blob: a6b2e493a0369bc5c4b2a0073b90169eb0f19ca1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import '../usage.dart';
import '../uuid/uuid.dart';
String postEncode(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
// &foo=bar
return {
String value = '${map[key]}';
return '${key}=${Uri.encodeComponent(value)}';
* A throttling algorithm. This models the throttling after a bucket with
* water dripping into it at the rate of 1 drop per second. If the bucket has
* water when an operation is requested, 1 drop of water is removed and the
* operation is performed. If not the operation is skipped. This algorithm
* lets operations be performed in bursts without throttling, but holds the
* overall average rate of operations to 1 per second.
class ThrottlingBucket {
final int startingCount;
int drops;
int _lastReplenish;
ThrottlingBucket(this.startingCount) {
drops = startingCount;
_lastReplenish = new;
bool removeDrop() {
if (drops <= 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
void _checkReplenish() {
int now = new;
if (_lastReplenish + 1000 >= now) {
int inc = (now - _lastReplenish) ~/ 1000;
drops = math.min(drops + inc, startingCount);
_lastReplenish += (1000 * inc);
class AnalyticsImpl implements Analytics {
static const String _defaultAnalyticsUrl =
final String trackingId;
final String applicationName;
final String applicationVersion;
final PersistentProperties properties;
final PostHandler postHandler;
final ThrottlingBucket _bucket = new ThrottlingBucket(20);
final Map<String, dynamic> _variableMap = {};
final List<Future> _futures = [];
AnalyticsOpt analyticsOpt = AnalyticsOpt.optOut;
String _url;
final StreamController<Map<String, dynamic>> _sendController =
new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
AnalyticsImpl(this.trackingId,, this.postHandler,
{this.applicationName, this.applicationVersion, String analyticsUrl}) {
assert(trackingId != null);
if (applicationName != null) setSessionValue('an', applicationName);
if (applicationVersion != null) setSessionValue('av', applicationVersion);
_url = analyticsUrl ?? _defaultAnalyticsUrl;
bool _firstRun;
bool get firstRun {
if (_firstRun == null) {
_firstRun = properties['firstRun'] == null;
if (properties['firstRun'] != false) {
properties['firstRun'] = false;
return _firstRun;
bool get enabled {
bool optIn = analyticsOpt == AnalyticsOpt.optIn;
return optIn
? properties['enabled'] == true
: properties['enabled'] != false;
set enabled(bool value) {
properties['enabled'] = value;
Future sendScreenView(String viewName, {Map<String, String> parameters}) {
Map<String, dynamic> args = {'cd': viewName};
if (parameters != null) {
return _sendPayload('screenview', args);
Future sendEvent(String category, String action,
{String label, int value, Map<String, String> parameters}) {
Map<String, dynamic> args = {'ec': category, 'ea': action};
if (label != null) args['el'] = label;
if (value != null) args['ev'] = value;
if (parameters != null) {
return _sendPayload('event', args);
Future sendSocial(String network, String action, String target) {
Map<String, dynamic> args = {'sn': network, 'sa': action, 'st': target};
return _sendPayload('social', args);
Future sendTiming(String variableName, int time,
{String category, String label}) {
Map<String, dynamic> args = {'utv': variableName, 'utt': time};
if (label != null) args['utl'] = label;
if (category != null) args['utc'] = category;
return _sendPayload('timing', args);
AnalyticsTimer startTimer(String variableName,
{String category, String label}) {
return new AnalyticsTimer(this, variableName,
category: category, label: label);
Future sendException(String description, {bool fatal}) {
// We trim exceptions to a max length; google analytics will apply it's own
// truncation, likely around 150 chars or so.
const int maxExceptionLength = 1000;
// In order to ensure that the client of this API is not sending any PII
// data, we strip out any stack trace that may reference a path on the
// user's drive (file:/...).
if (description.contains('file:/')) {
description = description.substring(0, description.indexOf('file:/'));
description = description.replaceAll('\n', '; ');
if (description.length > maxExceptionLength) {
description = description.substring(0, maxExceptionLength);
Map<String, dynamic> args = {'exd': description};
if (fatal != null && fatal) args['exf'] = '1';
return _sendPayload('exception', args);
dynamic getSessionValue(String param) => _variableMap[param];
void setSessionValue(String param, dynamic value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
_variableMap[param] = value;
Stream<Map<String, dynamic>> get onSend =>;
Future waitForLastPing({Duration timeout}) {
Future f = Future.wait(_futures).catchError((e) => null);
if (timeout != null) {
f = f.timeout(timeout, onTimeout: () => null);
return f;
void close() => postHandler.close();
String get clientId => properties['clientId'] ??= new Uuid().generateV4();
* Send raw data to analytics. Callers should generally use one of the typed
* methods (`sendScreenView`, `sendEvent`, ...).
* Valid values for [hitType] are: 'pageview', 'screenview', 'event',
* 'transaction', 'item', 'social', 'exception', and 'timing'.
Future sendRaw(String hitType, Map<String, dynamic> args) {
return _sendPayload(hitType, args);
* Valid values for [hitType] are: 'pageview', 'screenview', 'event',
* 'transaction', 'item', 'social', 'exception', and 'timing'.
Future _sendPayload(String hitType, Map<String, dynamic> args) {
if (!enabled) return new Future.value();
if (_bucket.removeDrop()) {
_variableMap.forEach((key, value) {
args[key] = value;
args['v'] = '1'; // protocol version
args['tid'] = trackingId;
args['cid'] = clientId;
args['t'] = hitType;
return _recordFuture(postHandler.sendPost(_url, args));
} else {
return new Future.value();
Future _recordFuture(Future f) {
return f.whenComplete(() => _futures.remove(f));
* A persistent key/value store. An [AnalyticsImpl] instance expects to have one
* of these injected into it. There are default implementations for `dart:io`
* and `dart:html` clients.
* The [name] parameter is used to uniquely store these properties on disk /
* persistent storage.
abstract class PersistentProperties {
final String name;
dynamic operator [](String key);
void operator []=(String key, dynamic value);
/// Re-read settings from the backing store. This may be a no-op on some
/// platforms.
void syncSettings();
* A utility class to perform HTTP POSTs. An [AnalyticsImpl] instance expects to
* have one of these injected into it. There are default implementations for
* `dart:io` and `dart:html` clients.
* The POST information should be sent on a best-effort basis. The `Future` from
* [sendPost] should complete when the operation is finished, but failures to
* send the information should be silent.
abstract class PostHandler {
Future sendPost(String url, Map<String, dynamic> parameters);
/// Free any used resources.
void close();