blob: 812d47e28314ccc552520df019e08ada43368260 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:async/async.dart' hide Result;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/group.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/invoker.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/live_test.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/live_test_controller.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/message.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/state.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/test.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/util/iterable_set.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'runner_suite.dart';
import 'live_suite.dart';
import 'live_suite_controller.dart';
import 'load_suite.dart';
/// An [Engine] manages a run that encompasses multiple test suites.
/// Test suites are provided by passing them into [suiteSink]. Once all suites
/// have been provided, the user should close [suiteSink] to indicate this.
/// [run] won't terminate until [suiteSink] is closed. Suites will be run in the
/// order they're provided to [suiteSink]. Tests within those suites will
/// likewise be run in the order they're declared.
/// The current status of every test is visible via [liveTests]. [onTestStarted]
/// can also be used to be notified when a test is about to be run.
/// The engine has some special logic for [LoadSuite]s and the tests they
/// contain, referred to as "load tests". Load tests exist to provide visibility
/// into the process of loading test files, but as long as that process is
/// proceeding normally users usually don't care about it, so the engine only
/// surfaces running load tests (that is, includes them in [liveTests] and other
/// collections) under specific circumstances.
/// If only load tests are running, exactly one load test will be in [active]
/// and [liveTests]. If this test passes, it will be removed from both [active]
/// and [liveTests] and *will not* be added to [passed]. If at any point a load
/// test fails, it will be added to [failed] and [liveTests].
/// The test suite loaded by a load suite will be automatically be run by the
/// engine; it doesn't need to be added to [suiteSink] manually.
/// Load tests will always be emitted through [onTestStarted] so users can watch
/// their event streams once they start running.
class Engine {
/// Whether [run] has been called yet.
var _runCalled = false;
/// Whether [close] has been called.
var _closed = false;
/// Whether [close] was called before all the tests finished running.
/// This is `null` if close hasn't been called and the tests are still
/// running, `true` if close was called before the tests finished running, and
/// `false` if the tests finished running before close was called.
bool _closedBeforeDone;
/// A pool that limits the number of test suites running concurrently.
final Pool _runPool;
/// A pool that limits the number of test suites loaded concurrently.
/// Once this reaches its limit, loading any additional test suites will cause
/// previous suites to be unloaded in the order they completed.
final Pool _loadPool;
/// A completer that will complete when [this] is unpaused.
/// If [this] isn't paused, [_pauseCompleter] is `null`.
Completer _pauseCompleter;
/// A future that completes once [this] is unpaused.
/// If [this] isn't paused, this completes immediately.
Future get _onUnpaused =>
_pauseCompleter == null ? Future.value() : _pauseCompleter.future;
/// Whether all tests passed or were skipped.
/// This fires once all tests have completed and [suiteSink] has been closed.
/// This will be `null` if [close] was called before all the tests finished
/// running.
Future<bool> get success async {
await Future.wait(<Future>[_group.future, _loadPool.done],
eagerError: true);
if (_closedBeforeDone) return null;
return liveTests.every((liveTest) =>
liveTest.state.result.isPassing &&
liveTest.state.status == Status.complete);
/// A group of futures for each test suite.
final _group = FutureGroup();
/// All of the engine's stream subscriptions.
final _subscriptions = Set<StreamSubscription>();
/// A sink used to pass [RunnerSuite]s in to the engine to run.
/// Suites may be added as quickly as they're available; the Engine will only
/// run as many as necessary at a time based on its concurrency settings.
/// Suites added to the sink will be closed by the engine based on its
/// internal logic.
Sink<RunnerSuite> get suiteSink => DelegatingSink(_suiteController.sink);
final _suiteController = StreamController<RunnerSuite>();
/// All the [RunnerSuite]s added to [suiteSink] so far.
/// Note that if a [LoadSuite] is added, this will only contain that suite,
/// not the suite it loads.
Set<RunnerSuite> get addedSuites => UnmodifiableSetView(_addedSuites);
final _addedSuites = Set<RunnerSuite>();
/// A broadcast stream that emits each [RunnerSuite] as it's added to the
/// engine via [suiteSink].
/// Note that if a [LoadSuite] is added, this will only return that suite, not
/// the suite it loads.
