blob: aae6f93504e8febd5c85cad28ed98bf64bf0fbec [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
extension ThrowsCheck<T> on Check<T Function()> {
/// Expects that a function throws synchronously when it is called.
/// If the function synchronously throws a value of type [E], return a
/// [Check<E>] to check further expectations on the error.
/// If the function does not throw synchronously, or if it throws an error
/// that is not of type [E], this expectation will fail.
/// If this function is async and returns a [Future], this expectation will
/// fail. Instead invoke the function and check the expectation on the
/// returned [Future].
Check<E> throws<E>() {
return context.nest<E>('Completes as an error of type $E', (actual) {
try {
final result = actual();
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: 'Returned ${literal(result)}',
which: ['Did not throw'],
} catch (e) {
if (e is E) return Extracted.value(e as E);
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: 'Completed to error ${literal(e)}',
which: ['Is not an $E']);