowCrossFrame.prototype = {$isEventTarget: 1};
A._SameOriginUriPolicy.prototype = {$isUriPolicy: 1};
A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer.prototype = {
sanitizeTree$1(node) {
var previousTreeModifications,
walk = new A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk(this);
do {
previousTreeModifications = this.numTreeModifications;$2(node, null);
} while (previousTreeModifications !== this.numTreeModifications);
_removeNode$2(node, $parent) {
if ($parent == null || $parent !== node.parentNode)
_sanitizeUntrustedElement$2(element, $parent) {
var corruptedTest1, elementText, elementTagName, exception, t1,
corrupted = true,
attrs = null, isAttr = null;
try {
attrs = J.get$attributes$x(element);
isAttr = attrs._element.getAttribute("is");
corruptedTest1 = function(element) {
if (!(element.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap))
return true;
if ( == "lastChild" || == "lastChild" || == "previousSibling" || == "previousSibling" || == "children" || == "children")
return true;
var childNodes = element.childNodes;
if (element.lastChild && element.lastChild !== childNodes[childNodes.length - 1])
return true;
if (element.children)
if (!(element.children instanceof HTMLCollection || element.children instanceof NodeList))
return true;
var length = 0;
if (element.children)
length = element.children.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var child = element.children[i];
if ( == "attributes" || == "attributes" || == "lastChild" || == "lastChild" || == "previousSibling" || == "previousSibling" || == "children" || == "children")
return true;
return false;
corrupted = A.boolConversionCheck(corruptedTest1) ? true : !(element.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap);
} catch (exception) {
elementText = "element unprintable";
try {
elementText = J.toString$0$(element);
} catch (exception) {
try {
elementTagName = A.Element__safeTagName(element);
this._sanitizeElement$7(type$.Element._as(element), $parent, corrupted, elementText, elementTagName, type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(attrs), A._asStringQ(isAttr));
} catch (exception) {
if (A.unwrapException(exception) instanceof A.ArgumentError)
throw exception;
else {
this._removeNode$2(element, $parent);
t1 = "Removing corrupted element " + A.S(elementText);
if (typeof console != "undefined")
_sanitizeElement$7(element, $parent, corrupted, text, tag, attrs, isAttr) {
var t1, keys, i, $name, t2, t3, _this = this;
if (corrupted) {
_this._removeNode$2(element, $parent);
t1 = "Removing element due to corrupted attributes on <" + text + ">";
if (typeof console != "undefined")
if (!_this.validator.allowsElement$1(element)) {
_this._removeNode$2(element, $parent);
t1 = "Removing disallowed element <" + A.S(tag) + "> from " + A.S($parent);
if (typeof console != "undefined")
if (isAttr != null)
if (!_this.validator.allowsAttribute$3(element, "is", isAttr)) {
_this._removeNode$2(element, $parent);
t1 = "Removing disallowed type extension <" + A.S(tag) + ' is="' + isAttr + '">';
if (typeof console != "undefined")
t1 = attrs.get$keys(attrs);
keys = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
for (i = attrs.get$keys(attrs).length - 1, t1 = attrs._element; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!(i < keys.length))
return A.ioore(keys, i);
$name = keys[i];
t2 = _this.validator;
t3 = J.toLowerCase$0$s($name);
if (!t2.allowsAttribute$3(element, t3, t1.getAttribute($name))) {
t2 = "Removing disallowed attribute <" + A.S(tag) + " " + $name + '="' + A.S(t1.getAttribute($name)) + '">';
if (typeof console != "undefined")
if (type$.TemplateElement._is(element)) {
t1 = element.content;
$isNodeTreeSanitizer: 1
A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk.prototype = {
call$2(node, $parent) {
var child, nextChild, t2, t3, t4, exception,
t1 = this.$this;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case 1:
t1._sanitizeUntrustedElement$2(node, $parent);
case 8:
case 11:
case 3:
case 4:
t1._removeNode$2(node, $parent);
child = node.lastChild;
for (t2 = type$.Node; child != null;) {
nextChild = null;
try {
nextChild = child.previousSibling;
if (nextChild != null) {
t3 = nextChild.nextSibling;
t4 = child;
t4 = t3 == null ? t4 != null : t3 !== t4;
t3 = t4;
} else
t3 = false;
if (t3) {
t3 = A.StateError$("Corrupt HTML");
throw A.wrapException(t3);
} catch (exception) {
t3 = t2._as(child);
t4 = t3.parentNode;
if (node == null ? t4 != null : node !== t4) {
if (t4 != null)
} else
child = null;
nextChild = node.lastChild;
if (child != null)$2(child, node);
child = nextChild;
$signature: 37
A._CssStyleDeclaration_Interceptor_CssStyleDeclarationBase.prototype = {};
A._DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._MidiInputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin.prototype = {};
A._MidiOutputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin.prototype = {};
A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._RtcStatsReport_Interceptor_MapMixin.prototype = {};
A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._Storage_Interceptor_MapMixin.prototype = {};
A._TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A.__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._StructuredClone.prototype = {
findSlot$1(value) {
var i,
t1 = this.values,
$length = t1.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (t1[i] === value)
return i;
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, value);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.copies, null);
return $length;
walk$1(e) {
var slot, t2, copy, _this = this, t1 = {};
if (e == null)
return e;
if (A._isBool(e))
return e;
if (typeof e == "number")
return e;
if (typeof e == "string")
return e;
if (e instanceof A.DateTime)
return new Date(e._value);
if (type$.RegExp._is(e))
throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("structured clone of RegExp"));
if (type$.File._is(e))
return e;
if (type$.Blob._is(e))
return e;
if (type$.FileList._is(e))
return e;
if (type$.ImageData._is(e))
return e;
if (type$.NativeByteBuffer._is(e) || type$.NativeTypedData._is(e) || type$.MessagePort._is(e))
return e;
if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(e)) {
slot = _this.findSlot$1(e);
t2 = _this.copies;
if (!(slot < t2.length))
return A.ioore(t2, slot);
copy = t1.copy = t2[slot];
if (copy != null)
return copy;
copy = {};
t1.copy = copy;
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t2, slot, copy);
J.forEach$1$ax(e, new A._StructuredClone_walk_closure(t1, _this));
return t1.copy;
if (type$.List_dynamic._is(e)) {
slot = _this.findSlot$1(e);
t1 = _this.copies;
if (!(slot < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, slot);
copy = t1[slot];
if (copy != null)
return copy;
return _this.copyList$2(e, slot);
if (type$.JSObject._is(e)) {
slot = _this.findSlot$1(e);
t2 = _this.copies;
if (!(slot < t2.length))
return A.ioore(t2, slot);
copy = t1.copy = t2[slot];
if (copy != null)
return copy;
copy = {};
t1.copy = copy;
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t2, slot, copy);
_this.forEachObjectKey$2(e, new A._StructuredClone_walk_closure0(t1, _this));
return t1.copy;
throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("structured clone of other type"));
copyList$2(e, slot) {
var i,
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(e),
$length = t1.get$length(e),
copy = new Array($length);
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(this.copies, slot, copy);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(copy, i, this.walk$1(t1.$index(e, i)));
return copy;
A._StructuredClone_walk_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
this._box_0.copy[key] = this.$this.walk$1(value);
$signature: 8
A._StructuredClone_walk_closure0.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
this._box_0.copy[key] = this.$this.walk$1(value);
$signature: 38
A._AcceptStructuredClone.prototype = {
findSlot$1(value) {
var i,
t1 = this.values,
$length = t1.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (t1[i] === value)
return i;
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, value);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.copies, null);
return $length;
walk$1(e) {
var slot, t1, copy, t2, l, $length, i, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
if (e == null)
return e;
if (A._isBool(e))
return e;
if (typeof e == "number")
return e;
if (typeof e == "string")
return e;
if (e instanceof Date)
return A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(e.getTime(), true);
if (e instanceof RegExp)
throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("structured clone of RegExp"));
if (typeof Promise != "undefined" && e instanceof Promise)
return A.promiseToFuture(e, type$.dynamic);
if (A.isJavaScriptSimpleObject(e)) {
slot = _this.findSlot$1(e);
t1 = _this.copies;
if (!(slot < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, slot);
copy = _box_0.copy = t1[slot];
if (copy != null)
return copy;
t2 = type$.dynamic;
copy = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2);
_box_0.copy = copy;
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t1, slot, copy);
_this.forEachJsField$2(e, new A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure(_box_0, _this));
return _box_0.copy;
if (e instanceof Array) {
l = e;
slot = _this.findSlot$1(l);
t1 = _this.copies;
if (!(slot < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, slot);
copy = t1[slot];
if (copy != null)
return copy;
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(l);
$length = t2.get$length(l);
copy = _this.mustCopy ? new Array($length) : l;
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t1, slot, copy);
for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(copy), i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
t1.$indexSet(copy, i, _this.walk$1(t2.$index(l, i)));
return copy;
return e;
convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(object, mustCopy) {
this.mustCopy = true;
return this.walk$1(object);
A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
var t1 = this._box_0.copy,
t2 = this.$this.walk$1(value);
J.$indexSet$ax(t1, key, t2);
return t2;
$signature: 39
A._convertDartToNative_Value_closure.prototype = {
call$1(element) {
$signature: 4
A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
this.object[key] = A._convertDartToNative_Value(value);
$signature: 8
A._StructuredCloneDart2Js.prototype = {
forEachObjectKey$2(object, action) {
var t1, t2, _i, key;
for (t1 = Object.keys(object), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
key = t1[_i];$2(key, object[key]);
A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js.prototype = {
forEachJsField$2(object, action) {
var t1, t2, _i, key;
for (t1 = Object.keys(object), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
key = t1[_i];$2(key, object[key]);
A.KeyRange.prototype = {$isKeyRange: 1};
A.JsObject__convertDataTree__convert.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
var convertedMap, t2, key, convertedList,
t1 = this._convertedObjects;
if (t1.containsKey$1(0, o))
return t1.$index(0, o);
if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(o)) {
convertedMap = {};
t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedMap);
for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(o), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(o)); t2.moveNext$0();) {
key = t2.get$current(t2);
convertedMap[key] =$1(t1.$index(o, key));
return convertedMap;
} else if (type$.Iterable_dynamic._is(o)) {
convertedList = [];
t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedList);
B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(convertedList,$1$1$ax(o, this, type$.dynamic));
return convertedList;
} else
return A._convertToJS(o);
$signature: 40
A._convertToJS_closure.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
var jsFunction;
jsFunction = function(_call, f, captureThis) {
return function() {
return _call(f, captureThis, this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
}(A._callDartFunction, o, false);
A._defineProperty(jsFunction, $.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME(), o);
return jsFunction;
$signature: 1
A._convertToJS_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
return new this.ctor(o);
$signature: 1
A._wrapToDart_closure.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
return new A.JsFunction(o);
$signature: 41
A._wrapToDart_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
return new A.JsArray(o, type$.JsArray_dynamic);
$signature: 42
A._wrapToDart_closure1.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
return new A.JsObject(o);
$signature: 43
A.JsObject.prototype = {
$index(_, property) {
if (typeof property != "string" && typeof property != "number")
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("property is not a String or num", null));
return A._convertToDart(this._js$_jsObject[property]);
$indexSet(_, property, value) {
if (typeof property != "string" && typeof property != "number")
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("property is not a String or num", null));
this._js$_jsObject[property] = A._convertToJS(value);
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return other instanceof A.JsObject && this._js$_jsObject === other._js$_jsObject;
toString$0(_) {
var t1, exception;
try {
t1 = String(this._js$_jsObject);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
return t1;
callMethod$2(method, args) {
var t2,
t1 = this._js$_jsObject;
if (args == null)
t2 = null;
else {
t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(args);
t2 = A.List_List$from(new A.MappedListIterable(args, t2._eval$1("@(1)")._as(A.js___convertToJS$closure()), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), true, type$.dynamic);
return A._convertToDart(t1[method].apply(t1, t2));
callMethod$1(method) {
return this.callMethod$2(method, null);
get$hashCode(_) {
return 0;
A.JsFunction.prototype = {};
A.JsArray.prototype = {
_checkIndex$1(index) {
var _this = this,
t1 = index < 0 || index >= _this.get$length(_this);
if (t1)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, _this.get$length(_this), null, null));
$index(_, index) {
if (A._isInt(index))
return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(this.super$JsObject$$index(0, index));
$indexSet(_, index, value) {
if (A._isInt(index))
this.super$_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin$$indexSet(0, index, value);
get$length(_) {
var len = this._js$_jsObject.length;
if (typeof len === "number" && len >>> 0 === len)
return len;
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Bad JsArray length"));
sort$1(_, compare) {
this.callMethod$2("sort", compare == null ? [] : [compare]);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin.prototype = {
$indexSet(_, property, value) {
return this.super$JsObject$$indexSet(0, property, value);
A.NullRejectionException.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Promise was rejected with a value of `" + (this.isUndefined ? "undefined" : "null") + "`.";
A.promiseToFuture_closure.prototype = {
call$1(r) {
return this.completer.complete$1(0, this.T._eval$1("0/?")._as(r));
$signature: 4
A.promiseToFuture_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
if (e == null)
return this.completer.completeError$1(new A.NullRejectionException(e === undefined));
return this.completer.completeError$1(e);
$signature: 4
A._JSRandom.prototype = {
nextInt$1(max) {
if (max <= 0 || max > 4294967296)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$(string$.max_mu + max));
return Math.random() * max >>> 0;
A._Random.prototype = {
_Random$1(seed) {
var low, high, tmplow, low0, t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _4294967296 = 4294967296,
empty_seed = seed < 0 ? -1 : 0;
do {
low = seed >>> 0;
seed = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(seed - low, _4294967296);
high = seed >>> 0;
seed = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(seed - high, _4294967296);
tmplow = (~low >>> 0) + (low << 21 >>> 0);
low0 = tmplow >>> 0;
high = (~high >>> 0) + ((high << 21 | low >>> 11) >>> 0) + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(tmplow - low0, _4294967296) >>> 0;
tmplow = ((low0 ^ (low0 >>> 24 | high << 8)) >>> 0) * 265;
low = tmplow >>> 0;
high = ((high ^ high >>> 24) >>> 0) * 265 + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(tmplow - low, _4294967296) >>> 0;
tmplow = ((low ^ (low >>> 14 | high << 18)) >>> 0) * 21;
low = tmplow >>> 0;
high = ((high ^ high >>> 14) >>> 0) * 21 + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(tmplow - low, _4294967296) >>> 0;
low = (low ^ (low >>> 28 | high << 4)) >>> 0;
high = (high ^ high >>> 28) >>> 0;
tmplow = (low << 31 >>> 0) + low;
low0 = tmplow >>> 0;
t1 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(tmplow - low0, _4294967296);
tmplow = _this._lo * 1037;
t2 = _this._lo = tmplow >>> 0;
t3 = _this._hi * 1037 + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(tmplow - t2, _4294967296) >>> 0;
_this._hi = t3;
t2 = (t2 ^ low0) >>> 0;
_this._lo = t2;
t1 = (t3 ^ high + ((high << 31 | low >>> 1) >>> 0) + t1 >>> 0) >>> 0;
_this._hi = t1;
} while (seed !== empty_seed);
if (t1 === 0 && t2 === 0)
_this._lo = 23063;
_nextState$0() {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this._lo,
tmpHi = 4294901760 * t1,
tmpHiLo = tmpHi >>> 0,
tmpLo = 55905 * t1,
tmpLoLo = tmpLo >>> 0,
newLo = tmpLoLo + tmpHiLo + _this._hi;
t1 = newLo >>> 0;
_this._lo = t1;
_this._hi = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(tmpLo - tmpLoLo + (tmpHi - tmpHiLo) + (newLo - t1), 4294967296) >>> 0;
nextInt$1(max) {
var t1, rnd32, result, _this = this;
if (max <= 0 || max > 4294967296)
throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$(string$.max_mu + max));
t1 = max - 1;
if ((max & t1) >>> 0 === 0) {
return (_this._lo & t1) >>> 0;
do {
rnd32 = _this._lo;
result = rnd32 % max;
} while (rnd32 - result + max >= 4294967296);
return result;
A.Length.prototype = {$isLength: 1};
A.LengthList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver.getItem(index);
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
return this.$index(receiver, index);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.Number.prototype = {$isNumber: 1};
A.NumberList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver.getItem(index);
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
return this.$index(receiver, index);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.PointList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.ScriptElement0.prototype = {$isScriptElement0: 1};
A.StringList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver.getItem(index);
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
return this.$index(receiver, index);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.SvgElement.prototype = {
createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator(receiver, svg, treeSanitizer, validator) {
var html, t2, fragment, svgFragment, root,
t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_NodeValidator);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A._Html5NodeValidator$(null));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, A._TemplatingNodeValidator$());
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, new A._SvgNodeValidator());
treeSanitizer = new A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer(new A.NodeValidatorBuilder(t1));
html = '<svg version="1.1">' + svg + "</svg>";
t1 = document;
t2 = t1.body;
fragment = B.BodyElement_methods.createFragment$2$treeSanitizer(t2, html, treeSanitizer);
svgFragment = t1.createDocumentFragment();
t1 = new A._ChildNodeListLazy(fragment);
root = t1.get$single(t1);
for (; t1 = root.firstChild, t1 != null;)
return svgFragment;
$isSvgElement: 1
A.Transform.prototype = {$isTransform: 1};
A.TransformList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index(receiver, index) {
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver.length)
throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, receiver, null, null, null));
return receiver.getItem(index);
$indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
get$first(receiver) {
if (receiver.length > 0)
return receiver[0];
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
return this.$index(receiver, index);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A._LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin.prototype = {};
A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
A.AudioBuffer.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.AudioParamMap.prototype = {
containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
$index(receiver, key) {
return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(A._asStringS(key)));
forEach$1(receiver, f) {
var entries, entry;
entries = receiver.entries();
for (; true;) {
entry =;
if (entry.done)
return;$2(entry.value[0], A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
get$keys(receiver) {
var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure(keys));
return keys;
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.size;
get$isEmpty(receiver) {
return receiver.size === 0;
$indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
$isMap: 1
A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure.prototype = {
call$2(k, v) {
return B.JSArray_methods.add$1(this.keys, k);
$signature: 6
A.AudioTrackList.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A.BaseAudioContext.prototype = {};
A.OfflineAudioContext.prototype = {
get$length(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
A._AudioParamMap_Interceptor_MapMixin.prototype = {};
A.AsyncMemoizer.prototype = {};
A.DelegatingStreamSink.prototype = {
add$1(_, data) {
this._sink.add$1(0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("DelegatingStreamSink.T")._as(data));
$isStreamSink: 1
A.CopyOnWriteList.prototype = {
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this._copy_on_write_list$_list);
$index(_, index) {
return J.$index$asx(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, index);
$add(_, other) {
return J.$add$ansx(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, other);
cast$1$0(_, $T) {
return new A.CopyOnWriteList(true, J.cast$1$0$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, $T), $T._eval$1("CopyOnWriteList<0>"));
contains$1(_, element) {
return J.contains$1$asx(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, element);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
return J.elementAt$1$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, index);
get$first(_) {
return J.get$first$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list);
forEach$1(_, f) {
return J.forEach$1$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, f);
get$isEmpty(_) {
return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._copy_on_write_list$_list);
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this._copy_on_write_list$_list);
get$iterator(_) {
return J.get$iterator$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list);
map$1$1(_, f, $T) {
return$1$1$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, f, $T);
map$1($receiver, f) {
return$1$1($receiver, f, type$.dynamic);
skip$1(_, count) {
return J.skip$1$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, count);
sublist$2(_, start, end) {
return J.sublist$2$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, start, end);
sublist$1($receiver, start) {
return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
return J.toList$1$growable$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, true);
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
$indexSet(_, index, element) {
J.$indexSet$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, index, element);
sort$1(_, compare) {
J.sort$1$ax(this._copy_on_write_list$_list, compare);
toString$0(_) {
return J.toString$0$(this._copy_on_write_list$_list);
_maybeCopyBeforeWrite$0() {
var _this = this;
if (!_this._copyBeforeWrite)
_this._copyBeforeWrite = false;
_this.set$_copy_on_write_list$_list(A.List_List$from(_this._copy_on_write_list$_list, true, _this.$ti._precomputed1));
set$_copy_on_write_list$_list(_list) {
this._copy_on_write_list$_list = this.$ti._eval$1("List<1>")._as(_list);
$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
$isIterable: 1,
$isList: 1
A.hashObjects_closure.prototype = {
call$2(h, i) {
return A._combine(A._asIntS(h), J.get$hashCode$(i));
$signature: 44
A.BuiltList.prototype = {
toBuilder$0() {
return A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(this, this.$ti._precomputed1);
get$hashCode(_) {
var t1 = this._list$_hashCode;
return t1 == null ? this._list$_hashCode = A.hashObjects(this._list) : t1;
$eq(_, other) {
var t1, t2, i, t3, t4, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.BuiltList))
return false;
t1 = other._list;
t2 = _this._list;
if (t1.length !== t2.length)
return false;
if (other.get$hashCode(other) != _this.get$hashCode(_this))
return false;
for (i = 0; t3 = t2.length, i !== t3; ++i) {
if (!(i < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, i);
t4 = t1[i];
if (!(i < t3))
return A.ioore(t2, i);
if (!J.$eq$(t4, t2[i]))
return false;
return true;
toString$0(_) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this._list, "[", "]");
$index(_, index) {
var t1 = this._list;
if (!(index < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, index);
return t1[index];
$add(_, other) {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return new A._BuiltList(B.JSArray_methods.$add(this._list, t1._eval$1("BuiltList<1>")._as(other).get$_list()), t1._eval$1("_BuiltList<1>"));
get$length(_) {
return this._list.length;
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this._list;
return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
map$1$1(_, f, $T) {
var t1 = this._list,
t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, t2._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(this.$ti._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f)), t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, f) {
return$1$1($receiver, f, type$.dynamic);
contains$1(_, element) {
return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(this._list, element);
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
return new A.CopyOnWriteList(true, this._list, this.$ti._eval$1("CopyOnWriteList<1>"));
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._list.length === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return this._list.length !== 0;
skip$1(_, n) {
var t1 = this._list;
return A.SubListIterable$(t1, n, null, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1);
get$first(_) {
return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this._list);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
var t1 = this._list;
if (!(index >= 0 && index < t1.length))
return A.ioore(t1, index);
return t1[index];
$isIterable: 1
A._BuiltList.prototype = {
_list$_maybeCheckForNull$0() {
var t1, t2, _i;
if (!(!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !this.$ti._precomputed1._is(null)))
for (t1 = this._list, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
if (t1[_i] == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("iterable contained invalid element: null", null));
A.ListBuilder.prototype = {
build$0() {
var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
if (_this._listOwner == null) {
t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListBuilder__list, "_list");
t2 = _this.$ti;
t3 = t2._eval$1("_BuiltList<1>");
t3 = t3._as(new A._BuiltList(t1, t3));
t1 = _this._listOwner;
return t1;
replace$1(_, iterable) {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti,
t2 = t1._eval$1("_BuiltList<1>"),
t3 = t1._eval$1("List<1>");
if (t2._is(iterable)) {
} else {
_this.set$__ListBuilder__list(t3._as(A.List_List$from(iterable, true, t1._precomputed1)));
$index(_, index) {
return J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(this.__ListBuilder__list, "_list"), index);
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(A._lateReadCheck(this.__ListBuilder__list, "_list"));
map$1(_, f) {
var t2, t3, t4, t5, result, _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti;
t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListBuilder__list, "_list");
t3 = t1._precomputed1;
t4 = A.instanceType(t2);
t5 = t4._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>");
result = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, t4._bind$1(t3)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f), t5), true, t5._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
_list$_maybeCheckElements$1(elements) {
var t2, _i,
t1 = this.$ti;
if (!(!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !t1._precomputed1._is(null)))
for (t2 = elements.length, t1 = t1._precomputed1, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
if (t1._as(elements[_i]) == null)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("null element", null));
set$__ListBuilder__list(__ListBuilder__list) {
this.__ListBuilder__list = this.$ti._eval$1("List<1>")._as(__ListBuilder__list);
set$_listOwner(_listOwner) {
this._listOwner = this.$ti._eval$1("_BuiltList<1>?")._as(_listOwner);
A.BuiltListMultimap.prototype = {
get$hashCode(_) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this._list_multimap$_hashCode;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = _this._list_multimap$_map;
t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
t2 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, t2._eval$1("int(Iterable.E)")._as(new A.BuiltListMultimap_hashCode_closure(_this)), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.int);
t2 = A.List_List$of(t2, false, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
t2 = _this._list_multimap$_hashCode = A.hashObjects(t2);
t1 = t2;
return t1;
$eq(_, other) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, key, result, t6, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.BuiltListMultimap))
return false;
t1 = other._list_multimap$_map;
t2 = _this._list_multimap$_map;
if (t1.get$length(t1) !== t2.get$length(t2))
return false;
if (other.get$hashCode(other) != _this.get$hashCode(_this))
return false;
for (t3 = _this.get$keys(_this), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3), t4 = other._emptyList, t5 = _this._emptyList; t3.moveNext$0();) {
key = t3.get$current(t3);
result = t1.$index(0, key);
t6 = result == null ? t4 : result;
result = t2.$index(0, key);
if (!t6.$eq(0, result == null ? t5 : result))
return false;
return true;
toString$0(_) {
return A.MapBase_mapToString(this._list_multimap$_map);
$index(_, key) {
var result = this._list_multimap$_map.$index(0, key);
return result == null ? this._emptyList : result;
get$keys(_) {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._list_multimap$_keys == null) {
t1 = _this._list_multimap$_map;
t1 = _this._list_multimap$_keys;
return t1;
get$length(_) {
var t1 = this._list_multimap$_map;
return t1.get$length(t1);
set$_list_multimap$_keys(_keys) {
this._list_multimap$_keys = this.$ti._eval$1("Iterable<1>?")._as(_keys);
A.BuiltListMultimap_BuiltListMultimap_closure.prototype = {
call$1(k) {
return this.multimap.$index(0, k);
$signature: 1
A.BuiltListMultimap_hashCode_closure.prototype = {
call$1(key) {
var t2,
t1 = this.$this;
t2 = J.get$hashCode$(key);
t1 = J.get$hashCode$(t1._list_multimap$_map.$index(0, key));
return A._finish(A._combine(A._combine(0, J.get$hashCode$(t2)), J.get$hashCode$(t1)));
$signature() {
return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("int(1)");
A._BuiltListMultimap.prototype = {
_BuiltListMultimap$copy$2(keys, lookup, $K, $V) {
var t1, t2, t3, key;
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(keys), t2 = this._list_multimap$_map, t3 = type$.Iterable_dynamic; t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
if ($K._is(key))
t2.$indexSet(0, key, A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from(t3._as($1(key)), $V));
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("map contained invalid key: " + A.S(key), null));
A.ListMultimapBuilder.prototype = {
build$0() {
var t1, key, t2, t3, t4, t5, builtList, _this = this,
_s11_ = "_builderMap",
_s9_ = "_builtMap";
if (_this._list_multimap$_builtMapOwner == null) {
for (t1 = J.get$keys$x(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_)), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
t2 = J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_), key);
if (t2._listOwner == null) {
t3 = A._lateReadCheck(t2.__ListBuilder__list, "_list");
t4 = A._instanceType(t2);
t5 = t4._eval$1("_BuiltList<1>");
t5 = t5._as(new A._BuiltList(t3, t5));
builtList = t2._listOwner;
t2 = builtList._list.length;
t3 = _this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap;
if (t2 === 0)
J.remove$1$x(A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s9_), key);
J.$indexSet$ax(A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s9_), key, builtList);
t1 = _this.$ti;
t2 = t1._rest[1];
_this.set$_list_multimap$_builtMapOwner(new A._BuiltListMultimap(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap, _s9_), A.BuiltList_BuiltList$from(B.List_empty0, t2), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2)._eval$1("_BuiltListMultimap<1,2>")));
t1 = _this._list_multimap$_builtMapOwner;
return t1;
replace$1(_, multimap) {
this._list_multimap$_setWithCopyAndCheck$2(multimap.get$keys(multimap), new A.ListMultimapBuilder_replace_closure(multimap));
$index(_, key) {
var t1;
t1 = this.$ti;
return t1._precomputed1._is(key) ? this._list_multimap$_getValuesBuilder$1(key) : A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(B.List_empty0, t1._rest[1]);
_list_multimap$_getValuesBuilder$1(key) {
var result, builtValues, _this = this,
_s11_ = "_builderMap",
t1 = _this.$ti;
result = J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_), key);
if (result == null) {
builtValues = J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap, "_builtMap"), key);
result = builtValues == null ? A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(B.List_empty0, t1._rest[1]) : A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(builtValues, builtValues.$ti._precomputed1);
J.$indexSet$ax(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_), key, result);
return result;
_makeWriteableCopy$0() {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._list_multimap$_builtMapOwner != null) {
t1 = _this.$ti;
_this.set$__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap(t1._eval$1("Map<1,BuiltList<2>>")._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap, "_builtMap"), t1._precomputed1, t1._eval$1("BuiltList<2>"))));
_list_multimap$_setWithCopyAndCheck$2(keys, lookup) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, key, t7, value, t8, t9, t10, _this = this, _null = null;
t1 = _this.$ti;
t2 = t1._precomputed1;
t3 = t1._eval$1("BuiltList<2>");
t4 = t1._eval$1("Map<1,BuiltList<2>>");
_this.set$__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap(t4._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3)));
_this.set$__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap(t1._eval$1("Map<1,ListBuilder<2>>")._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t1._eval$1("ListBuilder<2>"))));
for (t5 = J.get$iterator$ax(keys), t6 = type$.Iterable_dynamic, t1 = t1._rest[1]; t5.moveNext$0();) {
key = t5.get$current(t5);
if (t2._is(key))
for (t7 = J.get$iterator$ax(t6._as($1(key))); t7.moveNext$0();) {
value = t7.get$current(t7);
if (t1._is(value)) {
if (_this._list_multimap$_builtMapOwner != null) {
_this.set$__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap(t4._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap, "_builtMap"), t2, t3)));
t8 = _this._list_multimap$_getValuesBuilder$1(key);
t9 = t8.$ti;
t10 = t9._precomputed1;
if (!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !t10._is(null))
if (value == null)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("null element", _null));
if (t8._listOwner != null) {
t8.set$__ListBuilder__list(t9._eval$1("List<1>")._as(A.List_List$from(A._lateReadCheck(t8.__ListBuilder__list, "_list"), true, t10)));
