blob: d648894aa57531302264302e4fa12e1dcd219199 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'descriptor.dart';
import 'sandbox.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A descriptor describing a single file.
/// In addition to the normal descriptor methods, this has [read] and
/// [readAsBytes] methods that allows its contents to be read.
/// This may be extended outside this package.
abstract class FileDescriptor extends Descriptor {
/// Creates a new [FileDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
/// The [contents] may be a `String`, a `List<int>`, or a [Matcher]. If it's a
/// string, [create] creates a UTF-8 file and [validate] parses the physical
/// file as UTF-8. If it's a [Matcher], [validate] matches it against the
/// physical file's contents parsed as UTF-8, and [create], [read], and
/// [readAsBytes] are unsupported.
/// If [contents] isn't passed, [create] creates an empty file and [validate]
/// verifies that the file is empty.
/// To match a [Matcher] against a file's binary contents, use [new
/// FileDescriptor.binaryMatcher] instead.
factory FileDescriptor(String name, contents) {
if (contents is String) return new _StringFileDescriptor(name, contents);
if (contents is List) {
return new _BinaryFileDescriptor(name, DelegatingList.typed(contents));
if (contents == null) return new _BinaryFileDescriptor(name, []);
return new _MatcherFileDescriptor(name, contents);
/// Creates a new binary [FileDescriptor] with [name] that matches its binary
/// contents against [matcher].
/// The [create], [read], and [readAsBytes] methods are unsupported for this
/// descriptor.
factory FileDescriptor.binaryMatcher(String name, Matcher matcher) =>
new _MatcherFileDescriptor(name, matcher, isBinary: true);
/// A protected constructor that's only intended for subclasses.
FileDescriptor.protected(String name) : super(name);
Future create([String parent]) async {
// Create the stream before we call [File.openWrite] because it may fail
// fast (e.g. if this is a matcher file).
var file = new File(p.join(parent ?? sandbox, name)).openWrite();
try {
await readAsBytes().listen(file.add).asFuture();
} finally {
await file.close();
Future validate([String parent]) async {
var fullPath = p.join(parent ?? sandbox, name);
var pretty = prettyPath(fullPath);
if (!(await new File(fullPath).exists())) {
fail('File not found: "$pretty".');
await _validate(pretty, await new File(fullPath).readAsBytes());
/// Validates that [binaryContents] matches the expected contents of
/// the descriptor.
/// The [prettyPath] is a human-friendly representation of the path to the
/// descriptor.
void _validate(String prettyPath, List<int> binaryContents);
/// Reads and decodes the contents of this descriptor as a UTF-8 string.
/// This isn't supported for matcher descriptors.
Future<String> read() => UTF8.decodeStream(readAsBytes());
/// Reads the contents of this descriptor as a byte stream.
/// This isn't supported for matcher descriptors.
Stream<List<int>> readAsBytes();
String describe() => name;
class _BinaryFileDescriptor extends FileDescriptor {
/// The contents of this descriptor's file.
final List<int> _contents;
_BinaryFileDescriptor(String name, this._contents) : super.protected(name);
Stream<List<int>> readAsBytes() => new Stream.fromIterable([_contents]);
Future _validate(String prettPath, List<int> actualContents) async {
if (const IterableEquality().equals(_contents, actualContents)) return null;
// TODO(nweiz): show a hex dump here if the data is small enough.
fail('File "$prettPath" didn\'t contain the expected binary data.');
class _StringFileDescriptor extends FileDescriptor {
/// The contents of this descriptor's file.
final String _contents;
_StringFileDescriptor(String name, this._contents) : super.protected(name);
Future<String> read() async => _contents;
Stream<List<int>> readAsBytes() =>
new Stream.fromIterable([UTF8.encode(_contents)]);
Future _validate(String prettyPath, List<int> actualContents) {
var actualContentsText = UTF8.decode(actualContents);
if (_contents == actualContentsText) return null;
throw fail(_textMismatchMessage(prettyPath, _contents, actualContentsText));
String _textMismatchMessage(String prettyPath, String expected,
String actual) {
final expectedLines = expected.split('\n');
final actualLines = actual.split('\n');
var results = [];
// Compare them line by line to see which ones match.
var length = math.max(expectedLines.length, actualLines.length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i >= actualLines.length) {
// Missing output.
results.add('? ${expectedLines[i]}');
} else if (i >= expectedLines.length) {
// Unexpected extra output.
results.add('X ${actualLines[i]}');
} else {
var expectedLine = expectedLines[i];
var actualLine = actualLines[i];
if (expectedLine != actualLine) {
// Mismatched lines.
results.add('X $actualLine');
} else {
// Matched lines.
results.add('${glyph.verticalLine} $actualLine');
return 'File "$prettyPath" should contain:\n'
"but actually contained:\n"
class _MatcherFileDescriptor extends FileDescriptor {
/// The matcher for this descriptor's contents.
final Matcher _matcher;
/// Whether [_matcher] should match against the file's string or byte
/// contents.
final bool _isBinary;
_MatcherFileDescriptor(String name, this._matcher, {bool isBinary: false})
: _isBinary = isBinary,
Stream<List<int>> readAsBytes() =>
throw new UnsupportedError("Matcher files can't be created or read.");
void _validate(String prettyPath, List<int> actualContents) {
try {
_isBinary ? actualContents : UTF8.decode(actualContents),
} on TestFailure catch (error) {
throw new TestFailure(
'Invalid contents for file "$prettyPath":\n' + error.message);