misc infra updates for dart-lang/tools (#165)

- misc infra updates for dart-lang/tools


  <summary>Contribution guidelines:</summary><br>

- See our [contributor guide](https://github.com/dart-lang/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) for general expectations for PRs.
- Larger or significant changes should be discussed in an issue before creating a PR.
- Contributions to our repos should follow the [Dart style guide](https://dart.dev/guides/language/effective-dart) and use `dart format`.
- Most changes should add an entry to the changelog and may need to [rev the pubspec package version](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/wiki/External-Package-Maintenance#making-a-change).
- Changes to packages require [corresponding tests](https://github.com/dart-lang/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#Testing).

Note that many Dart repos have a weekly cadence for reviewing PRs - please allow for some latency before initial review feedback.
5 files changed
tree: 0918748a846e3fb47573b2585584a23633d99532
  1. .github/
  2. pkgs/
  3. .gitignore
  7. README.md


This repository is home to tooling related Dart packages. Generally, this means packages published through the tools.dart.dev publisher that don't naturally belong to other topic monorepos (like dart-lang/build, dart-lang/test, or dart-lang/shelf).


cli_configA library to take config values from configuration files, CLI arguments, and environment variables.pub package
extension_discoveryA convention and utilities for package extension discovery.pub package
graphsGraph algorithms that operate on graphs in any representationpub package
unified_analyticsA package for logging analytics for all Dart and Flutter related tooling to Google Analytics.pub package

Publishing automation

For information about our publishing automation and release process, see https://github.com/dart-lang/ecosystem/wiki/Publishing-automation.

For additional information about contributing, see our contributing page.