J.add$1$ax(A._lateReadCheck(t8.__ListBuilder__list, "_list"), value);
} else
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("map contained invalid value: " + A.S(value) + ", for key " + A.S(key), _null));
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("map contained invalid key: " + A.S(key), _null));
_list_multimap$_checkKey$1(key) {
var t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1;
if ($.$get$isSoundMode())
if (t1._is(null))
if (key == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("null key", null));
_list_multimap$_checkValue$1(value) {
var t1 = this.$ti._rest[1];
if ($.$get$isSoundMode())
if (t1._is(null))
if (value == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("null value", null));
set$__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap(__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap) {
this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap = this.$ti._eval$1("Map<1,BuiltList<2>>")._as(__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap);
set$_list_multimap$_builtMapOwner(_builtMapOwner) {
this._list_multimap$_builtMapOwner = this.$ti._eval$1("_BuiltListMultimap<1,2>?")._as(_builtMapOwner);
set$__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap(__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap) {
this.__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap = this.$ti._eval$1("Map<1,ListBuilder<2>>")._as(__ListMultimapBuilder__builderMap);
A.ListMultimapBuilder_replace_closure.prototype = {
call$1(k) {
return this.multimap.$index(0, k);
$signature: 1
A.BuiltMap.prototype = {
toBuilder$0() {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return new A.MapBuilder(this._mapFactory, this._map$_map, this, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("MapBuilder<1,2>"));
get$hashCode(_) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this._map$_hashCode;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = _this._map$_map;
t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
t2 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, t2._eval$1("int(Iterable.E)")._as(new A.BuiltMap_hashCode_closure(_this)), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.int);
t2 = A.List_List$of(t2, false, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
t2 = _this._map$_hashCode = A.hashObjects(t2);
t1 = t2;
return t1;
$eq(_, other) {
var t1, t2, t3, key, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.BuiltMap))
return false;
t1 = other._map$_map;
t2 = _this._map$_map;
if (t1.get$length(t1) !== t2.get$length(t2))
return false;
if (other.get$hashCode(other) != _this.get$hashCode(_this))
return false;
for (t3 = _this.get$keys(_this), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
key = t3.get$current(t3);
if (!J.$eq$(t1.$index(0, key), t2.$index(0, key)))
return false;
return true;
toString$0(_) {
return A.MapBase_mapToString(this._map$_map);
$index(_, key) {
return this._map$_map.$index(0, key);
get$keys(_) {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._map$_keys == null) {
t1 = _this._map$_map;
t1 = _this._map$_keys;
return t1;
get$length(_) {
var t1 = this._map$_map;
return t1.get$length(t1);
map$1(_, f) {
var t1 = type$.dynamic,
t2 = this._map$_map;
return new A._BuiltMap(null,$2$1(t2, this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<@,@>(1,2)")._as(f), t1, t1), type$._BuiltMap_dynamic_dynamic);
set$_map$_keys(_keys) {
this._map$_keys = this.$ti._eval$1("Iterable<1>?")._as(_keys);
A.BuiltMap_BuiltMap_closure.prototype = {
call$1(k) {
return$index(0, k);
$signature: 1
A.BuiltMap_hashCode_closure.prototype = {
call$1(key) {
var t2,
t1 = this.$this;
t2 = J.get$hashCode$(key);
t1 = J.get$hashCode$(t1._map$_map.$index(0, key));
return A._finish(A._combine(A._combine(0, J.get$hashCode$(t2)), J.get$hashCode$(t1)));
$signature() {
return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("int(1)");
A._BuiltMap.prototype = {
_BuiltMap$copyAndCheckTypes$2(keys, lookup, $K, $V) {
var t1, t2, key, value;
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(keys), t2 = this._map$_map; t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
if ($K._is(key)) {
value =$1(key);
if ($V._is(value))
t2.$indexSet(0, key, value);
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("map contained invalid value: " + A.S(value), null));
} else
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("map contained invalid key: " + A.S(key), null));
A.MapBuilder.prototype = {
build$0() {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._mapOwner == null) {
t1 = _this.$ti;
_this.set$_mapOwner(new A._BuiltMap(_this._mapFactory, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapBuilder__map, "_map"), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("_BuiltMap<1,2>")));
t1 = _this._mapOwner;
return t1;
replace$1(_, map) {
var _this = this,
replacement = _this._createMap$0();
map.forEach$1(0, new A.MapBuilder_replace_closure(_this, replacement));
$index(_, key) {
return J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapBuilder__map, "_map"), key);
$indexSet(_, key, value) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti;
if (_this._mapOwner != null) {
t2 = _this._createMap$0();
t2.addAll$1(0, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapBuilder__map, "_map"));
J.$indexSet$ax(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapBuilder__map, "_map"), key, value);
get$length(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(A._lateReadCheck(this.__MapBuilder__map, "_map"));
get$_safeMap() {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._mapOwner != null) {
t1 = _this._createMap$0();
t1.addAll$1(0, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapBuilder__map, "_map"));
return A._lateReadCheck(_this.__MapBuilder__map, "_map");
_createMap$0() {
var t1 = this.$ti;
return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
_checkKey$1(key) {
var t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1;
if ($.$get$isSoundMode())
if (t1._is(null))
if (key == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("null key", null));
_checkValue$1(value) {
var t1 = this.$ti._rest[1];
if ($.$get$isSoundMode())
if (t1._is(null))
if (value == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("null value", null));
set$__MapBuilder__map(__MapBuilder__map) {
this.__MapBuilder__map = this.$ti._eval$1("Map<1,2>")._as(__MapBuilder__map);
set$_mapOwner(_mapOwner) {
this._mapOwner = this.$ti._eval$1("_BuiltMap<1,2>?")._as(_mapOwner);
A.MapBuilder_replace_closure.prototype = {
call$2(key, value) {
var t1 = this.$this.$ti;
this.replacement.$indexSet(0, t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
$signature: 8
A.BuiltSet.prototype = {
get$hashCode(_) {
var t2, t3, _this = this,
t1 = _this._set$_hashCode;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = _this._set$_set;
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
t3 = t2._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,int>");
t3 = A.List_List$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t1, t2._eval$1("int(1)")._as(new A.BuiltSet_hashCode_closure(_this)), t3), false, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
t3 = _this._set$_hashCode = A.hashObjects(t3);
t1 = t3;
return t1;
$eq(_, other) {
var t1, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.BuiltSet))
return false;
t1 = _this._set$_set;
if (other._set$_set._collection$_length !== t1._collection$_length)
return false;
if (other.get$hashCode(other) != _this.get$hashCode(_this))
return false;
return t1.containsAll$1(other);
toString$0(_) {
return A.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this._set$_set, "{", "}");
get$length(_) {
return this._set$_set._collection$_length;
get$iterator(_) {
var t1 = this._set$_set;
return A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1);
map$1$1(_, f, $T) {
var t1 = this._set$_set,
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t1, t2._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(this.$ti._bind$1($T)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f)), t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"));
map$1($receiver, f) {
return$1$1($receiver, f, type$.dynamic);
contains$1(_, element) {
return this._set$_set.contains$1(0, element);
toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
var t1 = this._set$_set;
return A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1);
toList$0($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$isEmpty(_) {
return this._set$_set._collection$_length === 0;
get$isNotEmpty(_) {
return this._set$_set._collection$_length !== 0;
skip$1(_, n) {
var t1 = this._set$_set;
return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(t1, n, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1);
get$first(_) {
var t1 = this._set$_set;
return t1.get$first(t1);
elementAt$1(_, index) {
return this._set$_set.elementAt$1(0, index);
$isIterable: 1
A.BuiltSet_hashCode_closure.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
return J.get$hashCode$(this.$this.$ti._precomputed1._as(e));
$signature() {
return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("int(1)");
A._BuiltSet.prototype = {
_maybeCheckForNull$0() {
if (!(!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !this.$ti._precomputed1._is(null)))
for (var t1 = this._set$_set, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t1.moveNext$0();)
if (t1._collection$_current == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("iterable contained invalid element: null", null));
A.SetBuilder.prototype = {
build$0() {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._setOwner == null)
_this.set$_setOwner(new A._BuiltSet(_this._setFactory, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetBuilder__set, "_set"), _this.$ti._eval$1("_BuiltSet<1>")));
t1 = _this._setOwner;
return t1;
replace$1(_, iterable) {
var t1, t2, t3, element, _this = this,
set = _this._createSet$0();
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable), t2 = _this.$ti, t3 = t2._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
element = t1.get$current(t1);
if (t3._is(element))
set.add$1(0, element);
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("iterable contained invalid element: " + A.S(element), null));
get$length(_) {
return A._lateReadCheck(this.__SetBuilder__set, "_set")._collection$_length;
map$1(_, f) {
var result, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti;
result = _this._createSet$0();
t2 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetBuilder__set, "_set");
t3 = t1._precomputed1;
t4 = A._instanceType(t2);
result.addAll$1(0, new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t2, t4._bind$1(t3)._eval$1("1(2)")._as(f), t4._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t3)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>")));
get$_safeSet() {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._setOwner != null) {
t1 = _this._createSet$0();
t1.addAll$1(0, A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetBuilder__set, "_set"));
return A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetBuilder__set, "_set");
_createSet$0() {
return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(this.$ti._precomputed1);
_maybeCheckElements$1(elements) {
var t2,
t1 = this.$ti;
if (!(!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !t1._precomputed1._is(null)))
for (t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(elements, elements._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(elements)._precomputed1), t1 = t1._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();)
if (t1._as(t2._collection$_current) == null)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("null element", null));
set$__SetBuilder__set(__SetBuilder__set) {
this.__SetBuilder__set = this.$ti._eval$1("Set<1>")._as(__SetBuilder__set);
set$_setOwner(_setOwner) {
this._setOwner = this.$ti._eval$1("_BuiltSet<1>?")._as(_setOwner);
A.BuiltSetMultimap.prototype = {
get$hashCode(_) {
var t2, _this = this,
t1 = _this._set_multimap$_hashCode;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = _this._set_multimap$_map;
t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
t2 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, t2._eval$1("int(Iterable.E)")._as(new A.BuiltSetMultimap_hashCode_closure(_this)), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.int);
t2 = A.List_List$of(t2, false, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
t2 = _this._set_multimap$_hashCode = A.hashObjects(t2);
t1 = t2;
return t1;
$eq(_, other) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, key, result, t6, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.BuiltSetMultimap))
return false;
t1 = other._set_multimap$_map;
t2 = _this._set_multimap$_map;
if (t1.get$length(t1) !== t2.get$length(t2))
return false;
if (other.get$hashCode(other) != _this.get$hashCode(_this))
return false;
for (t3 = _this.get$keys(_this), t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3), t4 = other._emptySet, t5 = _this._emptySet; t3.moveNext$0();) {
key = t3.get$current(t3);
result = t1.$index(0, key);
t6 = result == null ? t4 : result;
result = t2.$index(0, key);
if (!t6.$eq(0, result == null ? t5 : result))
return false;
return true;
toString$0(_) {
return A.MapBase_mapToString(this._set_multimap$_map);
$index(_, key) {
var result = this._set_multimap$_map.$index(0, key);
return result == null ? this._emptySet : result;
get$keys(_) {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._set_multimap$_keys == null) {
t1 = _this._set_multimap$_map;
t1 = _this._set_multimap$_keys;
return t1;
get$length(_) {
var t1 = this._set_multimap$_map;
return t1.get$length(t1);
set$_set_multimap$_keys(_keys) {
this._set_multimap$_keys = this.$ti._eval$1("Iterable<1>?")._as(_keys);
A.BuiltSetMultimap_hashCode_closure.prototype = {
call$1(key) {
var t2,
t1 = this.$this;
t2 = J.get$hashCode$(key);
t1 = J.get$hashCode$(t1._set_multimap$_map.$index(0, key));
return A._finish(A._combine(A._combine(0, J.get$hashCode$(t2)), J.get$hashCode$(t1)));
$signature() {
return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("int(1)");
A._BuiltSetMultimap.prototype = {};
A.SetMultimapBuilder.prototype = {
build$0() {
var t1, key, t2, builtSet, t3, _this = this,
_s11_ = "_builderMap",
_s9_ = "_builtMap";
if (_this._builtMapOwner == null) {
for (t1 = J.get$keys$x(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_)), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
t2 = J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_), key);
if (t2._setOwner == null)
t2.set$_setOwner(new A._BuiltSet(t2._setFactory, A._lateReadCheck(t2.__SetBuilder__set, "_set"), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("_BuiltSet<1>")));
builtSet = t2._setOwner;
t2 = builtSet._set$_set._collection$_length;
t3 = _this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap;
if (t2 === 0)
J.remove$1$x(A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s9_), key);
J.$indexSet$ax(A._lateReadCheck(t3, _s9_), key, builtSet);
t1 = _this.$ti;
t2 = t1._rest[1];
_this.set$_builtMapOwner(new A._BuiltSetMultimap(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap, _s9_), A.BuiltSet_BuiltSet$from(B.List_empty0, t2), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2)._eval$1("_BuiltSetMultimap<1,2>")));
t1 = _this._builtMapOwner;
return t1;
replace$1(_, multimap) {
this._setWithCopyAndCheck$2(multimap.get$keys(multimap), new A.SetMultimapBuilder_replace_closure(multimap));
_getValuesBuilder$1(key) {
var result, builtValues, _this = this,
_s11_ = "_builderMap",
t1 = _this.$ti;
result = J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_), key);
if (result == null) {
builtValues = J.$index$asx(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap, "_builtMap"), key);
if (builtValues == null)
result = A.SetBuilder_SetBuilder(t1._rest[1]);
else {
t1 = builtValues.$ti;
result = new A.SetBuilder(builtValues._setFactory, builtValues._set$_set, builtValues, t1._eval$1("SetBuilder<1>"));
J.$indexSet$ax(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap, _s11_), key, result);
return result;
_setWithCopyAndCheck$2(keys, lookup) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, key, t7, value, t8, t9, _this = this, _null = null;
t1 = _this.$ti;
t2 = t1._precomputed1;
t3 = t1._eval$1("BuiltSet<2>");
t4 = t1._eval$1("Map<1,BuiltSet<2>>");
_this.set$__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap(t4._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t3)));
_this.set$__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap(t1._eval$1("Map<1,SetBuilder<2>>")._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t1._eval$1("SetBuilder<2>"))));
for (t5 = J.get$iterator$ax(keys), t6 = type$.Iterable_dynamic, t1 = t1._rest[1]; t5.moveNext$0();) {
key = t5.get$current(t5);
if (t2._is(key))
for (t7 = J.get$iterator$ax(t6._as($1(key))); t7.moveNext$0();) {
value = t7.get$current(t7);
if (t1._is(value)) {
if (_this._builtMapOwner != null) {
_this.set$__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap(t4._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap, "_builtMap"), t2, t3)));
t8 = _this._getValuesBuilder$1(key);
t9 = t8.$ti._precomputed1;
if (!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !t9._is(null))
if (value == null)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("null element", _null));
t8.get$_safeSet().add$1(0, value);
} else
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("map contained invalid value: " + A.S(value) + ", for key " + A.S(key), _null));
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("map contained invalid key: " + A.S(key), _null));
_set_multimap$_checkKey$1(key) {
var t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1;
if ($.$get$isSoundMode())
if (t1._is(null))
if (key == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("invalid key: " + A.S(key), null));
_set_multimap$_checkValue$1(value) {
var t1 = this.$ti._rest[1];
if ($.$get$isSoundMode())
if (t1._is(null))
if (value == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("invalid value: " + A.S(value), null));
set$__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap(__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap) {
this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap = this.$ti._eval$1("Map<1,BuiltSet<2>>")._as(__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap);
set$_builtMapOwner(_builtMapOwner) {
this._builtMapOwner = this.$ti._eval$1("_BuiltSetMultimap<1,2>?")._as(_builtMapOwner);
set$__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap(__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap) {
this.__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap = this.$ti._eval$1("Map<1,SetBuilder<2>>")._as(__SetMultimapBuilder__builderMap);
A.SetMultimapBuilder_replace_closure.prototype = {
call$1(k) {
return this.multimap.$index(0, k);
$signature: 1
A.EnumClass.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
A.newBuiltValueToStringHelper_closure.prototype = {
call$1(className) {
var t1 = new A.StringBuffer("");
t1._contents = className;
t1._contents = className + " {\n";
$._indentingBuiltValueToStringHelperIndent = $._indentingBuiltValueToStringHelperIndent + 2;
return new A.IndentingBuiltValueToStringHelper(t1);
$signature: 45
A.IndentingBuiltValueToStringHelper.prototype = {
add$2(_, field, value) {
var t1, t2;
if (value != null) {
t1 = this._result;
t2 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", $._indentingBuiltValueToStringHelperIndent);
t2 += field;
t1._contents = t2;
t1._contents = t2 + "=";
t2 = t1._contents += A.S(value);
t1._contents = t2 + ",\n";
toString$0(_) {
var t2, stringResult,
t1 = $._indentingBuiltValueToStringHelperIndent - 2;
$._indentingBuiltValueToStringHelperIndent = t1;
t2 = this._result;
t1 = t2._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", t1);
t2._contents = t1 + "}";
stringResult = J.toString$0$(this._result);
this._result = null;
return stringResult;
A.BuiltValueNullFieldError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = this.field;
return 'Tried to construct class "' + this.type + '" with null field "' + t1 + '". This is forbidden; to allow it, mark "' + t1 + '" with @nullable.';
A.BuiltValueNestedFieldError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return 'Tried to build class "' + this.type + '" but nested builder for field "' + A.S(this.field) + '" threw: ' + A.S(this.error);
A.JsonObject.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return J.toString$0$(this.get$value(this));
A.BoolJsonObject.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.BoolJsonObject))
return false;
return this.value === other.value;
get$hashCode(_) {
return B.JSBool_methods.get$hashCode(this.value);
get$value(receiver) {
return this.value;
A.ListJsonObject.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.ListJsonObject))
return false;
return B.C_DeepCollectionEquality.equals$2(this.value, other.value);
get$hashCode(_) {
return B.C_DeepCollectionEquality.hash$1(0, this.value);
get$value(receiver) {
return this.value;
A.MapJsonObject.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.MapJsonObject))
return false;
return B.C_DeepCollectionEquality.equals$2(this.value, other.value);
get$hashCode(_) {
return B.C_DeepCollectionEquality.hash$1(0, this.value);
get$value(receiver) {
return this.value;
A.NumJsonObject.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.NumJsonObject))
return false;
return this.value === other.value;
get$hashCode(_) {
return B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(this.value);
get$value(receiver) {
return this.value;
A.StringJsonObject.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.StringJsonObject))
return false;
return this.value === other.value;
get$hashCode(_) {
return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.value);
get$value(receiver) {
return this.value;
A.Serializers_Serializers_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(B.List_empty0, type$.Object);
$signature: 46
A.Serializers_Serializers_closure0.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = type$.Object;
return A.ListMultimapBuilder_ListMultimapBuilder(t1, t1);
$signature: 47
A.Serializers_Serializers_closure1.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = type$.Object;
return A.MapBuilder_MapBuilder(t1, t1);
$signature: 48
A.Serializers_Serializers_closure2.prototype = {
call$0() {
return A.SetBuilder_SetBuilder(type$.Object);
$signature: 49
A.Serializers_Serializers_closure3.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = type$.Object;
return A.SetMultimapBuilder_SetMultimapBuilder(t1, t1);
$signature: 50
A.FullType.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, i, t5, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof A.FullType))
return false;
if (_this.root != other.root)
return false;
if (_this.nullable !== other.nullable)
return false;
t1 = _this.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
t3 = other.parameters;
t4 = t3.length;
if (t2 !== t4)
return false;
for (i = 0; i !== t2; ++i) {
if (!(i < t2))
return A.ioore(t1, i);
t5 = t1[i];
if (!(i < t4))
return A.ioore(t3, i);
if (!t5.$eq(0, t3[i]))
return false;
return true;
get$hashCode(_) {
var t1 = A.hashObjects(this.parameters);
t1 = A._finish(A._combine(A._combine(0, J.get$hashCode$(this.root)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t1)));
return t1 ^ (this.nullable ? 1768878041 : 0);
toString$0(_) {
var t2,
t1 = this.root;
if (t1 == null)
t1 = "unspecified";
else {
t2 = this.parameters;
t1 = t2.length === 0 ? A.FullType__getRawName(t1) : A.FullType__getRawName(t1) + "<" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ") + ">";
t1 += this.nullable ? "?" : "";
return t1;
A.DeserializationError.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "Deserializing '" + this.json + "' to '" + this.type.toString$0(0) + "' failed due to: " + this.error.toString$0(0);
A.BigIntSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, bigInt, specifiedType) {
return type$.BigInt._as(bigInt).toString$0(0);
serialize$2(serializers, bigInt) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, bigInt, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var result;
result = A._BigIntImpl__tryParse(serialized, null);
if (result == null)
A.throwExpression(A.FormatException$("Could not parse BigInt", serialized, null));
return result;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "BigInt";
A.BoolSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, boolean, specifiedType) {
return A._asBoolS(boolean);
serialize$2(serializers, boolean) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, boolean, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A._asBoolS(serialized);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "bool";
A.BuiltJsonSerializers.prototype = {
serialize$2$specifiedType(object, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, t3, transformedObject, result;
for (t1 = this.serializerPlugins._list, t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"), t3 = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t2), transformedObject = object; t3.moveNext$0();)
transformedObject = t3.__interceptors$_current.beforeSerialize$2(transformedObject, specifiedType);
result = this._serialize$2(transformedObject, specifiedType);
for (t1 = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t2); t1.moveNext$0();)
result = t1.__interceptors$_current.afterSerialize$2(result, specifiedType);
return result;
serialize$1(object) {
return this.serialize$2$specifiedType(object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
_serialize$2(object, specifiedType) {
var serializer, result, _this = this,
_s62_ = string$.serial,
t1 = specifiedType.root;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = J.getInterceptor$(object);
serializer = _this.serializerForType$1(t1.get$runtimeType(object));
if (serializer == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No serializer for '" + t1.get$runtimeType(object).toString$0(0) + "'."));
if (type$.StructuredSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer)) {
result = [serializer.get$wireName()];
B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(result, serializer.serialize$2(_this, object));
return result;
} else if (type$.PrimitiveSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer))
return object == null ? [serializer.get$wireName(), null] : A._setArrayType([serializer.get$wireName(), serializer.serialize$2(_this, object)], type$.JSArray_Object);
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(_s62_));
} else {
serializer = _this.serializerForType$1(t1);
if (serializer == null)
return _this.serialize$1(object);
if (type$.StructuredSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer))
return object == null ? null : J.toList$0$ax(serializer.serialize$3$specifiedType(_this, object, specifiedType));
else if (type$.PrimitiveSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer))
return object == null ? null : serializer.serialize$3$specifiedType(_this, object, specifiedType);
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(_s62_));
deserialize$2$specifiedType(object, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, t3, transformedObject, result;
for (t1 = this.serializerPlugins._list, t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"), t3 = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t2), transformedObject = object; t3.moveNext$0();)
transformedObject = t3.__interceptors$_current.beforeDeserialize$2(transformedObject, specifiedType);
result = this._deserialize$3(object, transformedObject, specifiedType);
for (t1 = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t2); t1.moveNext$0();)
result = t1.__interceptors$_current.afterDeserialize$2(result, specifiedType);
return result;
deserialize$1(object) {
return this.deserialize$2$specifiedType(object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
_deserialize$3(objectBeforePlugins, object, specifiedType) {
var serializer, error, primitive, error0, serializer0, error1, error2, wireName, exception, _this = this,
_s19_ = "No serializer for '",
_s62_ = string$.serial,
t1 = specifiedType.root;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(object);
wireName = A._asStringS(t1.get$first(object));
serializer = _this._wireNameToSerializer._map$_map.$index(0, wireName);
if (serializer == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(_s19_ + A.S(wireName) + "'."));
if (type$.StructuredSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer))
try {
t1 = serializer.deserialize$2(_this, t1.sublist$1(object, 1));
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
if (type$.Error._is(t1)) {
error = t1;
throw A.wrapException(A.DeserializationError_DeserializationError(object, specifiedType, error));
} else
throw exception;
else if (type$.PrimitiveSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer))
try {
primitive = t1.$index(object, 1);
t1 = primitive == null ? null : serializer.deserialize$2(_this, primitive);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
if (type$.Error._is(t1)) {
error0 = t1;
throw A.wrapException(A.DeserializationError_DeserializationError(object, specifiedType, error0));
} else
throw exception;
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(_s62_));
} else {
serializer0 = _this.serializerForType$1(t1);
if (serializer0 == null)
if (type$.List_dynamic._is(object) && typeof J.get$first$ax(object) == "string")
return _this.deserialize$1(objectBeforePlugins);
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(_s19_ + t1.toString$0(0) + "'."));
if (type$.StructuredSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer0))
try {
t1 = object == null ? null : serializer0.deserialize$3$specifiedType(_this, type$.Iterable_nullable_Object._as(object), specifiedType);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
if (type$.Error._is(t1)) {
error1 = t1;
throw A.wrapException(A.DeserializationError_DeserializationError(object, specifiedType, error1));
} else
throw exception;
else if (type$.PrimitiveSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer0))
try {
t1 = object == null ? null : serializer0.deserialize$3$specifiedType(_this, object, specifiedType);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
if (type$.Error._is(t1)) {
error2 = t1;
throw A.wrapException(A.DeserializationError_DeserializationError(object, specifiedType, error2));
} else
throw exception;
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(_s62_));
serializerForType$1(type) {
var t1 = this._typeToSerializer._map$_map.$index(0, type);
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = A._getRawName(type);
t1 = this._typeNameToSerializer._map$_map.$index(0, t1);
return t1;
newBuilder$1(fullType) {
var builderFactory = this.builderFactories._map$_map.$index(0, fullType);
if (builderFactory == null) {
expectBuilder$1(fullType) {
if (!this.builderFactories._map$_map.containsKey$1(0, fullType)) {
_throwMissingBuilderFactory$1(fullType) {
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No builder factory for " + fullType.toString$0(0) + ". Fix by adding one, see SerializersBuilder.addBuilderFactory."));
$isSerializers: 1
A.BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder.prototype = {
add$1(_, serializer) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, $name, genericsStart, t7;
if (!type$.StructuredSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer) && !type$.PrimitiveSerializer_dynamic._is(serializer))
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(string$.serial, null));
this._wireNameToSerializer.$indexSet(0, serializer.get$wireName(), serializer);
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(serializer.get$types(serializer)), t2 = this._typeToSerializer, t3 = t2.$ti, t4 = t3._precomputed1, t3 = t3._rest[1], t5 = this._typeNameToSerializer; t1.moveNext$0();) {
t6 = t1.get$current(t1);
t2.get$_safeMap().$indexSet(0, t6, serializer);
$name = J.toString$0$(t6);
genericsStart = J.indexOf$1$s($name, "<");
t6 = genericsStart === -1 ? $name : B.JSString_methods.substring$2($name, 0, genericsStart);
t7 = t5.$ti;
t5.get$_safeMap().$indexSet(0, t6, serializer);
addBuilderFactory$2(types, $function) {
var t2, t3,
t1 = this._builderFactories;
t1.$indexSet(0, types, $function);
t2 = types.root;
t3 = types.parameters;
t1.$indexSet(0, !types.nullable ? new A.FullType(t2, t3, true) : new A.FullType(t2, t3, false), $function);
build$0() {
var _this = this;
return new A.BuiltJsonSerializers($0(),$0(),$0(),$0(),$0());
A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtListMultimap, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, t3, keyType, valueType, result, key, result0, t4, t5, t6, t7;
if (!(specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0))
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
t3 = t2 === 0;
if (t3)
keyType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
keyType = t1[0];
if (t3)
valueType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (1 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 1);
valueType = t1[1];
result = [];
for (t1 = builtListMultimap.get$keys(builtListMultimap), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = builtListMultimap._list_multimap$_map, t3 = builtListMultimap._emptyList; t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
result.push(serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(key, keyType));
result0 = t2.$index(0, key);
t4 = result0 == null ? t3 : result0;
t5 = t4._list;
t6 = A._arrayInstanceType(t5);
t7 = t6._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Object?>");
result.push(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t5, t6._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(t4.$ti._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(new A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure(serializers, valueType))), t7), true, t7._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
return result;
serialize$2(serializers, builtListMultimap) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtListMultimap, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var isUnderspecified, t2, t3, t4, keyType, valueType, result, i, key, values, value, t5, t6, t7, _null = null,
t1 = type$.Iterable_nullable_Object;
isUnderspecified = specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0;
t2 = specifiedType.parameters;
t3 = t2.length;
t4 = t3 === 0;
if (t4)
keyType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t3)
return A.ioore(t2, 0);
keyType = t2[0];
if (t4)
valueType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (1 >= t3)
return A.ioore(t2, 1);
valueType = t2[1];
if (isUnderspecified) {
t2 = type$.Object;
result = A.ListMultimapBuilder_ListMultimapBuilder(t2, t2);
} else
result = type$.ListMultimapBuilder_dynamic_dynamic._as(serializers.newBuilder$1(specifiedType));
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(serialized);
if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2.get$length(serialized), 2) === 1)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("odd length", _null));
for (t3 = type$.nullable_Object, i = 0; i !== t2.get$length(serialized); i += 2) {
key = serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(t2.elementAt$1(serialized, i), keyType);
values =$1$1$ax(t1._as(t2.elementAt$1(serialized, i + 1)), new A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure(serializers, valueType), t3);
for (t4 = values.get$iterator(values); t4.moveNext$0();) {
value = t4.get$current(t4);
t5 = result.$ti;
t6 = t5._precomputed1;
if (result._list_multimap$_builtMapOwner != null) {
result.set$__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap(t5._eval$1("Map<1,BuiltList<2>>")._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(A._lateReadCheck(result.__ListMultimapBuilder__builtMap, "_builtMap"), t6, t5._eval$1("BuiltList<2>"))));
t5 = result._list_multimap$_getValuesBuilder$1(key);
t6 = t5.$ti;
t7 = t6._precomputed1;
if (!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !t7._is(null))
if (value == null)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("null element", _null));
if (t5._listOwner != null) {
