blob: 18b251c5c14d99fae4366a1202ec8c0f4f88afd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the tuple project authors. Please see the AUTHORS
// file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed
// by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library tuple.test;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
main() {
group("Tuple tests", () {
final t = new Tuple2<int, bool>(1, true);
test('items', () {
expect(t.item1, equals(1));
expect(t.item2, equals(true));
test('withItems', () {
expect(t.withItem1(2), equals(new Tuple2<int, bool>(2, true)));
expect(t.withItem2(false), equals(new Tuple2<int, bool>(1, false)));
test('create a tuple from a list of items', () {
final t1 = new Tuple2.fromList([1, true]);
expect(t1.item1, equals(1));
expect(t1.item2, equals(true));
expect(() => new Tuple2.fromList([1]),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));
expect(() => new Tuple2.fromList([1, true, 'a']),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));
test('equality', () {
final otherT = new Tuple2<int, bool>(1, true);
expect(t, equals(otherT));
test('nested equality', () {
final t1 = new Tuple2<Tuple2<int, String>, bool>(
new Tuple2<int, String>(3, 'a'), false);
final t2 = new Tuple2<Tuple2<int, String>, bool>(
new Tuple2<int, String>(3, 'a'), false);
expect(t1, equals(t2));
test('can be used as keys in maps', () {
final map = {t: 'a'};
final key = new Tuple2<int, bool>(1, true);
expect(map[key], equals('a'));
test('toList() should return a listing containing the items of the tuple',
() {
expect(t.toList(), orderedEquals([1, true]));
test('toList() should return a fixed list by default', () {
expect(() => t.toList().add(3),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<UnsupportedError>()));
test('toList(growable: true) should return a growable list', () {
expect(t.toList(growable: true)..add('a'), orderedEquals([1, true, 'a']));