blob: 6237f676cb475230fac39024e28f5b8171e369b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test_reflective_loader;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:test/test.dart' as test_package;
* A marker annotation used to annotate test methods which are expected to fail
* when asserts are enabled.
const _AssertFailingTest assertFailingTest = _AssertFailingTest();
* A marker annotation used to annotate test methods which are expected to fail.
const FailingTest failingTest = FailingTest();
* A marker annotation used to instruct dart2js to keep reflection information
* for the annotated classes.
const _ReflectiveTest reflectiveTest = _ReflectiveTest();
* A marker annotation used to annotate test methods that should be skipped.
const SkippedTest skippedTest = SkippedTest();
* A marker annotation used to annotate "solo" groups and tests.
const _SoloTest soloTest = _SoloTest();
final List<_Group> _currentGroups = <_Group>[];
int _currentSuiteLevel = 0;
String _currentSuiteName = '';
* Is `true` the application is running in the checked mode.
final bool _isCheckedMode = () {
try {
return false;
} catch (_) {
return true;
* Run the [define] function parameter that calls [defineReflectiveTests] to
* add normal and "solo" tests, and also calls [defineReflectiveSuite] to
* create embedded suites. If the current suite is the top-level one, perform
* check for "solo" groups and tests, and run all or only "solo" items.
void defineReflectiveSuite(void Function() define, {String name = ''}) {
String groupName = _currentSuiteName;
try {
_currentSuiteName = _combineNames(_currentSuiteName, name);
} finally {
_currentSuiteName = groupName;
* Runs test methods existing in the given [type].
* If there is a "solo" test method in the top-level suite, only "solo" methods
* are run.
* If there is a "solo" test type, only its test methods are run.
* Otherwise all tests methods of all test types are run.
* Each method is run with a new instance of [type].
* So, [type] should have a default constructor.
* If [type] declares method `setUp`, it methods will be invoked before any test
* method invocation.
* If [type] declares method `tearDown`, it will be invoked after any test
* method invocation. If method returns [Future] to test some asynchronous
* behavior, then `tearDown` will be invoked in `Future.complete`.
void defineReflectiveTests(Type type) {
ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(type);
if (!classMirror.metadata.any((InstanceMirror annotation) =>
annotation.type.reflectedType == _ReflectiveTest)) {
String name = MirrorSystem.getName(classMirror.qualifiedName);
throw Exception('Class $name must have annotation "@reflectiveTest" '
'in order to be run by runReflectiveTests.');
_Group group;
bool isSolo = _hasAnnotationInstance(classMirror, soloTest);
String className = MirrorSystem.getName(classMirror.simpleName);
group = _Group(isSolo, _combineNames(_currentSuiteName, className));
.forEach((Symbol symbol, MethodMirror memberMirror) {
// we need only methods
if (!memberMirror.isRegularMethod) {
// prepare information about the method
String memberName = MirrorSystem.getName(symbol);
bool isSolo = memberName.startsWith('solo_') ||
_hasAnnotationInstance(memberMirror, soloTest);
// test_
if (memberName.startsWith('test_')) {
if (_hasSkippedTestAnnotation(memberMirror)) {
} else {
group.addTest(isSolo, memberName, memberMirror, () {
if (_hasFailingTestAnnotation(memberMirror) ||
_isCheckedMode && _hasAssertFailingTestAnnotation(memberMirror)) {
return _runFailingTest(classMirror, symbol);
} else {
return _runTest(classMirror, symbol);
// solo_test_
if (memberName.startsWith('solo_test_')) {
group.addTest(true, memberName, memberMirror, () {
return _runTest(classMirror, symbol);
// fail_test_
if (memberName.startsWith('fail_')) {
group.addTest(isSolo, memberName, memberMirror, () {
return _runFailingTest(classMirror, symbol);
// solo_fail_test_
if (memberName.startsWith('solo_fail_')) {
group.addTest(true, memberName, memberMirror, () {
return _runFailingTest(classMirror, symbol);
// skip_test_
if (memberName.startsWith('skip_test_')) {
// Support for the case of missing enclosing [defineReflectiveSuite].
* If the current suite is the top-level one, add tests to the `test` package.
void _addTestsIfTopLevelSuite() {
if (_currentSuiteLevel == 0) {
void runTests({required bool allGroups, required bool allTests}) {
for (_Group group in _currentGroups) {
if (allGroups || group.isSolo) {
for (_Test test in group.tests) {
if (allTests || test.isSolo) {
test_package.test(, test.function,
timeout: test.timeout, skip: test.isSkipped);
if (_currentGroups.any((g) => g.hasSoloTest)) {
runTests(allGroups: true, allTests: false);
} else if (_currentGroups.any((g) => g.isSolo)) {
runTests(allGroups: false, allTests: true);
} else {
runTests(allGroups: true, allTests: true);
* Return the combination of the [base] and [addition] names.