t5.set$__ListBuilder__list(t6._eval$1("List<1>")._as(A.List_List$from(A._lateReadCheck(t5.__ListBuilder__list, "_list"), true, t7)));
J.add$1$ax(A._lateReadCheck(t5.__ListBuilder__list, "_list"), value);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "listMultimap";
A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(value) {
return this.serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(value, this.valueType);
$signature: 3
A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(value) {
return this.serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, this.valueType);
$signature: 27
A.BuiltListSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtList, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, elementType;
if (!(specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0))
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
if (t2 === 0)
elementType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
elementType = t1[0];
t1 = builtList._list;
t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, t2._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(builtList.$ti._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(new A.BuiltListSerializer_serialize_closure(serializers, elementType))), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Object?>"));
serialize$2(serializers, builtList) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtList, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var isUnderspecified, t1, t2, elementType, result;
isUnderspecified = specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0;
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
if (t2 === 0)
elementType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
elementType = t1[0];
result = isUnderspecified ? A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(B.List_empty0, type$.Object) : type$.ListBuilder_dynamic._as(serializers.newBuilder$1(specifiedType));
result.replace$1(0,$1$1$ax(serialized, new A.BuiltListSerializer_deserialize_closure(serializers, elementType), type$.dynamic));
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "list";
A.BuiltListSerializer_serialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(item) {
return this.serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(item, this.elementType);
$signature: 3
A.BuiltListSerializer_deserialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(item) {
return this.serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(item, this.elementType);
$signature: 3
A.BuiltMapSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtMap, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, t3, keyType, valueType, result, key;
if (!(specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0))
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
t3 = t2 === 0;
if (t3)
keyType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
keyType = t1[0];
if (t3)
valueType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (1 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 1);
valueType = t1[1];
result = [];
for (t1 = builtMap.get$keys(builtMap), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = builtMap._map$_map; t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
result.push(serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(key, keyType));
result.push(serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(t2.$index(0, key), valueType));
return result;
serialize$2(serializers, builtMap) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtMap, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var isUnderspecified, t1, t2, t3, keyType, valueType, result, i, key, value;
isUnderspecified = specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0;
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
t3 = t2 === 0;
if (t3)
keyType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
keyType = t1[0];
if (t3)
valueType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (1 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 1);
valueType = t1[1];
if (isUnderspecified) {
t1 = type$.Object;
result = A.MapBuilder_MapBuilder(t1, t1);
} else
result = type$.MapBuilder_dynamic_dynamic._as(serializers.newBuilder$1(specifiedType));
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(serialized);
if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1.get$length(serialized), 2) === 1)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("odd length", null));
for (i = 0; i !== t1.get$length(serialized); i += 2) {
key = serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(t1.elementAt$1(serialized, i), keyType);
value = serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(t1.elementAt$1(serialized, i + 1), valueType);
t2 = result.$ti;
result.get$_safeMap().$indexSet(0, key, value);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "map";
A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtSetMultimap, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, t3, keyType, valueType, result, key, result0, t4, t5, t6, t7;
if (!(specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0))
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
t3 = t2 === 0;
if (t3)
keyType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
keyType = t1[0];
if (t3)
valueType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (1 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 1);
valueType = t1[1];
result = [];
for (t1 = builtSetMultimap.get$keys(builtSetMultimap), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = builtSetMultimap._set_multimap$_map, t3 = builtSetMultimap._emptySet; t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
result.push(serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(key, keyType));
result0 = t2.$index(0, key);
t4 = result0 == null ? t3 : result0;
t5 = t4._set$_set;
t6 = A._instanceType(t5);
t7 = t6._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,Object?>");
result.push(A.List_List$of(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t5, t6._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(t4.$ti._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(new A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure(serializers, valueType))), t7), true, t7._eval$1("Iterable.E")));
return result;
serialize$2(serializers, builtSetMultimap) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtSetMultimap, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var isUnderspecified, t2, t3, t4, keyType, valueType, result, i, key, value, t5,
t1 = type$.Iterable_dynamic;
isUnderspecified = specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0;
t2 = specifiedType.parameters;
t3 = t2.length;
t4 = t3 === 0;
if (t4)
keyType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t3)
return A.ioore(t2, 0);
keyType = t2[0];
if (t4)
valueType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (1 >= t3)
return A.ioore(t2, 1);
valueType = t2[1];
if (isUnderspecified) {
t2 = type$.Object;
result = A.SetMultimapBuilder_SetMultimapBuilder(t2, t2);
} else
result = type$.SetMultimapBuilder_dynamic_dynamic._as(serializers.newBuilder$1(specifiedType));
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(serialized);
if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2.get$length(serialized), 2) === 1)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("odd length", null));
for (i = 0; i !== t2.get$length(serialized); i += 2) {
key = serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(t2.elementAt$1(serialized, i), keyType);
for (t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._as($1$ax(t2.elementAt$1(serialized, i + 1), new A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure(serializers, valueType)))); t3.moveNext$0();) {
value = t3.get$current(t3);
t4 = result.$ti;
t5 = t4._precomputed1;
if (result._builtMapOwner != null) {
result.set$__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap(t4._eval$1("Map<1,BuiltSet<2>>")._as(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(A._lateReadCheck(result.__SetMultimapBuilder__builtMap, "_builtMap"), t5, t4._eval$1("BuiltSet<2>"))));
t4 = result._getValuesBuilder$1(key);
t5 = t4.$ti._precomputed1;
if (!$.$get$isSoundMode() && !t5._is(null))
if (value == null)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("null element", null));
t4.get$_safeSet().add$1(0, value);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "setMultimap";
A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(value) {
return this.serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(value, this.valueType);
$signature: 3
A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(value) {
return this.serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, this.valueType);
$signature: 3
A.BuiltSetSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtSet, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, elementType;
if (!(specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0))
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
if (t2 === 0)
elementType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
elementType = t1[0];
t1 = builtSet._set$_set;
t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t1, t2._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(builtSet.$ti._eval$1("Object?(1)")._as(new A.BuiltSetSerializer_serialize_closure(serializers, elementType))), t2._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,Object?>"));
serialize$2(serializers, builtSet) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, builtSet, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var isUnderspecified, t1, t2, elementType, result;
isUnderspecified = specifiedType.root == null || specifiedType.parameters.length === 0;
t1 = specifiedType.parameters;
t2 = t1.length;
if (t2 === 0)
elementType = B.FullType_null_List_empty_false;
else {
if (0 >= t2)
return A.ioore(t1, 0);
elementType = t1[0];
result = isUnderspecified ? A.SetBuilder_SetBuilder(type$.Object) : type$.SetBuilder_dynamic._as(serializers.newBuilder$1(specifiedType));
result.replace$1(0,$1$1$ax(serialized, new A.BuiltSetSerializer_deserialize_closure(serializers, elementType), type$.dynamic));
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "set";
A.BuiltSetSerializer_serialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(item) {
return this.serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(item, this.elementType);
$signature: 3
A.BuiltSetSerializer_deserialize_closure.prototype = {
call$1(item) {
return this.serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(item, this.elementType);
$signature: 3
A.DateTimeSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, dateTime, specifiedType) {
if (!dateTime.isUtc)
throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(dateTime, "dateTime", "Must be in utc for serialization."));
return 1000 * dateTime._value;
serialize$2(serializers, dateTime) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, dateTime, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var t2,
t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(A._asIntS(serialized) / 1000);
if (Math.abs(t1) <= 864e13)
t2 = false;
t2 = true;
if (t2)
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + t1, null));
A.checkNotNullable(true, "isUtc", type$.bool);
return new A.DateTime(t1, true);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "DateTime";
A.DoubleSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, aDouble, specifiedType) {
if (isNaN(aDouble))
return "NaN";
else if (aDouble == 1 / 0 || aDouble == -1 / 0)
return B.JSNumber_methods.get$isNegative(aDouble) ? "-INF" : "INF";
return aDouble;
serialize$2(serializers, aDouble) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, aDouble, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor$(serialized);
if (t1.$eq(serialized, "NaN"))
return 0 / 0;
else if (t1.$eq(serialized, "-INF"))
return -1 / 0;
else if (t1.$eq(serialized, "INF"))
return 1 / 0;
return A._asNumS(serialized);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "double";
A.DurationSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, duration, specifiedType) {
return type$.Duration._as(duration)._duration;
serialize$2(serializers, duration) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, duration, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return new A.Duration(A._asIntS(serialized));
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "Duration";
A.Int64Serializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, int64, specifiedType) {
return type$.Int64._as(int64)._toRadixString$1(10);
serialize$2(serializers, int64) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, int64, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A.Int64__parseRadix(A._asStringS(serialized), 10);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "Int64";
A.IntSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, integer, specifiedType) {
return A._asIntS(integer);
serialize$2(serializers, integer) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, integer, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A._asIntS(serialized);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "int";
A.JsonObjectSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, jsonObject, specifiedType) {
return jsonObject.get$value(jsonObject);
serialize$2(serializers, jsonObject) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, jsonObject, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A.JsonObject_JsonObject(serialized);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "JsonObject";
A.NullSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, value, specifiedType) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
serialize$2(serializers, value) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, value, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "Null";
A.NumSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, number, specifiedType) {
if (isNaN(number))
return "NaN";
else if (number == 1 / 0 || number == -1 / 0)
return B.JSNumber_methods.get$isNegative(number) ? "-INF" : "INF";
return number;
serialize$2(serializers, number) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, number, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor$(serialized);
if (t1.$eq(serialized, "NaN"))
return 0 / 0;
else if (t1.$eq(serialized, "-INF"))
return -1 / 0;
else if (t1.$eq(serialized, "INF"))
return 1 / 0;
return A._asNumS(serialized);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "num";
A.RegExpSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, value, specifiedType) {
return type$.RegExp._as(value).pattern;
serialize$2(serializers, value) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, value, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A.RegExp_RegExp(A._asStringS(serialized), true, false);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "RegExp";
A.StringSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, string, specifiedType) {
return A._asStringS(string);
serialize$2(serializers, string) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, string, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A._asStringS(serialized);
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "String";
A.UriSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, uri, specifiedType) {
return type$.Uri._as(uri).toString$0(0);
serialize$2(serializers, uri) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, uri, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A.Uri_parse(A._asStringS(serialized));
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types(receiver) {
return this.types;
get$wireName() {
return "Uri";
A.DefaultEquality.prototype = {$isEquality: 1};
A.IterableEquality.prototype = {
equals$2(elements1, elements2) {
var it1, it2, hasNext,
t1 = this.$ti._eval$1("Iterable<1>?");
if (elements1 === elements2)
return true;
it1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements1);
it2 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements2);
for (t1 = this._elementEquality; true;) {
hasNext = it1.moveNext$0();
if (hasNext !== it2.moveNext$0())
return false;
if (!hasNext)
return true;
if (!t1.equals$2(it1.get$current(it1), it2.get$current(it2)))
return false;
hash$1(_, elements) {
var t1, t2, hash, c;
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements), t2 = this._elementEquality, hash = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
c = t2.hash$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
if (typeof c !== "number")
return A.iae(c);
hash = hash + c & 2147483647;
hash = hash + (hash << 10 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
hash ^= hash >>> 6;
hash = hash + (hash << 3 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + (hash << 15 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
$isEquality: 1
A.ListEquality.prototype = {
equals$2(list1, list2) {
var $length, t2, t3, i,
t1 = this.$ti._eval$1("List<1>?");
if (list1 === list2)
return true;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list1);
$length = t1.get$length(list1);
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list2);
if ($length !== t2.get$length(list2))
return false;
for (t3 = this._elementEquality, i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (!t3.equals$2(t1.$index(list1, i), t2.$index(list2, i)))
return false;
return true;
hash$1(_, list) {
var t1, t2, hash, i, c;
for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list), t2 = this._elementEquality, hash = 0, i = 0; i < t1.get$length(list); ++i) {
c = t2.hash$1(0, t1.$index(list, i));
if (typeof c !== "number")
return A.iae(c);
hash = hash + c & 2147483647;
hash = hash + (hash << 10 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
hash ^= hash >>> 6;
hash = hash + (hash << 3 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + (hash << 15 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
$isEquality: 1
A._UnorderedEquality.prototype = {
equals$2(elements1, elements2) {
var counts, $length, e, count,
t1 = A._instanceType(this),
t2 = t1._eval$1("_UnorderedEquality.T");
if (elements1 === elements2)
return true;
t2 = this._elementEquality;
counts = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1._eval$1("bool(_UnorderedEquality.E,_UnorderedEquality.E)")._as(t2.get$equals()), t1._eval$1("int(_UnorderedEquality.E)")._as(t2.get$hash(t2)), t2.get$isValidKey(), t1._eval$1("_UnorderedEquality.E"), type$.dynamic);
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements1), $length = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
e = t1.get$current(t1);
count = counts.$index(0, e);
counts.$indexSet(0, e, J.$add$ansx(count == null ? 0 : count, 1));
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements2); t1.moveNext$0();) {
e = t1.get$current(t1);
count = counts.$index(0, e);
if (count == null || J.$eq$(count, 0))
return false;
counts.$indexSet(0, e, J.$sub$n(count, 1));
return $length === 0;
hash$1(_, elements) {
var t1, t2, hash, c;
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements), t2 = this._elementEquality, hash = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
c = t2.hash$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
if (typeof c !== "number")
return A.iae(c);
hash = hash + c & 2147483647;
hash = hash + (hash << 3 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + (hash << 15 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
$isEquality: 1
A.SetEquality.prototype = {};
A._MapEntry.prototype = {
get$hashCode(_) {
var t1 = this.equality,
t2 = t1._keyEquality.hash$1(0, this.key);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return A.iae(t2);
t1 = t1._valueEquality.hash$1(0, this.value);
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return A.iae(t1);
return 3 * t2 + 7 * t1 & 2147483647;
$eq(_, other) {
var t1;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other instanceof A._MapEntry) {
t1 = this.equality;
t1 = t1._keyEquality.equals$2(this.key, other.key) && t1._valueEquality.equals$2(this.value, other.value);
} else
t1 = false;
return t1;
A.MapEquality.prototype = {
equals$2(map1, map2) {
var t2, equalElementCounts, t3, key, entry, count,
t1 = this.$ti._eval$1("Map<1,2>?");
if (map1 === map2)
return true;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(map1);
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(map2);
if (t1.get$length(map1) != t2.get$length(map2))
return false;
equalElementCounts = A.HashMap_HashMap(null, null, null, type$._MapEntry, type$.int);
for (t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(map1)); t3.moveNext$0();) {
key = t3.get$current(t3);
entry = new A._MapEntry(this, key, t1.$index(map1, key));
count = equalElementCounts.$index(0, entry);
equalElementCounts.$indexSet(0, entry, (count == null ? 0 : count) + 1);
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(map2)); t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1.get$current(t1);
entry = new A._MapEntry(this, key, t2.$index(map2, key));
count = equalElementCounts.$index(0, entry);
if (count == null || count === 0)
return false;
if (typeof count !== "number")
return count.$sub();
equalElementCounts.$indexSet(0, entry, count - 1);
return true;
hash$1(_, map) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, hash, key, keyHash, valueHash;
for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(map), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(map)), t3 = this._keyEquality, t4 = this._valueEquality, hash = 0; t2.moveNext$0();) {
key = t2.get$current(t2);
keyHash = t3.hash$1(0, key);
valueHash = t4.hash$1(0, t1.$index(map, key));
if (typeof keyHash !== "number")
return A.iae(keyHash);
if (typeof valueHash !== "number")
return A.iae(valueHash);
hash = hash + 3 * keyHash + 7 * valueHash & 2147483647;
hash = hash + (hash << 3 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
hash ^= hash >>> 11;
return hash + (hash << 15 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
$isEquality: 1
A.DeepCollectionEquality.prototype = {
equals$2(e1, e2) {
var _this = this,
t1 = type$.Set_dynamic;
if (t1._is(e1))
return t1._is(e2) && new A.SetEquality(_this, type$.SetEquality_dynamic).equals$2(e1, e2);
t1 = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic;
if (t1._is(e1))
return t1._is(e2) && new A.MapEquality(_this, _this, type$.MapEquality_dynamic_dynamic).equals$2(e1, e2);
t1 = type$.List_dynamic;
if (t1._is(e1))
return t1._is(e2) && new A.ListEquality(_this, type$.ListEquality_dynamic).equals$2(e1, e2);
t1 = type$.Iterable_dynamic;
if (t1._is(e1))
return t1._is(e2) && A.boolConversionCheck(new A.IterableEquality(_this, type$.IterableEquality_dynamic).equals$2(e1, e2));
return J.$eq$(e1, e2);
hash$1(_, o) {
var _this = this;
if (type$.Set_dynamic._is(o))
return new A.SetEquality(_this, type$.SetEquality_dynamic).hash$1(0, o);
if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(o))
return new A.MapEquality(_this, _this, type$.MapEquality_dynamic_dynamic).hash$1(0, o);
if (type$.List_dynamic._is(o))
return new A.ListEquality(_this, type$.ListEquality_dynamic).hash$1(0, o);
if (type$.Iterable_dynamic._is(o))
return new A.IterableEquality(_this, type$.IterableEquality_dynamic).hash$1(0, o);
return J.get$hashCode$(o);
isValidKey$1(o) {
return true;
$isEquality: 1
A.BuildStatus.prototype = {};
A.BuildResult.prototype = {};
A._$BuildStatusSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return type$.legacy_BuildStatus._as(object).name;
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return A._$valueOf(A._asStringS(serialized));
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isPrimitiveSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_Type_BuildStatus_ahk;
get$wireName() {
return "BuildStatus";
A._$BuildResultSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType(["status", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(type$.legacy_BuildResult._as(object).status, B.FullType_FuN)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var t1, key, value, t2, $$v, _$result,
result = new A.BuildResultBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (t1 = type$.legacy_BuildStatus; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "status":
t2 = t1._as(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_FuN));
$$v = result._build_result$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
result._status = $$v.status;
result._build_result$_$v = null;
result._status = t2;
_$result = result._build_result$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = result.get$_build_result$_$this()._status;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$("BuildResult", "status"));
_$result = new A._$BuildResult(t1);
return result._build_result$_$v = _$result;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_OHe;
get$wireName() {
return "BuildResult";
A._$BuildResult.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.BuildResult && this.status === other.status;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(0, A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.status)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("BuildResult"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "status", this.status);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.BuildResultBuilder.prototype = {
get$_build_result$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._build_result$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._status = $$v.status;
_this._build_result$_$v = null;
return _this;
A.ConnectRequest.prototype = {};
A._$ConnectRequestSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType(["appId", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.appId, B.FullType_h8g), "instanceId", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.instanceId, B.FullType_h8g), "entrypointPath", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.entrypointPath, B.FullType_h8g)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1,
result = new A.ConnectRequestBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "appId":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_$this()._appId = t1;
case "instanceId":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_$this()._instanceId = t1;
case "entrypointPath":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_$this()._entrypointPath = t1;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_ssp;
get$wireName() {
return "ConnectRequest";
A._$ConnectRequest.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
var _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.ConnectRequest && _this.appId === other.appId && _this.instanceId === other.instanceId && _this.entrypointPath === other.entrypointPath;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.appId)), B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.instanceId)), B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.entrypointPath)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("ConnectRequest"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "appId", this.appId);
t2.add$2(t1, "instanceId", this.instanceId);
t2.add$2(t1, "entrypointPath", this.entrypointPath);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.ConnectRequestBuilder.prototype = {
get$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._appId = $$v.appId;
_this._instanceId = $$v.instanceId;
_this._entrypointPath = $$v.entrypointPath;
_this._$v = null;
return _this;
build$0() {
var t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
_s14_ = "ConnectRequest",
_$result = _this._$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = _this.get$_$this()._appId;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s14_, "appId"));
t2 = _this.get$_$this()._instanceId;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s14_, "instanceId"));
t3 = _this.get$_$this()._entrypointPath;
if (t3 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s14_, "entrypointPath"));
_$result = new A._$ConnectRequest(t1, t2, t3);
return _this._$v = _$result;
A.DebugEvent.prototype = {};
A._$DebugEventSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType(["kind", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.kind, B.FullType_h8g), "eventData", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.eventData, B.FullType_h8g), "timestamp", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.timestamp, B.FullType_kjq)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1,
result = new A.DebugEventBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "kind":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_debug_event$_$this()._debug_event$_kind = t1;
case "eventData":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_debug_event$_$this()._eventData = t1;
case "timestamp":
t1 = A._asIntS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_kjq));
result.get$_debug_event$_$this()._timestamp = t1;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_Cpu;
get$wireName() {
return "DebugEvent";
A._$DebugEvent.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
var _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.DebugEvent && _this.kind === other.kind && _this.eventData === other.eventData && _this.timestamp === other.timestamp;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.kind)), B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.eventData)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.timestamp)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("DebugEvent"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "kind", this.kind);
t2.add$2(t1, "eventData", this.eventData);
t2.add$2(t1, "timestamp", this.timestamp);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.DebugEventBuilder.prototype = {
get$_debug_event$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._debug_event$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._debug_event$_kind = $$v.kind;
_this._eventData = $$v.eventData;
_this._timestamp = $$v.timestamp;
_this._debug_event$_$v = null;
return _this;
build$0() {
var t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
_s10_ = "DebugEvent",
_$result = _this._debug_event$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = _this.get$_debug_event$_$this()._debug_event$_kind;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s10_, "kind"));
t2 = _this.get$_debug_event$_$this()._eventData;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s10_, "eventData"));
t3 = _this.get$_debug_event$_$this()._timestamp;
if (t3 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s10_, "timestamp"));
_$result = new A._$DebugEvent(t1, t2, t3);
return _this._debug_event$_$v = _$result;
A.DevToolsRequest.prototype = {};
A.DevToolsResponse.prototype = {};
A._$DevToolsRequestSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
var result, value;
result = A._setArrayType(["appId", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.appId, B.FullType_h8g), "instanceId", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.instanceId, B.FullType_h8g)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
value = object.contextId;
if (value != null) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, "contextId");
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_kjq));
value = object.tabUrl;
if (value != null) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, "tabUrl");
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
return result;
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1,
result = new A.DevToolsRequestBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "appId":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._devtools_request$_appId = t1;
case "instanceId":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._devtools_request$_instanceId = t1;
case "contextId":
t1 = A._asIntS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_kjq));
result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._contextId = t1;
case "tabUrl":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._tabUrl = t1;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_BCG;
get$wireName() {
return "DevToolsRequest";
A._$DevToolsResponseSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
var result, value;
result = A._setArrayType(["success", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.success, B.FullType_MtR), "promptExtension", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.promptExtension, B.FullType_MtR)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
value = object.error;
if (value != null) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, "error");
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
return result;
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1, _$result, t2,
_s16_ = "DevToolsResponse",
result = new A.DevToolsResponseBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "success":
t1 = A._asBoolS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_MtR));
result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._success = t1;
case "promptExtension":
t1 = A._asBoolS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_MtR));
result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._promptExtension = t1;
case "error":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._error = t1;
_$result = result._devtools_request$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._success;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s16_, "success"));
t2 = result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._promptExtension;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s16_, "promptExtension"));
_$result = new A._$DevToolsResponse(t1, t2, result.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._error);
return result._devtools_request$_$v = _$result;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_41A;
get$wireName() {
return "DevToolsResponse";
A._$DevToolsRequest.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
var _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.DevToolsRequest && _this.appId === other.appId && _this.instanceId === other.instanceId && _this.contextId == other.contextId && _this.tabUrl == other.tabUrl;
get$hashCode(_) {
var _this = this;
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.appId)), B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.instanceId)), J.get$hashCode$(_this.contextId)), J.get$hashCode$(_this.tabUrl)));
toString$0(_) {
var _this = this,
t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("DevToolsRequest"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "appId", _this.appId);
t2.add$2(t1, "instanceId", _this.instanceId);
t2.add$2(t1, "contextId", _this.contextId);
t2.add$2(t1, "tabUrl", _this.tabUrl);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.DevToolsRequestBuilder.prototype = {
get$_devtools_request$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._devtools_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._devtools_request$_appId = $$v.appId;
_this._devtools_request$_instanceId = $$v.instanceId;
_this._contextId = $$v.contextId;
_this._tabUrl = $$v.tabUrl;
_this._devtools_request$_$v = null;
return _this;
build$0() {
var t1, t2, _this = this,
_s15_ = "DevToolsRequest",
_$result = _this._devtools_request$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = _this.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._devtools_request$_appId;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s15_, "appId"));
t2 = _this.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._devtools_request$_instanceId;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s15_, "instanceId"));
_$result = new A._$DevToolsRequest(t1, t2, _this.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._contextId, _this.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._tabUrl);
return _this._devtools_request$_$v = _$result;
A._$DevToolsResponse.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
var _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.DevToolsResponse && _this.success === other.success && _this.promptExtension === other.promptExtension && _this.error == other.error;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSBool_methods.get$hashCode(this.success)), B.JSBool_methods.get$hashCode(this.promptExtension)), J.get$hashCode$(this.error)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("DevToolsResponse"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "success", this.success);