/// This is guaranteed to fire after the suite is added to [addedSuites].
Stream<RunnerSuite> get onSuiteAdded =>;
final _onSuiteAddedController = StreamController<RunnerSuite>.broadcast();
/// All the currently-known suites that have run or are running.
/// These are [LiveSuite]s, representing the in-progress state of each suite
/// as its component tests are being run.
/// Note that unlike [addedSuites], for suites that are loaded using
/// [LoadSuite]s, both the [LoadSuite] and the suite it loads will eventually
/// be in this set.
Set<LiveSuite> get liveSuites => UnmodifiableSetView(_liveSuites);
final _liveSuites = Set<LiveSuite>();
/// A broadcast stream that emits each [LiveSuite] as it's loaded.
/// Note that unlike [onSuiteAdded], for suites that are loaded using
/// [LoadSuite]s, both the [LoadSuite] and the suite it loads will eventually
/// be emitted by this stream.
Stream<LiveSuite> get onSuiteStarted =>;
final _onSuiteStartedController = StreamController<LiveSuite>.broadcast();
/// All the currently-known tests that have run or are running.
/// These are [LiveTest]s, representing the in-progress state of each test.
/// Tests that have not yet begun running are marked [Status.pending]; tests
/// that have finished are marked [Status.complete].
/// This is guaranteed to contain the same tests as the union of [passed],
/// [skipped], [failed], and [active].
/// [] must not be called on these tests.
Set<LiveTest> get liveTests =>
UnionSet.from([passed, skipped, failed, IterableSet(active)],
disjoint: true);
/// A stream that emits each [LiveTest] as it's about to start running.
/// This is guaranteed to fire before [LiveTest.onStateChange] first fires.
Stream<LiveTest> get onTestStarted =>;
final _onTestStartedGroup = StreamGroup<LiveTest>.broadcast();
/// The set of tests that have completed and been marked as passing.
Set<LiveTest> get passed => _passedGroup.set;
final _passedGroup = UnionSetController<LiveTest>(disjoint: true);
/// The set of tests that have completed and been marked as skipped.
Set<LiveTest> get skipped => _skippedGroup.set;
final _skippedGroup = UnionSetController<LiveTest>(disjoint: true);
/// The set of tests that have completed and been marked as failing or error.
Set<LiveTest> get failed => _failedGroup.set;
final _failedGroup = UnionSetController<LiveTest>(disjoint: true);
/// The tests that are still running, in the order they begain running.
List<LiveTest> get active => UnmodifiableListView(_active);
final _active = QueueList<LiveTest>();
/// The set of tests that have been marked for restarting.
/// This is always a subset of [active]. Once a test in here has finished
/// running, it's run again.
final _restarted = Set<LiveTest>();
/// The tests from [LoadSuite]s that are still running, in the order they
/// began running.
/// This is separate from [active] because load tests aren't always surfaced.
final _activeLoadTests = List<LiveTest>();
/// Whether this engine is idle—that is, not currently executing a test.
bool get isIdle => _group.isIdle;
/// A broadcast stream that fires an event whenever [isIdle] switches from
/// `false` to `true`.
Stream get onIdle => _group.onIdle;
// TODO(nweiz): Use interface libraries to take a Configuration even when
// dart:io is unavailable.
/// Creates an [Engine] that will run all tests provided via [suiteSink].
/// [concurrency] controls how many suites are run at once, and defaults to 1.
/// [maxSuites] controls how many suites are *loaded* at once, and defaults to
/// four times [concurrency].
Engine({int concurrency, int maxSuites})
: _runPool = Pool(concurrency ?? 1),
_loadPool = Pool(maxSuites ?? (concurrency ?? 1) * 2) {
_group.future.then((_) {
if (_closedBeforeDone == null) _closedBeforeDone = false;
}).catchError((_) {
// Don't top-level errors. They'll be thrown via [success] anyway.
/// Creates an [Engine] that will run all tests in [suites].
/// An engine constructed this way will automatically close its [suiteSink],
/// meaning that no further suites may be provided.
