blob: 6e2f4dddf6242bae07b17a0c544c3b9ed57be060 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:checks/context.dart';
extension FutureChecks<T> on Check<Future<T>> {
/// Expects that the `Future` completes to a value without throwing.
/// Returns a future that completes to a [Check<T>] on the result once the
/// future completes.
/// Fails if the future completes as an error.
Future<Check<T>> completes() async {
return await context.nestAsync<T>('Completes to', (actual) async {
try {
return Extracted.value(await actual);
} catch (e) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: 'A future that completes as an error',
which: ['Threw ${literal(e)}']);
/// Expects that the `Future` completes as an error.
/// Returns a future that completes to a [Check<E>] on the error once the
/// future completes as an error.
/// Fails if the future completes to a value.
Future<Check<E>> throws<E>() async {
return await context.nestAsync<E>('Completes as an error of type $E',
(actual) async {
try {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: 'Completed to ${literal(await actual)}',
which: ['Did not throw']);
} catch (e) {
if (e is E) return Extracted.value(e as E);
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: 'Completed to error ${literal(e)}',
which: ['Is not an $E']);
/// Expectations on a [StreamQueue].
/// Streams should be wrapped in user test code so that any reuse of the same
/// Stream, and the full stream lifecycle, is explicit.
extension StreamChecks<T> on Check<StreamQueue<T>> {
/// Expect that the `Stream` emits a value without first emitting an error.
/// Returns a `Future` that completes to a [Check<T>] on the next event
/// emitted by the stream.
/// Fails if the stream emits an error instead of a value, or closes without
/// emitting a value.
Future<Check<T>> emits() async {
return await context.nestAsync<T>('Emits a value', (actual) async {
if (!await actual.hasNext) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: 'an empty stream', which: ['did not emit any value']);
try {
return Extracted.value(await;
} catch (e) {
return Extracted.rejection(
actual: 'A stream with error ${literal(e)}',
which: ['emitted an error instead of a value']);
/// Expects that the `Stream` emits any number of events before emitting an
/// event that satisfies [condition].
/// Returns a `Future` that completes after the stream has emitted an even
/// that satisfies [condition].
/// Fails if the stream emits an error or closes before emitting a matching
/// event.
Future<void> emitsThrough(void Function(Check<T>) condition) async {
await context.expectAsync(
() => [
'Emits any values then a value that:',
], (actual) async {
var count = 0;
await for (var emitted in {
if (softCheck(emitted, condition) == null) {
return null;
return Rejection(
actual: 'a stream',
which: ['ended after emitting $count elements with none matching']);
/// Expects that the `Stream` closes without emitting any even that satisfies
/// [condition].
/// Returns a `Future` that completes after the stream has closed.
/// Fails if the stream emits any even that satisfies [condition].
Future<void> neverEmits(void Function(Check<T>) condition) async {
await context.expectAsync(
() => ['Never emits a value that:', ...indent(describe(condition))],
(actual) async {
var count = 0;
await for (var emitted in {
if (softCheck(emitted, condition) == null) {
return Rejection(actual: 'a stream', which: [
'emitted ${literal(emitted)}',
if (count > 0) 'following $count other items'
return null;
extension ChainAsync<T> on Future<Check<T>> {
/// Checks the expectations in [condition] against the result of this
/// `Future`.
/// Extensions written on [Check] cannot be invoked on [Future<Check>]. This
/// method allows adding expectations for the value without awaiting it.
/// ```dart
/// await checkThat(someFuture).completes().that((r) => r.equals('expected'));
/// // or, with the intermediate `await`:
/// (await checkThat(someFuture).completes()).equals('expected');
/// ```
Future<void> that(FutureOr<void> Function(Check<T>) condition) async {
await condition(await this);