t2.add$2(t1, "promptExtension", this.promptExtension);
t2.add$2(t1, "error", this.error);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.DevToolsResponseBuilder.prototype = {
get$_devtools_request$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._devtools_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._success = $$v.success;
_this._promptExtension = $$v.promptExtension;
_this._error = $$v.error;
_this._devtools_request$_$v = null;
return _this;
A.ErrorResponse.prototype = {};
A._$ErrorResponseSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType(["error", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.error, B.FullType_h8g), "stackTrace", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.stackTrace, B.FullType_h8g)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1, $$v, _$result, t2,
_s13_ = "ErrorResponse",
result = new A.ErrorResponseBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "error":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
$$v = result._error_response$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
result._error_response$_error = $$v.error;
result._error_response$_stackTrace = $$v.stackTrace;
result._error_response$_$v = null;
result._error_response$_error = t1;
case "stackTrace":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
$$v = result._error_response$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
result._error_response$_error = $$v.error;
result._error_response$_stackTrace = $$v.stackTrace;
result._error_response$_$v = null;
result._error_response$_stackTrace = t1;
_$result = result._error_response$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = result.get$_error_response$_$this()._error_response$_error;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s13_, "error"));
t2 = result.get$_error_response$_$this()._error_response$_stackTrace;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s13_, "stackTrace"));
_$result = new A._$ErrorResponse(t1, t2);
return result._error_response$_$v = _$result;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_gQA;
get$wireName() {
return "ErrorResponse";
A._$ErrorResponse.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.ErrorResponse && this.error === other.error && this.stackTrace === other.stackTrace;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.error)), B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.stackTrace)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("ErrorResponse"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "error", this.error);
t2.add$2(t1, "stackTrace", this.stackTrace);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.ErrorResponseBuilder.prototype = {
get$_error_response$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._error_response$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._error_response$_error = $$v.error;
_this._error_response$_stackTrace = $$v.stackTrace;
_this._error_response$_$v = null;
return _this;
A.ExtensionRequest.prototype = {};
A.ExtensionResponse.prototype = {};
A.ExtensionEvent.prototype = {};
A.BatchedEvents.prototype = {};
A._$ExtensionRequestSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
var result, value;
result = A._setArrayType(["id", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(, B.FullType_kjq), "command", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.command, B.FullType_h8g)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
value = object.commandParams;
if (value != null) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, "commandParams");
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
return result;
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1, _$result, t2,
_s16_ = "ExtensionRequest",
result = new A.ExtensionRequestBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "id":
t1 = A._asIntS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_kjq));
result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._id = t1;
case "command":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._command = t1;
case "commandParams":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._commandParams = t1;
_$result = result._extension_request$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._id;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s16_, "id"));
t2 = result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._command;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s16_, "command"));
_$result = new A._$ExtensionRequest(t1, t2, result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._commandParams);
return result._extension_request$_$v = _$result;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_evd;
get$wireName() {
return "ExtensionRequest";
A._$ExtensionResponseSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
var result, value;
result = A._setArrayType(["id", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(, B.FullType_kjq), "success", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.success, B.FullType_MtR), "result", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.result, B.FullType_h8g)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
value = object.error;
if (value != null) {
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, "error");
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(result, serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
return result;
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1, _$result, t2, t3,
_s17_ = "ExtensionResponse",
result = new A.ExtensionResponseBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "id":
t1 = A._asIntS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_kjq));
result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._id = t1;
case "success":
t1 = A._asBoolS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_MtR));
result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._extension_request$_success = t1;
case "result":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._extension_request$_result = t1;
case "error":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._extension_request$_error = t1;
_$result = result._extension_request$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._id;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s17_, "id"));
t2 = result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._extension_request$_success;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s17_, "success"));
t3 = result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._extension_request$_result;
if (t3 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s17_, "result"));
_$result = new A._$ExtensionResponse(t1, t2, t3, result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._extension_request$_error);
return result._extension_request$_$v = _$result;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_tQ0;
get$wireName() {
return "ExtensionResponse";
A._$ExtensionEventSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType(["params", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.params, B.FullType_h8g), "method", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.method, B.FullType_h8g)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1, $$v, _$result, t2,
_s14_ = "ExtensionEvent",
result = new A.ExtensionEventBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "params":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
$$v = result._extension_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
result._params = $$v.params;
result._extension_request$_method = $$v.method;
result._extension_request$_$v = null;
result._params = t1;
case "method":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
$$v = result._extension_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
result._params = $$v.params;
result._extension_request$_method = $$v.method;
result._extension_request$_$v = null;
result._extension_request$_method = t1;
_$result = result._extension_request$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._params;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s14_, "params"));
t2 = result.get$_extension_request$_$this()._extension_request$_method;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s14_, "method"));
_$result = new A._$ExtensionEvent(t1, t2);
return result._extension_request$_$v = _$result;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_pnF;
get$wireName() {
return "ExtensionEvent";
A._$BatchedEventsSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType(["events", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(type$.legacy_BatchedEvents._as(object).events, B.FullType_w24)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, key, value, $$v, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9,
result = new A.BatchedEventsBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (t1 = type$.legacy_BuiltList_legacy_Object, t2 = type$.legacy_ExtensionEvent, t3 = type$.List_legacy_ExtensionEvent, t4 = type$.ListBuilder_legacy_ExtensionEvent; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "events":
$$v = result._extension_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
t5 = $$;
t6 = t5.$ti;
t7 = new A.ListBuilder(t6._eval$1("ListBuilder<1>"));
t8 = t6._eval$1("_BuiltList<1>");
t9 = t6._eval$1("List<1>");
if (t8._is(t5)) {
} else {
t7.set$__ListBuilder__list(t9._as(A.List_List$from(t5, true, t6._precomputed1)));
result._extension_request$_$v = null;
t5 = result._events;
if (t5 == null) {
t5 = new A.ListBuilder(t4);
t5.set$__ListBuilder__list(t3._as(A.List_List$from(B.List_empty0, true, t2)));
t6 = t1._as(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_w24));
t7 = t5.$ti;
t8 = t7._eval$1("_BuiltList<1>");
t9 = t7._eval$1("List<1>");
if (t8._is(t6)) {
} else {
t5.set$__ListBuilder__list(t9._as(A.List_List$from(t6, true, t7._precomputed1)));
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_w8N;
get$wireName() {
return "BatchedEvents";
A._$ExtensionRequest.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
var _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.ExtensionRequest && === && _this.command === other.command && _this.commandParams == other.commandParams;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(, B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.command)), J.get$hashCode$(this.commandParams)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("ExtensionRequest"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "id",;
t2.add$2(t1, "command", this.command);
t2.add$2(t1, "commandParams", this.commandParams);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.ExtensionRequestBuilder.prototype = {
get$_extension_request$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._extension_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._id = $$;
_this._command = $$v.command;
_this._commandParams = $$v.commandParams;
_this._extension_request$_$v = null;
return _this;
A._$ExtensionResponse.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
var _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === _this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.ExtensionResponse && === && _this.success === other.success && _this.result === other.result && _this.error == other.error;
get$hashCode(_) {
var _this = this;
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(, B.JSBool_methods.get$hashCode(_this.success)), B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.result)), J.get$hashCode$(_this.error)));
toString$0(_) {
var _this = this,
t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("ExtensionResponse"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "id",;
t2.add$2(t1, "success", _this.success);
t2.add$2(t1, "result", _this.result);
t2.add$2(t1, "error", _this.error);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.ExtensionResponseBuilder.prototype = {
get$_extension_request$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._extension_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._id = $$;
_this._extension_request$_success = $$v.success;
_this._extension_request$_result = $$v.result;
_this._extension_request$_error = $$v.error;
_this._extension_request$_$v = null;
return _this;
A._$ExtensionEvent.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.ExtensionEvent && this.params === other.params && this.method === other.method;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.params)), B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.method)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("ExtensionEvent"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "params", this.params);
t2.add$2(t1, "method", this.method);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.ExtensionEventBuilder.prototype = {
get$_extension_request$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._extension_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._params = $$v.params;
_this._extension_request$_method = $$v.method;
_this._extension_request$_$v = null;
return _this;
A._$BatchedEvents.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.BatchedEvents && J.$eq$(,;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(0, J.get$hashCode$(;
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("BatchedEvents"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "events",;
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.BatchedEventsBuilder.prototype = {
get$events() {
var t1, _this = this,
$$v = _this._extension_request$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
t1 = $$;
_this.set$_events(A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(t1, t1.$ti._precomputed1));
_this._extension_request$_$v = null;
t1 = _this._events;
if (t1 == null) {
t1 = A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(B.List_empty0, type$.legacy_ExtensionEvent);
return t1;
build$0() {
var _$failedField, e, _$result0, t1, exception, t2, _this = this,
_s13_ = "BatchedEvents",
_$result = null;
try {
_$result0 = _this._extension_request$_$v;
if (_$result0 == null) {
t1 = _this.get$events().build$0();
_$result0 = new A._$BatchedEvents(t1);
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s13_, "events"));
_$result = _$result0;
} catch (exception) {
_$failedField = null;
try {
_$failedField = "events";
} catch (exception) {
e = A.unwrapException(exception);
t1 = _$failedField;
t2 = J.toString$0$(e);
throw A.wrapException(new A.BuiltValueNestedFieldError(_s13_, t1, t2));
throw exception;
t1 = type$.legacy_BatchedEvents._as(_$result);
if (t1 == null)
_this._extension_request$_$v = t1;
return _$result;
set$_events(_events) {
this._events = type$.legacy_ListBuilder_legacy_ExtensionEvent._as(_events);
A.IsolateExit.prototype = {};
A.IsolateStart.prototype = {};
A._$IsolateExitSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return new A.IsolateExitBuilder().build$0();
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_LT1;
get$wireName() {
return "IsolateExit";
A._$IsolateStartSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return new A.IsolateStartBuilder().build$0();
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_6TA;
get$wireName() {
return "IsolateStart";
A._$IsolateExit.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.IsolateExit;
get$hashCode(_) {
return 814065794;
toString$0(_) {
return J.toString$0$($.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("IsolateExit"));
A.IsolateExitBuilder.prototype = {
build$0() {
var _$result = this._isolate_events$_$v;
if (_$result == null)
_$result = new A._$IsolateExit();
return this._isolate_events$_$v = _$result;
A._$IsolateStart.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.IsolateStart;
get$hashCode(_) {
return 97463111;
toString$0(_) {
return J.toString$0$($.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("IsolateStart"));
A.IsolateStartBuilder.prototype = {
build$0() {
var _$result = this._isolate_events$_$v;
if (_$result == null)
_$result = new A._$IsolateStart();
return this._isolate_events$_$v = _$result;
A.RegisterEvent.prototype = {};
A._$RegisterEventSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType(["eventData", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.eventData, B.FullType_h8g), "timestamp", serializers.serialize$2$specifiedType(object.timestamp, B.FullType_kjq)], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
var key, value, t1, $$v,
result = new A.RegisterEventBuilder(),
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(type$.legacy_Iterable_legacy_Object._as(serialized));
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
key = A._asStringS(iterator.get$current(iterator));
value = iterator.get$current(iterator);
switch (key) {
case "eventData":
t1 = A._asStringS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_h8g));
$$v = result._register_event$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
result._register_event$_eventData = $$v.eventData;
result._register_event$_timestamp = $$v.timestamp;
result._register_event$_$v = null;
result._register_event$_eventData = t1;
case "timestamp":
t1 = A._asIntS(serializers.deserialize$2$specifiedType(value, B.FullType_kjq));
$$v = result._register_event$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
result._register_event$_eventData = $$v.eventData;
result._register_event$_timestamp = $$v.timestamp;
result._register_event$_$v = null;
result._register_event$_timestamp = t1;
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_42K;
get$wireName() {
return "RegisterEvent";
A._$RegisterEvent.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.RegisterEvent && this.eventData === other.eventData && this.timestamp === other.timestamp;
get$hashCode(_) {
return A.$jf(A.$jc(A.$jc(0, B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.eventData)), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.timestamp)));
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = $.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("RegisterEvent"),
t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t1);
t2.add$2(t1, "eventData", this.eventData);
t2.add$2(t1, "timestamp", this.timestamp);
return t2.toString$0(t1);
A.RegisterEventBuilder.prototype = {
get$_register_event$_$this() {
var _this = this,
$$v = _this._register_event$_$v;
if ($$v != null) {
_this._register_event$_eventData = $$v.eventData;
_this._register_event$_timestamp = $$v.timestamp;
_this._register_event$_$v = null;
return _this;
build$0() {
var t1, t2, _this = this,
_s13_ = "RegisterEvent",
_$result = _this._register_event$_$v;
if (_$result == null) {
t1 = _this.get$_register_event$_$this()._register_event$_eventData;
if (t1 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s13_, "eventData"));
t2 = _this.get$_register_event$_$this()._register_event$_timestamp;
if (t2 == null)
A.throwExpression(A.BuiltValueNullFieldError$(_s13_, "timestamp"));
_$result = new A._$RegisterEvent(t1, t2);
return _this._register_event$_$v = _$result;
A.RunRequest.prototype = {};
A._$RunRequestSerializer.prototype = {
serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, specifiedType) {
return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_legacy_Object);
serialize$2(serializers, object) {
return this.serialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, object, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, specifiedType) {
return new A._$RunRequest();
deserialize$2(serializers, serialized) {
return this.deserialize$3$specifiedType(serializers, serialized, B.FullType_null_List_empty_false);
$isSerializer: 1,
$isStructuredSerializer: 1,
get$types() {
return B.List_wsa;
get$wireName() {
return "RunRequest";
A._$RunRequest.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other === this)
return true;
return other instanceof A.RunRequest;
get$hashCode(_) {
return 248087772;
toString$0(_) {
return J.toString$0$($.$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper().call$1("RunRequest"));
A._$serializers_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return A.ListBuilder_ListBuilder(B.List_empty0, type$.legacy_ExtensionEvent);
$signature: 56
A.SocketClient.prototype = {};
A.SseSocketClient.prototype = {
get$sink() {
var t1 = this._sockets$_client._outgoingController;
return new A._StreamSinkWrapper(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_StreamSinkWrapper<1>"));
get$stream(_) {
var t1 = this._sockets$_client._incomingController;
return new A._ControllerStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>"));
A.WebSocketClient.prototype = {
get$sink() {
var t2,
t1 = this._channel,
value = t1.__HtmlWebSocketChannel_sink;
if (value === $) {
t2 = A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(t1._html$_controller.__StreamChannelController__foreign, "_foreign").__GuaranteeChannel__sink, "_sink");
A._lateInitializeOnceCheck(t1.__HtmlWebSocketChannel_sink, "sink");
value = t1.__HtmlWebSocketChannel_sink = new A._HtmlWebSocketSink(t1, t2);
return value;
get$stream(_) {
var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(this._channel._html$_controller.__StreamChannelController__foreign, "_foreign").__GuaranteeChannel__streamController, "_streamController"),
t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>");
return new A._MapStream(t2._eval$1("String*(Stream.T)")._as(new A.WebSocketClient_stream_closure()), new A._ControllerStream(t1, t2), t2._eval$1("_MapStream<Stream.T,String*>"));
A.WebSocketClient_stream_closure.prototype = {
call$1(o) {
return o == null ? null : J.toString$0$(o);
$signature: 57
A.Int64.prototype = {
$add(_, other) {
var o = A.Int64__promote(other),
sum0 = this._l + o._l,
sum1 = this._m + o._m + (sum0 >>> 22);
return new A.Int64(sum0 & 4194303, sum1 & 4194303, this._h + o._h + (sum1 >>> 22) & 1048575);
$sub(_, other) {
var o = A.Int64__promote(other);
return A.Int64__sub(this._l, this._m, this._h, o._l, o._m, o._h);
$eq(_, other) {
var o, _this = this;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (other instanceof A.Int64)
o = other;
else if (A._isInt(other)) {
if (_this._h === 0 && _this._m === 0)
return _this._l === other;
if ((other & 4194303) === other)
return false;
o = A.Int64_Int64(other);
} else
o = null;
if (o != null)
return _this._l === o._l && _this._m === o._m && _this._h === o._h;
return false;
compareTo$1(_, other) {
return this._compareTo$1(other);
_compareTo$1(other) {
var o = A.Int64__promote(other),
t1 = this._h,
signa = t1 >>> 19,
t2 = o._h;
if (signa !== t2 >>> 19)
return signa === 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (t1 > t2)
return 1;
else if (t1 < t2)
return -1;
t1 = this._m;
t2 = o._m;
if (t1 > t2)
return 1;
else if (t1 < t2)
return -1;
t1 = this._l;
t2 = o._l;
if (t1 > t2)
return 1;
else if (t1 < t2)
return -1;
return 0;
get$hashCode(_) {
var t1 = this._m;
return (((t1 & 1023) << 22 | this._l) ^ (this._h << 12 | t1 >>> 10 & 4095)) >>> 0;
toString$0(_) {
var d00, d10, sign,
d0 = this._l,
d1 = this._m,
d2 = this._h;
if ((d2 & 524288) !== 0) {
d0 = 0 - d0;
d00 = d0 & 4194303;
d1 = 0 - d1 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(d0, 22) & 1);
d10 = d1 & 4194303;
d2 = 0 - d2 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(d1, 22) & 1) & 1048575;
d1 = d10;
d0 = d00;
sign = "-";
} else
sign = "";
return A.Int64__toRadixStringUnsigned(10, d0, d1, d2, sign);
_toRadixString$1(radix) {
var d00, d10, sign,
d0 = this._l,
d1 = this._m,
d2 = this._h;
if ((d2 & 524288) !== 0) {
d0 = 0 - d0;
d00 = d0 & 4194303;
d1 = 0 - d1 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(d0, 22) & 1);
d10 = d1 & 4194303;
d2 = 0 - d2 - (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(d1, 22) & 1) & 1048575;
d1 = d10;
d0 = d00;
sign = "-";
} else
sign = "";
return A.Int64__toRadixStringUnsigned(radix, d0, d1, d2, sign);
$isComparable: 1
A.stronglyConnectedComponents_strongConnect.prototype = {
call$1(node) {
var t2, t3, lowLink, t4, t5, t6, next, t7, component, result, _this = this,
t1 = _this.T;
t2 = _this.indexes;
t3 = _this._box_0;
t2.$indexSet(0, node, t3.index);
lowLink = t3.index;
t4 = _this.lowLinks;
t4.$indexSet(0, node, lowLink);
t3 = _this.lastVisited;
t3._collection$_add$1(0, t3.$ti._precomputed1._as(node));
t5 = _this.onStack;
t5.add$1(0, node);
for (t6 = J.get$iterator$ax($1(node)); t6.moveNext$0();) {
next = t6.get$current(t6);
if (!t2.containsKey$1(0, next)) {$1(next);
t7 = t4.$index(0, next);
lowLink = Math.min(lowLink, A.checkNum(t7));
t4.$indexSet(0, node, lowLink);
} else if (t5.contains$1(0, next)) {
t7 = t2.$index(0, next);
lowLink = Math.min(lowLink, A.checkNum(t7));
t4.$indexSet(0, node, lowLink);
if (J.$eq$(t4.$index(0, node), t2.$index(0, node))) {
component = A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
t1 = _this.nonNullEquals;
do {
t2 = t3._head;
t4 = t3._tail;
if (t2 === t4)
t2 = t3._table;
t6 = t2.length;
t4 = (t4 - 1 & t6 - 1) >>> 0;
t3._tail = t4;
if (!(t4 >= 0 && t4 < t6))
return A.ioore(t2, t4);
result = t2[t4];
B.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(t2, t4, null);
t5.remove$1(0, result);
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(component, result);
} while (!A.boolConversionCheck($2(result, node)));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(_this.result, component);
$signature() {
return this.T._eval$1("~(0)");
A.Level.prototype = {
$eq(_, other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
return other instanceof A.Level && this.value === other.value;
compareTo$1(_, other) {
return this.value - type$.Level._as(other).value;
get$hashCode(_) {
return this.value;
toString$0(_) {
$isComparable: 1
A.LogRecord.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "[" + + "] " + this.loggerName + ": " + this.message;
A.Logger.prototype = {
get$fullName() {
var t1 = this.parent,
t2 = t1 == null ? null : !== 0,
t3 =;
return t2 === true ? t1.get$fullName() + "." + t3 : t3;
get$level(_) {
var t1, effectiveLevel;
if (this.parent == null) {
t1 = this._level;
effectiveLevel = t1;
} else {
t1 = $.$get$Logger_root()._level;
effectiveLevel = t1;
return effectiveLevel;
log$4(logLevel, message, error, stackTrace) {
var record, _this = this,
t1 = logLevel.value;
if (t1 >= _this.get$level(_this).value) {
if (t1 >= 2000) {
t1 = _this.get$fullName();;
$.LogRecord__nextNumber = $.LogRecord__nextNumber + 1;
record = new A.LogRecord(logLevel, message, t1);
if (_this.parent == null)
_publish$1(record) {
return null;
A.Logger_Logger_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var dot, $parent, t1,
thisName =;
if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(thisName, "."))
A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("name shouldn't start with a '.'", null));
dot = B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(thisName, ".");
if (dot === -1)
$parent = thisName !== "" ? A.Logger_Logger("") : null;
else {
$parent = A.Logger_Logger(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(thisName, 0, dot));
thisName = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(thisName, dot + 1);
t1 = new A.Logger(thisName, $parent, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Logger));
if ($parent == null)
t1._level = B.Level_INFO_800;
$parent._children.$indexSet(0, thisName, t1);
return t1;
$signature: 58
A.Pool.prototype = {
request$0(_) {
var t1, t2, _this = this;
if ((_this._closeMemo._completer.future._state & 30) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("request() may not be called on a closed Pool."));
t1 = _this._allocatedResources;
if (t1 < _this._maxAllocatedResources) {
_this._allocatedResources = t1 + 1;
return A.Future_Future$value(new A.PoolResource(_this), type$.PoolResource);
} else {
t1 = _this._onReleaseCallbacks;
if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
return _this._runOnRelease$1(t1.removeFirst$0());
else {
t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_PoolResource);
t2 = _this._requestedResources;
t2._collection$_add$1(0, t2.$ti._precomputed1._as(new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_PoolResource)));
return t1;
withResource$1$1(callback, $T) {
return this.withResource$body$Pool($T._eval$1("0/()")._as(callback), $T, $T);
withResource$body$Pool(callback, $T, $async$type) {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
$async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, resource, t1, t2;
var $async$withResource$1$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
$async$currentError = $async$result;
$async$goto = $async$handler;
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
if (($async$self._closeMemo._completer.future._state & 30) !== 0)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("withResource() may not be called on a closed Pool."));
$async$goto = 3;
return A._asyncAwait($async$self.request$0(0), $async$withResource$1$1);
case 3:
// returning from await.
resource = $async$result;
$async$handler = 4;
$async$goto = 7;
return A._asyncAwait($0(), $async$withResource$1$1);
case 7:
// returning from await.
t1 = $async$result;
$async$returnValue = t1;
$async$next = [1];
// goto finally
$async$goto = 5;
// goto finally
$async$goto = 5;
case 4:
// uncaught
$async$next = [2];
case 5:
// finally
$async$handler = 2;
t1 = resource;
if (t1._released)
A.throwExpression(A.StateError$("A PoolResource may only be released once."));
t1._released = true;
t1 = t1._pool;
t2 = t1._requestedResources;
if (!t2.get$isEmpty(t2))
t2.removeFirst$0().complete$1(0, new A.PoolResource(t1));
else {
t2 = --t1._allocatedResources;
if ((t1._closeMemo._completer.future._state & 30) !== 0 && t2 === 0)
// goto the next finally handler
$async$goto = $async$next.pop();
case 6:
// after finally
case 1:
// return
return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
case 2:
// rethrow
return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$withResource$1$1, $async$completer);
_runOnRelease$1(onRelease) {
var t1, t2;
A.Future_Future$sync(type$.dynamic_Function._as(onRelease), type$.dynamic).then$1$1(0, new A.Pool__runOnRelease_closure(this), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.Pool__runOnRelease_closure0(this));
t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_PoolResource);
t2 = this._onReleaseCompleters;
t2._collection$_add$1(0, t2.$ti._precomputed1._as(new A._SyncCompleter(t1, type$._SyncCompleter_PoolResource)));
return t1;
_resetTimer$0() {
var t2,
t1 = this._timer;
if (t1 == null)
t2 = this._requestedResources;
if (t2._head === t2._tail)
else {
t1._restartable_timer$_timer = A.Timer_Timer(t1._restartable_timer$_duration, t1._callback);
A.Pool__runOnRelease_closure.prototype = {
call$1(value) {
var t1 = this.$this;
J.complete$1$z(t1._onReleaseCompleters.removeFirst$0(), new A.PoolResource(t1));
$signature: 7
A.Pool__runOnRelease_closure0.prototype = {
call$2(error, stackTrace) {
this.$this._onReleaseCompleters.removeFirst$0().completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
$signature: 9
A.PoolResource.prototype = {};
A.SseClient.prototype = {
SseClient$1(serverUrl) {
var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
_s12_ = "_eventSource",
clientId = A.generateUuidV4(),
t1 = A.EventSource__factoryEventSource(serverUrl + "?sseClientId=" + clientId, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["withCredentials", true], type$.String, type$.dynamic));
_this.__SseClient__eventSource = t1;
_this.__SseClient__serverUrl = serverUrl + "?sseClientId=" + clientId;
t1 = new A._EventStream(A._lateReadCheck(t1, _s12_), "open", false, type$._EventStream_legacy_Event);
t1.get$first(t1).whenComplete$1(new A.SseClient_closure(_this));
t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SseClient__eventSource, _s12_);
(t1 && B.EventSource_methods).addEventListener$2(t1, "message", _this.get$_onIncomingMessage());
t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SseClient__eventSource, _s12_);
(t1 && B.EventSource_methods).addEventListener$2(t1, "control", _this.get$_onIncomingControlMessage());
t1 = A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SseClient__eventSource, _s12_);
t2 = type$.nullable_void_Function_legacy_Event;
t3 = t2._as(new A.SseClient_closure0(_this));
t4 = type$.legacy_Event;
A._EventStreamSubscription$(t1, "open", t3, false, t4);
A._EventStreamSubscription$(A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SseClient__eventSource, _s12_), "error", t2._as(new A.SseClient_closure1(_this)), false, t4);
close$0(_) {
var t1, _this = this;
A._lateReadCheck(_this.__SseClient__eventSource, "_eventSource").close();
if ((_this._onConnected.future._state & 30) === 0) {
t1 = _this._outgoingController;
new A._ControllerStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")).listen$2$cancelOnError(null, true).asFuture$1$1(null, type$.dynamic);
_onIncomingControlMessage$1(message) {
var data = new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(type$.MessageEvent._as(type$.Event._as(message)).data, true);
if (J.$eq$(data, "close"))
throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$('Illegal Control Message "' + A.S(data) + '"'));
_onIncomingMessage$1(message) {
this._incomingController.add$1(0, A._asStringS(B.C_JsonCodec.decode$2$reviver(0, A._asStringS(new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(type$.MessageEvent._as(type$.Event._as(message)).data, true)), null)));
_onOutgoingDone$0() {
_onOutgoingMessage$1(message) {
return this._onOutgoingMessage$body$SseClient(A._asStringQ(message));
_onOutgoingMessage$body$SseClient(message) {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic),
$async$self = this, t1;
var $async$_onOutgoingMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
t1 = {};
t1.encodedMessage = null;
$async$goto = 2;
return A._asyncAwait($.$get$_requestPool().withResource$1$1(new A.SseClient__onOutgoingMessage_closure(t1, $async$self, message), type$.Null), $async$_onOutgoingMessage$1);
case 2:
// returning from await.
// implicit return
return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$_onOutgoingMessage$1, $async$completer);
A.SseClient_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t2,
t1 = this.$this;
t2 = t1._outgoingController;
new A._ControllerStream(t2, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")).listen$2$onDone(t1.get$_onOutgoingMessage(), t1.get$_onOutgoingDone());
$signature: 2
A.SseClient_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(_) {
var t1 = this.$this._errorTimer;
if (t1 != null)
$signature: 5
A.SseClient_closure1.prototype = {
call$1(error) {
var t1 = this.$this,
t2 = t1._errorTimer;
t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.get$isActive();
if (t2 !== true)
t1._errorTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_5000000, new A.SseClient__closure(t1, error));
$signature: 5
A.SseClient__closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = this.$this,
t2 = this.error;
t1 = t1._onConnected;
if ((t1.future._state & 30) === 0)
$signature: 0
A.SseClient__onOutgoingMessage_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
$async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, e, e0, e1, exception, t1, $async$exception;
var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
$async$currentError = $async$result;
$async$goto = $async$handler;
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
try {
$async$self._box_0.encodedMessage = B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable($async$self.message, null);
} catch (exception) {
t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
if (t1 instanceof A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError) {
e = t1;
$async$self.$this._logger.log$4(B.Level_WARNING_900, "Unable to encode outgoing message: " + A.S(e), null, null);
} else if (t1 instanceof A.ArgumentError) {
e0 = t1;
$async$self.$this._logger.log$4(B.Level_WARNING_900, "Invalid argument: " + A.S(e0), null, null);
} else
throw exception;
$async$handler = 3;
t1 = $async$self.$this;
$async$goto = 6;
return A._asyncAwait(A.HttpRequest_request(A.S(A._lateReadCheck(t1.__SseClient__serverUrl, "_serverUrl")) + "&messageId=" + ++t1._lastMessageId, "POST", null, $async$self._box_0.encodedMessage, true), $async$call$0);
case 6:
// returning from await.