/// [concurrency] controls how many suites are run at once. If [runSkipped] is
/// `true`, skipped tests will be run as though they weren't skipped.
factory Engine.withSuites(List<RunnerSuite> suites, {int concurrency}) {
var engine = Engine(concurrency: concurrency);
for (var suite in suites) engine.suiteSink.add(suite);
return engine;
/// Runs all tests in all suites defined by this engine.
/// This returns `true` if all tests succeed, and `false` otherwise. It will
/// only return once all tests have finished running and [suiteSink] has been
/// closed.
Future<bool> run() {
if (_runCalled) {
throw StateError(" may not be called more than once.");
_runCalled = true;
StreamSubscription subscription;
subscription = {
_group.add(() async {
var loadResource = await _loadPool.request();
LiveSuiteController controller;
if (suite is LoadSuite) {
await _onUnpaused;
controller = await _addLoadSuite(suite);
if (controller == null) {
} else {
controller = LiveSuiteController(suite);
await _runPool.withResource(() async {
if (_closed) return;
await _runGroup(controller,, []);
loadResource.allowRelease(() => controller.close());
}, onDone: () {
return success;
/// Runs all the entries in [group] in sequence.
/// [suiteController] is the controller fo the suite that contains [group].
/// [parents] is a list of groups that contain [group]. It may be modified,
/// but it's guaranteed to be in its original state once this function has
/// finished.
Future _runGroup(LiveSuiteController suiteController, Group group,
List<Group> parents) async {
try {
var suiteConfig = suiteController.liveSuite.suite.config;
var skipGroup = !suiteConfig.runSkipped && group.metadata.skip;
var setUpAllSucceeded = true;
if (!skipGroup && group.setUpAll != null) {
var liveTest = group.setUpAll
.load(suiteController.liveSuite.suite, groups: parents);
await _runLiveTest(suiteController, liveTest, countSuccess: false);
setUpAllSucceeded = liveTest.state.result.isPassing;
if (!_closed && setUpAllSucceeded) {
for (var entry in group.entries) {
if (_closed) return;
if (entry is Group) {
await _runGroup(suiteController, entry, parents);
} else if (!suiteConfig.runSkipped && entry.metadata.skip) {
await _runSkippedTest(suiteController, entry as Test, parents);
} else {
var test = entry as Test;
await _runLiveTest(suiteController,
test.load(suiteController.liveSuite.suite, groups: parents));
// Even if we're closed or setUpAll failed, we want to run all the
// teardowns to ensure that any state is properly cleaned up.
if (!skipGroup && group.tearDownAll != null) {
var liveTest = group.tearDownAll
.load(suiteController.liveSuite.suite, groups: parents);
await _runLiveTest(suiteController, liveTest, countSuccess: false);
if (_closed) await liveTest.close();
} finally {
/// Runs [liveTest] using [suiteController].
/// If [countSuccess] is `true` (the default), the test is put into [passed]
/// if it succeeds. Otherwise, it's removed from [liveTests] entirely.
Future _runLiveTest(LiveSuiteController suiteController, LiveTest liveTest,
{bool countSuccess = true}) async {
await _onUnpaused;
// If there were no active non-load tests, the current active test would
// have been a load test. In that case, remove it, since now we have a
// non-load test to add.
if (_active.first.suite is LoadSuite) _active.removeFirst();
StreamSubscription subscription;
subscription = liveTest.onStateChange.listen((state) {
if (state.status != Status.complete) return;
// If we're out of non-load tests, surface a load test.
if (_active.isEmpty && _activeLoadTests.isNotEmpty) {
}, onDone: () {
suiteController.reportLiveTest(liveTest, countSuccess: countSuccess);
// Schedule a microtask to ensure that [onTestStarted] fires before the
// first [LiveTest.onStateChange] event.
await Future.microtask(;
// Once the test finishes, use [new Future] to do a coarse-grained event
// loop pump to avoid starving non-microtask events.
await Future(() {});
if (!_restarted.contains(liveTest)) return;
await _runLiveTest(suiteController, liveTest.copy(),
countSuccess: countSuccess);
/// Runs a dummy [LiveTest] for a test marked as "skip".
/// [suiteController] is the controller for the suite that contains [test].
/// [parents] is a list of groups that contain [test].