* If any other two is `null`, then the other one is returned.
String _combineNames(String base, String addition) {
if (base.isEmpty) {
return addition;
} else if (addition.isEmpty) {
return base;
} else {
return '$base | $addition';
Object? _getAnnotationInstance(DeclarationMirror declaration, Type type) {
for (InstanceMirror annotation in declaration.metadata) {
if (annotation.reflectee.runtimeType == type) {
return annotation.reflectee;
return null;
bool _hasAnnotationInstance(DeclarationMirror declaration, instance) =>
declaration.metadata.any((InstanceMirror annotation) =>
identical(annotation.reflectee, instance));
bool _hasAssertFailingTestAnnotation(MethodMirror method) =>
_hasAnnotationInstance(method, assertFailingTest);
bool _hasFailingTestAnnotation(MethodMirror method) =>
_hasAnnotationInstance(method, failingTest);
bool _hasSkippedTestAnnotation(MethodMirror method) =>
_hasAnnotationInstance(method, skippedTest);
Future<Object?> _invokeSymbolIfExists(
InstanceMirror instanceMirror, Symbol symbol) {
Object? invocationResult;
InstanceMirror? closure;
try {
closure = instanceMirror.getField(symbol);
} on NoSuchMethodError {
// ignore
if (closure is ClosureMirror) {
invocationResult = closure.apply([]).reflectee;
return Future.value(invocationResult);
* Run a test that is expected to fail, and confirm that it fails.
* This properly handles the following cases:
* - The test fails by throwing an exception
* - The test returns a future which completes with an error.
* - An exception is thrown to the zone handler from a timer task.
Future<Object?>? _runFailingTest(ClassMirror classMirror, Symbol symbol) {
bool passed = false;
return runZonedGuarded(() {
// ignore: void_checks
return Future.sync(() => _runTest(classMirror, symbol)).then<void>((_) {
passed = true;'Test passed - expected to fail.');
}).catchError((e) {
// if passed, and we call fail(), rethrow this exception
if (passed) {
throw e;
// otherwise, an exception is not a failure for _runFailingTest
}, (e, st) {
// if passed, and we call fail(), rethrow this exception
if (passed) {
throw e;
// otherwise, an exception is not a failure for _runFailingTest
Future<Object?> _runTest(ClassMirror classMirror, Symbol symbol) {
InstanceMirror instanceMirror = classMirror.newInstance(Symbol(''), []);
return _invokeSymbolIfExists(instanceMirror, #setUp)
.then((_) => instanceMirror.invoke(symbol, []).reflectee)
.whenComplete(() => _invokeSymbolIfExists(instanceMirror, #tearDown));
typedef _TestFunction = dynamic Function();
* A marker annotation used to annotate test methods which are expected to fail.
class FailingTest {
* Initialize this annotation with the given arguments.
* [issue] is a full URI describing the failure and used for tracking.
* [reason] is a free form textual description.
const FailingTest({String? issue, String? reason});
* A marker annotation used to annotate test methods which are skipped.
class SkippedTest {
* Initialize this annotation with the given arguments.
* [issue] is a full URI describing the failure and used for tracking.
* [reason] is a free form textual description.
const SkippedTest({String? issue, String? reason});
* A marker annotation used to annotate test methods with additional timeout
* information.
class TestTimeout {
final test_package.Timeout _timeout;
* Initialize this annotation with the given timeout.
const TestTimeout(test_package.Timeout timeout) : _timeout = timeout;
* A marker annotation used to annotate test methods which are expected to fail
* when asserts are enabled.
class _AssertFailingTest {
const _AssertFailingTest();
* Information about a type based test group.
class _Group {
final bool isSolo;
final String name;
final List<_Test> tests = <_Test>[];
bool get hasSoloTest => tests.any((test) => test.isSolo);
void addSkippedTest(String name) {
var fullName = _combineNames(, name);
tests.add(_Test.skipped(isSolo, fullName));
void addTest(bool isSolo, String name, MethodMirror memberMirror,
_TestFunction function) {
var fullName = _combineNames(, name);
var timeout =
_getAnnotationInstance(memberMirror, TestTimeout) as TestTimeout?;
tests.add(_Test(isSolo, fullName, function, timeout?._timeout));
* A marker annotation used to instruct dart2js to keep reflection information
* for the annotated classes.
class _ReflectiveTest {
const _ReflectiveTest();
* A marker annotation used to annotate "solo" groups and tests.
class _SoloTest {
const _SoloTest();
* Information about a test.
class _Test {
final bool isSolo;
final String name;
final _TestFunction function;
final test_package.Timeout? timeout;
final bool isSkipped;
_Test(this.isSolo,, this.function, this.timeout)
: isSkipped = false;
: isSkipped = true,
function = (() {}),
timeout = null;