$async$handler = 1;
// goto after finally
$async$goto = 5;
case 3:
// catch
$async$handler = 2;
$async$exception = $async$currentError;
e1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
t1 = $async$self.$this;
t1._logger.log$4(B.Level_SEVERE_1000, "Failed to send " + A.S($async$self.message) + ":\n " + A.S(e1), null, null);
// goto after finally
$async$goto = 5;
case 2:
// uncaught
// goto rethrow
$async$goto = 1;
case 5:
// after finally
// implicit return
return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
case 1:
// rethrow
return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
$signature: 24
A.generateUuidV4__generateBits.prototype = {
call$1(bitCount) {
return this.random.nextInt$1(B.JSInt_methods._shlPositive$1(1, bitCount));
$signature: 21
A.generateUuidV4__printDigits.prototype = {
call$2(value, count) {
return B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(value, 16), count, "0");
$signature: 28
A.generateUuidV4__bitsDigits.prototype = {
call$2(bitCount, digitCount) {
return$2($1(bitCount), digitCount);
$signature: 28
A.GuaranteeChannel.prototype = {
GuaranteeChannel$3$allowSinkErrors(innerSink, allowSinkErrors, _box_0, $T) {
var _this = this,
t1 = _this.$ti,
t2 = t1._eval$1("_GuaranteeSink<1>")._as(new A._GuaranteeSink(innerSink, _this, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic), type$._AsyncCompleter_dynamic), allowSinkErrors, $T._eval$1("_GuaranteeSink<0>")));
A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.__GuaranteeChannel__sink, "_sink");
t1 = t1._eval$1("StreamController<1>")._as(A.StreamController_StreamController(null, new A.GuaranteeChannel_closure(_box_0, _this, $T), true, $T));
A._lateWriteOnceCheck(_this.__GuaranteeChannel__streamController, "_streamController");
_onSinkDisconnected$0() {
this._disconnected = true;
var subscription = this._guarantee_channel$_subscription;
if (subscription != null)
A._lateReadCheck(this.__GuaranteeChannel__streamController, "_streamController").close$0(0);
set$__GuaranteeChannel__sink(__GuaranteeChannel__sink) {
this.__GuaranteeChannel__sink = this.$ti._eval$1("_GuaranteeSink<1>")._as(__GuaranteeChannel__sink);
set$__GuaranteeChannel__streamController(__GuaranteeChannel__streamController) {
this.__GuaranteeChannel__streamController = this.$ti._eval$1("StreamController<1>")._as(__GuaranteeChannel__streamController);
set$_guarantee_channel$_subscription(_subscription) {
this._guarantee_channel$_subscription = this.$ti._eval$1("StreamSubscription<1>?")._as(_subscription);
A.GuaranteeChannel_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t2, t3,
_s17_ = "_streamController",
t1 = this.$this;
if (t1._disconnected)
t2 = this._box_0.innerStream;
t3 = A._lateReadCheck(t1.__GuaranteeChannel__streamController, _s17_);
t1.set$_guarantee_channel$_subscription(t2.listen$3$onDone$onError(this.T._eval$1("~(0)")._as(t3.get$add(t3)), new A.GuaranteeChannel__closure(t1), A._lateReadCheck(t1.__GuaranteeChannel__streamController, _s17_).get$addError()));
$signature: 0
A.GuaranteeChannel__closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = this.$this;
A._lateReadCheck(t1.__GuaranteeChannel__sink, "_sink")._onStreamDisconnected$0();
A._lateReadCheck(t1.__GuaranteeChannel__streamController, "_streamController").close$0(0);
$signature: 0
A._GuaranteeSink.prototype = {
add$1(_, data) {
var t1, _this = this;
if (_this._closed)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Cannot add event after closing."));
if (_this._disconnected)
t1 = _this._inner;
t1._async$_target.add$1(0, t1.$ti._precomputed1._as(data));
addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
if (this._closed)
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Cannot add event after closing."));
if (this._disconnected)
this._guarantee_channel$_addError$2(error, stackTrace);
addError$1(error) {
return this.addError$2(error, null);
_guarantee_channel$_addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
var _this = this;
if (_this._allowErrors) {
_this._inner._async$_target.addError$2(error, stackTrace);
_this._doneCompleter.completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
_this._inner._async$_target.close$0(0).catchError$1(new A._GuaranteeSink__addError_closure());
close$0(_) {
var _this = this;
if (_this._closed)
return _this._doneCompleter.future;
_this._closed = true;
if (!_this._disconnected) {
_this._doneCompleter.complete$1(0, _this._inner._async$_target.close$0(0));
return _this._doneCompleter.future;
_onStreamDisconnected$0() {
this._disconnected = true;
var t1 = this._doneCompleter;
if ((t1.future._state & 30) === 0)
$isStreamSink: 1
A._GuaranteeSink__addError_closure.prototype = {
call$1(_) {
$signature: 7
A.StreamChannelController.prototype = {
set$__StreamChannelController__local(__StreamChannelController__local) {
this.__StreamChannelController__local = this.$ti._eval$1("StreamChannel<1>")._as(__StreamChannelController__local);
set$__StreamChannelController__foreign(__StreamChannelController__foreign) {
this.__StreamChannelController__foreign = this.$ti._eval$1("StreamChannel<1>")._as(__StreamChannelController__foreign);
A.StreamChannelMixin.prototype = {$isStreamChannel: 1};
A.Uuid.prototype = {
get$_uuid$_state() {
var t2, t3,
t1 = $.$get$Uuid__stateExpando();
t2 = t1._jsWeakMap;
t3 = t2.get(this);
if (t3 == null) {
t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["seedBytes", null, "node", null, "clockSeq", null, "mSecs", 0, "nSecs", 0, "hasInitV1", false, "hasInitV4", false], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
t2.set(this, t1.$ti._eval$1("1?")._as(t3));
t1 = t3;
} else
t1 = t3;
return t1;
v1$0() {
var seedBytes, nodeId, t2, t3, t4, clockSeq, mSecs, nSecs, tl, tmh, node, n, _this = this,
_s9_ = "hasInitV1",
_s9_0 = "seedBytes",
_s4_ = "node",
_s8_ = "clockSeq",
_s5_ = "mSecs", _s5_0 = "nSecs",
buf = new Uint8Array(16),
options = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic),
t1 = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s9_);
if (!A._asBoolS(t1)) {
B.Map_empty.$index(0, "v1rngPositionalArgs");
B.Map_empty.$index(0, "v1rngNamedArgs");
B.Map_empty.$index(0, "v1rng");
seedBytes = A.UuidUtil_mathRNG();
if (J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s9_0) != null)
J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s9_0);
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s9_0, seedBytes);
nodeId = A._setArrayType([seedBytes[0] | 1, seedBytes[1], seedBytes[2], seedBytes[3], seedBytes[4], seedBytes[5]], type$.JSArray_int);
if (J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s4_) != null)
J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s4_);
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s4_, nodeId);
t1 = seedBytes[6];
t2 = seedBytes[7];
t3 = _this.get$_uuid$_state();
t4 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t3);
if (t4.$index(t3, _s8_) == null)
t4.$indexSet(t3, _s8_, (t1 << 8 | t2) & 262143);
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_, 0);
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_0, 0);
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s9_, true);
options.$index(0, _s8_);
clockSeq = A._asIntS(J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s8_));
options.$index(0, _s5_);
mSecs =;
options.$index(0, _s5_0);
t1 = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_0);
nSecs = A._asIntS(t1) + 1;
t1 = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_);
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return A.iae(t1);
t2 = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_0);
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
return A.iae(t2);
t1 = mSecs - t1 + (nSecs - t2) / 10000 < 0;
if (t1) {
options.$index(0, _s8_);
t2 = true;
} else
t2 = false;
if (t2) {
if (typeof clockSeq !== "number")
return clockSeq.$add();
clockSeq = clockSeq + 1 & 16383;
if (!t1) {
t1 = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_);
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
return A.iae(t1);
t1 = mSecs > t1;
} else
t1 = true;
if (t1) {
options.$index(0, _s5_0);
t1 = true;
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1)
nSecs = 0;
if (nSecs >= 10000)
throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec"));
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_, mSecs);
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s5_0, nSecs);
J.$indexSet$ax(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s8_, clockSeq);
mSecs += 122192928e5;
tl = B.JSInt_methods.$mod((mSecs & 268435455) * 10000 + nSecs, 4294967296);
buf[0] = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(tl, 24) & 255;
buf[1] = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(tl, 16) & 255;
buf[2] = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(tl, 8) & 255;
buf[3] = tl & 255;
tmh = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(mSecs / 4294967296 * 10000) & 268435455;
buf[4] = tmh >>> 8 & 255;
buf[5] = tmh & 255;
buf[6] = tmh >>> 24 & 15 | 16;
buf[7] = tmh >>> 16 & 255;
if (typeof clockSeq !== "number")
return clockSeq.$and();
buf[8] = clockSeq >>> 8 & 63 | 128;
buf[9] = clockSeq & 255;
options.$index(0, _s4_);
node = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_uuid$_state(), _s4_);
for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(node), n = 0; n < 6; ++n)
B.NativeUint8List_methods.$indexSet(buf, 10 + n, A._asIntS(t1.$index(node, n)));
t1 = $.$get$Uuid__byteToHex();
t2 = buf[0];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t1[t2];
t3 = buf[1];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t3 = t2 + t1[t3];
t2 = buf[2];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t3 + t1[t2];
t3 = buf[3];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t3 = t2 + t1[t3] + "-";
t2 = buf[4];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t3 + t1[t2];
t3 = buf[5];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t3 = t2 + t1[t3] + "-";
t2 = buf[6];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t3 + t1[t2];
t3 = buf[7];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t3 = t2 + t1[t3] + "-";
t2 = buf[8];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t3 + t1[t2];
t3 = buf[9];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t3 = t2 + t1[t3] + "-";
t2 = buf[10];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t3 + t1[t2];
t3 = buf[11];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t3 = t2 + t1[t3];
t2 = buf[12];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t3 + t1[t2];
t3 = buf[13];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
t3 = t2 + t1[t3];
t2 = buf[14];
if (!(t2 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t2);
t2 = t3 + t1[t2];
t3 = buf[15];
if (!(t3 < 256))
return A.ioore(t1, t3);
return t2 + t1[t3];
A.HtmlWebSocketChannel.prototype = {
HtmlWebSocketChannel$1(_webSocket) {
var t2, t3, _this = this,
t1 = _this._webSocket;
if (t1.readyState === 1)
else {
t2 = new A._EventStream(t1, "open", false, type$._EventStream_legacy_Event);
t2.get$first(t2).then$1$1(0, new A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure(_this), type$.Null);
t2 = new A._EventStream(t1, "error", false, type$._EventStream_legacy_Event);
t3 = type$.Null;
t2.get$first(t2).then$1$1(0, new A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure0(_this), t3);
t2 = type$.nullable_void_Function_legacy_MessageEvent._as(new A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure1(_this));
A._EventStreamSubscription$(t1, "message", t2, false, type$.legacy_MessageEvent);
t1 = new A._EventStream(t1, "close", false, type$._EventStream_legacy_CloseEvent);
t1.get$first(t1).then$1$1(0, new A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure2(_this), t3);
_listen$0() {
var t1 = A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(this._html$_controller.__StreamChannelController__local, "_local").__GuaranteeChannel__streamController, "_streamController");
new A._ControllerStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>")).listen$2$onDone(B.WebSocket_methods.get$send(this._webSocket), new A.HtmlWebSocketChannel__listen_closure(this));
$isWebSocketChannel: 1
A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure.prototype = {
call$1(_) {
$signature: 29
A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(_) {
var t1;
t1 = this.$this._html$_controller;
A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(t1.__StreamChannelController__local, "_local").__GuaranteeChannel__sink, "_sink").addError$1(new A.WebSocketChannelException("WebSocket connection failed."));
A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(t1.__StreamChannelController__local, "_local").__GuaranteeChannel__sink, "_sink").close$0(0);
$signature: 29
A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure1.prototype = {
call$1($event) {
var data = new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(type$.MessageEvent._as($event).data, true);
if (type$.ByteBuffer._is(data))
data = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data, 0, null);
A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(this.$this._html$_controller.__StreamChannelController__local, "_local").__GuaranteeChannel__sink, "_sink").add$1(0, data);
$signature: 62
A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure2.prototype = {
call$1($event) {
A._lateReadCheck(A._lateReadCheck(this.$this._html$_controller.__StreamChannelController__local, "_local").__GuaranteeChannel__sink, "_sink").close$0(0);
$signature: 63
A.HtmlWebSocketChannel__listen_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
$signature: 0
A._HtmlWebSocketSink.prototype = {$isWebSocketSink: 1};
A.WebSocketChannel.prototype = {};
A.WebSocketChannelException.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
var t1 = "WebSocketChannelException: " + this.message;
return t1;
A.main_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
uri, fixedPath, fixedUri, client, restarter, manager, t1, t2, t3;
var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
if (self.$dartAppInstanceId == null)
self.$dartAppInstanceId = B.C_Uuid.v1$0();
uri = A.Uri_parse(self.$dwdsDevHandlerPath);
if (window.location.protocol === "https:" && uri.get$scheme() === "http" && uri.get$host(uri) !== "localhost")
uri = uri.replace$1$scheme(0, "https");
else if (window.location.protocol === "wss:" && uri.get$scheme() === "ws" && uri.get$host(uri) !== "localhost")
uri = uri.replace$1$scheme(0, "wss");
fixedPath = uri.toString$0(0);
fixedUri = A.Uri_parse(fixedPath);
client = fixedUri.isScheme$1("ws") || fixedUri.isScheme$1("wss") ? new A.WebSocketClient(A.HtmlWebSocketChannel$connect(fixedUri, null)) : new A.SseSocketClient(A.SseClient$(fixedPath));
$async$goto = J.$eq$(self.$dartModuleStrategy, "require-js") ? 2 : 4;
case 2:
// then
$async$goto = 5;
return A._asyncAwait(A.RequireRestarter_create(), $async$call$0);
case 5:
// returning from await.
restarter = $async$result;
// goto join
$async$goto = 3;
case 4:
// else
if (J.$eq$(self.$dartModuleStrategy, "legacy"))
restarter = new A.LegacyRestarter();
throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unknown module strategy: " + A.S(self.$dartModuleStrategy)));
case 3:
// join
manager = new A.ReloadingManager(client, restarter);
self.$dartHotRestartDwds = A.allowInterop(new A.main__closure(manager), type$.legacy_legacy_Promise_legacy_bool_Function_legacy_String);
self.$emitDebugEvent = A.allowInterop(new A.main__closure0(client), type$.legacy_void_Function_2_legacy_String_and_legacy_String);
self.$emitRegisterEvent = A.allowInterop(new A.main__closure1(client), type$.legacy_void_Function_legacy_String);
self.$launchDevTools = A.allowInterop(new A.main__closure2(client), type$.legacy_void_Function);
client.get$stream(client).listen$2$onError(new A.main__closure3(manager), new A.main__closure4());
if (A.boolConversionCheck(self.$dwdsEnableDevtoolsLaunch)) {
t1 = window;
t2 = type$.nullable_void_Function_legacy_KeyboardEvent._as(new A.main__closure5());
A._EventStreamSubscription$(t1, "keydown", t2, false, type$.legacy_KeyboardEvent);
if (J.contains$1$asx(window.navigator.vendor, "Google")) {
t1 = client.get$sink();
t2 = $.$get$serializers();
t3 = new A.ConnectRequestBuilder();
type$.legacy_void_Function_legacy_ConnectRequestBuilder._as(new A.main__closure6()).call$1(t3);
t1.add$1(0, B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t2.serialize$1($0()), null));
} else
// implicit return
return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
$signature: 64
A.main__closure.prototype = {
call$1(runId) {
return A.toPromise(this.manager.hotRestart$1$runId(A._asStringS(runId)), type$.legacy_bool);
$signature: 82
A.main__closure0.prototype = {
call$2(kind, eventData) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.client.get$sink();
t2 = $.$get$serializers();
t3 = new A.DebugEventBuilder();
type$.legacy_void_Function_legacy_DebugEventBuilder._as(new A.main___closure1(kind, eventData)).call$1(t3);
t1.add$1(0, B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t2.serialize$1($0()), null));
$signature: 66
A.main___closure1.prototype = {
call$1(b) {
var t1 =;
b.get$_debug_event$_$this()._timestamp = t1;
b.get$_debug_event$_$this()._debug_event$_kind = this.kind;
b.get$_debug_event$_$this()._eventData = this.eventData;
return b;
$signature: 67
A.main__closure1.prototype = {
call$1(eventData) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.client.get$sink();
t2 = $.$get$serializers();
t3 = new A.RegisterEventBuilder();
type$.legacy_void_Function_legacy_RegisterEventBuilder._as(new A.main___closure0(eventData)).call$1(t3);
t1.add$1(0, B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t2.serialize$1($0()), null));
$signature: 68
A.main___closure0.prototype = {
call$1(b) {
var t1 =;
b.get$_register_event$_$this()._register_event$_timestamp = t1;
b.get$_register_event$_$this()._register_event$_eventData = this.eventData;
return b;
$signature: 69
A.main__closure2.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1, t2, t3;
if (!J.contains$1$asx(window.navigator.vendor, "Google")) {
B.Window_methods.alert$1(window, "Dart DevTools is only supported on Chromium based browsers.");
t1 = this.client.get$sink();
t2 = $.$get$serializers();
t3 = new A.DevToolsRequestBuilder();
type$.legacy_void_Function_legacy_DevToolsRequestBuilder._as(new A.main___closure()).call$1(t3);
t1.add$1(0, B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t2.serialize$1($0()), null));
$signature: 2
A.main___closure.prototype = {
call$1(b) {
var t1 = A._asStringS(self.$dartAppId);
b.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._devtools_request$_appId = t1;
t1 = A._asStringS(self.$dartAppInstanceId);
b.get$_devtools_request$_$this()._devtools_request$_instanceId = t1;
return b;
$signature: 70
A.main__closure3.prototype = {
call$1(serialized) {
return this.$call$body$main__closure(A._asStringS(serialized));
$call$body$main__closure(serialized) {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
$async$self = this, $alert, t1, $event;
var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
$event = $.$get$serializers().deserialize$1(B.C_JsonCodec.decode$2$reviver(0, serialized, null));
$async$goto = $event instanceof A.BuildResult ? 2 : 4;
case 2:
// then
$async$goto = J.$eq$(self.$dartReloadConfiguration, "ReloadConfiguration.liveReload") ? 5 : 7;
case 5:
// then
// goto join
$async$goto = 6;
case 7:
// else
$async$goto = J.$eq$(self.$dartReloadConfiguration, "ReloadConfiguration.hotRestart") ? 8 : 10;
case 8:
// then
$async$goto = 11;
return A._asyncAwait($async$self.manager.hotRestart$0(), $async$call$1);
case 11:
// returning from await.
// goto join
$async$goto = 9;
case 10:
// else
if (J.$eq$(self.$dartReloadConfiguration, "ReloadConfiguration.hotReload"))
A.print("Hot reload is currently unsupported. Ignoring change.");
case 9:
// join
case 6:
// join
// goto join
$async$goto = 3;
case 4:
// else
if ($event instanceof A.DevToolsResponse) {
if (!$event.success) {
$alert = "DevTools failed to open with:\n" + A.S($event.error);
if ($event.promptExtension && A.boolConversionCheck(B.Window_methods.confirm$1(window, $alert)))$2(window, "", "_blank");
B.Window_methods.alert$1(window, $alert);
} else if ($event instanceof A.RunRequest)
else if ($event instanceof A.ErrorResponse) {
t1 = "Error from backend:\n\nError: " + $event.error + "\n\nStack Trace:\n" + $event.stackTrace;
if (typeof console != "undefined")
case 3:
// join
// implicit return
return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
$signature: 71
A.main__closure4.prototype = {
call$1(error) {
$signature: 7
A.main__closure5.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
if (type$.legacy_KeyboardEvent._is(e) && B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_zgw, e.key) && A.boolConversionCheck(e.altKey) && !A.boolConversionCheck(e.ctrlKey) && !A.boolConversionCheck(e.metaKey)) {
$signature: 72
A.main__closure6.prototype = {
call$1(b) {
var t1 = A._asStringS(self.$dartAppId);
b.get$_$this()._appId = t1;
t1 = A._asStringS(self.$dartAppInstanceId);
b.get$_$this()._instanceId = t1;
t1 = A._asStringS(self.$dartEntrypointPath);
b.get$_$this()._entrypointPath = t1;
return b;
$signature: 73
A.main_closure0.prototype = {
call$2(error, stackTrace) {
A.print("Unhandled error detected in the injected client.js script.\n\nYou can disable this script in webdev by passing --no-injected-client if it\nis preventing your app from loading, but note that this will also prevent\nall debugging and hot reload/restart functionality from working.\n\nThe original error is below, please file an issue at\n and attach this output:\n\n" + A.S(error) + "\n" + A.S(stackTrace) + "\n");
$signature: 74
A.LegacyRestarter.prototype = {
restart$1$runId(runId) {
return this.restart$body$LegacyRestarter(runId);
restart$body$LegacyRestarter(runId) {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.legacy_bool),
$async$returnValue, t2, t3, t4, t1, dartLibrary;
var $async$restart$1$runId = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
t1 = {};
dartLibrary = type$.legacy_JsObject._as($.$get$_context().$index(0, "dart_library"));
if (runId == null)
else {
t2 = type$.legacy_String;
t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["runId", runId], t2, t2);
dartLibrary.callMethod$2("reload", [A._wrapToDart(A.JsObject__convertDataTree(t2))]);
t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_legacy_bool);
t1.sub = null;
t3 = window;
t4 = type$.nullable_void_Function_legacy_MessageEvent._as(new A.LegacyRestarter_restart_closure(t1, new A._AsyncCompleter(t2, type$._AsyncCompleter_legacy_bool)));
t1.sub = A._EventStreamSubscription$(t3, "message", t4, false, type$.legacy_MessageEvent);
$async$returnValue = t2;
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
case 1:
// return
return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$restart$1$runId, $async$completer);
$isRestarter: 1
A.LegacyRestarter_restart_closure.prototype = {
call$1($event) {
var t1,
message = new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(type$.legacy_MessageEvent._as($event).data, true);
if (type$.legacy_Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(message)) {
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(message);
t1 = J.$eq$(t1.$index(message, "type"), "DDC_STATE_CHANGE") && J.$eq$(t1.$index(message, "state"), "restart_end");
} else
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
this.reloadCompleter.complete$1(0, true);
$signature: 75
A.ReloadingManager.prototype = {
hotRestart$1$runId(runId) {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.legacy_bool),
$async$returnValue, $async$self = this, result, t1, t2;
var $async$hotRestart$1$runId = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
t1 = $async$self._client.get$sink();
t2 = $.$get$serializers();
t1.add$1(0, B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t2.serialize$1(new A.IsolateExitBuilder().build$0()), null));
$async$goto = 3;
return A._asyncAwait($async$self._restarter.restart$1$runId(runId), $async$hotRestart$1$runId);
case 3:
// returning from await.
result = $async$result;
$async$returnValue = result;
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
case 1:
// return
return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$hotRestart$1$runId, $async$completer);
hotRestart$0() {
return this.hotRestart$1$runId(null);
_afterRestart$1(succeeded) {
var t1, t2;
if (!A.boolConversionCheck(succeeded))
t1 = this._client.get$sink();
t2 = $.$get$serializers();
t1.add$1(0, B.C_JsonCodec.encode$2$toEncodable(t2.serialize$1(new A.IsolateStartBuilder().build$0()), null));
A.Promise.prototype = {};
A.toPromise_closure.prototype = {
call$2(resolve, reject) {
this.future.then$1$1(0, resolve, type$.void).catchError$1(reject);
$signature() {
return this.T._eval$1("Null(~(0*)*,~(@)*)");
A.RequireLoader.prototype = {};
A.HotReloadFailedException.prototype = {
toString$0(_) {
return "HotReloadFailedException: '" + A.S(this._s) + "'";
A.JsError.prototype = {};
A.JsMap.prototype = {};
A.RequireRestarter.prototype = {
restart$1$runId(runId) {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.legacy_bool),
$async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, completer, newDigests, modulesToLoad, t3, line, toZone, result, developer;
var $async$restart$1$runId = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
developer = self.$$1("dart_sdk").developer;
$async$goto = A.boolConversionCheck(A._asBoolS(developer._extensions.containsKey("ext.flutter.disassemble"))) ? 3 : 4;
case 3:
// then
t1 = type$.legacy_Promise_void._as(developer.invokeExtension("ext.flutter.disassemble", "{}"));
t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t2, type$._AsyncCompleter_void);
J.then$2$x(t1, A.allowInterop(completer.get$complete(completer), type$.legacy_dynamic_Function_void), A.allowInterop(completer.get$completeError(), type$.legacy_dynamic_Function_dynamic));
$async$goto = 5;
return A._asyncAwait(t2, $async$restart$1$runId);
case 5:
// returning from await.
case 4:
// join
$async$goto = 6;
return A._asyncAwait($async$self._getDigests$0(), $async$restart$1$runId);
case 6:
// returning from await.
newDigests = $async$result;
modulesToLoad = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_legacy_String);
for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(newDigests), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(newDigests)); t2.moveNext$0();) {
t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
if (!J.containsKey$1$x($._lastKnownDigests, t3)) {
line = "Error during script reloading, refreshing the page. \nUnable to find an existing digest for module: " + A.S(t3) + ".";
toZone = $.printToZone;
if (toZone == null)
} else if (!J.$eq$(J.$index$asx($._lastKnownDigests, t3), t1.$index(newDigests, t3))) {
J.$indexSet$ax($._lastKnownDigests, t3, t1.$index(newDigests, t3));
B.JSArray_methods.add$1(modulesToLoad, t3);
$async$goto = modulesToLoad.length !== 0 ? 7 : 9;
case 7:
// then
$async$goto = 10;
return A._asyncAwait($async$self._reload$1(modulesToLoad), $async$restart$1$runId);
case 10:
// returning from await.
result = $async$result;
// goto join
$async$goto = 8;
case 9:
// else
result = true;
case 8:
// join
$async$returnValue = result;
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
case 1:
// return
return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$restart$1$runId, $async$completer);
_getDigests$0() {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.legacy_Map_of_legacy_String_and_legacy_String),
$async$returnValue, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
var $async$_getDigests$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
t1 = type$.legacy_String;
$async$temp1 = J;
$async$temp2 = type$.legacy_Map_dynamic_dynamic;
$async$temp3 = A;
$async$goto = 3;
return A._asyncAwait(A.HttpRequest_request(J.get$digestsPath$x(self.$requireLoader), "GET", "json", null, null), $async$_getDigests$0);
case 3:
// returning from await.
$async$returnValue = $async$temp1.cast$2$0$ax($async$temp2._as($async$temp3._convertNativeToDart_XHR_Response($async$result.response)), t1, t1);
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
case 1:
// return
return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$_getDigests$0, $async$completer);
_initialize$0() {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
$async$self = this, $async$temp1;
var $async$_initialize$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1)
return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
$async$temp1 = $;
$async$goto = 2;
return A._asyncAwait($async$self._getDigests$0(), $async$_initialize$0);
case 2:
// returning from await.