Future _runSkippedTest(LiveSuiteController suiteController, Test test,
List<Group> parents) async {
await _onUnpaused;
var skipped = LocalTest(, test.metadata, () {}, trace: test.trace);
LiveTestController controller;
controller =
LiveTestController(suiteController.liveSuite.suite, skipped, () {
controller.setState(const State(Status.running, Result.success));
controller.setState(const State(Status.running, Result.skipped));
if (skipped.metadata.skipReason != null) {
.message(Message.skip("Skip: ${skipped.metadata.skipReason}"));
controller.setState(const State(Status.complete, Result.skipped));
}, () {}, groups: parents);
return await _runLiveTest(suiteController, controller.liveTest);
/// Closes [liveTest] and tells the engine to re-run it once it's done
/// running.
/// Returns the same future as [LiveTest.close].
Future restartTest(LiveTest liveTest) async {
if (_activeLoadTests.contains(liveTest)) {
throw ArgumentError("Can't restart a load test.");
if (!_active.contains(liveTest)) {
throw StateError("Can't restart inactive test "
await liveTest.close();
/// Runs [suite] and returns the [LiveSuiteController] for the suite it loads.
/// Returns `null` if the suite fails to load.
Future<LiveSuiteController> _addLoadSuite(LoadSuite suite) async {
var controller = LiveSuiteController(suite);
var liveTest = suite.test.load(suite);
// Only surface the load test if there are no other tests currently running.
if (_active.isEmpty) _active.add(liveTest);
StreamSubscription subscription;
subscription = liveTest.onStateChange.listen((state) {
if (state.status != Status.complete) return;
// Only one load test will be active at any given time, and it will always
// be the only active test. Remove it and, if possible, surface another
// load test.
if (_active.isNotEmpty && _active.first.suite == suite) {
if (_activeLoadTests.isNotEmpty) _active.add(_activeLoadTests.last);
}, onDone: () {
controller.reportLiveTest(liveTest, countSuccess: false);
// Schedule a microtask to ensure that [onTestStarted] fires before the
// first [LiveTest.onStateChange] event.
await Future.microtask(;
var innerSuite = await suite.suite;
if (innerSuite == null) return null;
var innerController = LiveSuiteController(innerSuite);
unawaited(innerController.liveSuite.onClose.whenComplete(() {
// When the main suite is closed, close the load suite and its test as
// well. This doesn't release any resources, but it does close streams
// which indicates that the load test won't experience an error in the
// future.
return innerController;
/// Add [liveSuite] and the information it exposes to the engine's
/// informational streams and collections.
void _addLiveSuite(LiveSuite liveSuite) {
/// Pauses the engine.
/// This pauses all streams and keeps any new suites from being loaded or
/// tests from being run until [resume] is called.
/// This does nothing if the engine is already paused. Pauses are *not*
/// cumulative.
void pause() {
if (_pauseCompleter != null) return;
_pauseCompleter = Completer();
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
void resume() {
if (_pauseCompleter == null) return;
_pauseCompleter = null;
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
/// Signals that the caller is done paying attention to test results and the
/// engine should release any resources it has allocated.
/// Any actively-running tests are also closed. VM tests are allowed to finish
/// running so that any modifications they've made to the filesystem can be
/// cleaned up.
/// **Note that closing the engine is not the same as closing [suiteSink].**
/// Closing [suiteSink] indicates that no more input will be provided, closing
/// the engine indicates that no more output should be emitted.
Future close() async {
// TODO(grouma) - Remove this unecessary await.
await Future(() {});
_closed = true;
if (_closedBeforeDone != null) _closedBeforeDone = true;
await _onSuiteAddedController.close();
await _suiteController.close();
// Close the running tests first so that we're sure to wait for them to
// finish before we close their suites and cause them to become unloaded.
var allLiveTests = liveTests.toSet()..addAll(_activeLoadTests);
var futures = => liveTest.close()).toList();
// Closing the load pool will close the test suites as soon as their tests
// are done. For browser suites this is effectively immediate since their
// tests shut down as soon as they're closed, but for VM suites we may need
// to wait for tearDowns or tearDownAlls to run.
await Future.wait(futures, eagerError: true);