blob: 7d96ce80a4de8d2a1e7a7bf8d6d19ac25e15e6e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:archive/archive.dart';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'descriptor.dart';
import 'directory_descriptor.dart';
import 'file_descriptor.dart';
import 'sandbox.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A [Descriptor] describing files in a Tar or Zip archive.
/// The format is determined by the descriptor's file extension.
class ArchiveDescriptor extends Descriptor implements FileDescriptor {
/// Descriptors for entries in this archive.
final List<Descriptor> contents;
/// Returns a `package:archive` [Archive] object that contains the contents of
/// this file.
Future<Archive> get archive async {
var archive = Archive();
(await _files(contents)).forEach(archive.addFile);
return archive;
File get io => File(p.join(sandbox, name));
/// Returns [ArchiveFile]s for each file in [descriptors].
/// If [parent] is passed, it's used as the parent directory for filenames.
Future<Iterable<ArchiveFile>> _files(Iterable<Descriptor> descriptors,
[String parent]) async {
return (await waitAndReportErrors( async {
var fullName =
parent == null ? : '$parent/${}';
if (descriptor is FileDescriptor) {
var bytes = await collectBytes(descriptor.readAsBytes());
return [
ArchiveFile(fullName, bytes.length, bytes)
// Setting the mode and mod time are necessary to work around
// brendan-duncan/archive#76.
..mode = 428
..lastModTime = ~/ 1000
} else if (descriptor is DirectoryDescriptor) {
return await _files(descriptor.contents, fullName);
} else {
throw UnsupportedError(
'An archive can only be created from FileDescriptors and '
.expand((files) => files);
ArchiveDescriptor(String name, Iterable<Descriptor> contents)
: contents = List.unmodifiable(contents),
Future create([String parent]) async {
var path = p.join(parent ?? sandbox, name);
var file = File(path).openWrite();
try {
try {
await readAsBytes().listen(file.add).asFuture();
} finally {
await file.close();
} catch (_) {
await File(path).delete();
Future<String> read() async => throw UnsupportedError(
' is not supported. Use Archive.readAsBytes() '
Stream<List<int>> readAsBytes() => Stream.fromFuture(() async {
return _encodeFunction()(await archive);
Future<void> validate([String parent]) async {
// Access this first so we eaerly throw an error for a path with an invalid
// extension.
var decoder = _decodeFunction();
var fullPath = p.join(parent ?? sandbox, name);
var pretty = prettyPath(fullPath);
if (!(await File(fullPath).exists())) {
fail('File not found: "$pretty".');
var bytes = await File(fullPath).readAsBytes();
Archive archive;
try {
archive = decoder(bytes);
} catch (_) {
// Catch every error to work around brendan-duncan/archive#77.
fail('File "$pretty" is not a valid archive.');
// Because validators expect to validate against a real filesystem, we have
// to extract the archive to a temp directory and run validation on that.
var tempDir = await Directory.systemTemp
try {
await waitAndReportErrors( async {
var path = p.join(tempDir,;
await Directory(p.dirname(path)).create(recursive: true);
await File(path).writeAsBytes(file.content as List<int>);
await waitAndReportErrors( async {
try {
await entry.validate(tempDir);
} on TestFailure catch (error) {
// Replace the temporary directory with the path to the archive to
// make the error more user-friendly.
fail(error.message.replaceAll(tempDir, pretty));
} finally {
await Directory(tempDir).delete(recursive: true);
/// Returns the function to use to encode this file to binary, based on its
/// [name].
List<int> Function(Archive) _encodeFunction() {
if (name.endsWith('.zip')) {
return ZipEncoder().encode;
} else if (name.endsWith('.tar')) {
return TarEncoder().encode;
} else if (name.endsWith('.tar.gz') ||
name.endsWith('.tar.gzip') ||
name.endsWith('.tgz')) {
return (archive) => GZipEncoder().encode(TarEncoder().encode(archive));
} else if (name.endsWith('.tar.bz2') || name.endsWith('.tar.bzip2')) {
return (archive) => BZip2Encoder().encode(TarEncoder().encode(archive));
} else {
throw UnsupportedError('Unknown file format $name.');
/// Returns the function to use to decode this file from binary, based on its
/// [name].
Archive Function(List<int>) _decodeFunction() {
if (name.endsWith('.zip')) {
return ZipDecoder().decodeBytes;
} else if (name.endsWith('.tar')) {
return TarDecoder().decodeBytes;
} else if (name.endsWith('.tar.gz') ||
name.endsWith('.tar.gzip') ||
name.endsWith('.tgz')) {
return (archive) =>
} else if (name.endsWith('.tar.bz2') || name.endsWith('.tar.bzip2')) {
return (archive) =>
} else {
throw UnsupportedError('Unknown file format $name.');
String describe() => describeDirectory(name, contents);