$async$temp1._lastKnownDigests = $async$result;
// implicit return
return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$_initialize$0, $async$completer);
_moduleParents$1(module) {
var t1;
t1 = J.$get$1$x(J.get$moduleParentsGraph$x(self.$requireLoader), module);
t1 = t1 == null ? null : J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, type$.legacy_String);
return t1 == null ? A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_legacy_String) : t1;
_moduleTopologicalCompare$2(module1, module2) {
var t1, order1, order2, t2, topological;
t1 = this._moduleOrdering;
order1 = t1.$index(0, module1);
order2 = t1.$index(0, module2);
t2 = order1 == null;
if (t2 || order2 == null)
throw A.wrapException(A.HotReloadFailedException$("Unable to fetch ordering info for module: " + A.S(t2 ? module1 : module2)));
topological = J.compareTo$1$ns(t1.$index(0, module2), t1.$index(0, module1));
return topological === 0 ? J.compareTo$1$ns(module1, module2) : topological;
_reload$1(modules) {
return this._reload$body$RequireRestarter(type$.legacy_List_legacy_String._as(modules));
_reload$body$RequireRestarter(modules) {
var $async$goto = 0,
$async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.legacy_bool),
$async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, reloadedModules, previousModuleId, moduleId, parentIds, childModule, e, t2, t3, t4, t5, exception, t1, $async$exception;
var $async$_reload$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
$async$currentError = $async$result;
$async$goto = $async$handler;
while (true)
switch ($async$goto) {
case 0:
// Function start
t1 = $async$self._running.future;
$async$goto = (t1._state & 30) === 0 ? 3 : 4;
case 3:
// then
$async$goto = 5;
return A._asyncAwait(t1, $async$_reload$1);
case 5:
// returning from await.
$async$returnValue = $async$result;
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
case 4:
// join
$async$self.set$_running(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_legacy_bool), type$._AsyncCompleter_legacy_bool));
reloadedModules = 0;
$async$handler = 7;
$async$self._dirtyModules.addAll$1(0, modules);
previousModuleId = null;
t1 = $async$self.get$_moduleTopologicalCompare(), t2 = type$.legacy_String, t3 = type$.JSArray_legacy_String, t4 = type$.legacy_dynamic_Function;
case 10:
// for condition
if (!(t5 = $async$self._dirtyModules, t5._root != null)) {
// goto after for
$async$goto = 11;
if (t5._count === 0)
moduleId = t5.get$_collection$_first().key;
$async$self._dirtyModules.remove$1(0, moduleId);
t5 = A._asStringS(moduleId);
t5 = J.$get$1$x(J.get$moduleParentsGraph$x(self.$requireLoader), t5);
t5 = t5 == null ? null : J.cast$1$0$ax(t5, t2);
parentIds = t5 == null ? A._setArrayType([], t3) : t5;
$async$goto = parentIds == null || J.get$isEmpty$asx(parentIds) ? 12 : 14;
case 12:
// then
childModule = self.$$1("dart_sdk").dart.getModuleLibraries(previousModuleId);
self.$dartRunMain = A.allowInterop(new A.RequireRestarter__reload_closure(childModule), t4);
// goto join
$async$goto = 13;
case 14:
// else
t5 = reloadedModules;
if (typeof t5 !== "number") {
$async$returnValue = t5.$add();
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
reloadedModules = t5 + 1;
$async$goto = 15;
return A._asyncAwait($async$self._reloadModule$1(moduleId), $async$_reload$1);
case 15:
// returning from await.
J.sort$1$ax(parentIds, t1);
$async$self._dirtyModules.addAll$1(0, parentIds);
previousModuleId = moduleId;
case 13:
// join
// goto for condition
$async$goto = 10;
case 11:
// after for
A.print(A.S(reloadedModules) + " module(s) were hot-reloaded.");
$async$self._running.complete$1(0, true);
$async$handler = 2;
// goto after finally
$async$goto = 9;
case 7:
// catch
$async$handler = 6;
$async$exception = $async$currentError;
t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
if (t1 instanceof A.HotReloadFailedException) {
e = t1;
A.print("Error during script reloading. Firing full page reload. " + A.S(e));
$async$self._running.complete$1(0, false);
} else
throw $async$exception;
// goto after finally
$async$goto = 9;
case 6:
// uncaught
// goto rethrow
$async$goto = 2;
case 9:
// after finally
$async$returnValue = $async$self._running.future;
// goto return
$async$goto = 1;
case 1:
// return
return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
case 2:
// rethrow
return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
return A._asyncStartSync($async$_reload$1, $async$completer);
_reloadModule$1(moduleId) {
var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic),
completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_dynamic),
stackTrace = A.StackTrace_current();
J.forceLoadModule$3$x(self.$requireLoader, moduleId, A.allowInterop(new A.RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure(completer), type$.legacy_void_Function), A.allowInterop(new A.RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure0(completer, stackTrace), type$.legacy_void_Function_legacy_JsError));
return t1;
_updateGraph$0() {
var i, t2, t3, _i,
t1 = type$.legacy_String,
stronglyConnectedComponents = A.stronglyConnectedComponents(A.List_List$from(self.Array.from(J.keys$0$x(J.get$moduleParentsGraph$x(self.$requireLoader))), true, t1), this.get$_moduleParents(), t1);
t1 = this._moduleOrdering;
if (t1._collection$_length > 0) {
t1._collection$_strings = t1._collection$_nums = t1._collection$_rest = t1._keys = null;
t1._collection$_length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < stronglyConnectedComponents.length; ++i)
for (t2 = stronglyConnectedComponents[i], t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i)
t1.$indexSet(0, t2[_i], i);
set$_dirtyModules(_dirtyModules) {
this._dirtyModules = type$.legacy_SplayTreeSet_legacy_String._as(_dirtyModules);
set$_running(_running) {
this._running = type$.legacy_Completer_legacy_bool._as(_running);
$isRestarter: 1
A.RequireRestarter__reload_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
$signature: 2
A.RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
$signature: 2
A.RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure0.prototype = {
call$1(e) {
return this.completer.completeError$2(new A.HotReloadFailedException(J.get$message$x(type$.legacy_JsError._as(e))), this.stackTrace);
$signature: 78
A._createScript_closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
var nonce = A._findNonce();
if (nonce == null)
return new A._createScript__closure();
return new A._createScript__closure0(nonce);
$signature: 79
A._createScript__closure.prototype = {
call$0() {
return document.createElement("script");
$signature: 30
A._createScript__closure0.prototype = {
call$0() {
var t1 = document.createElement("script");
t1.setAttribute("nonce", this.nonce);
return t1;
$signature: 30
(function aliases() {
var _ = J.Interceptor.prototype;
_.super$Interceptor$toString = _.toString$0;
_.super$Interceptor$noSuchMethod = _.noSuchMethod$1;
_ = J.JavaScriptObject.prototype;
_.super$JavaScriptObject$toString = _.toString$0;
_ = A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype;
_.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalContainsKey = _.internalContainsKey$1;
_.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalGet = _.internalGet$1;
_.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalSet = _.internalSet$2;
_.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalRemove = _.internalRemove$1;
_ = A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype;
_.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_add = _._add$1;
_.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_addError = _._addError$2;
_ = A._HashMap.prototype;
_.super$_HashMap$_containsKey = _._containsKey$1;
_.super$_HashMap$_get = _._get$1;
_.super$_HashMap$_set = _._set$2;
_ = A.Iterable.prototype;
_.super$Iterable$where = _.where$1;
_ = A.Object.prototype;
_.super$Object$toString = _.toString$0;
_ = A.Element.prototype;
_.super$Element$createFragment = _.createFragment$3$treeSanitizer$validator;
_ = A._SimpleNodeValidator.prototype;
_.super$_SimpleNodeValidator$allowsAttribute = _.allowsAttribute$3;
_ = A.JsObject.prototype;
_.super$JsObject$$index = _.$index;
_.super$JsObject$$indexSet = _.$indexSet;
_ = A._JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin.prototype;
_.super$_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin$$indexSet = _.$indexSet;
(function installTearOffs() {
var _static_2 = hunkHelpers._static_2,
_static_1 = hunkHelpers._static_1,
_static_0 = hunkHelpers._static_0,
_static = hunkHelpers.installStaticTearOff,
_instance = hunkHelpers.installInstanceTearOff,
_instance_2_u = hunkHelpers._instance_2u,
_instance_1_i = hunkHelpers._instance_1i,
_instance_0_u = hunkHelpers._instance_0u,
_instance_1_u = hunkHelpers._instance_1u,
_instance_0_i = hunkHelpers._instance_0i;
_static_2(J, "_interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure", "JSArray__compareAny", 31);
_static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride", 10);
_static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate", 10);
_static_1(A, "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer", 10);
_static_0(A, "async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure", "_startMicrotaskLoop", 0);
_static_1(A, "async___nullDataHandler$closure", "_nullDataHandler", 4);
_static_2(A, "async___nullErrorHandler$closure", "_nullErrorHandler", 16);
_static_0(A, "async___nullDoneHandler$closure", "_nullDoneHandler", 0);
_static(A, "async___rootHandleUncaughtError$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootHandleUncaughtError"], 83, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootRun$closure", 4, null, ["call$1$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRun", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
return A._rootRun($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic);
}], 84, 1);
_static(A, "async___rootRunUnary$closure", 5, null, ["call$2$5", "call$5"], ["_rootRunUnary", function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg) {
return A._rootRunUnary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
}], 85, 1);
_static(A, "async___rootRunBinary$closure", 6, null, ["call$3$6", "call$6"], ["_rootRunBinary", function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2) {
return A._rootRunBinary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
}], 86, 1);
_static(A, "async___rootRegisterCallback$closure", 4, null, ["call$1$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRegisterCallback", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
return A._rootRegisterCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic);
}], 87, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootRegisterUnaryCallback$closure", 4, null, ["call$2$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRegisterUnaryCallback", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
return A._rootRegisterUnaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
}], 88, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootRegisterBinaryCallback$closure", 4, null, ["call$3$4", "call$4"], ["_rootRegisterBinaryCallback", function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
return A._rootRegisterBinaryCallback($self, $parent, zone, f, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
}], 89, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootErrorCallback$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootErrorCallback"], 90, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootScheduleMicrotask$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_rootScheduleMicrotask"], 91, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootCreateTimer$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootCreateTimer"], 92, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootCreatePeriodicTimer$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootCreatePeriodicTimer"], 93, 0);
_static(A, "async___rootPrint$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_rootPrint"], 94, 0);
_static_1(A, "async___printToZone$closure", "_printToZone", 95);
_static(A, "async___rootFork$closure", 5, null, ["call$5"], ["_rootFork"], 96, 0);
_instance(A._Completer.prototype, "get$completeError", 0, 1, function() {
return [null];
}, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["completeError$2", "completeError$1"], 15, 0, 0);
_instance(A._AsyncCompleter.prototype, "get$complete", 1, 0, function() {
return [null];
}, ["call$1", "call$0"], ["complete$1", "complete$0"], 34, 0, 0);
_instance_2_u(A._Future.prototype, "get$_completeError", "_completeError$2", 16);
var _;
_instance_1_i(_ = A._StreamController.prototype, "get$add", "add$1", 17);
_instance(_, "get$addError", 0, 1, function() {
return [null];
}, ["call$2", "call$1"], ["addError$2", "addError$1"], 15, 0, 0);
_instance_0_u(_ = A._ControllerSubscription.prototype, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0);
_instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0);
_instance_0_u(_ = A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0);
_instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0);
_instance_0_u(_ = A._ForwardingStreamSubscription.prototype, "get$_onPause", "_onPause$0", 0);
_instance_0_u(_, "get$_onResume", "_onResume$0", 0);
_instance_1_u(_, "get$_handleData", "_handleData$1", 17);
_instance_2_u(_, "get$_handleError", "_handleError$2", 60);
_instance_0_u(_, "get$_handleDone", "_handleDone$0", 0);
_static_2(A, "collection___defaultEquals$closure", "_defaultEquals", 12);
_static_1(A, "collection___defaultHashCode$closure", "_defaultHashCode", 13);
_static_2(A, "collection_ListMixin__compareAny$closure", "ListMixin__compareAny", 31);
_static_1(A, "convert___defaultToEncodable$closure", "_defaultToEncodable", 1);
_static_1(A, "core__identityHashCode$closure", "identityHashCode", 13);
_static_2(A, "core__identical$closure", "identical", 12);
_static(A, "html0__Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_Html5NodeValidator__standardAttributeValidator"], 14, 0);
_static(A, "html0__Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator$closure", 4, null, ["call$4"], ["_Html5NodeValidator__uriAttributeValidator"], 14, 0);
_instance_0_i(A.Node.prototype, "get$remove", "remove$0", 0);
_instance_1_i(A.WebSocket.prototype, "get$send", "send$1", 4);
_static_1(A, "js___convertToJS$closure", "_convertToJS", 27);
_static_1(A, "js___convertToDart$closure", "_convertToDart", 3);
_instance_2_u(_ = A.DeepCollectionEquality.prototype, "get$equals", "equals$2", 12);
_instance_1_i(_, "get$hash", "hash$1", 13);
_instance_1_u(_, "get$isValidKey", "isValidKey$1", 55);
_static_2(A, "strongly_connected_components___defaultEquals$closure", "_defaultEquals0", 65);
_instance_1_u(_ = A.SseClient.prototype, "get$_onIncomingControlMessage", "_onIncomingControlMessage$1", 5);
_instance_1_u(_, "get$_onIncomingMessage", "_onIncomingMessage$1", 5);
_instance_0_u(_, "get$_onOutgoingDone", "_onOutgoingDone$0", 0);
_instance_1_u(_, "get$_onOutgoingMessage", "_onOutgoingMessage$1", 59);
_instance_1_u(_ = A.RequireRestarter.prototype, "get$_moduleParents", "_moduleParents$1", 76);
_instance_2_u(_, "get$_moduleTopologicalCompare", "_moduleTopologicalCompare$2", 77);
(function inheritance() {
var _mixin = hunkHelpers.mixin,
_mixinHard = hunkHelpers.mixinHard,
_inherit = hunkHelpers.inherit,
_inheritMany = hunkHelpers.inheritMany;
_inherit(A.Object, null);
_inheritMany(A.Object, [A.JS_CONST, J.Interceptor, J.ArrayIterator, A.Iterable, A.CastIterator, A.Closure, A.MapMixin, A.Error, A.SentinelValue, A.ListIterator, A.Iterator, A.EmptyIterator, A.FixedLengthListMixin, A.UnmodifiableListMixin, A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin, A.Symbol, A.MapView, A.ConstantMap, A.JSInvocationMirror, A.TypeErrorDecoder, A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException, A.ExceptionAndStackTrace, A._StackTrace, A._Required, A.LinkedHashMapCell, A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator, A.JSSyntaxRegExp, A._MatchImplementation, A._AllMatchesIterator, A.StringMatch, A._StringAllMatchesIterator, A._Cell, A.Rti, A._FunctionParameters, A._Type, A._TimerImpl, A._AsyncAwaitCompleter, A.AsyncError, A._Completer, A._FutureListener, A._Future, A._AsyncCallbackEntry, A.Stream, A.StreamSubscription, A.StreamTransformerBase, A._StreamController, A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch, A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch, A._BufferingStreamSubscription, A._StreamSinkWrapper, A._DelayedEvent, A._DelayedDone, A._PendingEvents, A._StreamIterator, A._ZoneFunction, A._RunNullaryZoneFunction, A._RunUnaryZoneFunction, A._RunBinaryZoneFunction, A._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction, A._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction, A._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction, A._ZoneSpecification, A._ZoneDelegate, A._Zone, A._HashMapKeyIterator, A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin, A._HashSetIterator, A._LinkedHashSetCell, A._LinkedHashSetIterator, A.IterableMixin, A.ListMixin, A._UnmodifiableMapMixin, A._ListQueueIterator, A.SetMixin, A._SplayTreeNode, A._SplayTree, A._SplayTreeIterator, A.Codec, A._JsonStringifier, A._Utf8Encoder, A._BigIntImpl, A.DateTime, A.Duration, A.OutOfMemoryError, A.StackOverflowError, A._Exception, A.FormatException, A.IntegerDivisionByZeroException, A.Expando, A.Null, A._StringStackTrace, A.StringBuffer, A._Uri, A.UriData, A._SimpleUri, A.CssStyleDeclarationBase, A.EventStreamProvider, A._Html5NodeValidator, A.ImmutableListMixin, A.NodeValidatorBuilder, A._SimpleNodeValidator, A._SvgNodeValidator, A.FixedSizeListIterator, A._DOMWindowCrossFrame, A._SameOriginUriPolicy, A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer, A._StructuredClone, A._AcceptStructuredClone, A.JsObject, A.NullRejectionException, A._JSRandom, A._Random, A.AsyncMemoizer, A.DelegatingStreamSink, A.CopyOnWriteList, A.BuiltList, A.ListBuilder, A.BuiltListMultimap, A.ListMultimapBuilder, A.BuiltMap, A.MapBuilder, A.BuiltSet, A.SetBuilder, A.BuiltSetMultimap, A.SetMultimapBuilder, A.EnumClass, A.IndentingBuiltValueToStringHelper, A.JsonObject, A.FullType, A.BigIntSerializer, A.BoolSerializer, A.BuiltJsonSerializers, A.BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder, A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer, A.BuiltListSerializer, A.BuiltMapSerializer, A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer, A.BuiltSetSerializer, A.DateTimeSerializer, A.DoubleSerializer, A.DurationSerializer, A.Int64Serializer, A.IntSerializer, A.JsonObjectSerializer, A.NullSerializer, A.NumSerializer, A.RegExpSerializer, A.StringSerializer, A.UriSerializer, A.DefaultEquality, A.IterableEquality, A.ListEquality, A._UnorderedEquality, A._MapEntry, A.MapEquality, A.DeepCollectionEquality, A.BuildResult, A._$BuildStatusSerializer, A._$BuildResultSerializer, A.BuildResultBuilder, A.ConnectRequest, A._$ConnectRequestSerializer, A.ConnectRequestBuilder, A.DebugEvent, A._$DebugEventSerializer, A.DebugEventBuilder, A.DevToolsRequest, A.DevToolsResponse, A._$DevToolsRequestSerializer, A._$DevToolsResponseSerializer, A.DevToolsRequestBuilder, A.DevToolsResponseBuilder, A.ErrorResponse, A._$ErrorResponseSerializer, A.ErrorResponseBuilder, A.ExtensionRequest, A.ExtensionResponse, A.ExtensionEvent, A.BatchedEvents, A._$ExtensionRequestSerializer, A._$ExtensionResponseSerializer, A._$ExtensionEventSerializer, A._$BatchedEventsSerializer, A.ExtensionRequestBuilder, A.ExtensionResponseBuilder, A.ExtensionEventBuilder, A.BatchedEventsBuilder, A.IsolateExit, A.IsolateStart, A._$IsolateExitSerializer, A._$IsolateStartSerializer, A.IsolateExitBuilder, A.IsolateStartBuilder, A.RegisterEvent, A._$RegisterEventSerializer, A.RegisterEventBuilder, A.RunRequest, A._$RunRequestSerializer, A.SocketClient, A.Int64, A.Level, A.LogRecord, A.Logger, A.Pool, A.PoolResource, A.StreamChannelMixin, A._GuaranteeSink, A.StreamChannelController, A.Uuid, A.WebSocketChannelException, A.LegacyRestarter, A.ReloadingManager, A.HotReloadFailedException, A.RequireRestarter]);
_inheritMany(J.Interceptor, [J.JSBool, J.JSNull, J.JavaScriptObject, J.JSArray, J.JSNumber, J.JSString, A.NativeByteBuffer, A.NativeTypedData, A.EventTarget, A.AccessibleNodeList, A.Blob, A.Event, A.CssTransformComponent, A.CssRule, A._CssStyleDeclaration_Interceptor_CssStyleDeclarationBase, A.CssStyleValue, A.DataTransferItemList, A.DomException, A.DomImplementation, A._DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.DomRectReadOnly, A._DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.DomTokenList, A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.Gamepad, A.History, A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ImageData, A.Location, A.MediaList, A._MidiInputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin, A._MidiOutputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin, A.MimeType, A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin, A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.Plugin, A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin, A._RtcStatsReport_Interceptor_MapMixin, A.SpeechGrammar, A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.SpeechRecognitionResult, A._Storage_Interceptor_MapMixin, A.StyleSheet, A._TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.TimeRanges, A.Touch, A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.TrackDefaultList, A.Url, A.__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.KeyRange, A.Length, A._LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.Number, A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.PointList, A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.Transform, A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.AudioBuffer, A._AudioParamMap_Interceptor_MapMixin]);
_inheritMany(J.JavaScriptObject, [J.PlainJavaScriptObject, J.UnknownJavaScriptObject, J.JavaScriptFunction, A.Promise, A.RequireLoader, A.JsError, A.JsMap]);
_inherit(J.JSUnmodifiableArray, J.JSArray);
_inheritMany(J.JSNumber, [J.JSInt, J.JSNumNotInt]);
_inheritMany(A.Iterable, [A._CastIterableBase, A.EfficientLengthIterable, A.MappedIterable, A.WhereIterable, A.SkipIterable, A._ConstantMapKeyIterable, A.IterableBase, A._StringAllMatchesIterable]);
_inheritMany(A._CastIterableBase, [A.CastIterable, A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin]);
_inherit(A._EfficientLengthCastIterable, A.CastIterable);
_inherit(A._CastListBase, A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin);
_inheritMany(A.Closure, [A.Closure2Args, A.Closure0Args, A.TearOffClosure, A.initHooks_closure, A.initHooks_closure1, A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback, A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure, A._awaitOnObject_closure, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure, A.Stream_length_closure, A.Stream_first_closure0, A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure, A._CustomZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure, A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure, A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure, A.runZonedGuarded_closure, A._CustomHashMap_closure, A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure, A.SplayTreeSet_closure, A._BigIntImpl_hashCode_finish, A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error, A._Uri__makePath_closure, A._createTables_setChars, A._createTables_setRange, A.Element_Element$html_closure, A.HttpRequest_request_closure, A._EventStreamSubscription_closure, A._EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure, A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsElement_closure, A.NodeValidatorBuilder_allowsAttribute_closure, A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure, A._SimpleNodeValidator_closure0, A._TemplatingNodeValidator_closure, A._convertDartToNative_Value_closure, A.JsObject__convertDataTree__convert, A._convertToJS_closure, A._convertToJS_closure0, A._wrapToDart_closure, A._wrapToDart_closure0, A._wrapToDart_closure1, A.promiseToFuture_closure, A.promiseToFuture_closure0, A.BuiltListMultimap_BuiltListMultimap_closure, A.BuiltListMultimap_hashCode_closure, A.ListMultimapBuilder_replace_closure, A.BuiltMap_BuiltMap_closure, A.BuiltMap_hashCode_closure, A.BuiltSet_hashCode_closure, A.BuiltSetMultimap_hashCode_closure, A.SetMultimapBuilder_replace_closure, A.newBuiltValueToStringHelper_closure, A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure, A.BuiltListMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure, A.BuiltListSerializer_serialize_closure, A.BuiltListSerializer_deserialize_closure, A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_serialize_closure, A.BuiltSetMultimapSerializer_deserialize_closure, A.BuiltSetSerializer_serialize_closure, A.BuiltSetSerializer_deserialize_closure, A.WebSocketClient_stream_closure, A.stronglyConnectedComponents_strongConnect, A.Pool__runOnRelease_closure, A.SseClient_closure0, A.SseClient_closure1, A.generateUuidV4__generateBits, A._GuaranteeSink__addError_closure, A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure, A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure0, A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure1, A.HtmlWebSocketChannel_closure2, A.main__closure, A.main___closure1, A.main__closure1, A.main___closure0, A.main___closure, A.main__closure3, A.main__closure4, A.main__closure5, A.main__closure6, A.LegacyRestarter_restart_closure, A.RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure0]);
_inheritMany(A.Closure2Args, [A._CastListBase_sort_closure, A.CastMap_forEach_closure, A.ConstantMap_map_closure, A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure, A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure, A.initHooks_closure0, A._awaitOnObject_closure0, A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0, A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure, A.MapBase_mapToString_closure, A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure, A._symbolMapToStringMap_closure, A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure, A._BigIntImpl_hashCode_combine, A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error, A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex, A._createTables_build, A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure, A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure, A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure, A.Storage_keys_closure, A._ValidatingTreeSanitizer_sanitizeTree_walk, A._StructuredClone_walk_closure, A._StructuredClone_walk_closure0, A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure, A.convertDartToNative_Dictionary_closure, A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure, A.hashObjects_closure, A.MapBuilder_replace_closure, A.Pool__runOnRelease_closure0, A.generateUuidV4__printDigits, A.generateUuidV4__bitsDigits, A.main__closure0, A.main_closure0, A.toPromise_closure]);
_inherit(A.CastList, A._CastListBase);
_inherit(A.MapBase, A.MapMixin);
_inheritMany(A.MapBase, [A.CastMap, A.JsLinkedHashMap, A._HashMap, A._JsonMap, A._AttributeMap]);
_inheritMany(A.Error, [A.LateError, A.ReachabilityError, A.NotNullableError, A.TypeError, A.JsNoSuchMethodError, A.UnknownJsTypeError, A.RuntimeError, A.AssertionError, A._Error, A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError, A.NullThrownError, A.ArgumentError, A.NoSuchMethodError, A.UnsupportedError, A.UnimplementedError, A.StateError, A.ConcurrentModificationError, A.CyclicInitializationError, A.BuiltValueNullFieldError, A.BuiltValueNestedFieldError, A.DeserializationError]);
_inheritMany(A.Closure0Args, [A.nullFuture_closure, A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback, A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback, A._TimerImpl_internalCallback, A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure, A.Future_Future$microtask_closure, A._Future__addListener_closure, A._Future__prependListeners_closure, A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1, A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure, A._Future__chainFuture_closure, A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback, A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError, A.Stream_length_closure0, A.Stream_first_closure, A._StreamController__subscribe_closure, A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete, A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture_closure, A._BufferingStreamSubscription_asFuture__closure, A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError, A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone, A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure, A._cancelAndValue_closure, A._CustomZone_bindCallback_closure, A._CustomZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure, A._rootHandleError_closure, A._RootZone_bindCallback_closure, A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure, A.Serializers_Serializers_closure, A.Serializers_Serializers_closure0, A.Serializers_Serializers_closure1, A.Serializers_Serializers_closure2, A.Serializers_Serializers_closure3, A._$serializers_closure, A.Logger_Logger_closure, A.SseClient_closure, A.SseClient__closure, A.SseClient__onOutgoingMessage_closure, A.GuaranteeChannel_closure, A.GuaranteeChannel__closure, A.HtmlWebSocketChannel__listen_closure, A.main_closure, A.main__closure2, A.RequireRestarter__reload_closure, A.RequireRestarter__reloadModule_closure, A._createScript_closure, A._createScript__closure, A._createScript__closure0]);
_inheritMany(A.EfficientLengthIterable, [A.ListIterable, A.EmptyIterable, A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable, A._HashMapKeyIterable]);
_inheritMany(A.ListIterable, [A.SubListIterable, A.MappedListIterable, A.ReversedListIterable, A.ListQueue, A._JsonMapKeyIterable]);
_inherit(A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable, A.MappedIterable);
_inheritMany(A.Iterator, [A.MappedIterator, A.WhereIterator, A.SkipIterator]);
_inherit(A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable, A.SkipIterable);
_inherit(A.ListBase, A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin);
_inheritMany(A.ListBase, [A.UnmodifiableListBase, A._FrozenElementList, A._ChildNodeListLazy]);
_inherit(A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin, A.MapView);
_inherit(A.UnmodifiableMapView, A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin);
_inherit(A.ConstantMapView, A.UnmodifiableMapView);
_inherit(A.ConstantStringMap, A.ConstantMap);
_inherit(A.NullError, A.TypeError);
_inheritMany(A.TearOffClosure, [A.StaticClosure, A.BoundClosure]);
_inherit(A._AssertionError, A.AssertionError);
_inherit(A._AllMatchesIterable, A.IterableBase);
_inheritMany(A.NativeTypedData, [A.NativeByteData, A.NativeTypedArray]);
_inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArray, [A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin]);
_inherit(A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble, A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin);
_inherit(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin);
_inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble, [A.NativeFloat32List, A.NativeFloat64List]);
_inheritMany(A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, [A.NativeInt16List, A.NativeInt32List, A.NativeInt8List, A.NativeUint16List, A.NativeUint32List, A.NativeUint8ClampedList, A.NativeUint8List]);
_inherit(A._TypeError, A._Error);
_inheritMany(A._Completer, [A._AsyncCompleter, A._SyncCompleter]);
_inheritMany(A._StreamController, [A._AsyncStreamController, A._SyncStreamController]);
_inheritMany(A.Stream, [A._StreamImpl, A._ForwardingStream, A._EventStream]);
_inherit(A._ControllerStream, A._StreamImpl);
_inheritMany(A._BufferingStreamSubscription, [A._ControllerSubscription, A._ForwardingStreamSubscription]);
_inheritMany(A._DelayedEvent, [A._DelayedData, A._DelayedError]);
_inherit(A._StreamImplEvents, A._PendingEvents);
_inherit(A._MapStream, A._ForwardingStream);
_inheritMany(A._Zone, [A._CustomZone, A._RootZone]);
_inheritMany(A._HashMap, [A._IdentityHashMap, A._CustomHashMap]);
_inheritMany(A.JsLinkedHashMap, [A._LinkedIdentityHashMap, A._LinkedCustomHashMap]);
_inherit(A._SetBase, A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin);
_inheritMany(A._SetBase, [A._HashSet, A._LinkedHashSet]);
_inherit(A.UnmodifiableListView, A.UnmodifiableListBase);
_inherit(A._SplayTreeSetNode, A._SplayTreeNode);
_inherit(A._SplayTreeKeyIterator, A._SplayTreeIterator);
_inherit(A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin, A._SplayTree);
_inherit(A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin_SetMixin, A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin);
_inherit(A.SplayTreeSet, A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin_SetMixin);
_inheritMany(A.Codec, [A.Base64Codec, A.Encoding, A.JsonCodec]);
_inherit(A.Converter, A.StreamTransformerBase);
_inheritMany(A.Converter, [A.Base64Encoder, A.JsonEncoder, A.JsonDecoder, A.Utf8Encoder]);
_inherit(A.JsonCyclicError, A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError);
_inherit(A._JsonStringStringifier, A._JsonStringifier);
_inherit(A.Utf8Codec, A.Encoding);
_inheritMany(A.ArgumentError, [A.RangeError, A.IndexError]);
_inherit(A._DataUri, A._Uri);
_inheritMany(A.EventTarget, [A.Node, A.EventSource, A.FileWriter, A.HttpRequestEventTarget, A.MessagePort, A.SourceBuffer, A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.TextTrack, A.TextTrackCue, A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.VideoTrackList, A.WebSocket, A.Window, A.WorkerGlobalScope, A.AudioTrackList, A.BaseAudioContext]);
_inheritMany(A.Node, [A.Element, A.CharacterData, A.Document, A._Attr]);
_inheritMany(A.Element, [A.HtmlElement, A.SvgElement]);
_inheritMany(A.HtmlElement, [A.AnchorElement, A.AreaElement, A.BaseElement, A.BodyElement, A.FormElement, A.ScriptElement, A.SelectElement, A.TableElement, A.TableRowElement, A.TableSectionElement, A.TemplateElement]);
_inheritMany(A.Event, [A.CloseEvent, A.CustomEvent, A.UIEvent, A.MessageEvent, A.ProgressEvent]);
_inherit(A.CssPerspective, A.CssTransformComponent);
_inherit(A.CssStyleDeclaration, A._CssStyleDeclaration_Interceptor_CssStyleDeclarationBase);
_inheritMany(A.CssStyleValue, [A.CssTransformValue, A.CssUnparsedValue]);
_inherit(A._DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.DomRectList, A._DomRectList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.DomStringList, A._DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.File, A.Blob);
_inherit(A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.FileList, A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.HtmlCollection, A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.HtmlDocument, A.Document);
_inherit(A.HttpRequest, A.HttpRequestEventTarget);
_inherit(A.KeyboardEvent, A.UIEvent);
_inherit(A.MidiInputMap, A._MidiInputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin);
_inherit(A.MidiOutputMap, A._MidiOutputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin);
_inherit(A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.MimeTypeArray, A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.NodeList, A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.PluginArray, A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.RtcStatsReport, A._RtcStatsReport_Interceptor_MapMixin);
_inherit(A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.SourceBufferList, A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.SpeechGrammarList, A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.Storage, A._Storage_Interceptor_MapMixin);
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_inherit(A.TextTrackCueList, A._TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.TextTrackList, A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.TouchList, A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
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_inherit(A._CssRuleList, A.__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
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_inherit(A._GamepadList, A.__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A._NamedNodeMap, A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A._SpeechRecognitionResultList, A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A._StyleSheetList, A.__StyleSheetList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._ElementAttributeMap, A._AttributeMap);
_inherit(A._EventStreamSubscription, A.StreamSubscription);
_inherit(A._TemplatingNodeValidator, A._SimpleNodeValidator);
_inherit(A._StructuredCloneDart2Js, A._StructuredClone);
_inherit(A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js, A._AcceptStructuredClone);
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_inherit(A.JsArray, A._JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin);
_inherit(A._LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.LengthList, A._LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.NumberList, A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
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_inherit(A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.StringList, A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin);
_inherit(A.TransformList, A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin);
_inherit(A.AudioParamMap, A._AudioParamMap_Interceptor_MapMixin);
_inherit(A.OfflineAudioContext, A.BaseAudioContext);
_inherit(A._BuiltList, A.BuiltList);
_inherit(A._BuiltListMultimap, A.BuiltListMultimap);
_inherit(A._BuiltMap, A.BuiltMap);
_inherit(A._BuiltSet, A.BuiltSet);
_inherit(A._BuiltSetMultimap, A.BuiltSetMultimap);
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_inherit(A.SetEquality, A._UnorderedEquality);
_inherit(A.BuildStatus, A.EnumClass);
_inherit(A._$BuildResult, A.BuildResult);
_inherit(A._$ConnectRequest, A.ConnectRequest);
_inherit(A._$DebugEvent, A.DebugEvent);
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_inherit(A._$DevToolsResponse, A.DevToolsResponse);
_inherit(A._$ErrorResponse, A.ErrorResponse);
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_inherit(A._$ExtensionResponse, A.ExtensionResponse);
_inherit(A._$ExtensionEvent, A.ExtensionEvent);
_inherit(A._$BatchedEvents, A.BatchedEvents);
_inherit(A._$IsolateExit, A.IsolateExit);
_inherit(A._$IsolateStart, A.IsolateStart);
_inherit(A._$RegisterEvent, A.RegisterEvent);
_inherit(A._$RunRequest, A.RunRequest);
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_inheritMany(A.StreamChannelMixin, [A.SseClient, A.GuaranteeChannel, A.HtmlWebSocketChannel, A.WebSocketChannel]);
_inherit(A._HtmlWebSocketSink, A.DelegatingStreamSink);
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_mixin(A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, A.FixedLengthListMixin);
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_mixin(A._SyncStreamController, A._SyncStreamControllerDispatch);
_mixin(A._ListBase_Object_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
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_mixin(A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_IterableMixin_SetMixin, A.SetMixin);
_mixin(A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin, A._UnmodifiableMapMixin);
_mixin(A.__SetBase_Object_SetMixin, A.SetMixin);
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_mixin(A._DomStringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._FileList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._HtmlCollection_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
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_mixin(A._MidiOutputMap_Interceptor_MapMixin, A.MapMixin);
_mixin(A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._MimeTypeArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._NodeList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._PluginArray_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._RtcStatsReport_Interceptor_MapMixin, A.MapMixin);
_mixin(A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._SpeechGrammarList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._Storage_Interceptor_MapMixin, A.MapMixin);
_mixin(A._TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._TextTrackCueList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._TouchList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A.__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A.__CssRuleList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A.__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A.__GamepadList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A.__NamedNodeMap_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
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_mixin(A._LengthList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._NumberList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._StringList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin, A.ListMixin);
_mixin(A._TransformList_Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin, A.ImmutableListMixin);
_mixin(A._AudioParamMap_Interceptor_MapMixin, A.MapMixin);
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var string$ = {
Error_: "Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace as arguments, and return a value of the returned future's type",
Expand: "Expandos are not allowed on strings, numbers, booleans or null",
_null_: "`null` encountered as the result from expression with type `Never`.",
max_mu: "max must be in range 0 < max \u2264 2^32, was ",
serial: "serializer must be StructuredSerializer or PrimitiveSerializer"
var type$ = (function rtii() {
var findType = A.findType;
return {
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Zone: findType("Zone"),
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_Future_dynamic: findType("_Future<@>"),
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_Future_legacy_bool: findType("_Future<bool*>"),
_Future_void: findType("_Future<~>"),
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_MapEntry: findType("_MapEntry"),
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legacy_void_Function_dynamic: findType("~(@)*"),
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nullable_List_dynamic: findType("List<@>?"),
nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object: findType("Map<Object?,Object?>?"),
nullable_Object: findType("Object?"),
nullable_StackTrace: findType("StackTrace?"),
nullable_Zone: findType("Zone?"),
nullable_ZoneDelegate: findType("ZoneDelegate?"),
nullable_ZoneSpecification: findType("ZoneSpecification?"),
nullable__DelayedEvent_dynamic: findType("_DelayedEvent<@>?"),
nullable__FutureListener_dynamic_dynamic: findType("_FutureListener<@,@>?"),
nullable__LinkedHashSetCell: findType("_LinkedHashSetCell?"),
nullable_dynamic_Function_Event: findType("@(Event)?"),
nullable_int_Function_Node_Node: findType("int(Node,Node)?"),
nullable_nullable_Object_Function_2_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object: findType("Object?(Object?,Object?)?"),
nullable_nullable_Object_Function_dynamic: findType("Object?(@)?"),
nullable_void_Function: findType("~()?"),
nullable_void_Function_legacy_Event: findType("~(Event*)?"),
nullable_void_Function_legacy_KeyboardEvent: findType("~(KeyboardEvent*)?"),
nullable_void_Function_legacy_MessageEvent: findType("~(MessageEvent*)?"),
nullable_void_Function_legacy_ProgressEvent: findType("~(ProgressEvent*)?"),
num: findType("num"),
void: findType("~"),
void_Function: findType("~()"),
void_Function_Object: findType("~(Object)"),
void_Function_Object_StackTrace: findType("~(Object,StackTrace)"),
void_Function_String_String: findType("~(String,String)"),
void_Function_String_dynamic: findType("~(String,@)"),
void_Function_Timer: findType("~(Timer)")
(function constants() {
var makeConstList = hunkHelpers.makeConstList;
B.AnchorElement_methods = A.AnchorElement.prototype;
B.BodyElement_methods = A.BodyElement.prototype;
B.DomImplementation_methods = A.DomImplementation.prototype;
B.EventSource_methods = A.EventSource.prototype;
B.HtmlDocument_methods = A.HtmlDocument.prototype;
B.HttpRequest_methods = A.HttpRequest.prototype;
B.Interceptor_methods = J.Interceptor.prototype;
B.JSArray_methods = J.JSArray.prototype;
B.JSBool_methods = J.JSBool.prototype;
B.JSInt_methods = J.JSInt.prototype;
B.JSNumber_methods = J.JSNumber.prototype;
B.JSString_methods = J.JSString.prototype;
B.JavaScriptFunction_methods = J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
B.NativeUint8List_methods = A.NativeUint8List.prototype;
B.NodeList_methods = A.NodeList.prototype;
B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods = J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype;
B.TableElement_methods = A.TableElement.prototype;
B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods = J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
B.WebSocket_methods = A.WebSocket.prototype;
B.Window_methods = A.Window.prototype;
B.BuildStatus_failed = new A.BuildStatus("failed");
B.BuildStatus_started = new A.BuildStatus("started");
B.BuildStatus_succeeded = new A.BuildStatus("succeeded");
B.C_Base64Encoder = new A.Base64Encoder();
B.C_Base64Codec = new A.Base64Codec();
B.C_DefaultEquality = new A.DefaultEquality(A.findType("DefaultEquality<0&*>"));
B.C_DeepCollectionEquality = new A.DeepCollectionEquality();
B.C_EmptyIterator = new A.EmptyIterator(A.findType("EmptyIterator<0&*>"));
B.C_IntegerDivisionByZeroException = new A.IntegerDivisionByZeroException();
B.C_JS_CONST = function getTagFallback(o) {
var s =;
return s.substring(8, s.length - 1);
B.C_JS_CONST0 = function() {
var toStringFunction = Object.prototype.toString;
function getTag(o) {
var s =;
return s.substring(8, s.length - 1);
function getUnknownTag(object, tag) {
if (/^HTML[A-Z].*Element$/.test(tag)) {
var name =;
if (name == "[object Object]") return null;
return "HTMLElement";
function getUnknownTagGenericBrowser(object, tag) {
if (self.HTMLElement && object instanceof HTMLElement) return "HTMLElement";
return getUnknownTag(object, tag);
function prototypeForTag(tag) {
if (typeof window == "undefined") return null;
if (typeof window[tag] == "undefined") return null;
var constructor = window[tag];
if (typeof constructor != "function") return null;
return constructor.prototype;
function discriminator(tag) { return null; }
var isBrowser = typeof navigator == "object";
return {
getTag: getTag,
getUnknownTag: isBrowser ? getUnknownTagGenericBrowser : getUnknownTag,
prototypeForTag: prototypeForTag,
discriminator: discriminator };
B.C_JS_CONST6 = function(getTagFallback) {
return function(hooks) {
if (typeof navigator != "object") return hooks;
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if (ua.indexOf("DumpRenderTree") >= 0) return hooks;
if (ua.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0) {
function confirm(p) {
return typeof window == "object" && window[p] && window[p].name == p;
if (confirm("Window") && confirm("HTMLElement")) return hooks;
hooks.getTag = getTagFallback;
B.C_JS_CONST1 = function(hooks) {
if (typeof dartExperimentalFixupGetTag != "function") return hooks;
hooks.getTag = dartExperimentalFixupGetTag(hooks.getTag);
B.C_JS_CONST2 = function(hooks) {
var getTag = hooks.getTag;
var prototypeForTag = hooks.prototypeForTag;
function getTagFixed(o) {
var tag = getTag(o);
if (tag == "Document") {
if (!!o.xmlVersion) return "!Document";
return "!HTMLDocument";
return tag;
function prototypeForTagFixed(tag) {
if (tag == "Document") return null;
return prototypeForTag(tag);
hooks.getTag = getTagFixed;
hooks.prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagFixed;
B.C_JS_CONST5 = function(hooks) {
var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator.userAgent : "";
if (userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") == -1) return hooks;
var getTag = hooks.getTag;
var quickMap = {
"BeforeUnloadEvent": "Event",
"DataTransfer": "Clipboard",
"GeoGeolocation": "Geolocation",
"Location": "!Location",
"WorkerMessageEvent": "MessageEvent",
"XMLDocument": "!Document"};
function getTagFirefox(o) {
var tag = getTag(o);
return quickMap[tag] || tag;
hooks.getTag = getTagFirefox;
B.C_JS_CONST4 = function(hooks) {
var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator.userAgent : "";
if (userAgent.indexOf("Trident/") == -1) return hooks;
var getTag = hooks.getTag;
var quickMap = {
"BeforeUnloadEvent": "Event",
"DataTransfer": "Clipboard",
"HTMLDDElement": "HTMLElement",
"HTMLDTElement": "HTMLElement",
"HTMLPhraseElement": "HTMLElement",
"Position": "Geoposition"
function getTagIE(o) {
var tag = getTag(o);
var newTag = quickMap[tag];
if (newTag) return newTag;
if (tag == "Object") {
if (window.DataView && (o instanceof window.DataView)) return "DataView";
return tag;
function prototypeForTagIE(tag) {
var constructor = window[tag];
if (constructor == null) return null;
return constructor.prototype;
hooks.getTag = getTagIE;
hooks.prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagIE;
B.C_JS_CONST3 = function(hooks) { return hooks; }
B.C_JsonCodec = new A.JsonCodec();
B.C_OutOfMemoryError = new A.OutOfMemoryError();
B.C_SentinelValue = new A.SentinelValue();
B.C_Utf8Codec = new A.Utf8Codec();
B.C_Utf8Encoder = new A.Utf8Encoder();
B.C_Uuid = new A.Uuid();
B.C__DelayedDone = new A._DelayedDone();
B.C__JSRandom = new A._JSRandom();
B.C__Required = new A._Required();
B.C__RootZone = new A._RootZone();
B.Duration_0 = new A.Duration(0);
B.Duration_5000000 = new A.Duration(5000000);
B.Type_BuiltListMultimap_2Mt = A.typeLiteral("BuiltListMultimap<@,@>");
B.Type_Object_xQ6 = A.typeLiteral("Object");
B.List_empty1 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_legacy_FullType);
B.FullType_1MH = new A.FullType(B.Type_Object_xQ6, B.List_empty1, false);
B.List_a1A = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.FullType_1MH, B.FullType_1MH]), type$.JSArray_legacy_FullType);
B.FullType_4Wf = new A.FullType(B.Type_BuiltListMultimap_2Mt, B.List_a1A, false);
B.Type_BuiltSet_fcN = A.typeLiteral("BuiltSet<@>");
B.List_yym = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.FullType_1MH]), type$.JSArray_legacy_FullType);
B.FullType_4e8 = new A.FullType(B.Type_BuiltSet_fcN, B.List_yym, false);
B.Type_BuildStatus_ahk = A.typeLiteral("BuildStatus");
B.FullType_FuN = new A.FullType(B.Type_BuildStatus_ahk, B.List_empty1, false);
B.Type_bool_lhE = A.typeLiteral("bool");
B.FullType_MtR = new A.FullType(B.Type_bool_lhE, B.List_empty1, false);
B.Type_BuiltSetMultimap_9Fi = A.typeLiteral("BuiltSetMultimap<@,@>");
B.FullType_Ofx = new A.FullType(B.Type_BuiltSetMultimap_9Fi, B.List_a1A, false);
B.Type_BuiltList_iTR = A.typeLiteral("BuiltList<@>");
B.FullType_eLJ = new A.FullType(B.Type_BuiltList_iTR, B.List_yym, false);
B.Type_String_k8F = A.typeLiteral("String");
B.FullType_h8g = new A.FullType(B.Type_String_k8F, B.List_empty1, false);
B.Type_int_tHn = A.typeLiteral("int");
B.FullType_kjq = new A.FullType(B.Type_int_tHn, B.List_empty1, false);
B.FullType_null_List_empty_false = new A.FullType(null, B.List_empty1, false);
B.Type_ExtensionEvent_gsm = A.typeLiteral("ExtensionEvent");
B.FullType_Ktb = new A.FullType(B.Type_ExtensionEvent_gsm, B.List_empty1, false);
B.List_BmO = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.FullType_Ktb]), type$.JSArray_legacy_FullType);
B.FullType_w24 = new A.FullType(B.Type_BuiltList_iTR, B.List_BmO, false);
B.Type_BuiltMap_qd4 = A.typeLiteral("BuiltMap<@,@>");
B.FullType_wIv = new A.FullType(B.Type_BuiltMap_qd4, B.List_a1A, false);
B.JsonDecoder_null = new A.JsonDecoder(null);
B.JsonEncoder_null = new A.JsonEncoder(null);
B.Level_INFO_800 = new A.Level("INFO", 800);
B.Level_SEVERE_1000 = new A.Level("SEVERE", 1000);
B.Level_WARNING_900 = new A.Level("WARNING", 900);
B.List_2Vk = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32776, 33792, 1, 10240, 0, 0]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.List_2Zi = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["*::class", "*::dir", "*::draggable", "*::hidden", "*::id", "*::inert", "*::itemprop", "*::itemref", "*::itemscope", "*::lang", "*::spellcheck", "*::title", "*::translate", "A::accesskey", "A::coords", "A::hreflang", "A::name", "A::shape", "A::tabindex", "A::target", "A::type", "AREA::accesskey", "AREA::alt", "AREA::coords", "AREA::nohref", "AREA::shape", "AREA::tabindex", "AREA::target", "AUDIO::controls", "AUDIO::loop", "AUDIO::mediagroup", "AUDIO::muted", "AUDIO::preload", "BDO::dir", "BODY::alink", "BODY::bgcolor", "BODY::link", "BODY::text", "BODY::vlink", "BR::clear", "BUTTON::accesskey", "BUTTON::disabled", "BUTTON::name", "BUTTON::tabindex", "BUTTON::type", "BUTTON::value", "CANVAS::height", "CANVAS::width", "CAPTION::align", "COL::align", "COL::char", "COL::charoff", "COL::span", "COL::valign", "COL::width", "COLGROUP::align", "COLGROUP::char", "COLGROUP::charoff", "COLGROUP::span", "COLGROUP::valign", "COLGROUP::width", "COMMAND::checked", "COMMAND::command", "COMMAND::disabled", "COMMAND::label", "COMMAND::radiogroup", "COMMAND::type", "DATA::value", "DEL::datetime", "DETAILS::open", "DIR::compact", "DIV::align", "DL::compact", "FIELDSET::disabled", "FONT::color", "FONT::face", "FONT::size", "FORM::accept", "FORM::autocomplete", "FORM::enctype", "FORM::method", "FORM::name", "FORM::novalidate", "FORM::target", "FRAME::name", "H1::align", "H2::align", "H3::align", "H4::align", "H5::align", "H6::align", "HR::align", "HR::noshade", "HR::size", "HR::width", "HTML::version", "IFRAME::align", "IFRAME::frameborder", "IFRAME::height", "IFRAME::marginheight", "IFRAME::marginwidth", "IFRAME::width", "IMG::align", "IMG::alt", "IMG::border", "IMG::height", "IMG::hspace", "IMG::ismap", "IMG::name", "IMG::usemap", "IMG::vspace", "IMG::width", "INPUT::accept", "INPUT::accesskey", "INPUT::align", "INPUT::alt", "INPUT::autocomplete", "INPUT::autofocus", "INPUT::checked", "INPUT::disabled", "INPUT::inputmode", "INPUT::ismap", "INPUT::list", "INPUT::max", "INPUT::maxlength", "INPUT::min", "INPUT::multiple", "INPUT::name", "INPUT::placeholder", "INPUT::readonly", "INPUT::required", "INPUT::size", "INPUT::step", "INPUT::tabindex", "INPUT::type", "INPUT::usemap", "INPUT::value", "INS::datetime", "KEYGEN::disabled", "KEYGEN::keytype", "KEYGEN::name", "LABEL::accesskey", "LABEL::for", "LEGEND::accesskey", "LEGEND::align", "LI::type", "LI::value", "LINK::sizes", "MAP::name", "MENU::compact", "MENU::label", "MENU::type", "METER::high", "METER::low", "METER::max", "METER::min", "METER::value", "OBJECT::typemustmatch", "OL::compact", "OL::reversed", "OL::start", "OL::type", "OPTGROUP::disabled", "OPTGROUP::label", "OPTION::disabled", "OPTION::label", "OPTION::selected", "OPTION::value", "OUTPUT::for", "OUTPUT::name", "P::align", "PRE::width", "PROGRESS::max", "PROGRESS::min", "PROGRESS::value", "SELECT::autocomplete", "SELECT::disabled", "SELECT::multiple", "SELECT::name", "SELECT::required", "SELECT::size", "SELECT::tabindex", "SOURCE::type", "TABLE::align", "TABLE::bgcolor", "TABLE::border", "TABLE::cellpadding", "TABLE::cellspacing", "TABLE::frame", "TABLE::rules", "TABLE::summary", "TABLE::width", "TBODY::align", "TBODY::char", "TBODY::charoff", "TBODY::valign", "TD::abbr", "TD::align", "TD::axis", "TD::bgcolor", "TD::char", "TD::charoff", "TD::colspan", "TD::headers", "TD::height", "TD::nowrap", "TD::rowspan", "TD::scope", "TD::valign", "TD::width", "TEXTAREA::accesskey", "TEXTAREA::autocomplete", "TEXTAREA::cols", "TEXTAREA::disabled", "TEXTAREA::inputmode", "TEXTAREA::name", "TEXTAREA::placeholder", "TEXTAREA::readonly", "TEXTAREA::required", "TEXTAREA::rows", "TEXTAREA::tabindex", "TEXTAREA::wrap", "TFOOT::align", "TFOOT::char", "TFOOT::charoff", "TFOOT::valign", "TH::abbr", "TH::align", "TH::axis", "TH::bgcolor", "TH::char", "TH::charoff", "TH::colspan", "TH::headers", "TH::height", "TH::nowrap", "TH::rowspan", "TH::scope", "TH::valign", "TH::width", "THEAD::align", "THEAD::char", "THEAD::charoff", "THEAD::valign", "TR::align", "TR::bgcolor", "TR::char", "TR::charoff", "TR::valign", "TRACK::default", "TRACK::kind", "TRACK::label", "TRACK::srclang", "UL::compact", "UL::type", "VIDEO::controls", "VIDEO::height", "VIDEO::loop", "VIDEO::mediagroup", "VIDEO::muted", "VIDEO::preload", "VIDEO::width"]), type$.JSArray_legacy_String);
B.Type_DevToolsResponse_Hhy = A.typeLiteral("DevToolsResponse");
B.Type__$DevToolsResponse_23h = A.typeLiteral("_$DevToolsResponse");
B.List_41A = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_DevToolsResponse_Hhy, B.Type__$DevToolsResponse_23h]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.Type_RegisterEvent_0zQ = A.typeLiteral("RegisterEvent");
B.Type__$RegisterEvent_SY6 = A.typeLiteral("_$RegisterEvent");
B.List_42K = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_RegisterEvent_0zQ, B.Type__$RegisterEvent_SY6]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.Type_IsolateStart_0 = A.typeLiteral("IsolateStart");
B.Type__$IsolateStart_o3b = A.typeLiteral("_$IsolateStart");
B.List_6TA = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_IsolateStart_0, B.Type__$IsolateStart_o3b]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.Type_DevToolsRequest_A0n = A.typeLiteral("DevToolsRequest");
B.Type__$DevToolsRequest_cDy = A.typeLiteral("_$DevToolsRequest");
B.List_BCG = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_DevToolsRequest_A0n, B.Type__$DevToolsRequest_cDy]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_CVk = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 65490, 45055, 65535, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.Type_DebugEvent_sSr = A.typeLiteral("DebugEvent");
B.Type__$DebugEvent_EmR = A.typeLiteral("_$DebugEvent");
B.List_Cpu = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_DebugEvent_sSr, B.Type__$DebugEvent_EmR]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_JYB = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 26624, 1023, 65534, 2047, 65534, 2047]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.Type_IsolateExit_D1o = A.typeLiteral("IsolateExit");
B.Type__$IsolateExit_eWg = A.typeLiteral("_$IsolateExit");
B.List_LT1 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_IsolateExit_D1o, B.Type__$IsolateExit_eWg]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.Type_BuildResult_dEV = A.typeLiteral("BuildResult");
B.Type__$BuildResult_knt = A.typeLiteral("_$BuildResult");
B.List_OHe = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_BuildResult_dEV, B.Type__$BuildResult_knt]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_Type_BuildStatus_ahk = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_BuildStatus_ahk]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_WrN = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 1048576, 531441, 1048576, 390625, 279936, 823543, 262144, 531441, 1000000, 161051, 248832, 371293, 537824, 759375, 1048576, 83521, 104976, 130321, 160000, 194481, 234256, 279841, 331776, 390625, 456976, 531441, 614656, 707281, 810000, 923521, 1048576, 35937, 39304, 42875, 46656]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.List_ego = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["HEAD", "AREA", "BASE", "BASEFONT", "BR", "COL", "COLGROUP", "EMBED", "FRAME", "FRAMESET", "HR", "IMAGE", "IMG", "INPUT", "ISINDEX", "LINK", "META", "PARAM", "SOURCE", "STYLE", "TITLE", "WBR"]), type$.JSArray_legacy_String);
B.List_empty0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_dynamic);
B.List_empty = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), type$.JSArray_legacy_String);
B.Type_ExtensionRequest_BMe = A.typeLiteral("ExtensionRequest");
B.Type__$ExtensionRequest_1Ej = A.typeLiteral("_$ExtensionRequest");
B.List_evd = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_ExtensionRequest_BMe, B.Type__$ExtensionRequest_1Ej]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.Type_ErrorResponse_Q43 = A.typeLiteral("ErrorResponse");
B.Type__$ErrorResponse_xV7 = A.typeLiteral("_$ErrorResponse");
B.List_gQA = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_ErrorResponse_Q43, B.Type__$ErrorResponse_xV7]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_gRj = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32722, 12287, 65534, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.List_nxB = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 24576, 1023, 65534, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.Type__$ExtensionEvent_XOq = A.typeLiteral("_$ExtensionEvent");
B.List_pnF = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_ExtensionEvent_gsm, B.Type__$ExtensionEvent_XOq]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_qNA = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32754, 11263, 65534, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.List_qg40 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 32722, 12287, 65535, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.List_qg4 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([0, 0, 65490, 12287, 65535, 34815, 65534, 18431]), type$.JSArray_legacy_int);
B.Type_ConnectRequest_UGQ = A.typeLiteral("ConnectRequest");
B.Type__$ConnectRequest_cJC = A.typeLiteral("_$ConnectRequest");
B.List_ssp = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_ConnectRequest_UGQ, B.Type__$ConnectRequest_cJC]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.Type_ExtensionResponse_CC0 = A.typeLiteral("ExtensionResponse");
B.Type__$ExtensionResponse_Ddl = A.typeLiteral("_$ExtensionResponse");
B.List_tQ0 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_ExtensionResponse_CC0, B.Type__$ExtensionResponse_Ddl]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.Type_BatchedEvents_gDG = A.typeLiteral("BatchedEvents");
B.Type__$BatchedEvents_qxo = A.typeLiteral("_$BatchedEvents");
B.List_w8N = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_BatchedEvents_gDG, B.Type__$BatchedEvents_qxo]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_wSV = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["bind", "if", "ref", "repeat", "syntax"]), type$.JSArray_legacy_String);
B.Type_RunRequest_Pkw = A.typeLiteral("RunRequest");
B.Type__$RunRequest_Im4 = A.typeLiteral("_$RunRequest");
B.List_wsa = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([B.Type_RunRequest_Pkw, B.Type__$RunRequest_Im4]), type$.JSArray_legacy_Type);
B.List_yrN = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["A::href", "AREA::href", "BLOCKQUOTE::cite", "BODY::background", "COMMAND::icon", "DEL::cite", "FORM::action", "IMG::src", "INPUT::src", "INS::cite", "Q::cite", "VIDEO::poster"]), type$.JSArray_legacy_String);
B.List_zgw = A._setArrayType(makeConstList(["d", "D", "\u2202", "\xce"]), type$.JSArray_legacy_String);
B.Map_empty = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty0, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<@,@>"));
B.List_empty2 = A._setArrayType(makeConstList([]), A.findType("JSArray<Symbol0*>"));
B.Map_empty0 = new A.ConstantStringMap(0, {}, B.List_empty2, A.findType("ConstantStringMap<Symbol0*,@>"));
B.Symbol_call = new A.Symbol("call");
B.Type_BigInt_8OV = A.typeLiteral("BigInt");
B.Type_BoolJsonObject_8HQ = A.typeLiteral("BoolJsonObject");
B.Type_ByteBuffer_RkP = A.typeLiteral("ByteBuffer");
B.Type_ByteData_zNC = A.typeLiteral("ByteData");
B.Type_DateTime_8AS = A.typeLiteral("DateTime");
B.Type_Duration_SnA = A.typeLiteral("Duration");
B.Type_Float32List_LB7 = A.typeLiteral("Float32List");
B.Type_Float64List_LB7 = A.typeLiteral("Float64List");
B.Type_Int16List_uXf = A.typeLiteral("Int16List");
B.Type_Int32List_O50 = A.typeLiteral("Int32List");
B.Type_Int64_gc6 = A.typeLiteral("Int64");
B.Type_Int8List_ekJ = A.typeLiteral("Int8List");
B.Type_JSObject_8k0 = A.typeLiteral("JSObject");
B.Type_JsonObject_gyf = A.typeLiteral("JsonObject");
B.Type_ListJsonObject_yPV = A.typeLiteral("ListJsonObject");
B.Type_MapJsonObject_bBG = A.typeLiteral("MapJsonObject");
B.Type_Null_Yyn = A.typeLiteral("Null");
B.Type_NumJsonObject_H9C = A.typeLiteral("NumJsonObject");
B.Type_RegExp_Eeh = A.typeLiteral("RegExp");
B.Type_StringJsonObject_GAC = A.typeLiteral("StringJsonObject");
B.Type_Uint16List_2bx = A.typeLiteral("Uint16List");
B.Type_Uint32List_2bx = A.typeLiteral("Uint32List");
B.Type_Uint8ClampedList_Jik = A.typeLiteral("Uint8ClampedList");
B.Type_Uint8List_WLA = A.typeLiteral("Uint8List");
B.Type_Uri_EFX = A.typeLiteral("Uri");
B.Type_double_K1J = A.typeLiteral("double");
B.Type_num_cv7 = A.typeLiteral("num");
B._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction_kGu = new A._RegisterBinaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRegisterBinaryCallback$closure());
B._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRegisterCallback = new A._RegisterNullaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRegisterCallback$closure());
B._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction_Bqo = new A._RegisterUnaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRegisterUnaryCallback$closure());
B._RunBinaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunBinary = new A._RunBinaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRunBinary$closure());
B._RunNullaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRun = new A._RunNullaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRun$closure());
B._RunUnaryZoneFunction__RootZone__rootRunUnary = new A._RunUnaryZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootRunUnary$closure());
B._StringStackTrace_3uE = new A._StringStackTrace("");
B._ZoneFunction_3bB = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootCreatePeriodicTimer$closure(), A.findType("_ZoneFunction<Timer*(Zone*,ZoneDelegate*,Zone*,Duration*,~(Timer*)*)*>"));
B._ZoneFunction_NMc = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootHandleUncaughtError$closure(), A.findType("_ZoneFunction<~(Zone*,ZoneDelegate*,Zone*,Object*,StackTrace*)*>"));
B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootCreateTimer = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootCreateTimer$closure(), A.findType("_ZoneFunction<Timer*(Zone*,ZoneDelegate*,Zone*,Duration*,~()*)*>"));
B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootErrorCallback = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootErrorCallback$closure(), A.findType("_ZoneFunction<AsyncError?(Zone*,ZoneDelegate*,Zone*,Object*,StackTrace?)*>"));
B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootFork = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootFork$closure(), A.findType("_ZoneFunction<Zone*(Zone*,ZoneDelegate*,Zone*,ZoneSpecification?,Map<Object?,Object?>?)*>"));
B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootPrint = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootPrint$closure(), A.findType("_ZoneFunction<~(Zone*,ZoneDelegate*,Zone*,String*)*>"));
B._ZoneFunction__RootZone__rootScheduleMicrotask = new A._ZoneFunction(B.C__RootZone, A.async___rootScheduleMicrotask$closure(), A.findType("_ZoneFunction<~(Zone*,ZoneDelegate*,Zone*,~()*)*>"));
B._ZoneSpecification_ALf = new A._ZoneSpecification(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
(function staticFields() {
$.printToZone = null;
$.Primitives__identityHashCodeProperty = null;
$.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache = null;
$.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache = null;
$.getTagFunction = null;
$.alternateTagFunction = null;
$.prototypeForTagFunction = null;
$.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = null;
$.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = null;
$.initNativeDispatchFlag = null;
$._nextCallback = null;
$._lastCallback = null;
$._lastPriorityCallback = null;
$._isInCallbackLoop = false;
$.Zone__current = B.C__RootZone;
$._RootZone__rootDelegate = null;
$._toStringVisiting = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Object);
$._BigIntImpl__lastDividendDigits = null;
$._BigIntImpl__lastDividendUsed = null;
$._BigIntImpl__lastDivisorDigits = null;
$._BigIntImpl__lastDivisorUsed = null;
$._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemDigits = A._Cell$named("_lastQuoRemDigits");
$._BigIntImpl____lastQuoRemUsed = A._Cell$named("_lastQuoRemUsed");
$._BigIntImpl____lastRemUsed = A._Cell$named("_lastRemUsed");
$._BigIntImpl____lastRem_nsh = A._Cell$named("_lastRem_nsh");
$.Element__parseDocument = null;
$.Element__parseRange = null;
$.Element__defaultValidator = null;
$.Element__defaultSanitizer = null;
$._Html5NodeValidator__attributeValidators = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Function);
$._indentingBuiltValueToStringHelperIndent = 0;
$.LogRecord__nextNumber = 0;
$.Logger__loggers = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Logger);
$._lastKnownDigests = null;
(function lazyInitializers() {
var _lazyFinal = hunkHelpers.lazyFinal,
_lazy = hunkHelpers.lazy,
_lazyOld = hunkHelpers.lazyOld;
_lazyFinal($, "DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME", "$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME", () => A.getIsolateAffinityTag("_$dart_dartClosure"));
_lazyFinal($, "nullFuture", "$get$nullFuture", () =>$1$1(new A.nullFuture_closure(), A.findType("Future<Null>")));
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn({
toString: function() {
return "$receiver$";
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn({$method$: null,
toString: function() {
return "$receiver$";
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(null)));
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$";
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(void 0)));
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$";
try {
(void 0).$method$($argumentsExpr$);
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(null)));
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(A.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(void 0)));
_lazyFinal($, "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", () => A.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(function() {
try {
(void 0).$method$;
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
_lazyFinal($, "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure", "$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure", () => A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate());
_lazyFinal($, "Future__nullFuture", "$get$Future__nullFuture", () => A.findType("_Future<Null>")._as($.$get$nullFuture()));
_lazyFinal($, "_RootZone__rootMap", "$get$_RootZone__rootMap", () => {
var t1 = type$.dynamic;
return A.HashMap_HashMap(null, null, null, t1, t1);
_lazyFinal($, "_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet", "$get$_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet", () => A.NativeInt8List__create1(A._ensureNativeList(A._setArrayType([-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 62, -2, 62, -2, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -2, -2, -2, -2, 63, -2, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2], type$.JSArray_int))));
_lazyFinal($, "_Uri__needsNoEncoding", "$get$_Uri__needsNoEncoding", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[\\-\\.0-9A-Z_a-z~]*$", true, false));
_lazy($, "_hasErrorStackProperty", "$get$_hasErrorStackProperty", () => new Error().stack != void 0);
_lazyFinal($, "_BigIntImpl_zero", "$get$_BigIntImpl_zero", () => A._BigIntImpl__BigIntImpl$_fromInt(0));
_lazyFinal($, "_BigIntImpl_one", "$get$_BigIntImpl_one", () => A._BigIntImpl__BigIntImpl$_fromInt(1));
_lazyFinal($, "_BigIntImpl__minusOne", "$get$_BigIntImpl__minusOne", () => $.$get$_BigIntImpl_one().$negate(0));
_lazyFinal($, "_BigIntImpl__bigInt10000", "$get$_BigIntImpl__bigInt10000", () => A._BigIntImpl__BigIntImpl$_fromInt(10000));
_lazy($, "_BigIntImpl__parseRE", "$get$_BigIntImpl__parseRE", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^\\s*([+-]?)((0x[a-f0-9]+)|(\\d+)|([a-z0-9]+))\\s*$", false, false));
_lazyFinal($, "_hashSeed", "$get$_hashSeed", () => A.objectHashCode(B.Type_Object_xQ6));
_lazyFinal($, "_scannerTables", "$get$_scannerTables", () => A._createTables());
_lazyFinal($, "_Html5NodeValidator__allowedElements", "$get$_Html5NodeValidator__allowedElements", () => A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(["A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "ADDRESS", "AREA", "ARTICLE", "ASIDE", "AUDIO", "B", "BDI", "BDO", "BIG", "BLOCKQUOTE", "BR", "BUTTON", "CANVAS", "CAPTION", "CENTER", "CITE", "CODE", "COL", "COLGROUP", "COMMAND", "DATA", "DATALIST", "DD", "DEL", "DETAILS", "DFN", "DIR", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "FIELDSET", "FIGCAPTION", "FIGURE", "FONT", "FOOTER", "FORM", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEADER", "HGROUP", "HR", "I", "IFRAME", "IMG", "INPUT", "INS", "KBD", "LABEL", "LEGEND", "LI", "MAP", "MARK", "MENU", "METER", "NAV", "NOBR", "OL", "OPTGROUP", "OPTION", "OUTPUT", "P", "PRE", "PROGRESS", "Q", "S", "SAMP", "SECTION", "SELECT", "SMALL", "SOURCE", "SPAN", "STRIKE", "STRONG", "SUB", "SUMMARY", "SUP", "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TIME", "TR", "TRACK", "TT", "U", "UL", "VAR", "VIDEO", "WBR"], type$.String));
_lazyFinal($, "_context", "$get$_context", () => A._castToJsObject(A._wrapToDart(self)));
_lazyFinal($, "_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME", "$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME", () => A.getIsolateAffinityTag("_$dart_dartObject"));
_lazyFinal($, "_dartProxyCtor", "$get$_dartProxyCtor", () => function DartObject(o) {
this.o = o;
_lazyFinal($, "isSoundMode", "$get$isSoundMode", () => !A.findType("List<int>")._is(A._setArrayType([], A.findType("JSArray<int?>"))));
_lazy($, "newBuiltValueToStringHelper", "$get$newBuiltValueToStringHelper", () => new A.newBuiltValueToStringHelper_closure());
_lazyFinal($, "_runtimeType", "$get$_runtimeType", () => A.getRuntimeType(A.RegExp_RegExp("", true, false)));
_lazyOld($, "_$buildStatusSerializer", "$get$_$buildStatusSerializer", () => new A._$BuildStatusSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$buildResultSerializer", "$get$_$buildResultSerializer", () => new A._$BuildResultSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$connectRequestSerializer", "$get$_$connectRequestSerializer", () => new A._$ConnectRequestSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$debugEventSerializer", "$get$_$debugEventSerializer", () => new A._$DebugEventSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$devToolsRequestSerializer", "$get$_$devToolsRequestSerializer", () => new A._$DevToolsRequestSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$devToolsResponseSerializer", "$get$_$devToolsResponseSerializer", () => new A._$DevToolsResponseSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$errorResponseSerializer", "$get$_$errorResponseSerializer", () => new A._$ErrorResponseSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$extensionRequestSerializer", "$get$_$extensionRequestSerializer", () => new A._$ExtensionRequestSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$extensionResponseSerializer", "$get$_$extensionResponseSerializer", () => new A._$ExtensionResponseSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$extensionEventSerializer", "$get$_$extensionEventSerializer", () => new A._$ExtensionEventSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$batchedEventsSerializer", "$get$_$batchedEventsSerializer", () => new A._$BatchedEventsSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$isolateExitSerializer", "$get$_$isolateExitSerializer", () => new A._$IsolateExitSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$isolateStartSerializer", "$get$_$isolateStartSerializer", () => new A._$IsolateStartSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$registerEventSerializer", "$get$_$registerEventSerializer", () => new A._$RegisterEventSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "_$runRequestSerializer", "$get$_$runRequestSerializer", () => new A._$RunRequestSerializer());
_lazyOld($, "serializers", "$get$serializers", () => $.$get$_$serializers());
_lazyOld($, "_$serializers", "$get$_$serializers", () => {
var t1 = A.Serializers_Serializers();
t1 = A.BuiltJsonSerializersBuilder$_(t1._typeToSerializer.toBuilder$0(), t1._wireNameToSerializer.toBuilder$0(), t1._typeNameToSerializer.toBuilder$0(), t1.builderFactories.toBuilder$0(), t1.serializerPlugins.toBuilder$0());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$batchedEventsSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$buildResultSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$buildStatusSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$connectRequestSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$debugEventSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$devToolsRequestSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$devToolsResponseSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$errorResponseSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$extensionEventSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$extensionRequestSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$extensionResponseSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$isolateExitSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$isolateStartSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$registerEventSerializer());
t1.add$1(0, $.$get$_$runRequestSerializer());
t1.addBuilderFactory$2(B.FullType_w24, new A._$serializers_closure());
_lazyFinal($, "Logger_root", "$get$Logger_root", () => A.Logger_Logger(""));
_lazyFinal($, "_requestPool", "$get$_requestPool", () => {
var t4,
t1 = A.findType("Completer<PoolResource>"),
t2 = A.ListQueue$(t1),
t3 = A.ListQueue$(type$.void_Function);
t1 = A.ListQueue$(t1);
t4 = A.Completer_Completer(type$.dynamic);
return new A.Pool(t2, t3, t1, 1000, new A.AsyncMemoizer(t4, A.findType("AsyncMemoizer<@>")));
_lazyFinal($, "Uuid__byteToHex", "$get$Uuid__byteToHex", () => {
var i,
_list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(256, type$.String);
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
_list[i] = B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(i, 16), 2, "0");
return _list;
_lazyFinal($, "Uuid__stateExpando", "$get$Uuid__stateExpando", () => new A.Expando(new WeakMap(), A.findType("Expando<Map<String,@>>")));
_lazyFinal($, "UuidUtil__random", "$get$UuidUtil__random", () => A.Random_Random(null));
_lazyOld($, "_createScript", "$get$_createScript", () => new A._createScript_closure().call$0());
_lazyOld($, "_noncePattern", "$get$_noncePattern", () => A.RegExp_RegExp("^[\\w+/_-]+[=]{0,2}$", true, false));
(function nativeSupport() {
!function() {
var intern = function(s) {
var o = {};
o[s] = 1;
return Object.keys(hunkHelpers.convertToFastObject(o))[0];
init.getIsolateTag = function(name) {
return intern("___dart_" + name + init.isolateTag);
var tableProperty = "___dart_isolate_tags_";
var usedProperties = Object[tableProperty] || (Object[tableProperty] = Object.create(null));
var rootProperty = "_ZxYxX";
for (var i = 0;; i++) {
var property = intern(rootProperty + "_" + i + "_");
if (!(property in usedProperties)) {
usedProperties[property] = 1;
init.isolateTag = property;
init.dispatchPropertyName = init.getIsolateTag("dispatch_record");
hunkHelpers.setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag({AnimationEffectReadOnly: J.Interceptor, AnimationEffectTiming: J.Interceptor, AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly: J.Interceptor, AnimationTimeline: J.Interceptor, AnimationWorkletGlobalScope: J.Interceptor, AuthenticatorAssertionResponse: J.Interceptor, AuthenticatorAttestationResponse: J.Interceptor, AuthenticatorResponse: J.Interceptor, BackgroundFetchFetch: J.Interceptor, BackgroundFetchManager: J.Interceptor, BackgroundFetchSettledFetch: J.Interceptor, BarProp: J.Interceptor, BarcodeDetector: J.Interceptor, BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor: J.Interceptor, Body: J.Interceptor, BudgetState: J.Interceptor, CacheStorage: J.Interceptor, CanvasGradient: J.Interceptor, CanvasPattern: J.Interceptor, CanvasRenderingContext2D: J.Interceptor, Client: J.Interceptor, Clients: J.Interceptor, CookieStore: J.Interceptor, Coordinates: J.Interceptor, Credential: J.Interceptor, CredentialUserData: J.Interceptor, CredentialsContainer: J.Interceptor, Crypto: J.Interceptor, CryptoKey: J.Interceptor, CSS: J.Interceptor, CSSVariableReferenceValue: J.Interceptor, CustomElementRegistry: J.Interceptor, DataTransfer: J.Interceptor, DataTransferItem: J.Interceptor, DeprecatedStorageInfo: J.Interceptor, DeprecatedStorageQuota: J.Interceptor, DeprecationReport: J.Interceptor, DetectedBarcode: J.Interceptor, DetectedFace: J.Interceptor, DetectedText: J.Interceptor, DeviceAcceleration: J.Interceptor, DeviceRotationRate: J.Interceptor, DirectoryEntry: J.Interceptor, DirectoryReader: J.Interceptor, DocumentOrShadowRoot: J.Interceptor, DocumentTimeline: J.Interceptor, DOMError: J.Interceptor, Iterator: J.Interceptor, DOMMatrix: J.Interceptor, DOMMatrixReadOnly: J.Interceptor, DOMParser: J.Interceptor, DOMPoint: J.Interceptor, DOMPointReadOnly: J.Interceptor, DOMQuad: J.Interceptor, DOMStringMap: J.Interceptor, Entry: J.Interceptor, External: J.Interceptor, FaceDetector: J.Interceptor, FederatedCredential: J.Interceptor, FileEntry: J.Interceptor, DOMFileSystem: J.Interceptor, FontFace: J.Interceptor, FontFaceSource: J.Interceptor, FormData: J.Interceptor, GamepadButton: J.Interceptor, GamepadPose: J.Interceptor, Geolocation: J.Interceptor, Position: J.Interceptor, GeolocationPosition: J.Interceptor, Headers: J.Interceptor, HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils: J.Interceptor, IdleDeadline: J.Interceptor, ImageBitmap: J.Interceptor, ImageBitmapRenderingContext: J.Interceptor, ImageCapture: J.Interceptor, InputDeviceCapabilities: J.Interceptor, IntersectionObserver: J.Interceptor, IntersectionObserverEntry: J.Interceptor, InterventionReport: J.Interceptor, KeyframeEffect: J.Interceptor, KeyframeEffectReadOnly: J.Interceptor, MediaCapabilities: J.Interceptor, MediaCapabilitiesInfo: J.Interceptor, MediaDeviceInfo: J.Interceptor, MediaError: J.Interceptor, MediaKeyStatusMap: J.Interceptor, MediaKeySystemAccess: J.Interceptor, MediaKeys: J.Interceptor, MediaKeysPolicy: J.Interceptor, MediaMetadata: J.Interceptor, MediaSession: J.Interceptor, MediaSettingsRange: J.Interceptor, MemoryInfo: J.Interceptor, MessageChannel: J.Interceptor, Metadata: J.Interceptor, MutationObserver: J.Interceptor, WebKitMutationObserver: J.Interceptor, MutationRecord: J.Interceptor, NavigationPreloadManager: J.Interceptor, Navigator: J.Interceptor, NavigatorAutomationInformation: J.Interceptor, NavigatorConcurrentHardware: J.Interceptor, NavigatorCookies: J.Interceptor, NavigatorUserMediaError: J.Interceptor, NodeFilter: J.Interceptor, NodeIterator: J.Interceptor, NonDocumentTypeChildNode: J.Interceptor, NonElementParentNode: J.Interceptor, NoncedElement: J.Interceptor, OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D: J.Interceptor, OverconstrainedError: J.Interceptor, PaintRenderingContext2D: J.Interceptor, PaintSize: J.Interceptor, PaintWorkletGlobalScope: J.Interceptor, PasswordCredential: J.Interceptor, Path2D: J.Interceptor, PaymentAddress: J.Interceptor, PaymentInstruments: J.Interceptor, PaymentManager: J.Interceptor, PaymentResponse: J.Interceptor, PerformanceEntry: J.Interceptor, PerformanceLongTaskTiming: J.Interceptor, PerformanceMark: J.Interceptor, PerformanceMeasure: J.Interceptor, PerformanceNavigation: J.Interceptor, PerformanceNavigationTiming: J.Interceptor, PerformanceObserver: J.Interceptor, PerformanceObserverEntryList: J.Interceptor, PerformancePaintTiming: J.Interceptor, PerformanceResourceTiming: J.Interceptor, PerformanceServerTiming: J.Interceptor, PerformanceTiming: J.Interceptor, Permissions: J.Interceptor, PhotoCapabilities: J.Interceptor, PositionError: J.Interceptor, GeolocationPositionError: J.Interceptor, Presentation: J.Interceptor, PresentationReceiver: J.Interceptor, PublicKeyCredential: J.Interceptor, PushManager: J.Interceptor, PushMessageData: J.Interceptor, PushSubscription: J.Interceptor, PushSubscriptionOptions: J.Interceptor, Range: J.Interceptor, RelatedApplication: J.Interceptor, ReportBody: J.Interceptor, ReportingObserver: J.Interceptor, ResizeObserver: J.Interceptor, ResizeObserverEntry: J.Interceptor, RTCCertificate: J.Interceptor, RTCIceCandidate: J.Interceptor, mozRTCIceCandidate: J.Interceptor, RTCLegacyStatsReport: J.Interceptor, RTCRtpContributingSource: J.Interceptor, RTCRtpReceiver: J.Interceptor, RTCRtpSender: J.Interceptor, RTCSessionDescription: J.Interceptor, mozRTCSessionDescription: J.Interceptor, RTCStatsResponse: J.Interceptor, Screen: J.Interceptor, ScrollState: J.Interceptor, ScrollTimeline: J.Interceptor, Selection: J.Interceptor, SharedArrayBuffer: J.Interceptor, SpeechRecognitionAlternative: J.Interceptor, SpeechSynthesisVoice: J.Interceptor, StaticRange: J.Interceptor, StorageManager: J.Interceptor, StyleMedia: J.Interceptor, StylePropertyMap: J.Interceptor, StylePropertyMapReadonly: J.Interceptor, SyncManager: J.Interceptor, TaskAttributionTiming: J.Interceptor, TextDetector: J.Interceptor, TextMetrics: J.Interceptor, TrackDefault: J.Interceptor, TreeWalker: J.Interceptor, TrustedHTML: J.Interceptor, TrustedScriptURL: J.Interceptor, TrustedURL: J.Interceptor, UnderlyingSourceBase: J.Interceptor, URLSearchParams: J.Interceptor, VRCoordinateSystem: J.Interceptor, VRDisplayCapabilities: J.Interceptor, VREyeParameters: J.Interceptor, VRFrameData: J.Interceptor, VRFrameOfReference: J.Interceptor, VRPose: J.Interceptor, VRStageBounds: J.Interceptor, VRStageBoundsPoint: J.Interceptor, VRStageParameters: J.Interceptor, ValidityState: J.Interceptor, VideoPlaybackQuality: J.Interceptor, VideoTrack: J.Interceptor, VTTRegion: J.Interceptor, WindowClient: J.Interceptor, WorkletAnimation: J.Interceptor, WorkletGlobalScope: J.Interceptor, XPathEvaluator: J.Interceptor, XPathExpression: J.Interceptor, XPathNSResolver: J.Interceptor, XPathResult: J.Interceptor, XMLSerializer: J.Interceptor, XSLTProcessor: J.Interceptor, Bluetooth: J.Interceptor, BluetoothCharacteristicProperties: J.Interceptor, BluetoothRemoteGATTServer: J.Interceptor, BluetoothRemoteGATTService: J.Interceptor, BluetoothUUID: J.Interceptor, BudgetService: J.Interceptor, Cache: J.Interceptor, DOMFileSystemSync: J.Interceptor, DirectoryEntrySync: J.Interceptor, DirectoryReaderSync: J.Interceptor, EntrySync: J.Interceptor, FileEntrySync: J.Interceptor, FileReaderSync: J.Interceptor, FileWriterSync: J.Interceptor, HTMLAllCollection: J.Interceptor, Mojo: J.Interceptor, MojoHandle: J.Interceptor, MojoWatcher: J.Interceptor, NFC: J.Interceptor, PagePopupController: J.Interceptor, Report: J.Interceptor, Request: J.Interceptor, Response: J.Interceptor, SubtleCrypto: J.Interceptor, USBAlternateInterface: J.Interceptor, USBConfiguration: J.Interceptor, USBDevice: J.Interceptor, USBEndpoint: J.Interceptor, USBInTransferResult: J.Interceptor, USBInterface: J.Interceptor, USBIsochronousInTransferPacket: J.Interceptor, USBIsochronousInTransferResult: J.Interceptor, USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket: J.Interceptor, USBIsochronousOutTransferResult: J.Interceptor, USBOutTransferResult: J.Interceptor, WorkerLocation: J.Interceptor, WorkerNavigator: J.Interceptor, Worklet: J.Interceptor, IDBCursor: J.Interceptor, IDBCursorWithValue: J.Interceptor, IDBFactory: J.Interceptor, IDBIndex: J.Interceptor, IDBObjectStore: J.Interceptor, IDBObservation: J.Interceptor, IDBObserver: J.Interceptor, IDBObserverChanges: J.Interceptor, SVGAngle: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedAngle: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedBoolean: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedEnumeration: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedInteger: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedLength: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedLengthList: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedNumber: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedNumberList: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedRect: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedString: J.Interceptor, SVGAnimatedTransformList: J.Interceptor, SVGMatrix: J.Interceptor, SVGPoint: J.Interceptor, SVGPreserveAspectRatio: J.Interceptor, SVGRect: J.Interceptor, SVGUnitTypes: J.Interceptor, AudioListener: J.Interceptor, AudioParam: J.Interceptor, AudioTrack: J.Interceptor, AudioWorkletGlobalScope: J.Interceptor, 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A.NativeTypedArray.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView";
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A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "EventTarget";
A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "EventTarget";
A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "EventTarget";
})();$1 = function(a) {
return this(a);
};$2 = function(a, b) {
return this(a, b);
};$0 = function() {
return this();
};$3 = function(a, b, c) {
return this(a, b, c);
};$1$1 = function(a) {
return this(a);
};$3$3 = function(a, b, c) {
return this(a, b, c);
};$5 = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return this(a, b, c, d, e);
};$4 = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this(a, b, c, d);
};$3$6 = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return this(a, b, c, d, e, f);
};$1$4 = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this(a, b, c, d);
};$2$1 = function(a) {
return this(a);
};$2$5 = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
return this(a, b, c, d, e);
};$2$4 = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this(a, b, c, d);
};$3$1 = function(a) {
return this(a);
};$3$4 = function(a, b, c, d) {
return this(a, b, c, d);
};$1$2 = function(a, b) {
return this(a, b);
};$2$2 = function(a, b) {
return this(a, b);
};$2$3 = function(a, b, c) {
return this(a, b, c);
};$2$0 = function() {
return this();
};$1$0 = function() {
return this();
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